Pretending with the Greek Billionaire

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Pretending with the Greek Billionaire Page 5

by Kira Archer

  Her anger deflated a little and she dropped her arms. “Oh. Well, yes.”

  “Okay then. Joseph will take your scooter, and you’ll come with me.”

  “Come with you where?” she asked, not trusting him one iota.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you always this difficult?”

  “Are you always this bossy?”

  “Generally, yes,” he said with a smile that had probably charmed the panties off a thousand women. She tried to ignore the tingle it was inducing in her.

  “I’ll take good care of your…vehicle, ma’am,” Joseph said.

  “Thanks, Joseph.”

  He gave her a little bow and left them alone.

  Luca gestured to his car. “We’ve got some shopping to do.”


  “Yes. You’re my fiancée. You need to look the part. My jeweler is opening a little early so we can pick something out.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You’re buying me a ring?”

  Chapter Four

  Luca opened the car door but Constance remained frozen on the asphalt.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked. He let his tone convey his irritation at her constant questioning of him but couldn’t keep his amusement from showing along with it. He knew exactly what was wrong, and it was fun watching her squirm.

  “I don’t think it’s necessary to get me a ring. This is a temporary thing, for show,” she said, her pert little nose in the air.

  “Exactly, and the second our engagement hits the newspapers the cameras are going to start zooming in on your finger. I don’t want people thinking I’m cheap.”

  She couldn’t seem to come up with an argument for that one. Thank God.

  He went to open the door of his shiny silver Spyder 918, trying to rein in his impatience when he realized she hadn’t followed him.

  “Are you coming?”

  She still hesitated. She’d agreed to the whole fake fiancée thing, but it seemed like she might be having second thoughts. He couldn’t really blame her there. He’d had nothing but second thoughts since Joe had suggested the crazy scheme to him. On the one hand, it would solve all his problems if they could pull it off. His father wasn’t an idiot. He wasn’t going to accept that his son had had an overnight change of heart. And the slew of doubts that had cropped up when he’d hopped in his car to get the whole charade started only multiplied when he’d shown up in her boss’s office.

  He knew his reasoning made sense. The director might not believe it was really him had he just called, and they might as well start being seen together. The sooner the better, in his mind. But Constance didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm for getting a move on things, though she certainly hadn’t complained when he’d been in front of her boss fixing her problems.

  “What’s wrong now?” he asked.

  She shook her head, pink tingeing her cheeks. “I didn’t expect things to start quite so soon. Or be quite so…elaborate.”

  His brow arched and she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know that doesn’t make any sense.”

  Luca sighed and came over to her, standing close enough she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes. God, she seemed so tiny. If she looked straight ahead, as she did now instead of meeting his eyes, she had a great view of the base of his throat. He hoped she enjoyed it, as there were much more appealing views he could offer her if she’d just unclench a little bit. No reason they couldn’t have a little fun while playing their parts. In fact, it would help the whole authentic angle greatly. However, as he was currently having trouble even getting her to let him buy her jewelry, getting to do anything more intimate was going to take a lot more effort on his part.

  He gazed down at her. “Are we still going? Or have you changed your mind?”

  She looked up, her eyes meeting his, and took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  A slight frown furrowed his brow. “What?”

  “This,” she said, waving her hand between them. “I don’t even know you and I’m supposed to pretend like we’re engaged. You’re a stranger to me. How do I convince anyone we’re…we’re…”

  “In love? Getting married? Intimate?” he said, his voice deepening on that last one.

  Constance glared up at him, which did nothing but spark an amused grin.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “All of that.”

  “Well,” he said, reaching out to draw her resisting body into his arms, “the best way to get over a case of nerves is to jump in with both feet.”

  He cupped the back of her neck and captured her lips before she could open her mouth to protest. She resisted…for all of a half a second before her body softened and she sank into his kiss. He pulled her in closer, his head slanting to get a better angle. He’d only meant to steal a quick kiss, a little demonstration, but the moment his lips touched hers all thoughts of anything but the woman in his arms evaporated.

  Up close, the faint cherry blossom fragrance of her hair filled his senses, forever marking that scent as hers. Her soft lips fit against his perfectly, like they were made just for him. His head buzzed when her hands slid up his chest, leaving a trail of fire tingling in their wake. Good God, if this is how it felt kissing her when she was pretending not to enjoy it, how would it be if she truly gave in and let herself savor the passion he could sense running through her? The delightful Stanzia was a volcano long overdue for an explosion. She just didn’t realize it yet. He couldn’t wait to enlighten her.

  Her lips opened under his, her teeth grazing his bottom lip…before they sank in deep.

  He jerked his head away, but grasped her hands to prevent her from shoving him completely away. The pain snapped him out of whatever haze he’d been in. He’d never, ever forgotten where he was and who was watching before. Oh sure, he didn’t give a flying shit most of the time, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of it, until he’d tasted those sweet lips of hers. The prim Miss McMurty was dangerous.

  He tightened his grip on her hands when she tried to pull away, keeping her close and twisting his body so any view of her from the street was shielded.

