Lost Lamb

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Lost Lamb Page 16

by M. P. Taylor

  My eyes snapped open but I saw nothing. There was darkness in the room. That had been the change. I slept with my lights on at all times, multiple bulbs with a backup generator in case of power outages. Simply put, the only way to effect the lights was from a switch by the doorway.

  Something had turned that switch. Something was in my room.

  Weight shifted in my bed, to my back. Something brushed up against me under the sheets. It was a slight touch that didn't seem harmful in nature but it was incredibly uncomfortable given the nature of events.

  It was close, close enough that if it was any sort of killer it could have done its task already. It had also managed to slip past my defenses which meant it was likely far out my league. If I was going to strike it, I'd need to sure to use the right spell. I wasn't going to get a second chance.

  “Ni-” my spell was interrupted by a hand wrapping itself around my body in a gesture that could only be described as cuddling, “What are y-”

  “Did I wake you little lamb?” a voice said in my ear.

  A voice that I recognized as belonging to Lady Irena, a blood knight and captain of the vampire I'd killed, “Sorry. I tried to be extra quite so you wouldn't be bothered.”

  “Why are you here?” I asked, not daring to move or start another spell. Irena's hand was just inches from my neck. She'd be able to break it with flick of her wrist.

  I was caught out and both of us knew it.

  “I just wanted to thank you,” her hand ran itself downward in a gentle slide. I was suddenly thankful that I'd been too tired to take my clothes off last night, “You took care of a very big thorn in my side. Its only fair that I...hm, show you gratitude no?”

  “No,” I said, “Are you going to kill me?”

  “Never,” said assured, “I'd never kill someone that proved so useful. Someone who had such potential to continue being useful. Besides, even if I didn't like you, I would just bend you to my will before I killed you.”

  Those words offered me little comfort but her next one's sent a chill down my spine, “I'd feed on you, bit by bit, until your will was nothing more than an illusion. You'd obey my every command just for the hope of having another moment in my presence. Helplessly addicted to my bite.”

  “But,” she said just before lightly kissing just below my ear, “That would only be if you displeased me. As I said, you did quite the opposite.”

  “I killed your subordinate and you want to thank me?”

  “Erik was a traitor. I hadn't gathered the evidence yet but a lady learns to notice such things. He always disappeared at the wrong times, diverted attention away from where it needed to be. On the whole, I was two steps away from just tearing his throat out,” she laugh a little bit, the thought amusing her, “But you did that for me. My sweet lamb.”

  “How'd you get past my wards, and don't vampires have to ask permission to enter a home?”

  She sighed and gave another peck on the neck,“The doorman said I could enter the building. As for your wards, I have a key.”

  Of course, I scolded myself for asking such a stupid question, “Your sword.”

  “Indeed,” she brought herself close to me. Her mouth opened ever so slightly.

  I felt the sharpness of fangs against my skin for a moment, “Now its time for a reward.”

  There wasn't much I could do as she sunk her fangs into my neck. If I spun around and tried to fire a spell, she could grab my throat. She was faster, stronger and I was well within her clutch.

  A slight prick of pain and then a world of pleasure.

  This time I shivered not from discomfort, but from pleasure. Spurned by vampiric venom meant to disable prey while a vampire feasted, I was unable to resist. My hand moved up, grabbing the side of her head, but I didn't try to push her off. I pulled her in, encouraging her to continue feeding.

  Gods, it felt good.

  How long had it been since I felt the touch of another in anything more that a passing handshake. Intimacy between people was something that I'd always been lacking. Thinking back on it, I hadn't ever been hugged outside of Theron and Gerald. A touch like this was something entirely new to me. It was powerful, raw and filled with a passion I hadn't know could exist. I wasn't sure if it was the venom or my own loneliness, but I felt as though I wanted more.

  I was losing control, “Stop. Stop it!”

  Irena indulged me and broke off her feeding. Her hand pulled me around so that I could face her. There was no light in my room, only the faint glow of her red eyes. Inhuman, predatory and I had no doubt that she was hungry.

