The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3)

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The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3) Page 5

by Albany, Cara

  The rare occasions Tariq had been in the same room with Zoe during the last two weeks had consisted mostly of being chaperoned. Every time Tariq had visited the palace, either Beatrice or Tariq's sister, Aliyah had been present. Sometimes both. It was as if they were Zoe's insurance against Tariq's private, amorous advances.

  The only time she had agreed to be alone with Tariq had been when they had walked together in the garden in plain view of the terrace where Beatrice and Aliyah had been enjoying lunch. Not for one moment had Tariq and Zoe been out of the sight of the two women.

  It was ridiculous, Tariq fumed.

  Zoe was determined to torment Tariq right to the last day before the wedding.

  And, what had been the effect on Tariq? He hadn't slept properly for nights. He knew he probably looked ragged. In fact, on the last visit to the palace, Aliyah had commented on it, teasing him with the idea that he was having second thoughts.

  There was no possibility of that, Tariq said to himself. He was committed to this marriage. Even if it was in name only. He was determined to go through with it. Being a man of his word was crucial. It defined who Tariq was; gave him a fixed point of reference in his life. He had always been brought up to be a man who could be trusted. To destroy that would make his life unbearable. Even if he were the only man who knew about breaking that bond, the truth of that betrayal would burn at his soul, eat away at him until there would be nothing left of the person he had become.

  So, he was about to take Zoe Smith as his wife.

  Tariq ran his tongue along his dry lips. There was something delicious in that thought. The enforced isolation had given him time to think about Zoe. In contrast to their encounter in the stable of the polo club where he had been shocked, even reluctant, now Tariq was eager to take on the new responsibility.

  In fact, it was much more than a keenness to get on with their new life together.

  Craving had overcome Tariq. A hunger for Zoe had seized Tariq. The enforced separation had merely succeeded in driving him to a powerful determination to claim the beautiful American, take her to his bed and show her just how much he had missed her, not just during these two weeks, but also the past two years. It hadn't been until she had forced her way back into his life that Tariq had realized that Zoe Smith belonged by his side.


  She didn't know it yet, but Tariq had made a decision. Zoe's choice to keep him at arms length had replaced frustration with a fierce, even savage, resolve.

  As if sensing the strain in Tariq's body, his horse shifted nervously beneath him. Tariq drew the reins in and pulled. The horse settled and Tariq turned, facing back in the direction of his home; the home where he would soon claim and possess the ravishing and exquisite woman who had teased and taunted him so much.

  With a loud roar that echoed across the dunes below, Tariq dug his heels into the side of his mount and started down the dune.


  She would never be ready.

  Zoe gazed at herself in the mirror. The wedding dress was exquisite. There was no denying it.

  Behind her, Tariq's sister, Aliyah, tugged at the sides of the elegant, white embroidered robe.

  Aliyah gazed over Zoe's shoulder at her reflection. "I think the adjustments have improved the fit," Aliyah said. The young woman's eyes were bright with eagerness. Zoe had come to like Aliyah very much during these past two weeks. Tariq's sister had a curiously calming manner about her that had made Zoe's enforced captivity in the palace bearable.

  Because that was what it had felt like after Tariq had left the day the announcement had been made. After he'd gone, Zoe had been shown the room which had been set aside for her stay in the palace. It had taken Zoe's breath away when she had seen it. It was a luxurious chamber fit for a princess. The chamber was furnished with plush divans, elegant dressing table, expensive chairs and more walk-in wardrobe space than any woman deserved. The French doors opened out onto a huge balcony that overlooked a wondrous garden. The aroma of the plants filled Zoe's room with an unearthly, delightful scent.

  Zoe felt as if she had been transported to another time. It made the unease she felt about what she and Tariq were doing even more sharp. Zoe glanced at Aliyah. Zoe had met every member of the Al Kharif family and they were all wonderful people.

  She had even come round to liking King Kamal. On more than one occasion she had caught Kamal taking a quiet delight in listening to Raz and Zayed making fun of their wives' anxiety about the preparations for Zoe and Tariq's wedding. Underneath that gruff exterior, there beat a heart that was proud.

