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WEAKENED: The Manhattan Bound Series Book One

Page 17

by Juliet Braddock

  She raised her hand to cover her open mouth. “Was she—alright?”

  “It was a mild concussion,” he said. “I sought medical treatment immediately, and she was fine. Does that satisfy you?”

  Leaning in closer, Maxine held on to her last shred of command in their discussion. He admitted defeat. That was more than she had anticipated from this brazen conversation. “Any other accidents you'd like to mention?”

  “There are none, Maxine,” he said. “Trust is the key to any play like this. And as you learn to trust me, you'll come to realize that I would never leave you in peril. But that's a bit of a way's off right now...”

  “And if I don't trust you?” she countered.

  Hands tossed and shoulders shrugging, he said, “Then you're free to leave...”

  Both options, for Maxine, seemed rather dismal. While she shivered at the notion of facing injury simply for the sake of sex, the thought of never seeing Drew again cluttered her burgeoning emotions with a pang of sadness.

  Again, she allowed her imagination to take flight, and couldn't deny her inquisitiveness regarding just what he had in store for her. The promise of indoctrination into his bizarre and all-encompassing life, she had to admit, seemed so deviously appealing to Maxine's innocence.

  “Look, if you decide to move forward with this,” Drew began, comfort holding in his tone, “we'll have measures in place to keep you safe—starting with you. We'll have safe words, and if you're in distress, you must use them. We'll negotiate your limits before we ever play. And I would never force a novice into a hardcore scene. I might be a sadist, but I also understand limits.”

  Although his rather light use of the word “sadist” struck her, Maxine fell prey once again to his rhetoric. Drew was first and foremost an actor, capable of manipulating the thoughts and feelings of an audience and capturing them so convincingly in his world. All the while, she couldn't deny her desires.

  “You’ll take things slowly?” she asked him, needing him to tell her once again.

  “Of course, I will!” he insisted. “Fuck, Maxine, I haven’t even taken your virginity yet, have I?”

  She took a moment, then whispered, “No, you haven't. You've been very sweet about it, actually.”

  Spinning her around so that she sat squarely in his lap with her legs circling his waist, he cupped her chin. “And I’m not going to let that happen until I think you’re ready.”

  “Oh, I think I’m ready…”

  “Oh, no, you are not, Maxine,” he said. “You need to know more about what I’m suggesting here. And that tutelage starts today. If you give me your consent and your discretion.”

  “I understand fully what I'm about to contract to.”

  “You’re not contracting to anything,” he said, drifting toward exasperation. “As I said, some people play that way, but you lose so much spontaneity. And there’s little chance to build a real trust. I’m not looking for something casual, Maxine. If you choose to commit to this, I want you to be as true to our relationship as I intend to be. I will pour my last ounce of patience and my soul into priming you, but you have to want this.”

  The sincerity in his beguiling blue eyes begged her to believe his every word. So far, he had earned her trust. While she wanted nothing more than to race off to the closest bedroom and spread her legs, he refused her. Patience was indeed one of his greatest virtues. He could admit to his dangerously kinky side, but he was also an admirable man.

  “I want…” she began at last. “I want to explore this…with you, Drew…”

  His smile was more skeptical than it was triumphant. Drew could only hope that he could entice her to stick around for a while. “How about that glass of wine, Maxine?”


  “Scoot, little one,” he eased her from his lap to attend to the Merlot. As he maneuvered the corkscrew with precision, he said, “One last thing…”

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “I do expect you to do some homework this week,” he said. “You don't know enough yet—shit, you don’t know anything—and I don't want to terrify you. I want you to do some serious research on BDSM—and I want you to ask me questions, Maxine.”

  “You're being very reasonable for a sadist,” Maxine mused, prompting a smile on Drew’s lips. “And I appreciate the patience.”

  “Maxine, I want nothing more than for you to submit to me,” he said, brushing his hand so very slowly up and down her arm until he saw the goose bumps rise on her pale skin. “I have needs that go against most norms of society. I enjoy indulging in kink. And I want you to understand how serious this is before you agree to anything.”

  “You're already making a grand effort at seducing me, Mr. McKenzie,” she said, hoping he didn't notice as she budged slightly in her seat from the intensity of his oh so delicate touch.

  “Well, I have one more diversion for you this afternoon before I send you home to do some thinking,” he said. Pursing his lips, he turned his head away. He knew this might be a deal breaker.

  “What is it?” she asked, her voice resounding with curiosity, desire...and a trace of fear. “What else do you need to tell me?”

  Rising, he smoothed his palms over the soft denim covering the thickness of his thighs, then took her hand in his once more. “Come, little one. There's a few things I’d like to show you...”

  Chapter Fourteen

  With her hand tucked under his, Drew led her through the living room, up the stairs to the second floor of the massive penthouse and down a long hallway, stopping short of the last door on the right.

  His demeanor vacillated yet again, dragging Maxine and her fluctuating emotions with him in his midst. He stood even taller, almost stiff with an unyielding air. As he loomed above her, those eyes transcended from opaque to darkness within seconds. All the while, he minded her every movement—the flutter of her eyelashes, the tremble of her lips, the rise and fall of her breasts as she attempted to steady her breathing.

