Falling for the Cowboy

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Falling for the Cowboy Page 14

by Mary Leo

  Chapter Twelve

  Spud Drive-In was everything the kids had promised it would be. There was even a giant plaster russet potato that sat in the bed of a red pickup truck in front of the massive movie screen.

  Naturally, the kids wanted to climb all over it, but Blake discouraged that from happening by driving right past it and backing up into his preferred spot in the tenth row, center, which still happened to be available.

  “How did you score this spot? This is perfect,” Maggie said.

  “We’re all pretty much regulars. Everybody respects each other’s space.”

  Maggie had trouble with the concept. “So, you’re saying even though other people have arrived ahead of us, no one will take this spot because they know you like it?”

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “That’s a small town.”

  Clearly, living in a small town had its advantages, but this was way over the top compared to Maggie’s competitive world. The last movie she’d seen was at one of those new plush theaters with leather recliners, a wait staff to take your drink and food order, and your own side table to hold all your goodies. Children were better left at home and attire was business casual, a movie theater for the busy trendsetters, not for the laidback Spud Drive-In crowd.

  As soon as they’d parked, everyone jumped from the truck to claim a spot in the bed, making sure they each had enough pillows, blankets and room for all the treats they planned on getting. Maggie, too, made a place for herself up against the back of the truck bed with Blake right next to her.

  They had barely gotten settled when the previews began. It was going to be a long night: a double feature. The first movie was Brave, and the second was Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. Two movies she would never have considered seeing if she was in the Bay Area. But given she was at a drive-in that sported a massive spud as a draw, and had four kids to tend to, she couldn’t wait for the opening credits.

  When the kids wanted to take off for the concession stand, with Blake trying to keep a lid on their excitement, she decided she was staying put.

  “Better come on along, or there’s no telling what you’ll end up with,” Blake warned.

  But Maggie didn’t want to budge. The blankets, the pillows, the open sky, she didn’t want to risk changing one thing for fear of spoiling the moment. This was exactly how she wanted to be. “Popcorn, a burger, fries and a shake will be fine. Besides, somebody has to stay here and watch all this stuff.”

  Maggie tried for sincere, but she could tell Blake wasn’t buying it. He tilted his head, and gave her a “really?” look.

  “C’mon, Uncle Blake, hurry up! I don’t want them to run out of anything,” Buddy insisted.

  Scout pulled on his hand. “She wants to stay, Daddy. It’s okay. Let’s go. I’m starving.”

  After they’d gone, Maggie snuggled into the pillows, and stared up at the star-filled sky. She made a wish on the brightest star for many more moments like this, and then focused on the movie screen, totally content.

  Could she do this? Could she live like this for the rest of her life? Maybe the reason she hadn’t immediately accepted that job offer was because she really wanted to stay right here in Briggs, if Blake would have her.

  * * *

  BLAKE HERDED THE KIDS through the rows of parked cars, making sure each of them had a hand to hold on to.

  “Stay together and don’t run,” he ordered.

  Amazingly, they paid attention and walked in a straight line, with Blake in the lead like the Pied Piper. There were several overhead pole lights, and whatever they didn’t brighten, the screen took care of. Just enough light to guide them to the concession stand, so everyone could see exactly where they were going.

  Spud Drive-In was crowded with locals. Blake nodded, tipped his hat and smiled at anyone he knew, which was most everyone.

  But as he walked, keeping one eye on the kids, it occurred to him how completely dumbfounded he was by Maggie’s recent change. He’d known from the very first time he’d met her that she had a Country heart, although, he had no idea she’d embrace it so quickly.

  Would this change be enough to keep her in Briggs? That was still to be decided. She hadn’t mentioned anything about leaving, yet, so he allowed himself to feel somewhat encouraged by her easy willingness to join him and the kids at the drive-in.

  He was falling hard for this girl, and no matter how hard he tried to keep reminding himself this hunger for her might never be satisfied, part of him wouldn’t let the hope die.

  Blake realized he was deep into familiar territory. Hoping for different results with the same type of woman as his ex. Was he truly insane or was his caring for Maggie shadowing reality? Could it be another trap?

  Only time would tell. Tonight, anyway, he intended to keep his heart locked up tight. Maggie was merely slumming with country folk. She could act the part, but it was all window dressing. She was a city girl tangled up in a honky-tonk, and would break his heart in a New York minute. The trick was to keep his distance and concentrate on the movies and not that sweet smile of hers, or that smokin’ hot body that turned him on with her every move.

  “Will this be all for you, Doc?” Milo Gump asked from behind the mound of food on the counter. Blake had gotten so deep into his own thoughts that the kids had gone hog wild with their order.

  Scrutinizing the pile of treats, he thought he should put some back, then decided he was too distracted to argue with a pack of hungry kids.

  “Um. Yeah, that should do it.”

  “And then some,” Milo chided and began ringing everything up.

