J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X] Page 72

by Harry Potter

  Draco took another three steps toward Harry. The black haired wizard scurried on his bum across the floor as to not give Draco a target.

  “Well, to be honest, there was the five snog sessions with Colin,” Draco admitted, pausing in his approach. “But he was just an appetizer compared to you, so I don’t think I should even count him.” Again Draco moved and again, Harry scurried backwards on his bottom.

  “Why do you run, my heart?” asked Draco adoringly. “We are meant to be together. It is fate, kismet, destiny!”

  “Listen, that Prophet article was a misprint,” Harry blurted out. He had faced death on numerous occasions, but he never had to face the possibility of a willy shoved up his bum, much less one with a “gift bow.” “I’m in love with Hermione. We’ve had sex loads of times.”

  “Refuse it all you want, my dearest soul mate,” Malfoy said, smirking. “Soon, you and I will be in the throws of passion. You’ll forget all about your frizzy haired beard.”

  Hermione grunted another protest. Whether it was in defense of Harry or due to offence by being referred to as a beard, Harry couldn’t tell.

  Suddenly, the door to the classroom swung open. All three sets of eyes turned to see Courtney walk in.

  “Hey, what’s going on in here?” the Auror in training asked upon seeing Hermione bound and gagged. A demented twinkle appeared in her eyes and she said hopefully, “Oh, how kinky. You’ve tied Hermione up and now you two are going to take turns with her! Can I watch? I want to see the blond bloke take Hermione first!”

  “What? I’d never touch a witch,” Draco said, clearly appalled by such an idea.

  “Courtney, you have to help,” Harry said as he ran and bravely hid behind her. “Malfoy is infatuated with me; he’s positive that I’m in love with him.”

  “It’s not infatuation, it’s true and pure love,” Draco objected. “You are my knight, the rescuer of the damsel, me.”

  “He’s not gay,” Courtney said dismissively while looking the pink robed wizard up and down. Clearly, she was not offended by the fact that Draco had his bits exposed, nor that he had a frilly bow tied around his John Thomas.

  “Yes, he is,” Harry argued.

  “Yes I am,” agreed Draco. “Look at what I’m wearing.”

  “Bright colors do not make a person gay. By the way, I like the bow,” the witch said with a smirk. “Personally, I’ve know plenty of gay blokes. Hell, I even dated a few of them before they came out of the closet. I can recognize a gay wizard from a mile away, closeted or otherwise.” Courtney then added in a soft undertone “Wish I would’ve had that skill before I dated the poofters to be.” She then said to Draco “You’re just confused.”

  “No, I’m not,” Draco challenged. “I’m gay as the day is long!”

  “Oh really, are you sure?” she asked. Courtney took a step towards Draco. She looked him in the eye and inquired; “Do you crave, no need to hold another wizard’s cock? To feel his pulse throb in your hand? Is it a dream of yours to run your tongue up his hot shaft and taste his sweat? Do you desire to have the musky taste of his cum on your tongue?”

  As she spoke, Courtney inched forward, slowly closing the space between her and the blond wizard. Draco’s face twitch once or twice as the witch painted images with her words. But his eyes still held that defiance.

  “Or is the thought of large breasts more appealing to you?” she continued to ask. Harry saw Courtney tug her robes open and took another step toward Draco. She was so close to the blond wizard that her orbs were gently brushing against his bare torso. “Would running your hands over the milky white flesh of a witch’s bosom make your heart race? Do you want to feel her hard nipples between your fingers as you tweak them?” She moved her torso so that her titties were being rubbed in circular motions on Draco’s chest. “What kind of sounds would she make when you rolled the nub between your fingers? Does the way her skin prickle at your touch fascinate you? Or does a part of you want to gently scrape your teeth on the underside of her breast? Do you desire to bat your tongue over her hard nipples?”

  Draco’s face had turned a bright red and tiny droplets of sweat had sprung up on his brow. While still leaning into the wizard, Courtney looked back over her shoulder at Harry.

  “He’s not gay,” she announced.

  “Are you sure?” Harry asked nervously.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said smiling. “When I was talking about man-bits, I didn’t get a twitch out of him.”

