Clark, Rachel - Nothing on Earth (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Clark, Rachel - Nothing on Earth (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Rachel Clark

  She burst into tears, and for a moment panic wrapped around John’s heart and squeezed tight. He crushed both of them to him even tighter.

  “Tara?” Alec asked softly.

  “I think I love you both already,” she said shakily, “but I’ll never forgive myself if it damages your relationship with each other.”

  “Never,” Alec said, smiling. He reached up and kissed John and then lowered his head to Tara’s mouth. “Now, that that’s sorted, first I need to untangle my feet and then I need a bath,” he said on a chuckle.

  Tara wobbled when she went to move her feet, and only then did John realize the source of Alec’s humor. All three of them still had their pants tangled around their feet.

  “Okay,” she laughed happily. “Next time we all get naked first.”

  Chapter Ten

  Alec laughed as he lifted Tara into his arms and carried her to the bathing area. They’d set up a simple camping shower that, thanks to a few tweaks from John, worked remarkably well. She managed to kick off her clothes as they moved, so by the time he put her on her feet, she was stunningly, beautifully, completely naked.

  His cock rose with interest even as his mind raced with thoughts. Tara had taken the explanation of who they were and why they were here very calmly, maybe a little too calmly. It was an awful lot for a human to understand, and a part of him wondered if she’d gone into some sort of denial. After all, it’s not every day that two aliens abduct a woman to save her from being abducted by aliens.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked happily as he stepped under the water with her.

  “Hmm, I’m smiling because I finally have you where I want you and now I can have my wicked way.”

  She laughed as he’d hoped she would. He didn’t really want to think about the possibility that she may believe she was having a bizarre dream or nervous breakdown rather than being hidden in a cave for the last three weeks with a couple of guys not of this planet.

  “I think you already had your wicked way, but I’m sure I can find something interesting for us to do.”

  She slid down his body, her hands smoothing down his water-slick flesh until she found the part of him most eager for her attention. She swiped her warm tongue over the rapidly swelling head as he groaned and locked his knees. Damn, he really needed to be inside her.

  “Not so fast,” John said as he stepped under the water flow and pulled Tara into his arms. She went willingly, the smile on her face reassuring Alec that she was very, very happy. “I want to watch him eat your lovely pussy.”

  She blushed the most amazing shade of pink, and Alec grinned when he realized it traveled the length of her body, not just her face and neck.

  Alec stood just out of the water spray and watched John use the soap to cleanse and arouse the woman in his arms. Tara shrieked as he pulled away, her movements jittery as she tried to find relief from his torment, but he wouldn’t allow her to come. Alec’s cock grew harder each moment John teased her to the edge of orgasm and then held her still while she whimpered with need.

  “Come here,” he said to Alec, who quickly obeyed. Tara twisted in his grip, trying to latch on to Alec, trying to force him into letting her come, but John quickly immobilized her. “Kiss me,” he ordered.

  Alec stepped forward, willing to give John anything, to do anything he said, trusting him to deliver the most intense sensations like he’d always done. Alec lifted on his toes and kissed his lover with all the passion he was feeling at this moment, careful to not crush the woman between them. She whimpered as she kissed his chest, nuzzling her face against the smooth flesh of his pectoral muscles.

  John broke the kiss. Seeming to drag in a deep, shaky breath, he twisted to turn off the spray. Tara took advantage of his momentary distraction to slither out of his hold and into Alec’s, rubbing herself playfully against him. She laughed happily when John grabbed her from behind, threw her over his shoulder caveman style, and dropped a firm smack on her backside.

  “I have plans for you,” he said as he held his hand out for Alec to grasp. He walked them over to the sleeping area and then knelt to put Tara down on the low mattress. He placed his massive hand over her abdomen. “Now, are you going to behave, or will I have to put you over my knee?”

  Her eyes darkened with desire even as they widened in surprise. John caressed the skin under his hand as he laughed softly. Alec tried to hide his own surprise. The sweet woman they’d been guarding for so long had turned into a sultry temptress whom neither of them could deny. Hell, he’d spank her all she wanted if it meant she’d stay with them always.

  “Not now, sweets, but we will definitely explore that kinky side. Soon,” John promised. “Lift your knees,” he said as he helped to arrange her in the position he wanted. When he was satisfied with her pose he turned to Alec and smiled. “Come here, baby. I want to watch you tongue our lady to an explosive orgasm.” He turned his attention back to Tara. “And then I am going to fuck this pretty pussy until neither of us can walk straight.”

  Tara visibly shivered at John’s words, and Alec felt his cock harden even more. He climbed onto the mattress, positioning himself on his knees as he lowered his face and inhaled her sweet fragrance.

  John pushed her legs even wider as Alec placed his tongue over her slit and licked along the swollen flesh. She bucked against him, but John moved to hold her down as Alec pushed his tongue deep into her slippery pussy. She moaned, her legs quivering as he held her swollen lips open with his fingers and tormented the engorged bud of her clit.