  “I don't want to stop,” she told me.

  Like a child, I blurted out the first excuse that came to mind, “I'm scared of the dark!”

  “Oh,” her eyes opened in what could only be surprise, “That's so cute.”

  I blushed. Suddenly I didn't want the lights on, “Can you just get off me for a moment. You can't just sneak into people's beds like this.”

  “Actually, I can and I could do so much more if I wanted,” her mouth came down onto mine in a quick kiss. The venom kicked in. I forgot about all those little fears. Even the pure darkness of my room seemed a immaterial concern.

  My first kiss. Stolen by a vampire, “But this is suppose to be a reward. For now, I won't do anything you don't want.”

  There were many things I wanted to do at that moment. Somehow I managed to say the one I least wanted, “Get off me. Please.”

  “Fine,” the vampire was suddenly gone. All weight removed and half a second later the lights flickered on. I was not prepared for what I saw.

  Irena was naked.

  It wasn't fair. How could something that was technically dead be possessing of such unrelenting beauty. I tried not to stare. I failed. Irena didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to enjoy her nakedness almost as much as that hidden part of my mind. Her strides toward me were pointed, as if each one was a blow meant to crush my resistance. Her curves, the predatory glint in her eyes but most deadly of all was her smile. She knew she was good and loved that fact.

  A realization came to me. I wasn't helpless, I still had my clothes on. My laziness might just have saved my neck, the part that hadn't already been bitten anyway.

  Reaching into the folds of my jacket, I grabbed a small vial of liquid – a potion that I had prepared after my first encounter with the vampires. One of two such preparations. I hadn't had the time to use it against Erik, he was all business, trying to kill. Irena was playful and that gave me an opening. I threw it at Irena with all the strength I could muster. A good throw that was aimed squarely at her chest.

  Sudden confidence came to me. I had prepared and now it would pay off.

  That same confidence was crushed when she snatched it from the air with a careful grip. She eyed the mixture cautiously, not even stopping her purposeful stride towards me, “Hm, what is this? A gift?”

  There wasn't much for me to say. It had been a chemical cocktail designed to exploit a vampire's natural weaknesses but she had caught it. I considered launching a spell at her, hopping to shatter it, but she was aware now. Irena was playful but not stupid. If I was a true threat to her, she'd kill me...or do worse.

  A glint of recognition came over her a moment later as she examined the contents, “Enchanted silver, made to be a permanent liquid. Hm, combined with,” she sniffed it a bit, “Garlic?”

  “And holy water,” I added.

  Irena raised an eyebrow, “Darling. I was wrong. You aren't cute. You're adorable.”

  That statement should have been condescending. It should have made me mad. Instead, I felt a tingling of excitement at being called adorable by my tormentor. Damned venom. The stuff made me feel like I was fourteen years old again, far too curious for my own good.

  Irena tossed my makeshift grenade into a bin of dirty clothes. I hoped it didn't break. Getting the smell of concentrated garlic out of anything was impossible. Then again, considered present company, it might not have been a poor idea to have
my clothes dunked in garlic.

  It had been a long shot and it didn't pay off. Truthfully, I wasn't even sure if it would have worked. Vampiric strengths and weaknesses were all based on bloodlines. Some were weak to garlic, some silver and some could be repelled by holy elements. I'd hedged my bets and thrown all three together but the glass canister had apparently been too sturdy.

  'Note to self – buy worse containers and try not to die.'

  Irena was on me a moment later. Her hands grabbed my feet and pulled me towards the end of the bed. There she leaned over and began to run her hands under the hem of my jackets, apparently checking me for other weapons while also undoing the buttons of my coat, “If I'd known you were that kinky, I'd have brought toys of my own.”

  I rolled my eyes, tried to suppress the building lust, and spoke, “Are you a succubus or a vampire?”

  Irena took it in stride, never stopping her self appointed task, “Alas, I was born in the wrong body. Still, I strive to be what I wish.”

  “You're a blood knight,” I said, “Thought your kind were all about blood and battle.”