  “Excuse me, his face got all scrunched up when you said those things,” Harry pointed out.

  “I wasn’t talking about his face,” she clarified. “But once I started talking about jugs, well, let’s just say that the evidence that he doesn’t like blokes is pressing against me right now.”

  Thankfully, Courtney did not move away from Draco to prove this point. However, Harry could see that Draco had his eyes fixed on the witch - - but it wasn’t her face that he was staring at. Despite this, Harry could still see that Draco was a little confused and our hero feared that his school nemesis would have a relapse, so to speak, and try to molest him once again. A sudden idea came to Harry as to how he could keep Draco away from him.

  “Courtney, could you... you know... take care of Draco?” Harry asked. “For me?”

  “What the hell are you asking?” Courtney demanded. She closed her robes and turned to face Harry.

  “Well, he’s still thinks he’s gay, at least a part of him does,” Harry explained. “Could you, please, show him that he really isn’t gay at all?”

  “Are you asking me to shag him?” she demanded with her brow furrowed in anger.

  “No, at least not necessarily,” Harry clarified. “I was thinking you could take him out and see how it plays from there. If shagging occurs, then so be it.”

  “Sure, he’s a yummy. But, he hasn’t even bought me flowers or anything like that.”

  “Here, Draco,” Harry began while digging through his pockets. He pulled out a few galleons and handed them to the mostly naked wizard. “Go buy Courtney some flowers.”

  Draco snatched the gold from Harry, threw the two wands he had captured down on the ground, and dashed out of the room; clearly to go buy some flowers for Courtney. That or masturbate over the thought of her boobs. Or both.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” she said with a touch of anger. “You’re trying to get him to go out with me because you don’t want him trying to molest you again.”

  “That’s the gist of it, yes,” Harry said while nodding his head.

  “You’re barmy,” she said. “What if it doesn’t work? What if we go on a date, he finds out I’m not his type of witch and he slips back into thinking he’s gay for you?”

  “He got an erection,” Harry countered. “Of course he’ll like you.”

  “Harry, just because he got a stiffy doesn’t mean he’s into me. Here, watch,” she said and pulled her robes open again.

  “Oh, my,” murmured Harry as he tilted his head to the left. His other head took a distinct turn to the right. Hermione made some noise. Again, Harry didn’t know if she was protesting the fact that her boyfriend was looking at another witch’s bare breasts or if she was upset because she couldn’t see them herself.

  “See, you already have wood,” Courtney gestured to Harry’s groin. “It doesn’t mean that you’re into me.”

  After a second he shook his head (not that one, the one with two eyes) in an attempt to think clearly. “Listen, you said it yourself, Draco’s confused and you can help him stop from making a mistake.”

  “What’s in it for me?” she asked.

  “You may grow to like him,” speculated Harry even though he didn’t believe it himself; he couldn’t see how anyone with a pulse could like Draco. But some people were weird that way.

  Courtney tapped her foot on the ground several times as she mulled over the proposition. This foot tapping caused her mounds to jiggle a touch to Harry’s fascination. Finally, she agreed. “All right,
but you have to hook me up with someone else if it doesn’t work out. He has to be cute. But it’s okay that’ he’s ugly if he’s hung. Or rich.”

  “Deal,” Harry said. He paused as a glimmer of light drew his attention back to Courtney’s breasts. “What’s that on your nipple?”

  The wizard had been so transfixed by her breasts - - as any man would tell you, breasts are the most captivating object in the entire universe; the beauty of a picture perfect sunrise cannot hold a candle to a good boob - - that he had not noticed the silver ring dangling from her pink nub.

  “Oh, it’s a nipple-ring,” she replied and threw her chest out so Harry could get a better look at the dangling piece of jewelry. “Do you like it?”

  “No. A tit isn’t a Christmas tree; you don’t need to decorate it,” Harry said while still transfixed.

  “They’re hot and fun,” Courtney argued. “Go on, give it a tug.”

  “What?” Harry asked, taken back by the request.

  “Tug on it,” she repeated. “It feels great.”

  “Um, I have a girlfriend,” Harry said and pointed to his bound and gagged witch a few feet away. He was trying to use the age-old “My girlfriend will kill me if I do anything remotely like that” defense.

