by Harry Potter
Harry decided to focus his memory on the techniques described in the section from his ‘special book’ concerning ‘Pleasure Pressure Points’.
“... You do realize that I’m a married woman, don’t you?”
Harry remembered that one of the more potent points was located on the small of the back. It would actually produce an orgasm in the witch if performed properly.
“... Even if I wasn’t, you’re far too young a boy for my taste...”
But Harry realized that just a simple orgasm wouldn’t be enough to stop Bellatrix from harming Hermione. He had to give her such an orgasm that it would knock her out.
“... Is this how he treats you?” Bellatrix asked Hermione. “Because if it is, I truly pity you. He couldn’t pleasure a three-Sickle whore...”
Pushing aside his fear, Harry focused on Hermione and how much he loved her. It help when the memory of a naked, moist, and very satisfied Hermione spread out in front of him entered his mind.
“Oh, well, back to the task at hand,” stated Bellatrix nonchalantly. “This will hurt you more than it does me... CRUCI-”
Bellatrix froze in mid-incantation as Harry forced his powerful love-based magic into her body through one of the more powerful pleasure points.
“Oh!” Bellatrix muttered as she dropped her wand. Harry could feel the muscles in her back tense up before she said once more “Oh!”
She arched her back almost painfully and shouted “OH!” at the top of her lungs before falling backwards - onto Harry mind you. Once she crashed onto Harry’s back, she began to thrash and buck on top of him. Her arms and legs flayed this way and that. Needless to say, with all the thrashing and limb flaying, Harry got thoroughly pummeled.
“OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!” Bellatrix continued to scream as she unknowingly beat the hell out of Harry. The young wizard attempted to move her off of him, but somehow, all he managed to do was to roll himself over while Bellatrix stayed on top of him. This made matters worse for Harry; instead of getting his back beaten up, now his front was getting smacked, elbowed, head butted, and kneed.
“Harry, are you okay?” a concerned Hermione asked as she witnessed the spectacle in front of her.
“OW - Her - OW -mi - OW -o - OW - nee -OW!” cried Harry as the evil witch continued to unknowingly beat him up as she rode her mind-melting orgasm on top of him. “OW - get - OW - her - OW - off - OW - of - OW - me!”
Hermione scurried to where her wand had landed and quickly performed a levitation spell on Bellatrix. The evil witch’s body rose gently into the air as she was still being rocked by the orgasm.
“HARRY!” shouted Hermione as she dashed at him. “Oh, goodness, are you alright?”
“OH!” Bellatrix shouted again.
“I’ve been better,” acknowledged Harry. He could actually feel the bruises developing all over his body. In particular, ‘Harry, Jr.’’s baggage had taken a particularly nasty blow.
“OH!” Bellatrix shouted again, this time somewhat softer.
“Oh god, your hand!” cried out Hermione as she saw his broken and twisted finger. She gently scooped up his injured hand and cradled it. “You poor baby!”
Bellatrix moaned out a soft, barely audible “Oh!” and bucked her hips again.
“I’ve broken worse,” Harry admitted. Although his digit did hurt like hell, his bits were his main concern. All he wanted to do was to curl up in a corner in the fetal position and cry like a little baby.
Bellatrix thrashed again and began to foam at the mouth.
“Oh, Merlin... it was horrible...” Ron groaned out as he regained consciousness.
A disgusting gurgling noise came from Bellatrix as she bucked again.
“Oh, sweetie, I wish I could make it better,” Hermione cooed to Harry as tears filled her eyes. She gently kissed his broken finger while Bellatrix jerked again and spat out some of the foam from her mouth.
“I thought I was a goner for a minute back there...” Ron muttered as he forced himself to speak. Even though he wasn’t a healer, Harry could tell by the look in Ron’s eyes and the way he was speaking that he must have a bad concussion. “There was so... so much... so much hair! I’ve seen Seamus in the shower - he’s hairier than a Yeti... but he doesn’t have anything on Bellatrix!”
Bellatrix’s eyes rolled up into her head and she let out one final groan before apparently losing consciousness. Harry noted that she had a ridiculously satisfied grin plastered on her face.
