J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X] Page 51

by Harry Potter

  As for their individual calisthenics, Harry would do full push-ups while Hermione would practice modified push-ups where her knees were allowed to touch the floor. The pair also did several types of sit-ups and stomach crunches. But one callisthenic Hermione would perform puzzled Harry. The young witch would either sit in a chair or simply stand in once spot while Harry did his pull-ups. She did not move any part of her body; she didn’t even look like she was straining herself. When Harry would ask her what she was doing, she’d always reply “I’m doing my exercises.”

  At first Harry didn’t think she was doing any exercises at all. But after a week of Hermione’s motionless work-out, Harry had discovered the benefits. He had vowed to search for this Dr. Arnold Kegel and thank him profusely for creating such an incredibly versatile and rewarding exercise.


  One night while going over his notes for Transfiguration, Harry's mind wandered to the rituals that Hermione had created and realized something.

  “Hey, Hermione, I just thought of something," he began. Hermione looked up from her notes and he continued. "Do you think that our power boosts will affect these rituals you’ve made?"

  Hermione was silent for a moment before speculating, "It’s possible."

  "Maybe we should get somebody to do the rituals as well,” Harry opined.

  “That’s a good idea, Harry,” Hermione agreed. “We would need a couple to perform the ritual so we could have a baseline.”

  “What’s a ‘baseline’?”

  “A standard to which we could compare and measure our success,” Hermione clarified. “We would need to know what should happen based on a normal powered couple compared to our boosted abilities.”

  “Oh well, that makes sense,” Harry replied. “And we can get Ron and Luna to do the rituals. Neither of them has performed any power boosting rituals."

  "They’d be perfect," Hermione added. "But we'll have to make them do the same exercises we do so that they can be prepared."

  "Yeah, you’re right," Harry said.

  After a moment, Hermione added; "You still want to do the rituals though, don't you? Regardless of our how our power boosts might affect them?"

  "Oh, definitely," Harry replied. He was one never to pass up an opportunity for sex. "In fact, I think we should practice for the ritual."

  "Practice in what way?" Hermione asked coyly.

  "Just the basics," Harry replied. "You know, simple stuff like I place my penis into your vagina and go on from there."

  "Ah, you're such a romantic, Harry," she said with a randy smile. Harry could tell that she was more than willing to push her notes to the side so that the two of them could bang each others brains out on the table thanks to her patented ‘come shag me’ look. But Harry felt like toying with his lover a bit.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Never mind,” he turned his attention back to his notes. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”

  “Uh uh, Mr. Potter,” Hermione said while unbuttoning two buttons on her blouse. “You said you were going to put your penis in my vagina. And I’m going to hold you to it.”

  Even though it was just a quickie, Hermione was very energetic. She cheered and encouraged Harry with phrases such as “Insert penis faster!”


  Ron and Luna were very interested in helping Harry and Hermione test out the new rituals. The reason for this drive was that Luna, being a Ravenclaw, was intrigued and excited by the notion of helping test new magics. On the other hand, Ron, being a bloke, was intrigued and excited by the notion of boinking his wife in new positions. The married couple joined in on Harry and Hermione’s morning exercise routines with a passion.

  After a few weeks of exercises, the two couples progressed to higher repetitions of calisthenics and more advanced yoga postures. Because of his balance, Harry was very good at the one-legged pose and Hermione’s flexibility let her perform the camel pose easily. Ron and Luna were progressing fairly well also.

  Both couples noted that the exercises gave them extra energy. Which Hermione and Luna were quite happy about since it gave them needed energy to deal with their heavier class loads. The outcome of the exercises made Ron and Harry happy because they now had extra energy which they used on Luna and Hermione, respectively.

  During this self-imposed training period, the extra lessons that Flitwick and McGonagall had offered had progressed as well. Harry and his friends were now performing cross-species transfiguration and advanced charms used to animate various inanimate objects even during battle simulations.

