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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  Bear and I only had a few weeks together and it wasn’t nearly enough time together. There are so many things that I want to do with him and experience on my own. I want to go to school and get my degree in business management, I’ve never been out to a club and I want to go to one, I want to dance in the rain, and I want to live a life of freedom. Bear is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. One day, I want to marry him and raise our children together. I want a little boy that mirrors his daddy in every way possible from his looks to his personality and a little girl that will know without a doubt she’s loved and protected. And I want to experience everything I can with the man that embodies everything I’ve ever wanted in my life. A man that lives simple and with a freedom that I’m envious of. These are things that I’m beginning to lose hope of ever happening. I haven’t even been gone a full day and I’m already giving up. So, I close my eyes and let those thoughts filter to the back of my mind as my favorite image of Bear fills the darkness. He’s sitting on his bike looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He looks strong and the only weakness I see in his eyes is me.


  I’ve been at the garage for a while now. Callie should’ve already shown up and been in the office. It’s been almost two hours and she’s still not here. She’s not answering her phone and the prospect said that she left the house the same time that she does every single morning. Now, it’s time to get the club involved in the disappearance of my woman.

  “Bishop, I’m goin’ to the clubhouse. Let everyone know that I won’t be back today,” I say, throwing the tool in my hand to the ground as I begin to pace the shop floor.

  “What do you think happened?” Bishop asks, trying to get me to calm down as one scenario after another one rolls through my head.

  “I don’t fucking know. She could’ve been in an accident, she could’ve stopped to help someone, maybe she had an appointment I didn’t know about. I don’t fuckin’ know what the hell happened to her or where the fuck she’s at,” I yell, losing all control on my emotions as one last scenario enters my head. The thought makes me clear the top of my tool box with a loud crash that echo’s off the walls of the shop.

  “You think it was those guys that came to the grand openin’?” he asks, picking up the tool that I threw.

  “That’s a fuckin’ possibility. I’m out of here. I’m goin’ on the route she takes here on my way to the clubhouse,” I say, letting him handle the havoc that I just caused in my bay.

  As I make my way to the clubhouse, I think of Callie and the night we had last night. She wanted to learn new things in bed. So, she gave me the best blow job I’ve ever had. Then I let her take further control and she pushed me back on the bed before straddling my thighs. I knew what my girl wanted, but she didn’t know how to ask me or what to do. So, I grabbed onto her hips and brought her up higher on my body until she was perched just above my aching cock. Slowly, Callie sunk down on me until she had hit bottom. For a few minutes, we just stayed still and relished the feel of one another. Callie began to move and it was like heaven was swallowing me whole as she rode me like no one else ever had before. Callie is truly my heart and I will do anything I have to in order to bring her home.

  The road leading from the house to the garage is clear. Her car isn’t on the side of the road and no one else is there either. I scan the area for tread marks or anything to indicate that there was an accident or a struggle of some kind but there’s nothing. It’s like she vanished into thin air. The only thing that makes sense right now, and sends a chill through my body, is that the Scavengers have her. They got to her somehow and it’s going to take all the luck in the world for us to find her because we don’t know a fucking thing about this club. Their leader said he wanted her and would get her and I believe that he’s done just that.

  Pulling into the clubhouse at high speed, I skid to a stop right in front of the door. Renegade, Grave, Psycho, and Smoke are the first ones to run outside and find out what’s going on. I barely catch my bike before it tumbles to the ground in my haste to get to my club, to my President, to get their help.

  “What’s goin’ on Bear?” Psycho asks, stepping forward to help me with my bike.

  “Callie. She’s missin’,” I say, almost tumbling to the ground as a pain I’ve never known hits me and flares throughout my entire body.

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” Renegade asks me as the rest of the guys stand and wait for me to talk.

  “She’s gone. She never showed up to work this morning. When I got a hold of the prospect, he said that she left the same time as always to come to work. Her car wasn’t home when I went by on my way here and I can’t get her on her phone. It goes right to voicemail. I drove the route she’d take and there’s no sign of her anywhere. She fuckin’ vanished and we need to find her,” I tell the guys around me. As soon as the last word is out of my mouth, they scramble to get busy finding the woman that’s become so close to all of us here.

  “Psycho, Smokey, and Bear go out and look for any sign of Callie. I’ll get the rest of the guys workin’ here and we’ll see if we can get the tracker on her phone to pinpoint her location,” Renegade says, striding inside to get the rest of the guys to work.

  Instead of following orders like Renegade just shouted out, I need a few minutes of his time. I need to tell him my fear of that club having her. We haven’t heard anything from them since the incident at the garage, but that doesn’t mean that they haven’t been watching her. Somehow they must have gotten past everything that we’ve put in place regarding security or the prospects watching over the house when I’m not there. They got the better of us this time and Callie’s the one that’s gonna pay for our mistakes.

  “Pres, need you for a minute,” I say, following him into his office while Grave tells everyone else what’s going on.

  “What’s up Bear?” he asks, shutting his door behind me as I drop down into the chair in front of his desk.

  “What if this is the Scavengers?” I ask, finally letting the reality of this settle in me.

