No Escape

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No Escape Page 12

by Tory Richards

  Clint knew he was hard and unfeeling, through and through. In his line of work, not developing relationships is what kept him alive. Getting physically involved with Sarah was a big mistake, even if it had served a purpose. He knew from experience that women weren’t as protective of their emotions, especially with the men they were intimate with.

  He walked away without another word, scooped up her clothes from the floor near the cave entrance and turned back to her. She was still standing where he’d left her. Naked and defiant, yet Clint could see emotion simmering in her eyes. He steeled himself from acknowledging it.

  A fresh quiver of need slammed through Clint’s gut when his gaze dropped down her body. Determination not to let her get to him caused his jaw to clench. Fucking her had appeased the ache in his loins, temporarily, replacing it with something else entirely—something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. But he wasn’t about to dwell on it either. It wasn’t like him to lose control, and he should have never given in to the sexual drive his body demanded he satisfy.

  But the lady knew what buttons to push to get a reaction out of him.

  Women like her were the reason he was a loner. He didn’t have time for a wife and babies or the stability that came with what most folks called a normal way of life. He enjoyed what he did. There was nothing equal to the adrenaline rush that came with the excitement and adventure he often found himself in, even during the times when he’d come damn close to getting killed. Oftentimes, he wondered if there was anything out there that would make him want to change his life.

  Sarah was the kind of woman who could easily make a man think about those things. If he wasn’t careful, he could easily fall into her trap, whether she was aware she’d set one or not. He was attracted to her; there was no denying that. Even now, when his mind should be on getting them off the island, he was thinking about how good it had felt fucking her. He had a feeling those green eyes of hers were going to haunt him for a good long time.

  He met her eyes, unprepared for the vulnerability he saw in them. She was a tough cookie, but she couldn’t disguise the emotion brightening those cat eyes of hers. Was she going to cry? Damn! What did she expect from a man like him? He’d warned her, hadn’t he? It didn’t make him feel any better. He took his time walking back to her so he could drink his fill, giving her credit for standing there so bravely. Like the wronged virgin.

  It occurred to him that Sarah wasn’t the kind of woman you could fuck and walk away from. He’d been careful over the years to take his pleasures with nameless, unconventional women who only wanted one thing from him, but Sarah was a different breed. She might be hotheaded and pissed him off quicker than any other female he’d ever come in contact with, but she was decent. Sure, she lost control for a moment, even enjoyed it, but why wasn’t she blasting him with that viper tongue of hers now that it was over?

  He halted within inches of her. She reached out to grab her clothes, but Clint tightened his hold on them. She tried a second time, her eyes shooting lightning bolts when she didn’t succeed. She stubbornly remained silent, pride keeping her from asking. Clint grinned, purposely letting his eyes roam down her body and back up again, before finally releasing his hold. That was a mistake on his part. She had a body made for fucking. He turned from her, ignoring the urge to pull her against him.

  Giving her privacy to get dressed, he walked outside the cave entrance, his sharp gaze searching the immediate area. He wanted to time the last part of their journey so they arrived at the makeshift air strip at the same time Stan did, or close to it. They only had another couple of miles to go before reaching their destination and Stan wouldn’t be flying in until one. Once they were on the plane, it was a short flight back to the states, and Sarah would be home again.

  Out of his life.

  Clint knew if they left the safety of the cave too soon, they could head right into trouble, with nowhere to go. He had a gun on him but doubted he’d get lucky again if he had to face a lone man.

  Upon entering the cave, his eyes automatically went to Sarah where she was calmly folding his army blanket. She was on her knees, putting various items back in his bag as though she was packing for a vacation. Glancing down at his watch, he figured if they left now everything would fall into place.

  “We need to go.”

  “I’m almost done with the packing, darling.”

  Clint didn’t miss the sarcasm in her tone or the flash of hostility in her eyes. She was itching for a fight. What she didn’t know was that it was a defense tactic put into place to put distance between them. He knew the signs, and he knew he could do one of two things—ignore the little witch until she calmed down and worked out whatever was eating her, or address the problem and nip it in the bud.

  He chose to ignore it because he knew what the problem was. She was angry with herself for enjoying their hot and heavy episode and mad at him for something he either did, or didn’t do, afterward. Her cheeks were showing signs of color, only now it had nothing to do with desire, except maybe her desire to do him bodily harm. He smiled.

  “Let’s get something straight,” she began, his smile obviously rubbing her the wrong way. “Don’t think you’ll get a chance to rape me again.”

  Clint burst out laughing. “Angel, you were so fucking hot and ready for a good screwing it was all I could do to keep up with you!”

  “Oh!” She looked around wildly and Clint had no doubt that if she found a rock within grabbing distance she wouldn’t hesitate to throw it upside his head.

  “You’re mad because you can’t deny it.”

  “You know what, Clint? You’re an asshole.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve heard that one before.”

  “Just be thankful I’m not a man, or I’d be cramming those words down your throat right now.” She got to her feet.

  “If you were a fucking man, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He moved closer to pick up his bag.

