Resuscitate (Annihilate #1)

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Resuscitate (Annihilate #1) Page 16

by S. Morayla

  “I’m not an octopussy, Harrison. Stop it,” Shorty says, trying to be stern, but she begins laughing uncontrollably.

  “OCTOPUSSY...PUSSY OCTO...yeah,” Leslie sings at the top of her lungs. “Fuck that octopussssyyyyy right now.” Harrison shakes his head while I try not to laugh, but it’s pretty damn funny. Shorty joins in and soon, they have a song about octopussies and cucumbers. I’ve been around drunk people loads of times, I’ve seen Adriana and Leslie laggered plenty, but I have never witnessed Leslie this drunk.

  Harrison sits Leslie down and goes off to find Nick and Keri. I stand up, my legs cramping from hunching down for so long. I try to keep them entertained, but they just keep laughing, saying my accent’s funny.

  “Why are you sooo cereal, Harrisssun?” Leslie asks a few minutes later when Har walks up with Nick and Keri in tow. “You used to be so funny and smiles all the time, now you just look sad, like your best friend died. Right, guys? He useded to be lighter hearted. Did I make you sad, Har?” Fucking hell, this is what I have been trying to avoid. Harrison stands before both girls, looking down at them, his face blank.

  “She’s sorry, Harrison. She lurves you like this much,” Shorty says, flinging her arms open wide. Leslie looks at Shorty and nods. “Yeah, but more than that, Natalee. Way more,” Leslie says, somber.

  Harrison hunches down so he is at the same level as Leslie. He caresses her cheeks before taking her face in both palms. “It’s okay, Venus, I’m always happy to be around you. Never forget that.” He leans forward, kissing her forehead.

  “Awwww, you’re guys are so cuties!” Shorty exclaims.

  “Let’s get you home so you can sleep, alright?” Harrison says to Les before standing up.

  “Can you make panycakes for me?” Les asks Harrison, tears brimming her eyes. My heart aches for them both. Like Romeo and Juliet, lovers who can never be. Forbidden.

  “Yes, V, I’ll make you anything you want.” He turns around, hunching down again so she can hop on his back. I let out a sigh, remembering the past. Leslie would drink and Harrison would be there to watch over her, protecting her. Too bad he couldn’t protect his heart from the evils of her parents. I like Leslie, but times like this make me wish she would have gone to a college far away—just for Harrison’s sake.

  I’m starting to feel like Shorty has the ability to tear apart my soul in the same fashion Les has done to Harrison, and that scares me the most. I’ve never experienced it, but just watching what it did to Harrison makes me want to run far, far away. I know I can’t, though. I’m anchored to her. In this short amount of time, she has managed to change my mind about relationships completely.

  Harrison thought it would be best to take the girls to our house instead of Natalee’s uncle’s. He didn’t want her grandparents to see her and Leslie sloshed. Plus, he said he didn’t want her dad to kill me. We sent her uncle a text from Natalee’s phone, letting him know she is fine, just really drunk. His response: Yaga yeet.

  “Isn’t that from a Vine?” Harrison asks me in confusion.

  “Yeah, mate, I think so,” I respond.

  “Americans can be so weird,” Harrison says, chuckling.

  Nick decides to go back to Keri’s since her sister is out of town for the holiday, telling Harrison he or Leslie can have his bed for the night. Both girls fall asleep in the car on the way to the house. We park in the garage, knowing it’s safer for Leslie. Just because Chance is out of the state doesn’t mean he doesn't have people watching Les’ every move.

  “Leave me alone, I don’t want it,” Leslie grumbles when Harrison tries to wake her up to get her out of the car. I nudge Shorty, who is sleeping on my shoulder.

  “Wake up, Shorty. Let’s get you inside,” I whisper in her ear.

  “No hanjdhdissjs,” she mumbles. I have no idea what she is saying. The smile that covers my face is evidence. This girl could do almost anything and I would be happy for it.

  “C’mon, princess, let’s go.” I nudge her again, hoping she’ll comply. Her eyes crack open for a second. “Uhhh, you’re pest, leave me,” Shorty says loudly into the dark, silent cab. “Can’t, love, we need to get you to bed,” I say, moving her hair out of her face.