  One Saturday early in this training phase, after they had finished their exercises, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna were busy doing their homework in the Head Boy and Girl’s chambers. The four friends had agreed to do their work in this room as opposed to the library because they were allowed to talk to each other in the chambers. A knock on the door interrupted their studies.

  “Wotcher, kids,” a ridiculously happy Tonks said, albeit very quietly. The reason for Tonks’ joy as well as her lowered volume was cuddled up in her arms asleep.

  A chubby, bald-headed, little baby softly snored in his mother’s arms.

  Luna and Hermione began making high-pitched sounds that told Harry they were overjoyed to see the infant. The two witches rushed the pink-haired Auror and silently asked to hold the baby.

  “Let me introduce Sirius Romulus Tonks-Lupin,” Tonks introduced her son as she gently handed him to Hermione. The brunette witch immediately began making soft cooing sounds and Luna waited patiently for her turn.

  “When was he born?” Harry asked.

  “Three days ago,” Tonks said.

  “Did you and Remus get married in time?” Hermione asked as she eyed a modest gold ring on Tonks’ finger.

  “Barely,” the Auror replied with a chuckle. “Let’s just say I said my vows in between contractions.”

  “Speaking of Remus, where is he?” Ron asked.

  “Last night was a full moon,” Tonks answered. “So he’s resting.”

  “Oh,” Ron muttered.

  A sudden tension filled the air. The four teenagers looked at the slumbering baby with a touch of sadness.

  “Don’t worry,” Tonks reassured them. “Sometimes Lycanthropy doesn’t get passed down. Hopefully we’ll be lucky and lil’ Sirius won’t get all fuzzy every month.”

  “When will you know for certain whether or not it’s passed him by?” asked Harry.

  “The disease usually surfaces when the child turns five or so,” the new mother answered. “So we’ll just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. If not, then Remus will have a play buddy on full moons.”

  Tonks was surprisingly upbeat. She talked to the two witches about the joys of motherhood; stretch marks, swollen breast, and sleepless nights. It was plainly obvious that Tonks couldn’t have been happier.

  While Luna was holding Sirius, Tonks turned her attention to Harry and Hermione and asked; “So did you get to cum on her tits like you wanted to?”

  Harry blanched and Hermione’s face turned beet red. Luna began to giggle softly and Ron looked in between Hermione’s chest and Luna’s. It was clear that he was wondering if he could do the same act.

  “You told Tonks?” Hermione hissed in between her gritted teeth at Harry.

  Before Harry could stammer a response, Tonks decided to help him and spoke up: “Actually, Courtney told me about it.”

  “You told Courtney?” Hermione growled. Obviously, Tonks’ attempt at helping the young man out of a predicament was actually making it worse.

  This time, Harry was able to stammer a response.

  “Well... err... I... ah... sort of.”

  “What did you just start up a conversation and say ‘Great to see you, Courtney. Oh, by the way, I want to give Hermione a titty-shag’?” Hermione asked in a scandalized way.

  “No, that’s not how it happened,” Tonks defended Harry. “Courtney and Harry were talking about innocent things when she brought up sex - you k
now how she gets. Anyway, she was able to wriggle that tidbit of information out of Harry.”

  Hermione huffed. She was still clearly upset and embarrassed.

  “Did having a penis in between your breasts feel good?” Luna asked.

  “Honestly, not really,” Hermione admitted and than offered a smile to Harry. “But it made Harry feel good, so I was pleased.”

  “I hear it’s good for the skin,” Luna began. “Does it really tighten up the pores?”

  Hermione huffed again at Luna’s crude question. But after a second, she couldn’t help but to crack a smile.

  “It does; wonderful,” Luna announced. “Ronald, I’ll have to test this out for myself, so get ready.”

  Judging by the happy smile on Ron’s face, he was ready to give it a go right then and there.

  “So how were you able to do it?” Tonks asked. “I mean, Hermione’s got such small titties I’d imagine it was a little difficult.”

  “Hey, your tits aren’t much bigger than mine,” Hermione jested.

