Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1) Page 1

by Erin Osborne

  Satan’s Revenge

  Satan’s Anarchy MC

  By: Erin Osborne & JC Belanger

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at RPlusM Photography

  Cover Model: Joshua Burdick

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Kim Richards


  Callie Patton

  I’ve lived a life that I wanted to get out of. One that I was emotionally and, sometimes, physically abused by the people that were supposed to love me unconditionally. The one person in the world that meant anything to me is taken way to soon. In her absence, I’m left with the opportunity to be free and do as I want for the first time in my life. Can I truly be the girl that chases her dreams and learns to make my life what I want it to be? Or will people continuously try to take it all away from me?

  Damon ‘Bear’ Jones

  The only thing I want is to live a simple live and do what I want. One girl completely destroys that notion from the second I lay eyes on her. I’ve heard about this girl, Callie, for so long that I was beginning to think she didn’t truly exist. Now that I’ve seen her and witnessed the innocence and freedom she’s truly experiencing for the first time; can I be the one to try to make her settle down with one person? Will outside threats tear us apart before anything gets started?

  Character List

  Patched Members:

  President: John ‘Renegade’ Jackson

  V. President: Brad ‘Ink’ White

  Secretary/IT: Paul ‘Hawk’ Carter

  Treasurer: Tommy ‘Chains’ Sampson

  Enforcer: Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson

  Sgt. At Arms: Christian ‘Grave’ Hardison

  Road Captain: Gabe ‘Smokey’ Burns







  Damon ‘Bear’ Jones

  Chris Hayward

  Bentley Pearson

  Bishop Williams

  Old Ladies:

  Callie Patton

  Satan’s Babes:








  Tattoo Parlor: Anarchy Ink

  Bar: Satan’s Den

  Construction Company: Jackson Construction

  Note to Readers

  I would like to take a few minutes to thank you all for taking a chance on a new series by JC Belanger and myself. It was a different kind of adventure to say the least. But, it was a fun one and these characters are going to take us on a journey for sure.

  For those of you that have triggers, I’d like to let you know now that some of the torture scenes are a bit darker than what we’ve written before. There’s mention of rape, but the story does not go into detail about it. There’s also some scenes where abuse against women takes place as well.

  We can’t wait to hear what you all think of the Satan’s Anarchy MC series as it unfolds and we bring into some of the characters’ lives.

  Thank You,

  Erin Osborne and JC Belanger.


  I’m dedicating Satan’s Revenge to my grandma. She was always my biggest fan, encouraged me no matter what I wanted to do, and gave me a shoulder when I needed it. Her heart was bigger than most with the way that she would give to others and I hope to follow in her footsteps. May you rest in peace and fly high and free. I’ll always love you!!

  ~ Erin

  I am dedicating Satan’s Revenge to my brother Scott. He loved me more than anything and would be proud to see my dreams coming true. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t miss him. The hole he left in my heart will never be filled. Thank you for being my guardian angel. I love you more than words will ever say. Till we meet again, rest in heaven. I will never forget!!!


  Table of Contents

  Satan’s Revenge

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger


  Character List

  Note to Readers


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen




  About the Authors



  GROWING UP MY PARENTS TAUGHT MY SISTER ANNA AND I that we were to marry for money and become the perfect little trophy wife. That’s what we were trained for. My sister and I got homeschooled so that we couldn’t see the way the ‘heathens’ of the world lived. While my dad went out and worked a great job, it was my mom’s job to take care of us and the house. During the day, we sat down to do our lessons; just enough to ensure the state didn’t come after my parents and that we could hold a decent conversation at any parties we attended. During the few hours that Anna and I were doing our school work, my mom would be cleaning the house from top to bottom and making sure that dinner was planned out. That way it was hot and ready on the table the second my dad walked through the door from work. It was the longest amount of time we ever saw him. Hell, for the most part, we were to be seen and not heard.

  When we weren’t doing our lessons, we would have to work around the house. We weren’t allowed to watch TV or listen to the radio at all. If we did sit down in the family room where the only TV in the house was, we were with our parents and watching the news. The only thing that was allowed to be on. I have no clue about music, movies, or any television shows that I like because I’ve never had the freedom to explore those areas of my life. Or any part of my life that would make me dream bigger than going to college and getting an education that meant something to me. I was trained to be brainwashed and not have a single thing in my life that I loved.