  Zoe suppressed a smile as she saw Aliyah frown and set about fussing with the shoulder of the wedding gown. Zoe couldn't help liking this woman. She wondered if Aliyah gave any thought to her own marriage prospects. Zoe hadn't heard anyone talking about Aliyah in those terms, but she was sure the thought of it must prey on Aliyah's mind, especially now that all three of her brothers were about to have wives of their own.

  And then there was Tariq.

  Zoe stiffened as Aliyah tugged on a loose thread.

  "Okay?" Aliyah asked.

  Zoe nodded. She wondered if a shadow had crept across her face at the thought of Tariq.

  Zoe had decided it would be wise to keep Tariq at arms length every time he visited his family's palace. That had meant no visits to Zoe's chamber and no unaccompanied time spent with Tariq. It had felt so old-fashioned; as if Zoe were being chaperoned around Tariq's family home. But, it had been the right thing to do. Zoe was worried that, if she spent any time alone with Tariq before the wedding, she wouldn't be able to control what would happen. Because, whether she admitted it or not, Zoe had come to realize that when Tariq wasn't around, he was just about the only person on her mind.

  How could that be? This marriage was supposed to be in name only; it was an arrangement for mutual benefit. Even if it seemed as if Zoe was getting more out of it that Tariq.

  Since Zoe had moved into the Al Kharif family palace, she had liaised with her assistants who had almost completely taken over the day to day running of the business. There was an event planned for the following month in Argentina.

  Tariq had informed Zoe that he had already earmarked a suitable modern office in Qazhar City from where Zoe could operate while she was his wife. He had assured her it would be state of the art and have everything she would need. Maybe that was the case. She'd get to see immediately after the wedding.

  Zoe wondered what life would be like after the wedding. Tariq had told her they would be living in his palace a few miles from Qazhar City. But, Zoe hadn't yet visited the place. Perhaps Tariq had some surprises in store for Zoe when he whisked her off to his domain after the wedding.

  Best not to think of that, she chided herself.

  Aliyah sighed and frowned. "I can't fix it. I'll have to get the seamstress to see to it. Maybe it just needs an extra stitch or two."

  Zoe ran her hands down the side of the dress. It looked amazing. The soft spun fabric fitted tightly around the shoulders and swept majestically down her body in a shimmering flow of delicately pleated silk, embroidered with patterns of pearls. The gown settled around her feet sweeping around her like legs like a wave.

  "I've never worn anything like this," Zoe said.

  Aliyah stepped to one side and ran her gaze up and down Zoe's figure. "It looks just perfect. Except for that stitching, of course," she said, crinkling her nose.

  Zoe had to admit that the dress made her look totally different. It was as if she had acquired a fresh new identity; almost like she had been renewed and transformed.

  "Do you think Tariq will like it?" Zoe said, suddenly surprised she had even asked such a question.

  Aliyah smiled. "He will be amazed," she replied. "Tomorrow is the most important day of his life. And, you look just like the princess he has always wanted."

  Zoe felt her face color. "I'm hardly a princess, Aliyah," she said.

  Aliyah shook her head. "Nonsense. You are beautiful. I c
an see why Tariq is in love with you."

  Zoe was sure that her mouth dropped open in shock. She quickly tried to compose herself, but it wasn't easy, hearing such words from Aliyah. Had she really said that word?

  "There's no need to be embarrassed, Zoe. Everyone has seen how Tariq looks at you. He's so proud that you are to become his wife. I've never seen him look so happy," Aliyah said.

  Zoe forced her gaze into the mirror. She saw herself there; saw her own eyes wide with surprise. There was confusion written on Zoe's face, and she wondered if Aliyah had seen that look. Was it so obvious?

  Aliyah peered into Zoe's eyes. "You must be so relieved," she said.

  Zoe's brows furrowed. "Relieved?"

  Aliyah nodded. "That you are both back together again. After all, you almost lost each other forever. I know how Zayed felt when he thought he'd lost Chloe. But, that all ended happily. And this has too, for you and Tariq. I'm so glad."