  When Clint got close enough to Sarah, she raised her hand, fully intending to lash out at him. But he saw it coming and stopped her hand in midair. His hand encircled her wrist, exerting just enough pressure to make it painful.

  She released a sharp gasp and tried to pull away. “Damn you…” she hissed between her teeth.

  “And here I thought we were finally getting along.” Their eyes clashed, each filled with a determination to dominate and subdue the other, both knowing there could only be one outcome. Obviously the stronger of the two, it wouldn’t take Clint much to have Sarah at his complete mercy…again.

  “You can let go any time,” Sarah remarked, obviously conceding he’d won the battle. “I won’t try to hit you again.”

  Clint’s eyes narrowed on Sarah, sizing her up for the moment while trying to determine if what he saw in her eyes was the truth. The atmosphere between them was charged with sexual undercurrents that wouldn’t take much to ignite into a full-blown catastrophe. Without half trying, the little witch was making him want her all over again.

  After a few seconds, he expelled a heavy sigh and released Sarah, before he did the opposite and pulled her into his arms. “It’s going to be tricky getting out of here. We don’t have the cover of nightfall working for us. If any of Rodriguez’s men are out there, they’ll probably spot us before we see them. But once we reach bottom, we should be home safe.”

  “What’s going to keep Raul, or any of his men, from coming after me, or Susan, once we get back to Florida?”

  Clint didn’t hesitate in his response. “He’s not going to be interested in coming after you, or Susan.”

  Sarah frowned. “You sound so sure of yourself. Why wouldn’t he? He thinks Susan has something that belongs to him.”

  “Which is going to be returned to him, once I get you safely home.” He moved to the cave opening, pausing to peer outside before stepping through it. “Keep your eyes open and try not to make any more noise than you have to.”

  Clint felt her presence behind him and smiled. He ha
d a feeling that if she had a knife right now it would be sticking in his back. He continued walking. In spite of his words, the rough terrain made it impossible not to be more concerned with where they put their feet than with who might be at the base of the waterfall looking for them.

  “If whatever he wants is going to be returned to him, why are we leaving the island like a couple of escaped convicts?”

  He should have known Sarah wouldn’t remain silent for long. “Rodriguez can’t be trusted, that’s why.”

  “What is it…?”

  Clint rounded on her.

  Sarah jumped back, her eyes widening as she came to an abrupt halt. “What have I done now?”

  “Sarah, noise includes talking.”

  “Oh, sorry,” she said with sincerity in her soft tone.

  Clint took a moment to run his eyes over her face, grinning. Apparently, the dirt she’d been wearing most of the day before had protected her nose and cheeks from sunburn. Her lips parted, drawing his attention there. He felt a tightening in his loins, swearing beneath his breath when he realized she’d gotten to him. His eyes shot up to hers, seeing the confusion in those bright orbs.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Let’s go.”

  When they reached the bottom, Clint watched as Sarah paused long enough to look back at the beautiful silver waterfall. Her eyes filled, and as she blinked back tears, he swung away, not wanting to contemplate what they meant.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They’d covered about a mile and a half when they came to a small lake. Stopping at the shore’s edge, Clint scoured the bank on the other side while Sarah stood staring down at the crystal-clear water. A sigh of yearning escaped her. The sun was beating down on them, and the heat was stifling as ever. Sweat rolled down his neck and back, and a glance at Sarah showed that her T-shirt was wet between her breasts. Her damp hair was clinging to the side of her neck, and long ago, had fallen free from the twisted bun she’d coiled it in after they left the cave. It was obvious her shower had long ago worn off, and she was as dirty and sticky as ever.

  He bent to retrieve a stick at his feet, tossing it into the water. The action drew Sarah’s attention. Their eyes met. “Want to take a quick dip?”

  She shot him an I-don’t-believe-you look. “I’m not fetching any sticks,” she said.

  He threw back his head and laughed, the deep, rumbling sound slicing through the silence surrounding them. “We made good time,” he explained. “We’ll be at the rendezvous in half an hour, plenty of time before Stan picks us up.”


  Clint sighed, berating himself for mentioning him. He should have known she would be quick to ask questions, and the less she knew the better, so he kept it brief. “A friend. You want a cooling off or not?” His tone left no room for dilly-dallying.

  She looked at the water with longing, eyeing him doubtfully. “Do you think we’re safe here?”

  “Trust me. It’s secluded enough. Right now, the beaches are the main targets for any searches going on. There’s no runway to land a plane on this island, so they won’t be expecting us to escape in one.”

  “What about yesterday?”

  She was referring to the man he’d killed. He shrugged. “It’s a big island, angel, and Rodriguez isn’t stupid. He’ll cover all his bases, so a few of his fucking men might make it this way by accident. And keep in mind, they don’t want to kill us, not right away.”

  “The man shooting at us yesterday must have forgotten that.”

  He grinned. “I didn’t say anything about wounding us. If you’re going to take a dip, you better do it now. You have ten minutes.”

  Sarah’s eyes went back to the lake before a wide smile spread across her face. Without warning, she waded into the water, diving beneath the surface when she was waist deep. She came up gasping, pushing her hair back from her face and turning to look at him. So far he hadn’t moved from his spot on shore.