  “Fine,” Natalee whines, not willing to sit up. Finally getting her out of the car, I carry her into the house and lay her in my bed.

  I need to get Shorty some water and Advil. I walk out of the room to see Harrison walking out of Nick’s room, holding a towel.

  “What’s the towel for, mate?” I ask, coming to a standstill in the hallway.

  “She gets sick when she drinks too much. I need to grab a washcloth so I can wet it and put it on her head so she won’t puke everywhere,” he says, exhaustion ringing clear in his voice.

  “You alright, mate?” I know this can’t be easy for you.” He frowns, eyes downcast, shoulders slightly hunched.

  “Yeah, I am…it’s just, I hate seeing her like this, you know? It’s never easy, but right now, she said she loved me. I mean, she’s asleep, but she said, ‘Harrison, please don’t hate me. I love you’. What do I do with that, mate? I know she loves me, but she needs to let go and move on. She made her choice and she has to live with that.” The turmoil churns in his eyes as he wrings the washcloth in his hands. I’m taken aback at his words.

  “I guess I’m starting to realize this is not healthy for either one of us.” He lets out a long, ragged breath. “My heart just...won’t let her go. I want to move on, I want to be able to enjoy my life without feeling miserable. I guess what I’m saying is it’s time to tell her goodbye.” Harrison’s face is red, his emerald green eyes shining with unshed tears. I know his heart is breaking, I can see it in his face. Slowly, the facade he’s had up for so long crumbles before my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Har.” I clap him on his shoulder.

  “Thank you.” He nods and disappears down the hall to the laundry room.

  Grabbing what I need for Shorty from the kitchen, I make my way back into my room and close the door. I’ve dreamt of having Nat in my bed many times over, but never like this. I carefully take her shoes off. She wakes up a little and complains her jeans are too tight and hot. She slides them down her hips and my fucking cock jumps to attention. Fucking shite, it’s like I have no control.

  Natalee lies on top of my covers in nothing but her white tank top and lacy, white thong. Her arse is beautiful—not too big nor too small. My mouth begins to salivate, wanting nothing more than to lick and kiss those delectable legs and arse. I seriously don’t know how I can sleep in the same bed as her and not touch her. That will take more willpower than I have. Making my way over to the dresser, I yank it open and grab a pair of shorts.

  I walk over to Shorty and proceed to dress her in them. I can’t very well have her sleeping half-naked. What if Harrison walks into my room for whatever reason?

  Groaning at the thought of Shorty in that thong, I grab a few blankets from my closet to make a pallet on the floor. I undress and pull on some basketball shorts. I reach over Shorty to grab a pillow and her eyes blink open lazily. She smiles up at me like I’m an angel. “Where are you going?” she whispers.

  “The floor. I made a pallet so I don’t disturb you,” I say to her in a soft, soothing voice. Smoothing the hair away from her face, I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Goodnight, Shorty. Sleep tight.”

  “Don’t leave me, Zayne. Please. Stay with me.” Her eyes are wide, almost as if she’s surprised she said those words to me.

  “Alright, but I need you to drink this water and take these pills so you don’t wake up hurting tomorrow. Can you do that for me?” She nods her head and sits up on her elbows. I feed her the pills, putting each one on her tongue. With the last one set, she closes her mouth around my forefinger and thumb, sucking on them for a bit before releasing. Natalee looks up at me through her eyelashes like an innocent doe, acting like she doesn’t know the effect she has on me.

  All the blood drains from my body, going directly to my
cock. How the hell am I supposed to be on my best behavior when she does shite like this? She’s drunk, she won’t remember this in the morning, I repeat to myself, over and over again, to no avail. My dick doesn’t care or seem to understand she’s off limits right now. I need her to be sober, making rational decisions. Alcohol likes to make smart people do dumb things and I don’t want Shorty regretting any of our moments together.

  I clear my throat, grab the bottle of water, and open it before handing it to her. She takes a drink and gives it back to me when she’s had her fill.