  “Should you choose to agree to my terms, Maxine, I want you to be well aware of how you’ll be spending quite a bit of time,” he said. “Are you ready for a glimpse into what I expect from you?”

  “Yes...” she gasped, then added quickly, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” he murmured and tucked her thick auburn hair behind her ear. “I think you're already enjoying yourself...”

  Somewhat awkwardly, she had to agree. What the hell is happening to me, she cried inside—demanding an answer from herself as she felt a flush of arousal burning every inch of skin beneath her casual clothes. He didn't even have to touch her to reduce her to a quivering puddle of jelly before his burning, brooding eyes.

  Once more, she hoped—prayed—for one single kiss...but he turned slowly and methodically to open the door. Maxine brought her thumb to her mouth for a suckle and then a bite. He’d reduced her to a mere toddler when she didn’t even know what the hell was really going on.

  However, she wrinkled her forehead the second the door opened wide enough for her to take in the complete view.

  Builder's white walls framed the open space, and the hardwood floors glistened beneath her feet. The picture windows, sans draperies, flooded the room with the warmth of the afternoon sun. Boxes, large and small, cluttered the room which held not one single piece of furniture. Perhaps he didn't have the time to unpack everything yet. He did say that he'd just recently moved in. Why he felt the need to show her this unfinished room left her baffled once again.

  Peculiar, she thought. However, there always seemed to be some method behind Drew’s madness.

  “Drew…?” her quiet voice echoed between them.

  She could hear nothing but the creak of the floorboards beneath his John Lobb loafers as he crossed from one side to the other, separating them by at quite a few yards. The look on his face had faded to detachment, and Maxine struggled yet again to figure him out.

  Walking around, pacing leisurely and randomly, he kicked a couple of the boxes, then leaned aga
inst the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

  “Open one—any one of them,” he instructed her.

  “Just…open…one?” she repeated.

  “Yeah,” he nodded slowly. “I give you permission, little one…”

  Carefully, she bent down, and with trembling hands, she lifted one of the cardboard flaps. Her thoughts stilled then went blank as she dared to take a closer look. Inside the long but narrow box, Maxine uncovered an assortment of canes, whips and paddles varying in thicknesses. Her eyes darted about. Her mouth was bone dry.

  “Are you still with me, Maxine?” he prompted at last, interrupting her inspection. “You're not saying anything...”

  “I...” Flustered again, she turned to him, her eyes pleading for an explanation. “I'm not sure what to say...”

  “Take your time, little one,” he said, his velvety voice plying her with assurance.

  “ be...if I choose...” Her mind simply couldn't form a complete sentence with her consciousness consumed by a dangerous mix of panic and arousal, and she nodded toward the assortment of implements before her. “You'll be doing these things to me? If you keep me around...”

  “Certainly not everything at once,” his voice soothed as he bent down to one knee on the floor beside her. “Some things we'll have to work gradually into our routine. Those canes aren't for beginners. Too easy to splinter you. You need to learn how to embrace the pain as pleasure before we delve into caning.”

  “You're going to hurt me,” she said at last and turned to face him finally. “This is going to be painful...”

  Fingers tangling into her auburn tresses, he whispered, “Only as much as you feel you can tolerate...remember, little one, you call the shots.”

  Courage building, she stood up and walked around in a circle, following that same path he’d taken before. There was just too much to take in.

  Standing still at the windows, she pressed her cheek against the pane and caught her own look in the reflection. Fear filled her, but she wanted nothing more than to turn around and quiz him again—uncover the plans he had in store for her in both the short term and possibly the duration.

  “I’m thinking of creating a small dungeon in here…”

  Whipping her head around, she coughed as she attempted to speak. “Dungeon?”

  “That’s how those of us who practice BDSM refer to our…” he began but cut himself off while he thought of a logical explanation. “When you play, it’s referred to as ‘scening.’ Your dungeon is a room that’s specifically set up for that purpose alone. Toys. Costumes. Furniture…”

  “It’s a sex room,” she prompted him.

  “Essentially,” he said. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good way to put it. A sex room. A play space.”

  “With sex furniture,” she continued, still stuck on her disbelief.

  “This is why you need to do your research,” he murmured. “I’d like for you to do some digging. Read about it.”

  However, Maxine had no idea where to even begin.

  “I’d stay away from commercial pages and popular fiction,” he suggested, convincing Maxine that he could indeed read her mind. Fuck, there were some websites that he knew would scare the daylights out of her. “But as I said, if you choose to embark on this journey with me, you must do this of your own free will, Maxine. That’s why I’m encouraging you to check things out. Explore a little. And I want a full report by eleven this evening.”

  “Eleven,” she repeated, wondering what time it was.

  “This is a lesson in basic obedience,” he said. “I give you an assignment, and you complete it within my given deadline.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Sir...”

  “Eventually, perhaps you could give me your input on how to design this space,” he said. “A bondage bed. Maybe a cage or two…”

  “Cages?” she giggled nervously.

  “Stockades, too—those are fun,” he said, amused by the trepidation in her reaction.