  Anna and I had to make sure that we were dressed correctly every single second. Our hair had to be done perfectly, usually in a braid flowing down our back, and a minimal amount of make-up had to be applied daily. My mother would inspect us the second we walked out of our rooms. If we weren’t up to her standards then the screaming and yelling would start. In my case, name calling would commence from my mom and sister. Then, it was back in the bathroom to begin all over again. I absolutely hated it!

  My mom would hold all of her insults and punishments until my dad was gone. She never once raised her voice in front of him or hurtled the shameful names or slaps while in his presence. That was undignified and beneath her. However, Anna didn’t feel the same way about it. She’d f
ind ways to call me names, hit me, and make sure I knew what an absolute horror I was, every single second of every day. The only time I got a reprieve was when my dad would call me out to make a rare appearance in pubic with him or the family. As soon as we got back in the car or I walked through the front door of the house, Anna would start right in again.

  As we got older, I spent more and more time with my grandma Silvia. She was amazing. My grandma was the one person in my life that wanted to make sure that I followed whatever dreams I had. If I wanted to go to college, then that’s where I should go. And, she taught me about the kind of person that I wanted to be. One that gave back to the people around me. She was positive about everything in her life no matter what happened to her. As far as she was concerned when one door closed, another one opened.

  I was twenty when my grandma died. She fell asleep one night and never woke up again. My heart shattered into a million pieces and the world I came to love and want to explore ceased to exist. As I was grieving and falling apart, my parents and sister were going on with their lives like nothing happened. Well, until it came time to hear her will being read. That was the day that my life became even harder. See, my grandma wanted me to get out and do what I wanted in life so bad that everything came to me. Suddenly I was richer than my wildest dreams, I had a home, and I couldn’t give a single penny to my parents or Anna. They went ballistic. Especially Anna.

  Anna began to torture me even more with the name calling, taunting me about never finding a ‘good’ husband, and anything else evil that popped into her mind. Well, that’s when she wasn’t going out on date after date with the correct guys. You know the ones. They have a good job making lots of money, their family name is well known, and she would have the luxury of staying home doing absolutely nothing. Well, she’d be cleaning, making sure she went to all the right social functions, and kept her husband happy. Even if that meant turning her head while he was with every female in his office. No thank you! That’s not the life I wanted to lead at all.

  In the last three years since my grandma died, Anna has found the man that will let her be the trophy wife she wants to be. Her wedding is in a few days which gives me the perfect opportunity to leave the place that has been my jail cell for so long. While my mom and sister are out picking wedding dresses, flowers, and other wedding related crap, I’m left alone. I’ve been very busy while they’ve left me alone. See, Anna doesn’t even want me in her wedding so I’ve been left home when they go out.

  My grandma’s house has sat vacant and untouched since the day she passed away. I haven’t been able to get away long enough to make the few hours trip to see the house for myself. I’m sure the yard is overgrown, the house needs work, and that I’m going to be overwhelmed with the amount of work I’m gonna have to do in order to make it livable again. But, I’m willing to put in the work because it’s the only place I’ve ever had a moments happiness or peace in my young life.

  The first thing I did was go out and buy a car. If it wasn’t for my grandma, I wouldn’t know how to drive. But, when I was over there, she’d let me drive her car after spending countless hours teaching me what to do and how to be safe. For the last few days it’s been sitting at the dealership because I don’t have any friends that could store it for me. You can’t get out and meet people when you’re not allowed to go anywhere. Add on the fact that I’ve been put down and treated like a second-rate citizen my entire life and I don’t know how to make friends. Anyway, I walked two miles to the dealership again this morning as soon as they left. When I got home, I quickly loaded the few boxes up that I had packed of the new things I bought. The oppressive heat that threatened to slow me down didn’t even bother me because I knew I was on the brink of leaving hell and starting my life for the first time in twenty-three years.

  Over the last few days, I’ve also been buying things to take with me when I start my new life. I needed new clothes, I bought make-up and hair products that I’ve never used before, and other things that caught my eye. Including a cell phone. I was never allowed to have one of those either. Not like I had anyone to call. The boxes I stored all my new things in were placed in the back of my closet so that no one would find them if they went snooping.

  Now it’s time for me to spread my wings and fly. I close the door and take one last look at the place that I’ve hated for so long. I’m not memorizing it so that I don’t forget happy times or memories that were made within the walls of the house. No, I’m taking one last look because I don’t ever want to live like this again. And because in a way, the old Callie Patton is dead. I’ll never be her again. I’m going to learn to make friends, get a job, go to school, and not worry about finding the perfect man. Whatever man I decide to give my heart to will be perfect for me no matter what his flaws are or how unfit anyone else thinks he is.