  “Can you sleep next to me, Zayne? I don’t want to have a nightmare.” Her voice is soft, tender, her eyes expressing a deep sadness I’ve never seen in her before. It scares me to see it there after all this time. I thought we had made headway, but apparently, she is more like Harrison than I thought. They can both mask their true emotions better than a magician. I nod at her and when she smiles softly back at me, my heart skips a beat. How the hell does she do that? How can she throw my body into turmoil with just one look?

  “Alright, but one condition. Keep your hands to yourself. I know I’m sexy, but I can’t promise restraint if you touch me. Deal?” She looks down at her hands and juts out her bottom lip.

  “Fine, but can you hold me? I promise I won’t touch you back.” Her face is full of hope. Again, how can I say no to her? My dick and mind battle one another. My dick just wants to be a dick and demand attention, while my head is telling me I can’t let my demanding dick win. I sigh heavily, nodding at her. She claps a little, jumping up and down.

  “Ouch, maybe I shouldn’t do that. It hurts.” She grabs the sides of her head, her palms squishing her eyeball as if that will bring her some relief. I jump over and get settled on the other side of her before pulling her into my chest. “Is this better?” I ask, my voice husky, my hormones raging.

  “Yes,” she responds in a breathy voice, then begins to giggle.

  “What’s funny?”

  “I can feel your erectioner,” she says between giggles. It makes me laugh to hear her so amused.

  “What can I tell you? This is the effect you have on me,” I say, kissing her neck. I’m fascinated as goose bumps spread over her heated skin.

  “Zayne?” Natalee says in a breathless whisper.


  “I need to take off this bra. Can you please unclasp it for me?” I groan into her neck.

  “You’re killing me, Shorty.” But I do as I’m asked like a good boy. After she turns off the lamp, I spoon her like she has requested and fall into a blissful sleep.

  Birthday Cake

  Run away with me, Natalee. Let’s explore the world.

  Rhys grabs my hand, smiling at me.

  I sit up, my heart beating hard in my chest.

  I look around, a bit disoriented.

  There is a hot body next to mine.


  It slowly comes back to me.

  Thanksgiving dinner.

  Zayne meeting my family.

  The party.

  Oh my fucking God, the party.






  Last night's events begin to infiltrate my mind. I take in a few deep breaths and release them. I look at him and my heartbeat accelerates again.



  I want to lay back down with him, but my mouth feels disgusting. Thick with alcohol and morning breath. I search for my cell phone, being careful not to wake Zayne.

  10:24 a.m.

  Fuck, Dad is going to kill me. I’m about to send a text when I notice one incoming from Uncle Vic.

  What. The. Hell.

  Uncle Vic and I need to have a serious conversation. I admire the fact that Zayne was smart enough to text my uncle and not my dad, but how the hell did they unlock my phone? I scroll up on the messages and see I sent Vic a drunk message that’s all gibberish. My God, what the hell was in those drinks? My brain feels like it’s banging against my skull. Nausea hits, my stomach rolls.

  I get out of the bed, making my way down the hall into the bathroom, but it’s a false alarm. Thank God. I hate vomiting.

  I splash cool water on my face. Even though I feel better than I thought I would, I still feel yucky. I need to wash off last night and that wretched smell. Oh damn, do I smell like this?


  I sneak back into Zayne’s room. He looks like an angel. Holy fuck, I asked him to have my babies last night.

  Great, Nat. Just great.

  Fucking lightweight, can’t keep your mouth shut when you have a few drinks in you. I mentally chastise myself for being an idiot.

  I open the first drawer my hand touches, looking for an old t-shirt of Zayne’s so I can shower. I hope he doesn’t mind. I’m about to give up after the third drawer. How many damn basketball shorts does one need? Finally, I find what I need and a fresh towel. Again, I sneak out and make my way down the hall.

  My skull still pounding, I search the medicine cabinet for Tylenol.


  I take a few and step into the shower, letting the heated water pelt away at my skin. It washes away all my humiliation along with the stench of last night. Thank the universe for small miracles, and Adriana, because she practically lives here. There is girly shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I also know where Leif keeps extra toothbrushes for Adriana. It’s the small things in life that make me happy—brushing my nasty teeth after drinking is one of them.

