Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1) Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  “Really?” I am trying not to laugh at his lies of her inability to care for herself and the whole fiancé thing because the only one who is getting married on that crazy side is her sister. She will be marrying me; she just doesn’t know it yet. “She seems able to care for herself and everyone else she sees. She is no longer the slave you made her to be, so you may want to rethink the whole taking her home thing. If you try to touch her you will never be seen again, this is my only friendly notice that you need to get your demented wife and self out of this town and never return. Do not call, write, text, or even send smoke signals to Callie ever again. You will be dead to her. She has a family here who loves her and will make sure she is happy for the rest of her life. If you choose to ignore this warning, then I promise that my brothers will have a blast taking care of you and making sure that no one ever sees or hears from you again.”

  I look at Smokey who acts like he’s going to leap at Callie’s mom and she almost falls backwards trying to get back amid our laughter. Her husband just looks at her with disgust which just reinforces our beliefs about these people. How in the hell did Callie get away from all of this shit and still be so sweet and caring?

  “Leave now and do what Bear told you, and you may live a long miserable life,” Renegade tells them as we take to our bikes to leave. “Ignore his words, and you will see the hell we can bring! We’ll be seein’ you soon enough, the day that you have in court with your daughter against you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Callie’s mother asks, placing her hand over her chest like she’s in despair. “You’ve turned our daughter against us? How dare you filthy bastards taint that girl.”

  “See, that’s what you really think of your daughter. She’s not a girl, she’s a woman that knows her own mind and does what she wants to do. Callie cannot be made to do a single thing she doesn’t want to do. No, you’ve pushed her to the point that she doesn’t want to have anythin’ to do with you and you will be made to stay away from her or your reputations will go down the drain for sure,” I tell them, letting them know that Callie is taking them to court because she’s done with their shit and trying to take what belongs to her away from her.

  Renegade motions to us all so that we can get the fuck away from her parents. I want to be at the garage when she shows up anyway because I know today is going to be a hard one for her. Not only is she going to file papers against her parents, she’s going to start reliving the hell that she’s been through. It’s not just what Harry did to her and what she heard when she was being held by those douche canoes. It was what she suffered at the hands of her own parents and sister that she’ll be reliving as she goes to each and every counselling session. She made the decision to go and I’ll support her anyway that I can. If that means holding her while she cries and is upset, then that’s what I’ll do. The only thing that I won’t do is leave her alone to work through this shit on her own.

  My brothers continue on toward the clubhouse while I make my way back to the shop. There are things that I have to get done today so that I can start putting my plan in motion to get Callie away from here for a little while. Bishop and Renegade will be left in charge of the shop while we’re gone. My President might not know what’s going on with the day-to-day running of the shop, but he’ll do what he can and make sure that nothing happens while we’re gone. He’s the one that suggested that I take her away for a few days to give her some space and peace before she gets too far along with the pregnancy.

  Parking my bike, I see that Callie is still gone. So, I make my way into my bay and grab my list of projects that I’m working on right now. There’s the bike that’s currently up on the lift that I’m trying to finish up. Then I have three cars that need to be finished up and another bike. I can get it done in plenty of time to get a few days or weeks off. The list the rest of the guys have to work on isn’t that long either. Bishop should have no problem getting them to finish up their work while we’re gone.

  Now, the only thing I have to do is convince Callie that we need to get away for a little while. She’s going to want to stay with Hadliegh and make sure that she’s okay. She’ll also want to stay close to the house so that she knows her parents don’t try to sell it again out from under her. But I’ll make sure that the guys are there and don’t let anything happen to the house while we’re gone. Maybe I can talk to Psycho about Hadliegh and him staying there. It would get her out of the clubhouse and maybe she’ll start to realize that she can leave the room that Psycho put her in and nothing else will happen to her. That’s a thought for another day though. We can’t leave right away with Callie starting counselling, I just want to make sure I have plans set in motion and my bases all covered so she won’t be able to argue any point when I let her know what’s going on.

  It’s been hours and I still have yet to hear from Callie, Psycho, or Grave. My nerves are shot and I’m ready to go looking for her when I hear the loud music that she loves to listen to while driving. She’s still finding what she does and doesn’t like, so I’m never surprised by her selection of music when she has it on. Today, she’s blaring Ride by Chase Rice.

  I stand up and watch as she parks and gets out of the car. She’s got a smile on her face, but I can still see the tear stains that taint her beautiful face and take away from the smile that lights up her face and eyes. It breaks my heart that I know she’s still suffering the effects of Harry and her parents. I can’t do anything to help her and it’s hard as hell to stand by and watch this precious angel go through this alone. The only thing I can do is hold her when she has a nightmare and stand by her side every day that she allows me to be in her life.

  “Hey babe,” she calls out, walking toward my bay to greet me with a kiss.

  “Baby girl, how are you?” I ask her, following her into the office as she puts her purse in a drawer and turns the computer on before her.