  “You don’t have plans for a guillotine in here, do you?” she asked with a trace of sincerity rising.

  “Maybe for an element of décor, if that’s something you’d like…” While her admonishing sideways glance made him smile, he didn’t want to leave her in horror either. “Have you seen enough for one afternoon?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Such a good girl...” he spoke those words again, all the while he holding her conflicted gaze. “You're terrified of me, aren't you?” However, Drew didn't wait for her answer. “But you've never been so turned on in your life, have you, Maxine?”

  “No...” she squirmed—but not in fright—as one hand slipped down her back to her waist and the other caught a fistful of her hair and wrapped her long locks around his wrist to give a tug.

  “No, what, Maxine?”

  “No, Sir...”

  “Tell me what you want right now,” he commanded.

  “I want you to kiss me, please...Sir...” she groveled. “Please?”

  “So polite, you are,” he complemented as he released her hair from his grip. “You've been waiting so patiently all afternoon, haven't you? Perhaps I can accommodate...”

  Before she had the chance to bat her lashes, Drew's lips seized hers, claiming her soul with the driving force of his mouth, the clutch of his hands, the race of his breath breezing like a brushfire over her face and neck.

  Maxine moved against him, relying only on instinct, and wrapped her tiny hands around the all-encompassing strength of his biceps in a weak attempt to hold herself steady. She clung to his mouth with her own, realizing that she was only encouraging the precise manipulation of his lips and tongue. A tingle fluttered deep within, radiating over her nerves in spots she'd once deemed unimaginable.

  Then, just as quickly as he'd moved in for this delicious assault, Drew threw his head back, separating their lips while continuing to hold her close as her tiny gasps for air echoed between them.

  “Are you alright, Maxine?” he asked, sincerity returning to his voice. “Are you feeling dizzy?”

  “Yes, Drew...”

  Folding her into his arms, he held her tightly as her stunted attempts to breathe evened. His lips pressed against her temple then caressed over her hair, and his hands eased in perfect circles over her back, gentling her into a state of calm.

  “Come on, Maxine,” he said, taking a step aside but still holding on to her waist with one arm for support. “How about another glass of wine?”

  “I don’t know…I can’t…”

  “You can’t think right now, I know,” he empathized. “Need me to carry you downstairs?”

  “No, thank you, Sir…”

  However, after watching her wobble on weakened legs toward the grand staircase, he stepped up behind her and held her tight. She could feel his hardness again, reminding her of his needs. “I've got you, little one, and I won't let you fall,” he assured her. “Not now…not ever…”

  Those words stuck with her. Perhaps he was considering keeping her beyond their first week together. However, she still had several tests to pass before their trial period came to a close. As he hurried to grab a bottle of wine, she took a seat on the couch and crossed her legs with every bit of gentility she could gather. Oh, she couldn’t wait to wrap her lips around the rim of that glass.

  “Now Maxine, let’s recap here,” he said, passing her a goblet of Merlot. “What's your assignment for this evening?”

  Maxine curled her lips that continued to pulse from his kiss around the delicate crystal. She took a sip, willing the wine to relax her. “I'm to research what we've discussed today and report back to you by eleven this evening.”

  “See, little one,” he joined her and tapped his glass to hers, “it’s not so difficult.”

  While his fingers played with her hair, twisting and brushing the thick strands, Maxine mused over his turn of tenderness. She could easily admit that he occasionally bordered on incorrigible, but she couldn't deny that he certain
ly kept things interesting. Thinking quickly, she decided to take advantage of the calm before the next storm and press him for more information.

  “So, Drew, if I may be so brazen to ask...”

  Raising a curious eyebrow, he smiled playfully. “Yes, Maxine?”

  “These three, long-term relationships you’ve had,” she began, “they were all submissives?”

  “In varying degrees, yes,” he admitted. “One was extremely hardcore, and she wanted to be my slave in a twenty-four-seven arrangement. I couldn’t give her that. For me, it gets old when you’re constantly playing a game. It’s good to have a life outside the dungeon, too.”

  With a modicum of relief, she sighed. “And the others?” she asked.

  “One was a bit of a social climber,” he recalled. “I think she was merely in it to see if she could snag a wealthy husband, so she went along with anything and everything. But that grew tiresome, too.”

  “Drew, I want you to know right now,” she began, “that’s the last thing I care about.”

  “I know that already,” he said with a wink. “Don’t forget, little one, it’s my job to gage your intentions, even when you’re unaware of them yourself.”

  Again, she felt conflicted. She was so used to living independently, if not autonomously, and although she embraced the notion of having someone at her side to share her life, Maxine pondered his desire to control once again.

  “I want your submission, Maxine, but I don’t want you to force yourself into anything. This is who I am, and if it’s not right for you, then…”

  “Then we go our separate ways…” she finished his sentence for him.

  “I’m hoping that’s not the case.”

  She hoped that wouldn’t happen either, but she still hadn’t accepted the concept of combining sexual pleasure and pain. Trust, as he said, would have to be won on both ends, and Maxine knew they’d have a long road ahead of them on this journey—if they agreed to pursue a relationship.


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