  Alec felt her juices flowing freely and rolling down to her ass, and he took the opportunity to up the stakes. She screamed as he pushed his thumb deep into her ass at the same time that he bit down gently on her clit.

  Her entire body shook as her release hit her. John let her go as she writhed in ecstasy, and Alec moved out of the way as John lifted her and drove that massive cock in with one deep thrust. She clawed at him as her orgasm climbed higher, and he pounded into her harder.

  Alec moved closer, happy to watch the faces of both his lovers as they fucked each other into ecstasy. John grabbed him by the neck and kissed him possessively as he rode Tara’s orgasm and reached his own.

  * * * *

  Tara watched her lovers kiss passionately as she gasped for breath. Every muscle quivered and pulsed with exhaustion as she physically recovered from yet another momentous orgasm. She wasn’t exactly a virgin, but she’d never quite experienced anything like sex with these two amazing men…aliens. Oh hell, did she have to remember that part right this moment?

  “What was that thought?” Alec asked.

  Over the last three weeks, she’d admired his ability to learn, and both he and John had proven a certain attention to detail, but she could’ve done without the part where they saw every little expression she made. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to avoid the awkward topic.

  “Tara,” John’s stern voice admonished.

  She knew that tone and had learned very early on in this little adventure that John wouldn’t let up until she gave him a full explanation. He could practically smell half-truths, and she’d never been a convincing liar anyway, so her only way out of the situation was to tell him the truth.

  “I was just wondering if I should worry about…uhm…the pitter-patter of little alien feet.” She tried to smile, tried to make it a joke, but the worry was just a little too real.

  Both men stretched out on the bed on either side of her. John grabbed her chin in a firm hold and made certain he had her full attention. “We would never put you at risk that way,” he said gently. “Several days of treatment with a synthesized hormone are required before a human woman can conceive our child. We wouldn’t do anything like that without consulting you first.”

  She sure hoped her expression didn’t give away everything going on in her head. “Uhm…okay. That’s good to know.” She closed her eyes, hoping that was the end of the conversation, but they popped open again when his full expl
anation hit her. “Wait. You mean it’s possible?”

  “It’s actually why they want you,” Alec said quietly as he gathered her into his embrace. Her eyes flew to John’s, and he confirmed Alec’s words with a nod.

  “W…What happens to the women they take?”

  Tara could see the silent communication going on between the two men and wasn’t shocked at all when Alec pulled her closer and suggested she get some sleep. She struggled out of his embrace and hauled herself into a sitting position.

  “What happens?” she ground out through clenched teeth. The coward in her didn’t want to know, wanted to live in blissful ignorance, but the woman needed an explanation. Needed to understand how she fit into this crazy new world she’d suddenly found herself in.

  “They’re used for breeding,” John said quietly. “They are fed hormones that keep them in a constant state of arousal and then assigned to several males until successfully impregnated.”

  “Assigned?” she asked, trying not to throw up. John nodded sadly, and she tilted her head as she tried to understand his mood. He seemed to carry a lot of guilt on this topic, and she really wanted to know why. This wasn’t just disgust at his people’s behavior but something deeper, something closer to home.

  Only one question came to her mind. “Why?”

  “It’s a long story, Tara, but we won’t let them take you, so you don’t need to worry about it.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair and then rolled off the mattress. “I have to go into town to pick up more supplies. Do you need anything?”

  She shook her head. John had already thought of everything, including the women’s supplies she’d need in less than a week, assuming, of course, that her cycle wasn’t affected by recent unusual events.

  She could feel his anguish but had no idea how to comfort him, and he certainly made it clear that he didn’t want it. He pulled his clothes on, his movements smooth and coordinated like always, but with a swiftness that suggested a need to leave quickly. Tara twisted to look at Alec’s face, but he just kissed her forehead and urged her to sleep.

  She lay in his warm arms and listened to John get in the car and drive away. Her heart thumped harder as panic crept through her. She needed to comfort him, hated the way she’d made him feel that first day, and now she really wished that she hadn’t asked the question. Unfortunately, her need to know outweighed all of that.


  “Are you sure you want to know?” he asked softly. She nodded her head against his chest and rolled over to face him. “Okay, but first you need to know that as soon as John learned the truth he did everything he could to put a stop to it, and when that failed, he gave up almost everything he had in the world to try and protect you and others like you.”

  She nodded again as her eyes misted with tears. She already knew John was an honorable man. She wouldn’t have trusted him otherwise.

  “Several generations ago the birth rate on our planet started to decline. Medical advancements gave our people a longer life span and more choices over lifestyle, including when they had children and what sex the babies were. Many couples chose to have only one or two children and slowly, over a few generations, it became apparent that there weren’t enough females being born. Governments and scientists tried to reverse the trend, but it pretty much continued. These days, females make up less than one percent of the population.”

  She couldn’t quite imagine a population made up of almost all men, but she could certainly understand the implications. Without enough females, every generation would produce less offspring and eventually the race would die out.

  “So that’s why they abduct human females? So they can breed and produce the next generation?”