  Zoe swallowed, trying to figure out how to respond to Aliyah. Was Aliyah right? Had Zoe and Tariq almost lost each other forever? Was this more than just a temporary arrangement?

  It was true that Tariq seemed surprisingly pleased looking for someone who was supposed to be merely going through the motions of a becoming a husband.

  "I suppose it must be destiny," Zoe said, hoping it didn't sound too lame.

  "Destiny is a powerful force in all our lives," Aliyah agreed. "You have both been brought back together by circumstances over which neither of you have complete control." Aliyah smiled and shook her head, almost as if she couldn't believe what she was describing. "That's what makes love so special. It transcends ordinary life in so many ways."

  Zoe looked at Aliyah. "And, what about you, Aliyah. Isn't there some special young man waiting to make you his wife?" Zoe said, eager to shift the focus of attention away from herself.

  Aliyah's cheeks reddened and she turned away. "There have been friends who became more than acquaintances, I suppose you could say," she replied. "But, no-one special enough to take me as a wife."

  For a moment Zoe felt she had overstepped a boundary by asking Aliyah such a personal question. "Pardon me for intruding," Zoe said. "It was presumptuous of me."

  Aliyah came to Zoe resting a hand on her arm. "Not at all. I've been interfering in my brothers search for their wives. I can't complain if everyone wants to know what I intend to do," Aliyah said.

  Zoe smiled at Aliyah. There was no doubt that Aliyah would make someone a very fine wife.

  Aliyah sighed. "Let's get this dress to the seamstress," she said starting to loosen the catches of the dress.

  Zoe turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Yes. Aliyah would make a fine, noble wife. Only one question hovered in Zoe's mind as she began to shift out of the wedding gown.

  Would Zoe be a fine and noble temporary wife for Tariq?


  The cavernous room was full of guests from every part of Qazhar society. Dozens of people crammed into the huge, pillared reception room that was normally used to host formal visits to the King and Queen.

  Tariq stood on the raised dais in front of the multiple doors which had been opened to let in the bright sunlight and the scents of the garden. Those scents competed with the vast array of flowers which had been arranged all around the room. The riot of color temporarily calmed Tariq's nervous gaze as he peered continuously toward the entrance to the wedding room.

  A long red carpet had been laid from the doorway all the way to where he stood on the narrow platform. Three small steps led down to the area reserved for his family members. His mother and father were standing there, dressed in traditional attire, gazing up at him, looking proud and happy. Tariq felt that familiar tug of guilt. How could he go through with this, knowing what he knew about this arrangement with Zoe?

  Tariq glanced at his brothers. Raz and Ella stood next to Zayed and Chloe. All four of them had smiles of innocent delight on their faces. The three brothers were dressed alike in elegant, traditional white robes and headdresses with red cords wrapped around their heads. Chloe and Ella also wore similar plain, traditional dress, but somehow managed to look modern and elegant in the process.

  There was a general murmur of polite conversation amongst the many guests. Tariq was the last of the Al Kharif brothers to marry, therefore, many of the upper levels of Qazhar society had wanted to be here to witness the beginning of a new era.

  Tariq felt the sun against his back. It was a glorious day, he thought. The day he would finally claim Zoe as his bride. He couldn't wait to see the woman who would become his treasured love.

  In contrast to previous nights, last night he had slept soundly. The knowledge that his wait was finally coming to an end allowed sleep to overtake Tariq. He had dreamed of Zoe, but here, on this podium, was not the place to recall the passion of those wild, wanton hallucinations.

  After today's ceremony, there would be no more delusions. Only a beautiful reality.

  There was a sudden lowering of the voices of the guests. Tariq saw heads turning toward the doorway. He felt his heartbeat quicken. Zoe was here.

  Total silence descended upon the room, and all eyes were locked on the high doors which swung slowly open. Tariq heard a few involuntary gasps of approval from women at the far end of the room. He tried to remain calm, but it wasn't easy.

  He still couldn't see Zoe.

  A few people at the far end of the room moved away from the red carpet, in preparation for the appearance of the bride.

  And then Tariq saw Zoe.