  “And spoils,” she said with far too much affection for a cruel word, “We fight, we take and we ravage. I could have killed you, I didn't. That makes you mine.”

  “The hell it does!” anger overcame lust. I wasn't someone's property. Never again. I whipped my foot about and aimed to crack Irena across the face.

  Her deft hand caught my kick. She cradled it up under her arm and then laid a kiss upon it. I'd taken my boots and socks off, meaning that her kiss landed on bare flesh. It was like a fire that burned through me. The will to fight was slowly stripped away by the contrasting sensation of her cold breath. A gasp escaped my lips as I fought back the desire to submit. It was hard.

  “It isn't so bad, belonging to another,” she continued kissing down my legs, “The things I could do....”

  Anger won out over lust. I couldn't stop Irena from doing what she wanted to me, that much was clear, but I wasn't about to let her think it was acceptable.

  Whatever was left of my free will, I gathered into a cold look, “If you're going to rape me, then rape me. Just don't pretend that you have my consent because you hop me up on fang juice.”

  Irena paused her kiss on my leg. Her eyes blinked once, as though she hadn't even once considered the possibility of this being rape. Her hand let go of my leg and she allowed me to pull back and away from her. I put my back to the headrest and considered her reaction. She looked hurt more than anything else. As though I'd give some great insult by telling her what she was doing.

  “I see,” she gave a shrug and stood up at the end of the bed, “I'd thought you'd be more willing to indulge. I was apparently mistaken.”

  “You think I want to sleep with someone who's only interaction was to stab me?” I shook my head, “You're messed up. There's more to...that then just looking good and feeling good.”

  “True,” she admitted, “Ah, I'm going soft in my old age. A century ago, I'd have rip your heart out for even speaking back to me. Well, if you were a thrall anyway. I don't think I would've killed you, even during those days. You are just something so delightful. So much fire in a cute little package. I suppose my instinct got the best of me.”

  “Great,” I muttered, “Apology accepted. Can you get out of my appartment?”

  “No,” she said, “I wasn't entirely honest with you. True, I wanted to thank you for dealing with Erik, but there's another matter we need to discuss. A certain rogue wizard who Erik was working with, the one who turned him traitor to my lord. He must be hunted down and killed.”

  “Then kill him,” I said with a shrug, “You seem capable.”

  “Darling. This is a chance for us to grow closer. I'll respect your wish not to be ravaged by me until you give the word, I'm nice like that, but don't forget that I own you. My blade could have torn your spine just as easily as a bit of flesh. The defeated are ruled by the victor,” she said as though quoting scripture, “That is the edict of my lord.”

  “Your lord maybe, but I'm a wizard. You have no claim to me.”

  “That's the thing about the edict. It isn't bound by law, there are no policemen who enforced it, only one's strength is enough to keep the weak in line,” with a great speed she was next to me. I didn't even have time to flinch before her hand was caressing the side of my face, “You will obey me. If you do not. I will punish you. I won't kill you. I won't torture you. But I will punish you.”

  I wanted to glare at her but her touch made me smile instead, the venom making my skin so sensitive to her own flesh, “Like hell. I'm not your slave.”

  “No,” she agreed, “You are not. You are my servant, gained through conquest. And as you are a servant of mine, I'm inclined to offer you some help. To...aid you along the way and see that your interest are protected.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”

  Her grin widened, “I've a present for you, in the other room. Something that was stolen from you, by my subordinate, but has since fallen into my hands. I give it to you as a gift from lord to servant. So long as you accept your place.”

  “You have nothing I want,” I lied. There was a lot about her I wanted.

  “Don't be a fool,” she grabbed me by the scruff of my coat, lifting me up into the air and marching out into the other room. Much like a kitten, I was paralyzed with fear by the alien feeling.

  That was until I saw what she had brought. A certain justicar and old friend laid across the couch. His face was battered with bruises and small cuts. He'd been tortured, that much was clear to me but there was still a slow rise and fall from his chest. He was alive. A feeling of dread began to creep up my spine as I began to realize that she was correct. She had something that I very much wanted.