  In retaliation, Tonks screwed her eyes shut and her breasts began to expand like balloons. They grew and grew until they reached Luna’s size - which made the fabric of her “Weird Sisters” pullover stretch to near ripping.

  The four teenagers stared wide-eyed at the now overly endowed Tonks.

  “Being a Metamorphmagus does have its benefits,” Tonks said impressively. “Yep, Remus is one lucky man. He can shag a different woman every night without cheating. Before my whirlwind pregnancy, Remus and I were masters at role-playing. He didn’t like it much though when we played Stern “Professor and Naughty School Girl” because I decided to make it as real as possible and made myself look like a fifteen year old. It freaked him out.”

  Tonks and her son left a few minutes later. As the pink haired mother left the teenagers, she bragged, “I’ve got to show my son off to a load of other people.”

  “We’ll be leaving now,” Luna announced suddenly to Harry and Hermione.

  “We will?” Ron asked.

  “Is there something you have to do?” Harry inquired.

  “Yes, I need to see how effective Ronald’s seminal fluid is as a skin moisturizer,” Luna stated casually. “I’d be more than willing to test it right here on the couch, but I know how shy you and Hermione are when it comes to such public displays. So I figure that we’ll go back to Ronald’s room. Ta.”

  With that, Luna and Ron left the Head Boy and Girl’s chambers. Ron had a look of absolute happiness on his face as his wife led him out. It was clear that he was going to enjoy using his wife’s enormous breasts in a new way.

  “She certainly is a unique girl,” commented Hermione.

  “That’s one way of putting it,” added Harry.

  Hermione suddenly laughed out loud. “I just realized something,” she said. “Remember what I said about not replacing my moisturizer with your seminal fluid?”

  “Yeah,” Harry answered.

  “Well, judging by Ron’s apparent unending virility, it is possible for Luna to do just that,” Hermione said with a smile.

  Harry felt very queasy for Hermione’s statement caused a mental image to pop up in his head. In this vision, Luna came bounding up to Harry and Hermione, every inch of her exposed flesh coated with a translucent and glossy liquid as she proudly declared: “It really does work as a moisturizer!”


  During the pair’s hectic training and school schedules, the second week of September rolled around, and Harry began making plans for Hermione’s birthday. It was after all, her first birthday as his girlfriend and he wanted to make it as special as possible. Not only was Harry planning on buying a number of gifts for his lover, but he was also planning on a romantic candle lit dinner. He got two of her presents from Owl Catalogs but for the most important gift he snuck out of the castle one morning while Hermione was in Ancient Runes and made a quick trip to Diagon Alley.

  When they woke up on the 19th of September, Harry kissed Hermione before saying “Happy Birthday.” He handed her his first present and Hermione smiled sweetly after she opened a finely caved box used to hold her writing materials; it had a felt lined compartment for her quill and several jars filled with different inks.

  At lunch, Harry presented Hermione with her second birthday gift: a soft leather book bag with a Featherweight Charmed imbued in it. Before Harry could begin to explain the nature of the gift, the brunette witch squealed joyously and she held the bag over her head.

  “It’s the ‘Notably Toteable Library Satchel!” she exclaimed. “I’ve wanted this for so long!”

  When dinner time came, Harry led Hermione into the hidden passageway under the Whomping Willow and into what used to be the Shrieking Shack - the interior of the house was still a magnificent mansion. Harry took Hermione into the Shack’s spectacular white marble dining room where Dobby was waiting for them.

  During his preparations, Harry contacted Dobby and some of the other House-Elves (from the sect that didn’t want to castrate him for touching the Great One) and asked them to help prepare a dinner for Hermione. They were more than happy to make a outstanding meal for their prophesized savior. Dobby and the other Hogwarts’ House-Elves contacted their peers across the globe to help out in the meal.

  After Harry held Hermione’s seat out and the brunette witch sat down, Dobby snapped his fingers and the large oak table was suddenly covered with several silver platters of exotic looking foods.