  He licked his lip to take some of the sting away. “Now, that wasn’t very nice.” The intention behind it, maybe. The actual experience of it had been fucking hot. He’d give a large chunk of his fortune to have her bite him again. In private so he could really enjoy it. And return the favor.

  She glared at him. “You can’t kiss me whenever you want!”

  “Yes,” he said, leaning back over her. “I can. You’re my fiancée, Stanzia. That means people expect us to act a certain way. I believe kissing one’s fiancée is perfectly reasonable behavior.”

  “My name is Constance. And yes, when we’re in public is one thing,” she said, her beautiful blue eyes spitting fire. “We aren’t in public right now. I mean, not really. Standing on the street doesn’t count.”

  She had no clue how much scrutiny he was under. Always. Luca sighed and hugged her to him so he could whisper in her ear. “Across the street, in the bushes.”

  She glanced up at him, her forehead creased in confusion. He turned them slightly so she could look in the direction he’d indicated. Her little gasp let him know she’d seen what he’d spotted the second he’d arrived. A man camped out in the bushes, his camera poised and ready.

  “When you’re with me, it’s always public,” he said, hating the note of sad resignation he heard in his own voice.

  The constant media attention had been fun at first, when he was young and stupid and wanted to be famous. The older he’d gotten, the less fun it had become. They captured everything, not just the moments he was dressed to the nines and ready to strut his stuff, but everything. Him staggering outside a club. Him stopping in for a coffee. Him walking across his private beach the morning after getting his heart broken. Someone had even snapped a picture of him in his own shower. He’d had to fire his entire staff after that one because he couldn’t find out who did it and no one would confess. Now his only live-in
help were Joe and Mrs. Lasko, his housekeeper, a sweet old woman who was one of the few people on the planet he trusted. The cleaning staff came in a few times a week.

  He hated it, but it was his life now. He was used to it. Constance wasn’t. And the guilt that jabbed at him every time he thought of dragging this sweet, innocent woman into his world was nearly enough for him to call the whole thing off. Nearly. But he needed her too badly, and she only had to deal with it for six weeks. Then she could go back to her anonymous life. The paparazzi might hound her for a little while afterward, but they’d move on soon enough. She’d get to escape. He wouldn’t be so lucky. None of it would matter if they didn’t pull this off. He needed her on board. Now.

  She gazed up at him, the anger gone from her features. “I didn’t think it would start so soon,” she murmured.

  He brushed a thumb across her cheek. “We only have a month to convince my father I’ve changed. And we need to convince your director you aren’t some sex-crazed, celebrity-obsessed nut job, in case they don’t feel like taking my word for it.”

  She glared at him again for that one and he grinned back at her. “Which means,” he said, “you need to get into your new fiancé’s car and get a move on. It would be really nice if you didn’t attack me every time I try and touch you.”

  She snorted and his grin grew wider at such an undignified sound coming from his little schoolmarm.

  “I’m not making any promises,” she said.

  That had him laughing outright. He kissed her again, turning his body to give the photographer a better angle, and then released her.

  “Did he get a good enough shot or should we go at it right here on the hood of your car?” she asked. Her tone was deceptively sweet, but the fire was back in her eyes.

  Luca pressed her against the passenger door, his lips against her ear while his hands trailed up her sides as close as he dared to the bountiful offering her breasts presented. “Baby, we can go at it anywhere you want. You just say the word.”

  Her mouth dropped open but before she could slap him as he rightly deserved, he stepped back.

  Her eyes shot daggers at him. “I wouldn’t want to damage the paint job. What is with this car, anyway? For someone who acts like he doesn’t want attention, you’re sure going about not getting it the wrong way. You could buy your own island for what you probably spent on this thing. You don’t even really need a car here.”

  “It’s pretty. Leave my toys alone,” he said, opening the door for her. “Are you coming?” He pointed to the passenger seat.

  She rolled her eyes, but she got in the car, slamming the door rather harder than necessary.

  Luca didn’t have to fake the smile on his face as he moved around to the driver’s side. Constance might wear the prim and proper schoolteacher façade like a coat of armor, but beneath it was a hellcat waiting to be unleashed. The little glimpses he’d already seen fired him up like no one he’d ever met before. Then again, the thought of her kids entering the picture put a serious damper on things. His life wasn’t built for kids. Even if it was, he was definitely not father material. Never had been and never would be.

  He just hoped it was all worth it, because as appealing as Constance was, having to deal with her kids terrified him to no end.

  Chapter Five

  “I can’t go ring shopping yet.”

  Luca rubbed his temples. “This must be what an aneurysm feels like.”

  “Oh, stop being so dramatic. You’re worse than my girls.”

  His mouth dropped open but before he could respond to that little barb, she continued. “I have to go meet with my father. He made a trip to the island especially to meet with me. I need to fill him in on all of…this,” she said, waving her hand between them. “He’s already determined to ship me back to the States after seeing the pictures from last night. I’m not looking forward to telling him what’s come of it, but I’d like to tell him what’s going on before he sees more pictures of me in the magazines, only this time sporting some huge shiny ring.”

  “We’ve gone from not wanting a ring to want something huge and shiny, huh?”