  My eyes are heavy with exhaustion. I grab the comforter and get back into the bed next to Don. A sad thought runs through me. I must look so plain next to him. Big hot hands grab me by my midsection, bringing me closer to a hard, chiseled chest.

  My heart can’t beat any faster or harder. His smell is intoxicating. Being this close is driving my body crazy. All I can visualize is his how sensual his lips are. The memory of his lips on mine causes my body to respond to his closeness by pushing itself back into him, needing to be touched. Nobody has touched me in the last two years, and now, I’m feeling hot and frenzied. Zayne moves his hand under my shirt, causing my eyes to close. I am practically panting. I want more—so much more. I push back into him further, feeling his dick get harder.

  “Shorty, please stop. You’re driving me mad.” I do it again, unable to help myself. My body is in overdrive, needing relief. He flips me under him. His weight on me feels like heaven and my legs part, allowing him to fit between them. I have shorts on—basketball shorts, but they’re still shorts. He leans down an inch from my mouth.

  “Please, stop. I want you so fucking bad, but I know you’ve been drinking. I want you to remember everything and regret nothing.” His hot words hit my lips like a prayer. His cock rubs against my clit. Oh damn, it’s amazing. I moan, bucking my hips, loving the friction. My nipples harden against the cotton material of the shirt when they touch his chest.

  “Please, Zayne, kiss me. I won’t regret it, I-I promise,” I choke out, my need so palpable, I can taste it.

  Zayne leans in and sensually kisses my lips. He teases me, torturing me, running his tongue along my lower lip before gently kissing, then sucking on it. My mouth opens, welcoming his tongue. Ever so slowly, he rolls it with mine. It’s driving me insane. My breathing accelerates, but he never picks up the pace or urgency. His hands move up my body, caressing my nipples through his shirt. Fuck, it feels incredible. He pulls back, looking down at me, his eyes burning with desire.

  “You’re wearing my shirt?” he asks in a growl.

  I nod, incapable of making any other movements. My mouth won’t open to articulate any coherent words.

  “Fuck, Shorty, I love seeing you like this. On my bed, in my clothes.” His voice is possessive, hitting me right in my core.


  I’m so wet.

  His words and kiss have unleashed a flood.

  He consumes me one kiss at a time.

depletes me of sense and rational thought.

  These feelings are alien.




  Yet, I need more.

  I ache for more

  I crave more.

  He whips the shirt up over my head, throwing it to the ground like it’s a hot piece of coal. He palms my breast, rolling the hard nub in between his thumb and forefinger, pulling it gently while his mouth covers my other breast. His tongue flicks my nipple, making it pucker more. He gently bites the tightened bud, sending a delicious zing through my body.

  He moves to my other breast, pampering it with the same affection. My body bucks, needing to feel the friction against my clit. His hard-on grinds against me, making me gasp. He makes his way back up to my mouth. He kisses my neck slowly, sucking the tender flesh.

  “Please, Zayne. Please,” I beg, my voice ragged. I should be embarrassed, but at this point, I don’t give a shit. I need him to touch me. I need either his fingers or his dick inside my overheated pussy.

  “What do you want? Tell me what you want and it’s yours. Name it, Natalee.” His warm breath hits my ear and he sucks on my earlobe while he grinds his hips. The friction against my clit makes me ravenous. I need him now.

  “I need you, Zayne.” My breath comes in short successions. “I need you.”

  “Do you want me to touch you?” he asks, his voice soft and sultry.


  Zayne brings his hand down my torso, his hand slipping under the waistband of the shorts. I yearn with a desire that can only be extinguished by him.

  “No panties?” He pulls back, looking down at me.

  I shake my head. “I took...a sho-shower. I didn’t want to wear the same ones.” I push against him, letting him know I need him.

  “That’s so sexy. Fuck, you like driving me barmy, don’t you?” Zayne asks before claiming my mouth with his, his fingers grazing my wet folds.


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