  So, I climb in my brand-new Dodge Charger and turn it on. I crank the radio as Epiphany by Staind comes on. I’ve just discovered different kinds of music and listen to so many different things that I can’t even pick a favorite band or song right now. Pulling out of my parent’s driveway, I press a button to roll down the windows and take off for parts unknown. Already I can feel a sense of freedom and peace begin to settle deep within me. My journey won’t be easy and full of nothing but happy times, but it’s mine and I’m going to make sure that I don’t have any regrets as I finally learn to live a life that I want.

  Chapter One


  I’VE BEEN DRIVING FOR A WHILE NOW. I should be about a half hour from my new home and my nerves and excitement levels are soaring through the roof. I’m not going to say that I’m not scared to death of being alone for the first time in my life, because I am. But I know that I’m not going to survive living the life that my mom and dad want me to live. My life was meant for something bigger, something that means something to me and the memory of my grandma.

  The town I’m driving through isn’t much to look at as I drive down the highway. In fact, there’s nothing around me right now. No houses, shops, gas stations, or anything else. If it were the middle of the night, I’d probably be pausing and rethinking my desire to drive through such a desolate area. The driving force behind me continuing down this road is the desire to break free of the invisible chains that have held me back my entire life.

  Before I get into Shadowville, there’s a sudden thudding coming from the passenger side of my car. What the fuck is going on? This is a brand-new car and it’s not like I’m driving across the country and back. Pulling over on the shoulder, I turn my car off and get out so that I can figure out what’s making the noise. It’s not like I really know what I’m supposed to be looking for at this point because I’ve never heard such a noise coming from a car. Rounding the front end of my baby, I see that the car is sitting a lot lower than the rest of it. I bend down and see that the tire is completely flat. Now what am I supposed to do?

  I walk back around to dig out my new cell phone. I’m not sure who I’m going to call at this point, but I’m sure I can find a tow truck or something to come help me. Maybe it’s something that they can patch until I can get it to my grandma’s house. I never should have left without getting the new tire. Or I should have insisted that the dealership left the spare in the trunk until the new tire was delivered. It’s nothing I can change now.

  As I try to figure out what to look up in Google, I hear a low rumble begin to come up from behind me. I have no idea what causes the noise that I’m hearing right now. The only thought that runs through my head is that I should be terrified since I’m alone in the middle of nowhere, but I’m not. Instead, I look down at my phone and realize that even if I figure out what to search for, there’s no point because I don’t have any service right now. Great!

  The rumbling noise that has been creeping up behind me is now loud enough to make the ground rumble beneath my feet. Expecting it to pass by me, I lay my head against the back of my seat and close my eyes so I can begin to regroup. What I hear amazes me. S
uddenly there’s a quiet stillness in the air. Whatever was making the noise has now shut off and I almost jump as I hear footsteps approaching me.

  “Miss? Are you okay?” a deep and gravelly voice asks, stopping a few feet from me. The stranger’s voice is so deep that a shiver runs through my overheated body. A response I’ve never felt before.

  Standing up, I turn to face the stranger that has stopped to help me. The sight that greets me renders me speechless. I’m standing before a man that is wearing a bandanna around his head covering his hair, a tight blue tee shirt stretches across his hard and muscled body. He’s wearing a dark and worn pair of blue jeans and black boots adorn his feet. There’s the beginnings of a beard on his tanned face and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t see his hair, but from the stubble on his face I can tell he’s got dark hair.

  “Um, h-h-hello,” I stutter, not sure that I can continue speaking for a second as his eyes travel my body from the top of my head to my toes and slowly back up. I watch as a grin covers his face and a look that I can’t quite decipher. “It seems that I have a flat tire.”

  I lead the man around to the passenger side of my car and watch as he kneels down to inspect the damage. “Do you have a spare?” he asks, turning around to face me as I stand behind him.

  “No,” I answer feeling stupid as hell for not waiting for the damn tire.

  “Can I ask why?” he asks, standing up and walking closer toward me.

  “Well, I had to get away from my family and I didn’t wait for the new tire to get shipped to the dealership. Now, I see how stupid that move really was,” I answer, shifting from one foot to the other one.

  “Yeah, that wasn’t a good move. I’ll call a tow truck and have them come pick you up,” he says, walking back toward a motorcycle that’s gleaming in the sun. The tank is a deep red with designs painted on it that I can’t make out from this distance. There’s chrome covering the rest of the bike and I instantly fall in love with the looks of it. “I’m Grave by the way.”


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