  “She can give it a pull after you,” Courtney said and then turned to Hermione. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Surprisingly, Hermione shrugged her shoulders in acceptance and muttered through the gag “mf-kay.”

  Courtney spun back to face Harry and threw back her shoulders in order to present her sizable mounds to him. “All right now give it a tug.”

  Hesitantly, Harry raised his hand and moved it slowly to Courtney’s offered tit. With a tremble in his hand, he took hold of the ring between the tips of his thumb and forefinger. Gently, he pulled the ring up and let it fall back down.

  “What the hell was that?” demanded Courtney.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” protested Harry.

  “I told you to tug on it,” the Auror said. “It’s not like I asked you to rip it off. But you didn’t even properly tug on it. You barely even touched it.”

  Courtney rolled her eyes and flicked her wand at Hermione. The ropes and gag vanished with a soft pop. “Oi, Hermione, you’re a kinky girl. Come over here and show your boyfriend how to tug on my nipple ring the right way.”

  A sweet smile graced Hermione’s lips as she stood. She carefully smoothed out the pleats of her skirt before walking up to the Auror.

  Harry Potter had prevailed over numerous attempts on his life. He was the only known survivor of the dreaded Killing Curse. He survived wresting with a troll when he was eleven. When he was only twelve years old, he defeated a Basilisk. The young wizard vanquished hordes of Dementors when he was just thirteen. Survived a dragon and dueled the most fear dark wizard to a standstill when he was fourteen. And he fought off a dozen fully trained Death Eaters when he was fifteen until help arrived. But what Hermione did nearly ended Harry’s life.

  The brunette witch politely folded her hands behind her back, bent over slightly at her hips so that her face was level with Courtney’s breasts, opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. Harry watched as his girlfriend’s tongue wriggled a bit before hooking the nipple ring. Deftly, Hermione’s talented tongue pulled the ring into her mouth before closing her teeth on the piece of jewelry. With a growl, Hermione pulled at the ring like a dog pulling on a toy. Courtney moaned softly as her sensitive flesh was stretched.

  Simply put; it was a miracle that Harry didn’t drop dead right there.

  “Cor, that was a good one,” cheered Courtney. The Auror looked at Harry and commented, “I think you broke him.”

  “No, he’s fine,” Hermione said as she stood. “He just has a raging hard-on right now. Come on, baby, let’s go take care of that.”

  “I don’t think I can move,” Harry said in a small voice as he felt his heart start to beat once more.

  “We’re not going far. We’re just going over to the table over there so Courtney can watch again.”

  “Okay,” Harry said and staggered to the teacher’s table.

  “Although I should go fetch Luna,” Hermione said absentmindedly. “We did promise her that she could watch the next time we had a show.”

  “It’s about time,” Luna’s disembodied voice sounded. The blonde witch slowly pulled off an invisibility cloak, announcing, “I’ve been following you two around for ages waiting for you to say that.”

  “Where did you get that cloak?” asked Hermione.

  “It’s Harry’s,” she replied, and carefully folded the magical cloak up. “I borrowed it so that I could follow you two.”

  “Don’t you want to invite Ron to watch, too?” asked Hermione, clearly not bothered that their audience was growing.

  “No, Ronald, the dear man, is quite boisterous when he masturbates. I’m afraid he’d distract from the show. I mean, I’ll cheer and give encouragement. But Ronald makes loud, nearly screaming, grunting sounds when he pleasures himself.” Luna took a seat and commanded, “Well, get on with the show.”

  “You’ve been following us?” Harry asked. “But that means you watched as Draco tied Hermione up and threatened to molest me.”

  “True,” Luna said casually.

  “And you didn’t do anything to stop Malfoy?” the brunette witch asked.

  “I told you that I wanted to see a sex show. Even though I had hoped that it would be you and Harry, at that point I would’ve settled for Harry and Draco. I was growing rather desperate.”

  “Enough babbling, get on with the show,” Courtney ordered as she took a seat next to Luna.

  As Hermione stripped Harry - - who still hadn’t fully recovered from Hermione tugging on Courtney’s tits with her teeth enough to use his hands properly - - Luna asked “Do they take requests?”