  She shrugged. “Not at all. I just figured that would be the direction you’d be gravitating to.”

  He didn’t really want to point out the obvious, but he needed to make sure she was completely on board with the whole plan. “You can’t tell him the truth.”

  Her mouth pursed in a thin line. “I’m aware of that, and believe me, as much as I hate lying to my father, the last thing I want to do is tell him the truth about this mess. We might not be all that close these days, but he’s my father. I can’t just get engaged and not tell him.”

  He frowned, wondering what the deal was between her and her dad. Before he could say anything she blew out an exasperated breath. “He has a demanding job. I have six kids he didn’t entirely approve of me signing up for. We’re busy people so we don’t talk much. But still…”

  He gave her a sharp nod. “Yeah, I understand. All right, then. We’ll go to brunch with your father and then we’ll go shopping.”

  “Wait, what? No. You don’t need to come.”

  His eyebrow raised. Did he detect a note of panic in her voice? “What’s the matter? You don’t want your dad to meet me? Isn’t it customary for the fiancé to meet the father? In fact, I should probably ask his permission, shouldn’t I?”

  She paled and her eyes grew wide. “Please don’t even joke about that.”

  Luca frowned. He’d been playing with her a bit, yes. But she seemed genuinely upset by the idea that he meet her dad, and that seemed odd. And a bit insulting. “Why don’t you want me to meet him? Is he really going to be that angry? Are you afraid of him?”

  “What? No, of course not.”

  “Well, then what is it? I’m not going to send you in there alone if he’s going to be upsetting you.”

  The surprise on her face softened and she laughed and shook her head. “I’m…flattered you’re concerned for me. But I’ll be fine, really. It’s just not every day a girl has to sit down and explain a bunch of pictures that are splattered all over the internet and then tell her dad that she’s engaged to a rather famous…person…such as yourself…” Her cheeks flamed. As well they should.

  He choked back the first few responses that came to mind. He couldn’t really blame her for not wanting to tell her dad about him. He didn’t have the best reputation. And he was blackmailing her, after all.

  “Fine. If you are certain you’ll be okay…”

  “I’m sure.”

  He nodded and glanced down at his watch. “All right. I’ve got something I want to do anyway. I’ll drop you off and then come back for you in…an hour?”

  “Make it half an hour. I don’t think this’ll take long and I don’t want to stick around too long once I tell him.”

  He let his gaze roam over her again, surprised that she was so rattled. Any man who could make the formidable Miss McMurty squirm was someone he’d like to meet. Another day. When his daughter wasn’t about to tell him she was marrying a stranger who was a famous party animal. Best to just let her handle that part. Cowardly or not, he had no desire to be skewered by a ferocious Papa Bear.

  “Half hour then.” That would give him enough time to grab a few things and be back to get her. Hopefully when he returned she’d actually be waiting for him and it wasn’t all some ploy to ask her father for asylum from her big, bad, would-be fiancé.

  Constance took another sip of her water and waited for her father to say something. He seemed…stunned was probably the only word for it.

  “I’m not sure I’m understanding this,” he said, folding his napkin and placing it on the table. That was never a good sign. “When we spoke last night you assured me nothing was going on, that what appeared to be happening in those pictures wasn’t the true story and that you didn’t know this man at all and it was all a strange coincidence. And now, you’re telling me that you are marrying this man?”


  “Is that a question?”

  Constance took a deep breath. She was a strong, independent woman, raising six kids. And still her father’s disapproval made her cringe, but there was no help for it. Might as well just get it over with.

  “No, it’s not a question. Yes, I am marrying him. I…haven’t been entirely truthful with you.” She’d remain vague on exactly which parts she wasn’t being honest on. His frown deepened. “That much is obvious.”

  She knew he had every right to be upset, but it was beginning to wear on her, and Luca would be back any minute. She needed this uncomfortable meeting over with so she could go on to an even more uncomfortable one. She sighed. How had her life gotten so unbelievably out of control in so short a time?

  “I don’t want to get into all the details. For now, all you need to know is that he’s a good man who I’ve agreed to marry and I didn’t want you to find out by reading the papers.”

  “I’d say the ‘good man’ part was debatable. I’m aware of who he is, the stories about him.”

  “You can’t believe everything you read,” she said. At least that part was true enough. “You don’t know him.”

  “You’re right, I don’t.” He sat back and folded his hands across his still-trim stomach. “You’re supposedly marrying this man I’ve never met. Wouldn’t the respectful thing to do be to come to me and ask my permission?”

  Constance’s eyebrow rose at that. “Dad, I haven’t asked your permission to do anything since I was fourteen years old and enrolled myself in boarding school.”

  His mouth quirked up at the corners in a small smile. “Well, that’s true enough. You always did follow your own mind. Shipping yourself off to boarding school. Trading in that two-month cruise around the world I got you for a graduation present to go backpacking through Europe with those crazy friends of yours. Staying out here and getting involved in that program with all those kids when you’d only come out for a vacation to visit me.” He shook his head. “You are so much like your mother.”

  Constance answered his fondly sad smile with one of her own. “Oh, I don’t know. The adventurous side I might get from her. The independent, stubborn side is all you.”


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