“We need to get you two back to Hogwarts so Madam Pomphrey can heal both of you,” stated Hermione. She helped Harry stand and they hobbled for a bit toward Ron when Harry remembered his wand.
“Hermione, I need my wand,” he moaned, hunched over while cupping his bits with his left hand and holding his injured right in the air.
“Accio Harry’s wand!” commanded Hermione and his wand soared through the air and into her hand. Hermione fumbled for a bit trying to stash Harry’s wand in her robes when Ron groaned:
“Look out, one of them is moving.” Ron weakly pointed at the Death Eater who was slowly rising to his feet. Harry recognized the Death Eater as the one who still had a “glowing baby Harry” wedged firmly in his ear and up his bottom. The pitiful wretch winced in pain as he tried to step toward the exit.
“Stop him,” Harry requested. Hermione attempted to aim her wand at the slowly retreating villain, but couldn’t do it properly seeing how she was holding Harry up. As gently as she could, she lowered Harry to the floor so that he was lying next to Ron.
Apparently, the Death Eater with the impromptu bum-plug realized that he couldn’t run away and had decided to attempt to Apparate away. With a loud pop, the Death Eater disappeared... well mostly disappeared that is to say. It seemed to Harry that having two foreign objects forcibly shoved in several orifices would cause some distraction. And apparently, this distraction led to a major case of splinching. The tormented fellow had accidentally left one of his legs behind as he Apparated away.
“Ow,” Ron murmured as the disembodied limb fell to the floor. “That must hurt.”
“Well, no reason to go after him,” concluded Hermione and she tapped her wand on a pullover that had fallen in front of Ron and muttered “Portus.”
Before the trio left the remnants of the gift shop, Harry could hear Ron murmur “the horror... all that hair... the horror...” Chapter Nine Summary: Hermione proves that Crookshanks isn’t the only one with claws! The trio landed in the Hospital Ward of Hogwarts, and Hermione instantly called for Madam Pomfrey. The matron came bolting out of her office, and upon seeing Ron and Harry’s condition, demanded to know what happened.
“We were attacked by Death Eaters,” Hermione practically shouted in panic. “Ron was thrown into a wall after being hit with two Cruciatus Curses. I think he might have a concussion.”
Pomfrey waved her wand at Harry and Ron and used a Mobilicorpus Charm to float the two toward a pair of hospital beds. Harry groaned pitifully; even though Pomfrey’s charm was very gentle, it still jostled him a bit which just seemed to aggravate his numerous bruises, especially his mangled finger and the badly battered ‘Harry, Jr.’ and his baggage.
After her two patients came to rest on their respective beds, Pomfrey waved her wand over Ron’s body. “You’re right, Miss Granger. He has suffered a concussion,” the nurse announced.
Ron’s eyes fluttered open and he muttered softly, “All that hair... she could have knitted some sweaters of something...”
Harry cringed at the mental image of Bellatrix in her nakedness. Hermione looked as if she was going to be physically ill.
”Don’t worry, dear,” Pomfrey said to Hermione after noticing the younger witch’s discomfort caused by Ron’s statement. “It’s just the concussion talking. I’m sure it means nothing.”
Pomfrey continued to flourish her wand over Ron’s body while performing a number of spells as she tried to comfort Hermione. “You should’ve heard some of the unbelievable things Mr. Potter has mumbled
in his sleep during his number of stays here: a giant black dog that was actually an escaped murderer, a diary that would talk to him, an adventure where he used Polyjuice to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room...”
“I didn’t know I talked in my sleep,” Harry admitted in a hushed tone to Hermione as Pomfrey continued to list his deeds, adventures, and misdeeds.
“I guess it’s a good thing that I find that out now,” Hermione breathed into his ear. “Better now than to find out later, when we’re sleeping together.”
Harry coughed and jerked about slightly on the bed at Hermione’s declaration. She clearly announced that she and Harry were going to sleep together! This, added to the taunt she used earlier against Bellatrix, told Harry that their relationship was going to advance, very soon. Of course, Harry hadn’t attempted to cough and jerk in celebration; he had tried to jump up and shout, “I’m getting lucky!” but due to his various injuries, all Harry could manage was to cough and jerk about. Though in his defense, it was a rather jubilant cough. Pomfrey turned around and began to perform several diagnostic charms on Harry after she had finished with Ron.