  Renegade sits down in his chair and leans back against it. He lets the question I just asked sink in and tries to figure out how to answer me without getting my rage and fear stoked any higher than it already is. I can see the wheels turning as he mulls over the possibility of them having Callie. Finally, he leans forward and gives me an answer that dashes any hope I have of finding her whole and safe.

  “That’s a possibility Bear. I’ll make sure Hawk looks into them more than he’s already been lookin’. If it’s them, we’re gonna have a hell of a time gettin’ her back because no one knows anythin’ about them. We’ve been lookin’ into them since they showed up. I’ll have him amp up the search and hack into whatever he has to,” Renegade answers me as I stand up and leave his office.

  I head out to search through town for Callie. There’s still a possibility that she’s here somewhere and that her phone died. That could be the reason that it’s going straight to voicemail. I let that hope settle in as I ride up and down the streets. At one point, I get behind Psycho and he shakes his head at me to let me know that he hasn’t seen anything. Fuck! Every minute that passes by, my hope begins to sink lower and lower until there’s nothing left.

  As I scan the town, I think of the short time that we’ve had together. The first day that I saw her sitting in her car on the side of the road as the heat bore down on us all. It was so hot out that you could almost see the heat fanning up off the road. When she got out of the car, I took in what she was wearing; a pair of shorts and a tank top with flip flops on her feet. She was like a breath of fresh air in the heat that threatened to suffocate us all. At the same time, I felt this weird tingle fly up my spine and hit me in the chest. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and she was looking at me. I could feel her eyes on me as I put her car on the flatbed. What really got me was when I helped her up in the cab of the truck. The tingle that started when I looked at her bec
ame like a zap of lightening as I reached out and touched her. Callie Patton is doing something to me that I’ve never felt before in my life; something that I’ve been looking for and hadn’t had any luck of finding. Until now. Callie is my woman even if I’m taking this at her pace.

  After letting the memories of my time with Callie flood my brain, I push the thoughts away so that I can focus on finding her. It’s been hours and no one has let me know that they’ve found anything. With every passing minute that I don’t hear or see anything, the rage that I first felt begins to build once more. I know without a doubt that it’s the Scavengers that have her. When I get my hands on them, I’m going to make them pay. They’ll feel each and everything they did to Callie. Then I’m going to tear their fucking scumbag pussy of a leader limb from limb. But, I’ll have my fun with him first. I’m not a blood thirsty person that relishes the idea of torturing or killing someone. They’re bringing this side out in me with the knowledge that they’ve got my woman. I can’t even begin to put into words everything that I want to do to this man. The guys in the club can have anyone that survives any attack we put on them, the leader is mine and I’ll make sure they all know it.

  Pulling back into the clubhouse after countless hours of searching Shadowville and the surrounding towns for Callie or any sign of her, I park my bike at the end of the line and walk into the clubhouse. There’s men sitting around and they all look up as I walk directly to the bar and ask for a beer. Psycho walks up to me and I can see the pain in his eyes as he gets closer.

  “No luck?” he asks, sitting down next to me and holding his hand up as the prospect goes to pour him another shot.

  “Nope,” I answer, giving him a one-word answer as my rage simmers just below the surface.

  “We’ll find her,” he says, staying in his seat while watching me drink my beer in one gulp.

  “Yeah. But what condition will she be returned in? How will she get through the rest of her life dependin’ on what they fuckin’ do to her? She didn’t just run away, they fuckin’ took her!” I yell, throwing the empty beer bottle against the nearest wall. “What if we don’t fuckin’ find her in time?”

  “We’ll find her in time, Bear. We’ll keep lookin’ and Hawk will do his thing on the computer. You’re not the only one that’s fuckin’ hurtin’ right now,” Psycho says, letting his fear shine from his eyes as he tries to calm me down.

  “I know you’re all close to her, but I fuckin’ love that woman. She gave me her fuckin’ virginity so that she could stop feelin’ that fuckin’ bitches touch on her. You have no idea what that woman does for me and how selflessly she gives to me on a daily basis. None of you have any clue what it does to me to see the excitement in her eyes when she does somethin’ new or realizes that there’s no restraint on what she can do and how she has to do it. Callie is my fuckin’ heart and soul and she’s out there goin’ through somethin’ that should never fuckin’ touch her!” I yell, letting my rage explode as I grab chair after chair and smash them. I work my way through the common room and no one attempts to stop me from my path of destruction.

  By the time I stop, I’m panting for breath and looking around at the mess I made in the clubhouse. Renegade walks out and looks at the room before looking at me. I’m standing there with the remnants of a chair in my hands as he strolls up to the bar and grabs a beer. “Well, at least we still got alcohol. Feel any better?” he asks, sitting down on the stool while he never takes his eyes off me.

  “No, I don’t. The list gets longer and longer of what I want to do to these fuckwads and the regrets that I feel,” I answer honestly, leaning against the wall for support that I need right now.

  “What regrets?” Smokey asks, walking up next to me as I throw the remaining part of the chair against the floor.