  Blake shook his head to try to knock some sense into it. After all, he did have four rambunctious kids to think about. This was no time to dwell on his lust for Maggie Daniels, no matter how much he wanted her.

  He forced himself to concentrate on the task at hand. It seemed like the boys had ordered everything on the menu, including huckleberry milkshakes, Spud Buds, several orders of spicy fries, extra dipping sauce and double-double cheeseburgers all around. “Our absolute favorite,” according to Gavin, who could eat like a truck driver if his dad would let him. Indeed, his favorite food was a basket of Spud Buds, deep-fried tater puffs, with an extra bottle of ketchup mixed with hot sauce. Gavin loved hot spicy food, and would pour hot sauce on cake if he had the chance.

  Scout was more into a plain burger, no sauces of any kind, no cheese, regular fries, no ketchup, and a child-sized buttered popcorn.

  “So, Doc, I see that city filly is sittin’ back there in your rig. Word is she’s your new girl. That true, Doc?”

  “You know better than to believe the gossip in this town.”

  The kids didn’t seem to hear the conversation. They were too busy trying to figure out how to carry everything to the truck.

  “I know better not to, Doc, and so do you. Always somethin’ to it, though from the looks of that pretty little thing, she’d fit in your barn just fine.”

  “She’s not staying. She’s moving back to the Bay Area in a few weeks.”

  “When did that ever stop you from tryin’?”

  “This time. It stopped me this time.”

  Milo grinned. “Then what’s she doin’ in your bed?”

  Blake’s throat tightened as he coughed. “Where’d you hear that?” he whispered, annoyed. “This town is way too interested in my private business. I don’t know why I ever came back here. Can’t
a cowboy be nice to a woman without everyone thinking they might get together? Okay, sure, I like her just fine, but she’s the leaving type and I’ve already been down that road. I’m not going down it again. I’m surprised at you, Milo, saying such things. Don’t you have better things to do than comment on my love life?”

  His heart raced and his hands were clenched. He couldn’t believe the way people talked in this town, Milo included. He’d always thought Milo was his friend.

  “I meant in your truck bed, Doc, not your sleepin’ bed.”

  Immediately, the fight drained out of Blake. He felt so foolish, like his brain needed scrubbing. The kids had gathered up the food and were staring up at him, waiting for his next move.

  “Oh.” He sighed.

  Scout spoke up. “There’s no room at Kitty’s house since her babies came, so Maggie’s staying in our guest bed. Tim came home from the war, and Mrs. Abernathy is sleeping in Kitty’s guest bedroom. That’s why Maggie’s with us. We have lots of room. Besides, Maggie’s funny, and she loves drive-in movies so she came with us tonight. My daddy likes her, I can tell.”

  Blake shuffled his feet. “Now don’t be saying things that aren’t true.”

  Scout turned to him, looking all innocent and little. She could melt his heart with one glance. “Don’t you like Maggie, Daddy?”

  “Sure I like Maggie. Just not the way Milo thinks I like her.”

  “How does Milo think you like her?”

  Blake hesitated. Now was not the time to go into his feelings for Maggie, especially since he wasn’t quite sure of them himself. “Um, I can’t explain it right now, sweetpea.”

  She tsked, and stuck a hand on her hip. “Why not, Daddy?”

  “Because liking someone can be difficult to explain.”

  Her forehead furrowed. “Either you like somebody or you don’t. It’s easy. Sometimes you’re just downright silly, Daddy.”

  Both Milo and Blake chuckled, then Milo reached into the glass case and pulled out two boxes of Junior Mints. “On the house, Scout. For you and Maggie.”

  As Scout squealed her surprise, Milo shook his head. “Sorry, Doc, but there ain’t no hope for you against those two.”

  “There’s absolutely nothing going on between Maggie and me. We’re friends. Nothing more,” Blake protested.

  “Uh-huh,” Milo said, nodding to the next customer in line.

  Blake had no choice but to gather up his hellfire crew and head on back to his truck and Maggie Daniels, who, apparently, everyone in town thought he was sleeping with.

  For once the town had it wrong, and Blake was hell-bent on keeping it that way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The night slipped by without an incident. The kids were too engrossed in the movies to cause any problems. If you asked Maggie, they were downright boring. She had expected turmoil of some kind. But they were perfect little angels, which made her question whether they were acting this way for her benefit, or if they were always this good.

  In the meantime, Maggie felt like a kid herself what with all the goodies they’d had, particularly the Junior Mints from Milo, which had been her all-time favorite movie treat when she was a kid. Aside from the few that she shared with Blake, she had consumed the entire box.

  “What are your feelings toward large women?” Maggie asked Blake once she’d eaten the last Junior Mint. She wanted to know how shallow he was when it came to a woman’s curves.

  “Tall or round?” Blake teased.


  “You could probably use a few pounds. Remember, I’ve seen the way you eat, and it’s not likely that’ll be happening with a puny box of Junior Mints.”

  “You never know. They might be my tipping point.”

  “Then tip right on over here and let’s just see if round makes any difference.”