“Hmm...a number of bruises,” the healer stated aloud and froze for a moment over ‘Harry, Jr.’ and his luggage. “Ooooh. Ouch; I bet that smarts.”
Harry nodded his head silently and Hermione let out a pitiful whimper in sympathy. Pomfrey patted Harry on the shoulder and said in a comforting tone, “Don’t worry, son, it will be up in no time. Err... slip of the tongue, sorry about that.”
After informing a grateful Harry that no lasting damage was done to the ‘Great House of Potter’s Family Jewels,’ she added, “But you can’t go playing with it for a while. You’ve had some considerable damage done.”
Before Harry could inquire as to how long ‘Harry, Jr.’ was out of commission, Hermione did it for him. “How long until I can... um...” the poor girl turned such a vibrant shade of red that anyone could tell that she was completely embarrassed. She hemmed and hawed a bit while Pomfrey eyed Hermione suspiciously before concluding weakly, “Err... that is, how long until Harry can uh, use it?”
“He’ll have to take a dose of ‘Bruise-Be-Gone’ first,” Pomfrey informed, while staring at Hermione’s still red eye. “Mr. Potter will be... ready in a few hours.”
The healer leaned toward Hermione and placed her wand in front of the younger witch’s puffy eye. “Now, why don’t you let me fix your eye?”
“Um... it... it’s not a Conjunctivitis Curse, ma’am,” admitted Hermione. “I don’t think the counter spell will work properly.”
“Miss. Granger, this school is filled with teenagers, all with overactive hormones, who like to experiment...I know exactly what this is,” Pomfrey stated. “And many young men have bad aim, like Mr. Potter here. Amatorius Abdo!”
With a pop, the redness and puffiness in and around Hermione’s eye disappeared. Pomfrey concluded, “I’ve had to use that spell more times than I care to count. I just wish you girls would learn to turn your face away in time.” The healer then refocused her attention on Harry and his damaged digit. “Well, the bones will have to come out of that I’m afraid.”
“No, not Skele-Gro again,” complained Harry.
“Oh, hush,” Pomfrey ordered. “You had your whole arm re-grown a few years back. One finger will be nothing compared to that.” Pomfrey cast the same spell that Lockhart had unintentionally cast causing Harry’s finger to deflate like a spent balloon as the bones disappeared. Hermione let out a pathetic whimper when she saw Harry’s finger dangle like a strip of flesh-colored rubber hanging from his hand.
“Ms Granger, I need you to fetch some of my potions,” ordered the matron. “First, Mr. Potter will need Bruise-be-Gone; it’s a black and blue bottle, and of course the Skele-Gro; I believe you’ll remember what that looks like. I will also need Caruthers’s Concussion Concoction for Mr. Weasley.” Biting her lip, Hermione nodded and dashed off to the Hospital Ward office.
The moment that Hermione disappeared into the office, the doors leading from the hallway into the Hospital Ward flew open and a very nervous looking Tonks barged in, followed by an angry Professor McGonagall. “Nymphadora, I demand to know what’s going on! You come barreling out of the floo in my office and without a word come running down-”
The Headmistress stopped her tirade of Tonks when she saw two of her students in bed. Harry waved at the two witches. Of course he did this with his bad hand which just caused his bone-less finger to flap this way and that.
“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?” screeched McGonagall.
“We were attacked,” Hermione answered simply as she stepped out of the office with her arms full of potion bottles and walked past McGonagall and Tonks.
“I got a fire-call from one of my supervisors. He told me that a number of Death Eaters attacked Godric’s Hollow,” explained Tonks. “I apparated there as fast as I could, but it was all over when I got there. There were about three dozen unconscious Death Eaters, plus my evil bitch of an aunt. She was unconscious as well, but she was foaming at the mouth. Oddly enough, she had the happiest smile I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll give this one to Mr. Weasley,” Pomfrey said to Hermione and she took one of the three bottles. “Give one dose of each of those two to Mr. Potter.”