  “It feels wonderful. Aren’t you coming in?” He took a moment to look around, taking in the area. The swaying tree branches dipped toward the surface of the water and would offer them a safe hiding place if someone did come their way. “I thought you said we were safe.”

  They were. Only he didn’t think an afternoon swim with Sarah was safe. Then something landed at his feet, breaking into his thoughts. Looking down at the wet bundle, he realized they were her clothes. His eyes shot back to where she was swimming, and he grinned when he realized she was going out of her way not to be seen.

  She stayed well beneath the surface, diving and resurfacing before diving again like a mystical mermaid, her long hair floating out behind her. Then she made a tactical error in judgment, rolling over to float on her back. He glanced away, clenching his jaw. He couldn’t afford to lose control again, but she made it damn difficult to keep his mind off her.

  It was a battle he quickly lost. He knew it when time and time again his gaze kept returning to her, the memory of that morning still too vivid in his mind. She turned her face upward toward the sky, the sun warmly kissing the gentle slopes of her exposed tits. Lust churned in his gut, turning him stone hard. He didn’t need this. In another few hours, they’d be going separate ways and would never see each other again. If he was smart, he’d order her from the water, but that wouldn’t make Stan come any sooner.

  Damn! The sight of her splayed upon the surface of the water like a mermaid was getting to him, and before Clint knew it, he kicked off his boots and stripped off his clothes in record time. Suddenly, he needed cooling off, and fast. Only diving into the cold water didn’t have the desired effect he’d hoped it would. Knowing Sarah was only a few feet away, floating blissfully on her back, was enough to keep the fire burning in his belly, and below. He dove to the bottom of the lake and discovered that was a mistake when he glanced toward the surface and saw her naked backside.

  His splash must have alerted her, because Sarah lowered her feet to the sandy bottom and looked around her nervously. The water stirred gently against her, and Clint could tell by her nervous movements that she was searching the area. When he saw her turn to swim back in the direction she’d tossed her clothes, he swam toward her, zooming up out of the water right in front of her. She caught her breath, her eyes widening.

  “Looking for me, angel?” He shook the water out of his hair like a shaggy dog. His eyes fell to Sarah’s naked shoulders and below the water’s surface. The sight of her luscious tits sent a jolt of lust through him.

  She looked nervous. Yet there was no denying the stamp of soft desire flickering in her eyes, calling out to him to respond, male to female. His nostrils flared inhaling her scent, nothing floral or sweet, just her, and the arousal she couldn’t hide. Sarah wanted him. Clint felt his blood leap with excitement, responding to the smoky heat in her eyes. Now probably wasn’t the time to recall their lusty fucking. But since he’d tasted her fiery charms nothing else had been on his mind.

  “I thought something happened to you,” she said.

  “Worried?” He knew she’d never admit it.

  She surprised him by diving to swim around him. Clint wasn’t about to let her escape that easily. He reached out and grasped her by the ankles, preventing her from going very far. She lowered her feet to the bottom again and turned back to him. Her eyes fell down his chest to the water line, then further below, widening when she saw he was completely naked and his cock was reaching out toward her.

  What did she expect? He took a step closer, the water stirring gently around his waist. As he moved forward, Sarah moved back. He allowed himself the luxury of lowering his eyes, taking in her nudity, which was clearly visible through the translucent water. She was beautiful. It didn’t seem to occur to her to cover her breasts as she backed further out of the water toward shore. What was the sense anyway? He’d already seen everything she had to offer. His eyes caressed her, his hands curling with the need to touch her. She sto
pped just short of exposing the most intimate part of her body.

  “What do you want?” Her words came out in a husky croak, producing a lazy smile from Clint. She was feeling it too—the building up of something meaningful, something unavoidable.

  He reached out and gently cupped a sun-kissed breast. Moving the pad of his thumb over her nipple and turning it hard. She trembled, catching her breath. “I want to fuck you.” He’d never been one to beat around the bush, especially when he wanted something.

  “I don’t think this is right,” she breathed softly. Only her tone didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Why, angel? What makes it wrong for two consenting adults to enjoy each other?”

  “Maybe I don’t want you.” She trembled beneath his caress, proving the opposite.

  A slow grin spread across Clint’s face. “You're a fucking liar.”

  She closed her eyes then and caught her breath, swaying toward him with the movement of the water. Her tits swelled in his hands, prompting Clint to wrap an arm around her waist and yank her against him for a long kiss. A kiss filled with raw passion and hunger, because that’s what Sarah made him feel. She wound her arms around his neck, bringing them intimately together like the perfect pieces of an intricate puzzle.

  “Can we do this in ten minutes?” she whispered huskily against his mouth, her mouth trembling.

  “Trust me,” he responded gruffly. "If I have to I can fucking do this twice in ten minutes."

  Sarah’s eyes flew open when he picked her up and carried her to the bank. Clint found a soft, dry patch of soft grass away from the mud and water, beneath a tree with low-hanging branches. He laid her upon it, following her down. She met him halfway for a kiss that fueled a searing hunger between them, a fervor that spiraled rapidly out of control.


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