  He pulled her in closer, giving her a gentle kiss. “Umm, as sweet as honey. Can I fetch you another box?”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Sweetheart, I’d get you an entire truckload.”

  He kissed her again, then turned back to the movie screen, a great big smile on his face. Maggie felt a buzz down to her toes.

  Looking at him now, while he stroked Joey’s hair as he rested his head on Blake’s long legs, she knew shallow wasn’t part of his DNA. The man was one hundred percent down-home warmth, and if she wanted to be a part of that warmth, she had to leave her city world behind.

  Could she really do that? For true love, she thought she could do just about anything. She was sure of it now.

  The kids eventually fell asleep, leaving Maggie and Blake cuddled together, sharing the remains of the popcorn. At one point Maggie fell asleep as she, too, rested her head on Blake’s chest. She couldn’t help it. She hadn’t felt that safe ever.

  When the second movie finally ended, Blake moved the boys into the cab and Maggie carried Scout, who didn’t seem to want to let go. On the way home, Scout remained asleep while sitting securely in Maggie’s lap.

  First, Blake wanted to drop off the boys at Colt’s place, a two-story ranch house about half a mile away from the main house on the town side of the Granger property.

  “My boys give you any trouble?” Colt asked in a soft voice as he and Blake lifted the two youngest from the cab. Buddy was awake enough to walk.

  “Not once. They were perfect,” Maggie told him.

  “I’m lucky. They take after their mamma. She always knew when to kick it up and when to calm it down. My boys seem to know the same difference. It’s like there’s a part of her in each one.”

  Maggie noticed a longing on Colt’s face as he talked about his wife. She could see that he still loved and missed her.

  “I wish I could have met her.”

  He secured a sleeping Joey in his arms. “You two would’ve liked each other, Maggie. You’re cut from the same cloth.”

  He then headed for the house, leaving Maggie to wonder why he’d said that. She assumed she’d be as unlike Colt’s deceased wife as apple pie is from a skinny latte. What did he see in her that she couldn’t see in herself?

  The answer eluded her completely.

  * * *

  ONCE SCOUT was tucked in bed, and the house was quiet, Blake took Maggie’s hand and walked her to her room. Nothing needed to be said when he led her inside and kissed her with all the intensity of a man on fire.

  Maggie moved in closer to him, slipping out of her borrowed jacket, then her sweater, and letting them fall to the floor. She wanted to feel his arms around her. Wanted to feel his lips on hers, wanted to know what it meant to really kiss a Granger.

  He pulled back and said, “We probably shouldn’t do this, but you’re making it hard.”

  “I hope so,” Maggie said with a sly smirk.

  He kissed her again, a warm, passionate kiss. Gone was the urgency she’d experienced on Kitty’s front porch. This time it was about what they felt rather than what they wanted.

  Blake kicked the door shut with just enough force to make it close, then he turned and locked it before he began to pull up her shirt, slipping it over her head and tossing it aside. She kicked off her boots, then he unzipped her jeans and slid them over her hips and slowly down her legs. He knelt and helped her step out of them, then ran his hands up her legs and over her butt as he stood up.

  She wore a white lace mini-bra and matching panties, and by the look on Blake’s face, she figured he was enjoying her choice.

>   Moonlight streamed in through the windows, giving everything an ethereal feeling, as if the moon was shining just for them.

  “You’re beautiful, Maggie. More beautiful than I ever imagined.”

  She lifted his T-shirt and tugged it over his head, revealing his muscled chest. An intense desire to make love to him roared within her.

  “Not so bad yourself, cowboy.”

  His smile lit up his face as he kicked off his boots.

  He pulled a wallet out of his back pocket and tossed it on the nightstand. “There’s no getting around it this time, sweetheart.”

  “No getting around it,” she repeated with a wicked lilt to her voice.

  “No turning back,” he said, as he gently eased her down on the bed. “You’re one ornery woman, you know that?”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  He kissed her again, his hand moving from the side of her face to brush her ear, before stroking her hair.

  Maggie paused to wonder if Blake could ever love her the way Tim loved Kitty. If she was meant for that kind of unconditional love, and if he did ever fall in love with her like that, would she be able to love him in return? Would she be able to love deeply, without fear that he would leave her for someone else?

  Then she stopped thinking. His kiss deepened, their tongues pressing together, tasting, licking, sending shivers up and down her body. She pulsed with yearning for him and all doubt vanished, replaced with an intense need to love and be loved. Cori had been right, never in her entire adult life had she been kissed like this.

  She wanted more from him, much more.

  They kept kissing, exploring, lying alongside each other, holding each other so close she could barely breathe.

  Somewhere during the past twenty-four hours, watching Tim with Kitty, seeing their babies being born, spending time with Scout and the boys, with Blake, all Maggie’s apprehensions had vanished, and what she had left was a human desire to be loved. Truly and deeply loved. The kind of love she once could only dream of. The kind of love she desperately wanted. Needed. Longed for.


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