  Dinner started with delectable appetizers made by a House-Elf from Nice. Then the couple moved onto the main course; a duck that was prepared by one of the finest House-Elf chefs in China. Dessert was a Key Lime pie made by a very talented elf- pastry chef from Liverpool.

  “That was lovely, Harry,” Hermione said with a happy smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said before getting up and walking over to his girlfriend. He handed her a long thin case and said once more; “Happy birthday.”

  “You shouldn’t have,” Hermione said and opened the case. Inside was a thin silver chain necklace with a small diamond dangling from it.

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she said, “It’s beautiful.”

  “May I?” Harry asked while gesturing to the necklace. She nodded her head and Harry pulled the jewelry out of the case. He unclasped the chain and Hermione held up her kinky hair, allowing him to place it around her neck and clasp it.

  Harry had thought about buying her a ring, but he was afraid that she would mistake it for an engagement ring - not that he wasn’t ready to propose to Hermione. They had already decided to wait until they were done with school before making it official. Besides, Harry thought that proposing to her on her birthday would be too cheesy and clichéd.

  Dobby bowed to Harry and Hermione and snapped his fingers once more. The food disappeared from the table and the house-elf walked out of the room.

  “I feel so rotten,” Hermione pouted. Harry gulped and wondered if she didn’t like his presents. “You give me this gorgeous diamond necklace and two other truly thoughtful gifts for my birthday and all I gave to you on your birthday was a lousy blow-job.”

  With a chuckle, Harry informed her, “It was in no way lousy. That was the single best birthday present I ever received.”

  Hermione’s face began to glow and she said, “That may be, but you gave me three presents today and I only gave you that one. So I think I should start making it up to you.”

  The brunette witch smiled wickedly as she slid off of her chair and knelt in front of Harry.

  “Happy Birthday to you,” she sang as she started to undo his trousers. “Happy Birthday to you,” she continued and pulled ‘Harry, Jr.’ out into the open air. “Happy Birthday, dear Harry.”

  She then popped his organ into her mouth and hummed the rest of the song. She had to repeat the tune several times before he climaxed. The naughty witch made a show to Harry of presenting his seed in her mouth before swallowing it.

  “That is the b
est Birthday present,” Harry reaffirmed. He decided to give Hermione a fourth present. It was a present that kept on giving; multiple orgasms.

  After guiding her onto the oak table which Dobby had just cleared, Harry tapped into his love core and activated his parsletongue abilities. He didn’t stop devouring her until his tongue became numb; she was the birthday girl and this day needed to be special after all.


  After an early morning exercise one October morning, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna made their way to the castle’s kitchen for a light snack. Even though they could’ve just asked Dobby to get some food for them, Hermione didn’t like the idea of overworking the house-elf. But their trek to the kitchen was aborted when two people came stumbling out of an unused classroom.

  Normally, when two people came stumbling out of a classroom, Harry and his friends wouldn’t give them much heed. But when the two people happened to be Neville and Ginny and both of them had mussed up hair and puffy, red lips as if they had just finished snogging like crazed teenagers, then Harry and his friends would stop and give heed.

  “WHAT THE BLOODY EFFING HELL!” Ron screamed as he leapt toward Neville.

  As Ron flew through the air, Harry recalled how Neville had physically thrashed a Death Eater on the train ride to the castle. Harry instantly came to the conclusion that if Ron started a fist fight with Neville, that the red hair wizard would get his arse handed to him. So, relying on his reflexes, honed by years of Quidditch (and dodging the Dursleys), Harry tackled Ron to the ground.

  “Harry, gerroff me!” Ron growled. “I have to protect my sister’s virtue!”

  Once again, Hermione apparently felt the overwhelming desire to point out that Ron was belated in his actions of trying to protect Ginny’s chastity. “It’s a little too late for that,” she commented. However her comment wasn’t soft and under her breath like it was when she had muttered a few weeks before. This time everyone around her heard her clearly.


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