“But what made you come here? And why are those two hurt...?” McGonagall stopped herself while indicating Ron and Harry.
“I knew that these three were going to Godric’s Hollow,” Tonks answered. “When I got there, I feared the worst when I couldn’t find them. But one of the witnesses said that they saw three teenagers Portkey away. So I figured they’d head here.”
“One of the Death Eaters escaped as well,” Hermione announced as she poured some of the foul tasting potion down Harry’s throat. “Well, mostly escaped; he splinched himself trying to get away.”
“That would explain the spare leg we found,” concluded Tonks. “But what it doesn’t explain is how we can’t seem to revive the Death Eaters. Except for my vicious Aunt, they all show the symptoms of being stunned. But when we tried a rennervate, nothing happened.”
“Oh, that,” stated Hermione who was doing her best to ignore the gagging sounds coming from Harry who was desperately fighting not to throw up the god-awful potions. “You’ll have to hit them with a few dozen Rennervate Charms. Harry... um... well, we discovered that Harry can be fairly powerful when he puts his mind to it.”
“Poppy, what’s your diagnosis?” asked McGonagall.
“Potter is fairly beaten up, including a severely broken finger and some deep bruising, but it’s nothing a good night’s rest and a potion or two won’t fix. Weasley, however, has one hell of a concussion. I want to keep him here overnight for observation.”
“Does that mean Harry can leave?” asked Hermione.
“I don’t see why not,” replied Pomfrey. “It’s just a couple of bruises and a finger that needs the bones re-grown. He’s suffered worse.”
“I’ll go back and tell our healers how to awaken the thugs,” Tonks said as she started to walk out of the ward. “I mean, we can’t just chuck them into Azkaban if they’re permanently stunned.”
As gently as she could, Hermione helped her bruised and battered boyfriend to his feet.
“Don’t worry about Mr. Weasley, I’ll take good care of him,” Pomfrey informed the couple as they made their way slowly out of the Ward. “And remember, no funny business for the next few hours.”
“That means no experimentation with Cheering Charms,” added McGonagall. Harry groaned as the Headmistress gave him another one of her disturbing saucy smiles.
After what seemed like an eternity of jostling ‘Harry, Jr.’s baggage by walking up various stairs, the couple finally made it back to the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry groaned once more as he noticed that Hermione was steering him toward the stairs that led to his dorm room. At that point, those stairs weren’t just another set of stairs that Harry had to climb. To him, it was an evil torture device
that was designed solely for the purpose to cause even more pain to his battered bits.
“Can’t I just stay here and sleep on the couch?” whined Harry.
“No,” Hermione stated firmly. “You’ll rest better in your own bed.”
“Bu-b-bu but the stairs... They hurt,” complained Harry.
“Just a few more and I promise you can lie down.”
Hermione led Harry up the steps, with each one causing Harry to wince. When the couple finally reached Harry’s dorm room, he was nearly doubled over in pain due to his bruised bits. That, and the fact that the Skele-Gro had just started to kick in. It felt as if dozens of needles were being shoved through his damaged hand.
"Just lie down," Hermione ordered, as she helped Harry lower himself onto his bed. "I'll get some food. We haven’t eaten since breakfast."
The brunette witch stood up and called out, "Dobby!" An instant later, the neurotic house-elf appeared with a crack.
"Yes, Miss Harry Potter's Hermy, you called for Dobby?" he asked nervously.
"Yes, I did Dobby. Harry and I need food. Would you please go get something for us to eat?" Hermione asked politely.
"Dobby would love to!" the little creature squealed.
"But, Harry's going on a special diet," added Hermione.
"I am?" asked Harry. This was a new revelation for him, leaving him more than a little surprised. He was curious as to why Hermione would make him go on a ‘special diet’ without even talking to him about it.
"Yes, you are," Hermione replied to Harry. But before he could ask why, she turned back to Dobby. "We'll need some protein. Perhaps a simple steak, but he’s going to need vegetables. This is the most important part though: no eggs or dairy."