  Gerald had gone missing and she had found him.

  I got back onto my feet, rushed over to him and was allowed to hold his head. He didn't stir from his slumber, wounded and unconscious.

  Hands slipped over my shoulder and a kiss fell upon the back of my neck, “Erik was a much more blunt instrument than I. He was so cruel to this poor man. I'd like to see him returned, my spies tell me he was a friend of yours, but all things have their price.”

  “What exactly would I have to do for you?” I was all for helping Gerald, but I need to know what I was getting into.

  “Servitude.... willing servitude,” her voice made slavery sound almost alluring, “Someone who'd tell me all the little things you wizards get up to while I'm far too busy to keep my eye on you lot. Someone who can share my plots, my battles...and my bed. I will not force that last part on you though I think, by your reaction, you are very willing.”

  “I know you, little lamb. You are alone. I saw it in your eyes. How long has it been since you've felt the touch of another. Have you ever?”

  My hand shot up, grabbing her own and holding it firm, “I have terms.”

  “Oh,” she released me, “Go on then.”

  “I will never kill for you. I'm not an assassin,” she nodded her head, accepting, “If information I'd normally give you would hurt my friends, I can deny it. Lastly, you and those under your influence, will never come after me or my friends.”'

  “Darling. You don't have very many friends. That makes a very low asking price,” she smiled, “You can ask one more thing. Something that will help you out in the coming days. Something that does not belong to you.”

  It took me a moment to figure out what Irena was talking about, but when I did, I nodded, “The sword, forged by your master. It will be recognized as mine. A spoil from a rogue agent that I dealt with on behalf of you and your master. As payment for the favor, I'm granted his weapon with an oath that no effort shall be made to collect it by your people.”

  “Acceptable,” Irena said, “Now seal it with geas and your friend will be all yours.”

  I stiffened a bit.

  A geas was a sort of magical contract that wizards could invoke between
two willing parties who acted on their own free will. It was one of the most basic spells, requiring nearly no energy as the spell took it from the souls of the parties involved. It made a contract that couldn't be broken save for death, or by both parties agreeing to part from the terms. You would be forced to uphold the terms to the best of your ability, regardless of your will at the moment.

  All that talk about being her servant was just that, talk. If I made a geas, I'd be a creature of Irena. Her slave. If she told me to jump, I'd jump. It was too large a price...

  My eyes glanced over to Gerald.

  He looked in pour shape having been tortured by Erik, most likely, because he had helped me. There was also the very good chance that he might have garnered some information. How and why he'd been attacked could be a clue to finding the rogue wizard and shutting the whole thing down. I changed my mind. The price wasn't too high if it meant Gerald would be safe. Given that he was also my friend, he'd be immune from Irena by the terms of the geas.

  No point in wasting our time, not when there was a wizard out there summoning monsters.

  “I, Catherine Vane, swear to be a servant for Lady Irena. Owing the terms that we both understand and agreed upon,” I began with a growing feeling of dread.

  There wasn't any fancy casting or words of power. It was just free will, the most powerful force of all. It was free will that had cast man from heaven and it would be free will that would make me a slave.

  The geas would read our mind, souls and intentions. Only after seeing a mutual understanding would it fire. A ripple of arcane energy began to enshroud me, reading me and binding me to my own word. All Irena had to do was say the words and I would be her creature and Gerald would be free from her control. He was my friend and, by the terms of our agreement, she couldn't harm him. That was enough for me.

  “I, Irena Dracul, swear by these terms,” a little less formal than my own, but it was enough.

  Irena also gave her lineage, the vampire bloodline to which she belonged. Dracul, meaning the dragon. Its meaning told the story. One inherited the Dracul bloodline by feasting upon the blood of an elder dragon. A gift, more often than not, as dragons are nearly invulnerable to attacks both mortal and magical. It made sense, Irena was serving such a creature. She must have earned the privileged in her mortal life some time ago. I was hard pressed to think of a way a mortal could impress a dragon.


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