  “The regret that I pushed her away when she first got here and I didn’t take every second that I could get with her. I regret not spendin’ every single second with her, pushin’ her to do what she wants to do. And I regret not gettin’ her out of the situation she was in with her parents. You guys don’t know the half of it and it’s not my story to tell; it’s hers,” I pause feeling myself break down as I take a deep breath while a lone tear escapes and rolls down my cheek. “The biggest thing I regret is that I didn’t take more time with her when we slept together. Do you guys know that she could be pregnant right now and I don’t know it? There’s so much to regret about my time, or lack thereof, with Callie.”

  “What?” Grave asks, storming out of the room as the news hits him.

  “We decided that whatever happens, happens. Since the first time, we’ve been together more than once and haven’t used anythin’. So, yes, she could be pregnant. These assholes may have not only Callie, but our unborn child too. Fuck!” I scream, finally collapsing as the thought takes hold in my brain and refuses to go away.

  “We will bring her home Bear,” Renegade says, standing up and making his way down the hall.

  Callie’s disappearance has hit every single man in this clubhouse hard as fuck. Not a single one of them knows what I’m going through right now though. They don’t understand the pain and agony that is ripping through me as each new thought enters my mind. Psycho and Smokey are the men closest to me and I know that they can feel every single emotion that runs rampant through my body the longer that Callie’s missing. I can’t be here right now; I have to be out there searching for her and trying to get any hint that I can of where she’s it. So, I ignore everyone and make my way outside. The only thing I want right now is to pull Callie in my arms and never let her go again.

  The rest of the night, I spend on my bike, searching for Callie or any sign of her. Her car has vanished, her phone is still going straight to voicemail, and the house sits dark and empty. As the hours tick by, the rage begins to fade and then the desperation begins to take hold. What am I gonna do if we can’t find her? What if she comes back damaged and beyond what anyone can help her with? I’ll be there for her in any capacity she takes me in, but I want Callie back with every fiber of my being.

  Chapter Nine


  IT’S BEEN THREE WEEKS AND FOUR DAYS since I lost the woman that means more to me than anything else in the world. I haven’t taken a break from searching high and low for her. She’s got to be terrified and losing hope that I’ll find her every second that passes and we don’t storm in there and take her back. I lose hope every single time we get a lead that doesn’t pan out. We seem to be getting further and further away from her and there’s no end in sight.

  I’m ready to have a breakdown and start beating the shit out of anyone that helps lead us on a wild goose chase around town and the surrounding area. Renegade has made sure to keep at least one man on me all the time so that I don’t go rogue and try to get her back on my own. Or just start destroying anyone that stands in my path to finding her. They all know I’m ready to snap in a way that no one has ever seen from me and I don’t care who I take down, or hurt, in the process. The only thing that matters to me is getting the girl that I love back before they destroy her beyond all recognition.

  “Bear, let’s go,” Psycho yells out as I walk out of my room at the clubhouse since I haven’t wanted to spend a second in her house alone. “Got a lead on her car.”

  I slam my door shut and run toward the staircase as quick as I can without tripping over myself. Grave, Psycho, and Renegade are waiting outside for me, already on their bikes. Straddling mine, I don’t bother with putting a helmet on or anything else as I start it and take off behind the men that are my brothers. They haven’t taken breaks either from searching for Callie. We all want to bring her home safe and sound. What we haven’t done is let ourselves think about what’s being done to her every day that these vile men have her in their hands.

  The trip to get where they were told Callie’s car is takes about a half hour. When we pull up, I see her car sitting there, completely destroyed. Doors have been left open, wires are hanging out all over the
place, and it looks like it hit a few trees and other huge obstacles along the way here. Renegade motions for us to surround the house and get inside anyway that we can. I take the front door while the rest of them spread out around the house. Waiting for a few seconds, I bust through the door and a horrendous smell hits my nose. It’s a mixture of garbage and death. What the fuck is going on here?

  Making my way through the house, I see that garbage litters every available surface of the living room. There’s used needles and other drug paraphernalia on the table. No one’s here as I walk through the room and clear it. I hear a commotion coming from the kitchen and turn to head in that direction instead of heading upstairs to clear that. Grave is in the kitchen and what I see turns my head. There’s evidence of someone making crack and other drugs laid out all over the place. Turning back out of the room to leave Grave to his own demons, I make my way upstairs once again. There’re four doors that are all closed up here, and I take my time opening each door up. The sight that greets me in each room is horrendous.

  In the first room a young girl has been tied to the bed. She’s naked and there are cuts and burns littering her body. Her eyes are wide open even in death. The second room holds two girls. One has a broken neck while the other one has bruising around her neck leading me to believe that she’s been strangled to death. In the third room I see a girl that can’t be more than sixteen years old. I almost lose what little is in my stomach at the sight of her young and mutilated body. Opening the door to the fourth room, I find the bathroom. There’s a girl in the tub that appears to have taken her own life. I can’t even begin to imagine what the assholes have done to her in order to drive her to the point of taking her own life. Fuck! These are the men that have my girl. I’m not sure what’s leading me to believe that this was done at the hands of the same men, but my gut is telling me that they are. When I get a gut feeling about something, I’m very rarely wrong.


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