  “Oh, yes,” Courtney answered. “What would you like to see?”

  “Well, I think he should whack his penis against her face,” offered Luna in a sing-song tone.

  As Hermione opened Harry’s trousers, she whispered in his ear; “That does sound exciting doesn’t it?”

  That was when the shock of seeing his girlfriend playing with another witch’s tit went away. Encouraged by his kinky lover, Harry pulled ‘Harry, Jr.’ out of his pants.

  “Yeah, penis!” cheered Luna.

  Smiling, Hermione knelt down, closed her eyes, and waited for the playful blow. Now, since Harry wasn’t large, the “slap” was more like a “brush.” But nonetheless, both Courtney and Luna cheered loudly and clapped when the action was played out.

  After the unimpressive but still appreciated “cock slap,” Harry and Hermione proceeded to give the two witches one hell of a show. There was oral sex, nipple tweaking, sensual massages, and hair tugging. But Luna and Courtney gave the lovers a standing ovation when Harry pushed his fore and middle fingers up Hermione’s bottom. Each time Hermione announced an orgasm - - which she did loudly - - the two witches clapped and whistled. And the audience of two began chanting “Swallow, swallow” when it was apparent that Harry was nearing the end.

  When the show ended and as the two lovers got dressed, Courtney stood and said; “This is always fun. Next time, tell me in advance of a show and I’ll bring refreshments.”

  “See you next time,” Harry bid the Auror farewell as she walked out of the classroom. “I can’t believe I just said that there’ll be a ‘next time.’ God, I’ve gone kinky.”

  “That was brilliant,” Luna said happily. “I’ll have to make a Pensieve, so that Ronald and I can revisit this for our own pleasure.”

  “Oh, Luna, I have a question,” Hermione began. “Can your father’s printing press make books as well as newspapers?”

  “Yes, certainly,” Luna answered. “What are you planning?”

  “We’re going to make an updated version of The Magic of Making Love,” the brunette replied. “Harry and I have come to the conclusion that it would be very beneficial
to release it now during this troubling time.”

  “Understandable. And you would get off on the idea of hundreds of people looking at dirty pictures of you two,” Luna added. “Oh, please tell me there’ll be photos, because I’d gladly be one of those hundreds looking at them.”

  “I reckon there would have to be,” Harry said. “You know, to show the reader the proper poses and whatnot.”

  “Then I’ll be the one taking the photos!” Luna gushed. “I can’t believe I’ll be helping Harry Potter and Hermione Granger make a book!”

  “We’ll be using noms de plume, actually,” informed Hermione. “Yes, we can admit that we’re kinky and have grown to like having people watch, but we’d still like some privacy.”

  “Well, you’ll have to alter your features as well then,” Luna stated. “Harry is so recognizable that he’d be spotted straight away.”

  “Good point,” the brunette agreed. “I’ll work on some glamour charms, and we’ll start taking photos this weekend”

  “Hey Luna, how about you and Ron participate? You know, you two can act as models as well. That way, the reader will have two couples to look at,” offered Harry.

  Luna’s response was not given in words as much as it was given in kisses. And it wasn’t just chaste innocent kisses, but the type of kiss where a bystander might get the impression that one of the parties was trying their best to suffocate the other with their tongue.

  Harry, who had his hands up in surprise, could do nothing but stand there as the blonde witch dangled from his neck as she assaulted him with her tongue. He looked over at Hermione and was surprised to see that she was smiling as if she found this amusing.

  “Um, Luna, that’s my boyfriend,” Hermione stated nonchalantly as the blonde continued to snog Harry.

  After a good long time, Luna removed herself from Harry. She hopped in place with a bright smile as she said “Oh, thank you Harry! That would be brilliant!”

  Harry wasn’t even given a blink of an eye to recover from Luna’s kiss before the blonde pounced on Hermione. Just as she had with Harry, Luna rammed her tongue deep into Hermione’s mouth. The only difference between the two kisses was that after a few seconds, Hermione returned the kiss with an equal amount of energy. Apparently she had quickly become accustomed to Luna’s kiss and had decided to reciprocate it.


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