  “I’ve been better. But, it’s all a part of the process and I’ll get over this one day. Sarah, my counselor told me that I’ll always remember what happened to me, but that she’ll help me work on ways to cope when those thoughts creep up on me,” she answers, sitting in her chair and turning to face me.

  “Your parents are leavin’ town,” I tell her, knowing that she needs to know this.

  “Good. The sooner this mess with them is over, the better everything will be,” she answers, picking up a pile of papers resting on the desk to input into the computer.

  “What happens now with the restrainin’ order?” I ask, walking around the desk so that I can sit on the corner closest to her.

  “We wait for a court date. Once we go to court, it’s up to the judge. I’m sure my parents will try to play it like they’re the victims, but that’s not the case. Edward will go with me to make sure that they don’t get away with anything,” she tells me, finally resting her head on my thigh and getting close to me once more.

  “I wish there was somethin’ more I could do,” I tell her, running my fingers through her long hair and relishing the warmth that runs through me at her touch.

  “I know you do Bear. But I have to fight this battle on my own. I know you’ll have my back and stand by me no matter what happens. I can’t ask for more than that,” Callie answers, running her hand up and down my thigh.

  “You don’t know what you do to me baby,” I tell her, letting her feel the trembles that run through me at her touch.

  “The same thing that you do to me,” is Callie’s only response before she stands up and kisses me. “Take me home.”

  Callie’s words spear me into action as I pick her up and carry her out to my bike. This will be the last time that she’s on my bike until after she has the baby. She wraps her legs around me until I get her on the back of my bike. It’s only then that she unwraps herself from me and stops kissing my neck. Climbing on in front of her, I feel her wrap herself around me once again for the short ride home. It’s going to be hard as hell to ride the bike with her running her hands up my chest
and with my cock hard as granite.

  The ride seems to take forever as we finally pull into the driveway. I barely get it shut off and the kick stand down before Callie jumps off and races toward the house. I’m onto her game as I secure my bike and give chase to the woman that owns a bigger piece of me every single day. Entering the house, I see her shirt lying on the floor. There’s a path leading to the bedroom of her clothes and I follow it with a smile on my face. Callie gets a little more daring every day when it comes to our sex life.

  As I enter the bedroom, I see Callie spread out on the bed. Her long hair is fanned out around her head as she lays in the middle of the bed with her legs spread giving me a perfect view of her body. I stand at the end of the bed and never take my eyes off her as I strip down to nothing. Then, I climb on the bed, hovering over her body while leaning down for a kiss that steals our breath and makes our breathing speed up and our hearts race. Running one hand down her body, I dip my fingers into the warm heat of her pussy finding her soaked and ready for me already.

  “What do you want baby girl?” I ask her, letting my fingers continue to run through her folds while kissing her neck and chest.

  “You,” she answers, arching up into my touch as a moan escapes her.

  Lining myself up with her, I slowly push my way into her body savoring the feeling of her warm, wet, heat wrapping around my cock. As always, a feeling of coming home washes over me as I bottom out and take a few minutes to just feel her body spasming around me. When Callie starts to wriggle her hips and move underneath me, I finally pull out before sliding back in once again. She wraps her arms around my neck while I bury my head in her neck, inhaling her scent and kissing and licking a path to her tits. I pull one hardened bud into my mouth and tease it with my teeth and tongue. Callie continues to arch into my touch while silently begging me for more. So, I continue to pull her hardened nipples into my mouth and pay attention to them while thrusting my hips in and out of her pussy. I can feel it begin to tighten around my hard shaft and I know that she’s close. Reaching down with one hand, I find Callie’s clit and pinch it while moving just a little faster. I feel my girl explode around me and it’s all I can do to stop from finding my release at the same time.

  Callie screams out my name as her body tightens and spasms around me. Her nails rake down my back and I know that she’s left her mark on me. It’s a mark that I’ll wear proudly as she continues to writhe and arch under me while I continue to move in and out of her body. Our eyes lock on one another and I can feel myself getting closer to my own end as Callie begins to meet me thrust for thrust. My movements become erratic as I feel her squeezing down on my cock once more.

  “So. Close,” she pants out as I watch her hand disappear between our bodies.

  I feel Callie pinch and rub her own clit while making sure to touch my dick as it slides in and out of her body. Straitening my arms out, I lean back and watch what’s going on. Watching myself slide in and out of her body while Callie makes sure that she gets off again is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “Get there baby girl,” I pant out as I feel my body beginning to tighten and shake even harder while I try to hold off on my own climax so that Callie can reach another one.

  Suddenly her eyes close as her back arches one last time while her orgasm rips through her body. Her pussy tightening around my cock pushes me over the edge and I follow her over the edge of bliss. Dropping down, I roll us to the side without pulling out of Callie. I wrap my arm around her and pull her into my body while we both catch our breath. Every single time we’re together gets better and better; a feeling that I’ve never known in my life. One that I’m going to cherish and never let go of again. We drift to sleep and I let the thoughts of Callie and our unborn baby fill my dreams.