  “That pretty much sums it up. The problem for John, and for me, is not what they’re doing but how they’re doing it. Few human women are compatible, so basically they track down the ones that are, abduct them, and force them to breed.” He swallowed heavily like he was trying to keep down the contents of his stomach. She could relate. Her lunch was threatening to make a reappearance, too.

  “The general public has no idea that human women are sentient beings. By the time they are seen, the breeding council has pumped them full of hormones, and all the men find are lesser beings desperate to mate. The drugs reduce them to mindless sex slaves, unable to talk, unable to think clearly, unable to defend themselves. The scientists even brag about how they manipulate the babies’ DNA so that the children are intelligent. Nobody knows that human women are already intelligent.”

  “So how did you and John find out that it wasn’t the truth?”

  Alec looked really uncomfortable now, and she almost told him not to answer. Almost.

  “John was a collector. He studied for years to join their ranks. He was so proud when he graduated. I can still see the expression on his face.” Alec smiled just a little, seemingly lost in the memories of easier times. “He couldn’t wait for his first collection assignment, but it turned out to be the experience that changed his entire life.”

  “What was his first assignment?”

  “You.” Alec smiled softly.

  “Me?” she asked in a squeaky voice.

  He nodded and pulled her back into his arms. “You were his first assignment. Even after his superiors explained the real situation to him and his teammates, John had been willing to do his duty simply because it’s a necessary thing to keep our planet alive. Once he realized that human women were as intelligent, if not more intelligent, than the men on our planet, he started to see things differently. He couldn’t stand by while human women were being used in such a way. On that first assignment, he managed to hide you from the scans, make it back to the planet, collect me, and move us both here.”

  Alec looked more uncomfortable with every word he said.

  “That must’ve been hard for you,” she said, trying to stay rational. A really big part of her wanted to rage and throw things, but she also realized it wouldn’t help the situation at all.

  “It was, but I made it even harder for John. I spent months sulking and refusing to believe what he told me, even when I lived next door to you.”

  “You lived next door? With John? I never saw you. How is that possible? We were neighbors for almost a year.”

  He looked really sad now, like he carried a ton of regrets. “I refused to leave the room. Refused to learn the language. I hurt him so much, and I didn’t once stop to wonder how hard it was for him. Well, not until they came for you.” He shook his head, lost in the memories. “I’ve never seen John scared. I didn’t even know he could get scared.”

  She lifted a hand to smooth across the wrinkles marring his forehead. “He loves you deeply,” she said quietly.

  He nodded his acknowledgement and continued talking. “I’ve got a lot to make up for, but I love him, and now we both love you, so we can build a future together. Well, as soon as we can figure a way to hide you permanently.”

  She knew John had been trying to build some sort of device that would hide her from their scans, but she’d watched him grow more and more frustrated over the last few weeks. The materials he needed just didn’t exist on this planet, and every alternative had failed.

  “John has also spent quite a bit of time trying to build a version of the scanner the ships use to identify women like you, so that he can find them first and hide them like he’s hidden you.”

  “If he hides them all, won’t your people die out?”

  He nodded sadly. “It’s a possibility, but what is happening now is unacceptable. Maybe if John can hide enough women, he can force the breeding council to reveal the truth.”

  “If people knew the truth, would it change things?” She couldn’t help but wonder if, when the future of their species was the cost, whether Alec’s people would choose to ignore such cruelty.

  “I don’t know,” he said as he rubbed his hand down his face. “There are probably more like John, but I don’t know how we would find them. I know J
ohn tried to change things, and judging by the comments made by the guy who shot me, I’m guessing it put his life and mine in danger. Hell, he didn’t even tell me. Just did everything he could to protect me and let me treat him like crap while he did it. I owe him a lot.”

  “So do I,” Tara said quietly. Yes, she owed John more than she could possibly repay. How could she thank someone who saved her from a life of slavery and abuse?

  * * * *

  John drove carefully, making sure he stayed under the speed limit despite his desire to gun the engine in anger. He knew what Alec and Tara would be talking about. Tara was one stubborn woman, and he knew from the months watching over her that when she wanted an answer, she always found a way to get one. He had no doubt that right at this very moment Alec would be telling her everything.

  His gut ached. He’d left for just one reason. He simply couldn’t relive those days.

  He could still see the terror in the eyes of the women who’d been captured on that collection trip. He’d heard the anguish in their voices, seen the tears in their eyes, watched helplessly as they’d been drugged and tested and reduced to nothing more than mindless sex slaves. His heart had broken when he’d seen proud, intelligent human women stripped of their most basic rights.

  It had been the hardest time of his life. His squad leaders had assigned him to guard duty as punishment for failing to collect a specimen, and his fellow collectors had joked and teased him for his failure. The whole time he’d held his tongue. He’d kept his temper, held back the urge to rescue the women, and had tried to figure out who to approach when they got home.

  Surely their leaders didn’t understand that human women were intelligent. Surely this was happening without their consent. Surely someone somewhere had a conscience and enough power to put an end to this barbaric practice.


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