  The breath caught in his throat, and he was sure his mouth had dropped open like a young boy stunned by the sight of something truly astounding.

  Zoe moved slowly into the room. Behind her was Aliyah glancing nervously down at the back of Zoe's wedding gown. And what a gown it was. Tariq could never have imagined that Zoe could look so beautiful, so incredibly exotic, almost other-worldly. The dress was like something out of a book of ancient tales for children. And as Zoe stepped slowly into the room, she seemed to float as if suspended on an invisible cloud.

  Zoe started to make her way along the red carpet, her steps slow and tentative. Tariq glanced down at his parents. They were watching the progress of the woman who would soon become Tariq's bride. Beatrice turned and smiled at Tariq. He couldn't resist the urge to smile back at his mother. He felt truly blessed.

  Tariq glanced across at his brothers and saw they were both grinning up at him, while Chloe and Ella were transfixed by the sight of Zoe making her way slowly toward Tariq.

  There was no music to accompany Zoe's progress since this ceremony was to be conducted in accordance with long established traditions. There would be music aplenty after they had exchanged vows. But, right now, the awed silence seemed more than appropriate as far as Tariq was concerned. It was as if time had stood still. All he think of was how stunning Zoe looked. All doubts and guilt had been swept away the moment she had stepped into the room.

  Zoe was now half way along the red carpet. She had her head lowered and her hands clasped in dignified fashion in front of her waist. Tariq felt a primal surge of emotion when he recognized the traditional henna decoration on Zoe's hands. The ornate patterning on her skin had been painted on earlier that morning. Tariq could just imagine how her skin would look with the twisting ornamentation covering her arms and feet. When he saw Zoe's slipper-clad feet emerge from beneath the gown, the confirmation of what he saw there sent a shiver of delight coursing through his body.

  And then Zoe did something that almost made Tariq lose all his hard-won sense of composure. Zoe lifted her head and peered at Tariq. The delicate coloring that had been added around her eyes made them seem larger than usual. Her gaze locked upon Tariq. He was sure there was an eagerness in those eyes, a desperate need to be by Tariq's side so that the ceremony could begin.

  Tariq tried to smile back at Zoe, but she quickly lowered her gaze. He felt impatient, needing her to be by his side. That was where she belonged.

  Finally Zoe arrived at the front of the podium. Tariq stepped down and extended a hand to his bride-to-be. She took his hand. Tariq felt a galvanic shock race up his spine at the touch of Zoe's skin.

  Up close her beauty was luminous. Tariq could hardly believe that this was the same woman who had demanded he keep a promise and save her in the process. Was he about to save Zoe, or was he about to condemn them both? Tariq didn't know, but as he wrapped his fingers around her small hand, feeling the heat of her skin, Tariq knew that the only person he had ever truly wanted was about to become his.

  The corner of Zoe's sweet mouth creased into a slight smile. Her eyes were bright, and Tariq thought she looked strangely happy, almost excited. How could that be? Tariq had assumed that this would be an ordeal for Zoe; that the significance of the ceremony would be overwhelming. But, right now, Zoe looked as if she were savoring every moment.

  Holding Zoe's hand in his own gave Tariq a sudden sense of closeness. It was the first time he had touched her since they had made the announcement. Tariq felt a raging torrent of sensation sweeping through him. It felt good to hold Zoe. This was where she had always belonged. Tariq knew that now, and realized that he had probably known that ever since he had first met her.

  Then the ceremony began, and it was as if Tariq had entered a dream, one where there was only himself and Zoe. Everyone around them seemed to fade into nothingness. When he spoke the sacred vows, gazing into Zoe's beautiful eyes, Tariq felt no remorse, nor regret.

  A glorious joy swept through him, filling his spirit, knowing that this woman was being joined with him. All thoughts of their reasons for being here drifted into nothingness, banished to forgetfulness. Tariq held Zoe's hand and gazed into her eyes, stunned that he could have finally won her, claimed her. There had been a time when he had lost all hope of ever seeing her again. But now, she was back.

  As Tariq looked at Zoe, he was filled with an overwhelming sensation of gratitude to the hidden forces which had driven them together again.


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