  Chapter Twelve


  IT’S BEEN ALMOST TWO MONTHS SINCE I came home from the hospital. The time since then has been extremely busy between going to court with my parents, counselling, and working at the garage. Thankfully I’m out of my first trimester and the little morning sickness that I was having is gone now. Instead, I can’t seem to get enough to eat. So, Bear has made sure that I have snacks and other meals while I’m at the shop. The guys have made more stops at Corrinth’s diner than they have been working.

  As expected, my parents tried to first blame Bear and the guys in the club for everything that’s been going on. Then, they tried to say that I was mentally incompetent. Edward pulled out papers showing each and every time they’ve tried to steal my home from me. Along with the cease and desist order that he’s filed. My parents tried to deny that too. Saying that they weren’t behind the selling of my house. My lawyer being as amazing as he is brought the realtor in who talked to each of my parents about the sale of my home. Needless to say, I now have a restraining order so that my parents can’t contact me in any form and if they try to sell my house again, they will have broken the order and go to jail. Once again my mother threw an epic fit and was almost thrown in jail before we left the courthouse. It’s kind of sad the way they’re trying to get to me and get their hands on my money.

  The counselling is going amazing. Sarah is helping me see that nothing that’s happened is my fault and that I had no control over any of it. Even Bear and the guys couldn’t have known what was going to happen. Yes, there have been a few times that I’ve blamed the guys for being taken and held hostage for so long. Then there’s the situation with my parents. When I’ve felt like giving up and giving them one more chance to prove that they can be good people, Sarah has helped me see that they won’t stop until they have me where they want me. Under their thumb by being in their home or by being married to a man of their choosing. It’s never going to happen.

  I’ve even bounced the idea around that I’d go to school for counselling instead of office management. I’d love to help out someone that has been through similar circumstances that I’ve been through. But, in the end, I love to do the work in the office at the garage. Besides, I can always do an understudy in psychology and still be able to help me friends out when they need me. So, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve searched through all the traditional schools around the area and looked into online courses. I think for right now, online is what I need to do. I’ll still be able to work and get things at the house finished up before we have to start getting ready to set the nursery up for the baby.

  Bear has been getting more excited about the baby now that we know we’re less likely to lose it. He’s talking about all sorts of names and what he wants to teach him or her. Hell, the guys in the club are getting excited about it too. We told them a week ago and I’ve never had so many hugs in my life. Smokey and Psycho are already talking about the baby patching into the club when he’s old enough. I’m more than happy for any son of ours to belong to Satan’s Anarchy. But, they go to the opposite end of the spectrum when they think of us having a little girl. It’s all about protecting her and making sure she never dates until she’s a hundred years old. I laugh when they get on their protective rants because I know they’re deadly serious and I’m going to have to become inventive when I think of ways to help a little girl get out of the house and have a life.

  Hadliegh is slowly coming around. She’s been coming out of the room more and more as her injuries begin to fade away. The only reminders we both have are the scars and the knowledge of what was done to us. But, Psycho and I have talked her into going to see Sarah for counselling and I think it’s really going to help her out. That’s my hope anyway. She needs to let out all the bullshit that she’s been dealt and learn ways to cope and move forward with her life. That’s the only thing I want for my friend.

  Today, I’m running late to go to work so Bear agreed to let Bishop stay here and follow me into work. He doesn’t like it, but I need him to start letting go a little bit. He can’t control everything that’s going to happen and I need him to understand that I can stand on my own two feet and don’t need him to wrap
me up in a bubble for the rest of my life. I love that man, but he can get annoying when he wants to protect me. I’m more cautious now and I won’t be stopping to help anyone on the side of the road anytime soon. He should know that. It’s not just me I have to think about anymore, it’s the baby that I carry.

  “Bishop, I’m ready to go,” I call out, walking down the stairs as I have finally finished getting ready to go to work. It’s really Bear’s fault since he kept me up all night long.

  We make our way outside and I see that my car has a flat tire. What the hell else could go wrong this morning? Bishop follows my line of vision and pulls his phone out. He tells Bear that I’ve got a flat and we still don’t have the extra tire so he needs to come get me because I can’t ride on a motorcycle and Bishop is the only one here so I can’t ride behind him. It’s disrespectful to Bear and I would never do anything that would disrespect him. Neither would Bishop. He looks up to my man too much and I know that he would die before feeling like he let Bear down.

  I sit down on the porch to wait for Bear while Bishop looks around my car to make sure that nothing else is wrong with it. I’m honestly ready to get rid of the thing even though I love my Charger. This is the car that I was kidnapped in and now this. Maybe if I get a new one, things will turn around. Bear and I will talk about it later when we’re done working.

  “It’s just a flat, Callie. There’s nothin’ else wrong that I can see,” Bishop says, sitting down on the steps while we wait.

  “Thanks Bishop,” I answer while looking out at the animals running around the yard. Squirrels are running from tree to tree while the birds fly from here to there. These are the times that I love when it’s so peaceful and quiet that the animals run around without caring that anyone is watching them.


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