Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1) Page 24

by Erin Osborne

  “You good sweetheart?” Grave asks me, pulling my hand away from me so that he can look at it. “It doesn’t look broken so I think you’ll be okay.”

  “You ready to go?” Hadliegh asks, taking one last look at me to make sure nothing else has to be done before we head out.

  “I’m more than ready to go,” I answer, excitement taking over once more as I look between the two men standing before me. “Would you both walk me down to Bear?”

  The two men look at me and I know their answer as they turn to face me with smiles on their faces. These badass men are teddy bears when it comes to the women in this club. I’m not just going to be an ol’ lady, I’m special to them because of my grandma’s relationship with the club. “It would be our honor,” Renegade says as he holds out his arm so that he can help me down the short flight of stairs and out the back door so that Grave can take my other arm.

  Hadliegh and Grave follow us down the stairs as the anxiety swirls in my stomach. I was excited and not nervous at until Anna showed up. Now I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and have my parents or someone else show up uninvited and try to ruin our day. It’s not going to happen. Bear and I will be married today one way or another. Hell, Tex even got ordained just to marry us.

  We stop at the back door and Hadliegh gives me a kiss on the cheek before she picks her flowers up and heads out the door. Grave stops at my other side and hands me the small boutique of roses and baby’s breath. It’s simple and small, exactly what I wanted. The music changes and the wedding march comes on. Renegade opens the door and we walk out. My gaze goes straight to Bear waiting at the end of the aisle. He’s not looking at anyone other than me as Hadliegh makes her way to her spot in front of everyone.

  I want to run to the front so that we can get married quicker. Unfortunately, I must start to walk faster because I can hear Grave laughing silently before he says: “We’ll get there in a minute babe. No need to rush. I mean we can still make a run for it if you want.”

  “No way in hell,” I respond, never letting the smile slip from my face as we continue to walk slowly to the front of our family members.

  When we get to the front, Tex asks who gives me to Bear and Renegade answers. “Grave, myself, and the rest of Satan’s Anarchy.”

  They both kiss me on the cheek and then take their seats in the front row. I turn to face Bear as he reaches for my hands. Tex goes quickly through the ceremony until we get to the part where we say our vows. Bear goes first and puts me right in tears with his words.

  “Callie, you’ve always been this unattainable dream to me. Silvia talked about you so much, yet we never saw you. The day that I finally got to lay eyes on you, I knew my world was never goin’ to be the same again. You captured my heart in a matter of seconds and I’m never takin’ it back. I love you and can’t wait to start our family and see our babies grow and learn every new thing they can. I’ll be by your side and protect you every day of our lives. I’ll watch over you as you learn and experience every new thing that you want to. And, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces when you’re hurt,” he says, releasing my hands so that he can swipe away the tears that are rolling down my face. He slides the matching band onto my finger while keeping his eyes locked on mine.

  “Bear, I didn’t know what I was looking for when I decided to make the jump and leave home to move into the house my grandma left me. Getting a flat tire on the way into town was fate; it led me to meeting you and finding a happiness that I never thought I’d find. I’m happy that you finally decided that I wasn’t untouchable and that my shyness and inexperience weren’t a problem for you. I love you more every day and will stand by your side. I’ll have your back when things get too hard and be there every step of the way of the journey that we’re on. I’ll respect your wishes and be the best person that I can be. Our family is growing and there’s no one else on this earth that I want to make that happen with. I love you Bear,” I say, never once taking my eyes off of the man that has my heart and soul. As I slide Bear’s ring on his finger, I bring his hand up to my face and place a kiss in the palm of his hand.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” Tex says, waiting for a few seconds before telling Bear that he can kiss me. Bear growls out while the crowd behind us start laughing. “You may now kiss your bride ya inpatient bastard.”

  Bear places a hand on each side of my face as he leans in and places his lips against mine. He tries to keep the kiss light and quick but that’s just not gonna work for me. I want him too much right now for a light peck on the lips. So, I wrap my arms around his neck and slide my tongue against his lips. He gets the hint and opens his mouth so that I can deepen the kiss. Soon the spell that we’ve been pulled under is broken by catcalls and whistling from the guys standing behind us. I pull back from my husband and can feel a blush creeping up from my chest to cover my face.

  We walk back between the men of Satan’s Anarchy to the clubhouse. I’m ready to get out of here and head home, but we have the reception. Everyone put so much work into the party that I’m not going to ruin it because I can’t wait to have Bear to myself. Instead, I follow him inside and to his room so that he can change his shirt to something a little more comfortable. I’d like to take my dress off and put on a pair of sweats, but I know that won’t look good for any pictures that are snapped when we get back outside. So, I sit down on the bed and kick off my flip flops while I wait for my husband. I don’t think that I’ll ever say that enough.

  “Love you baby girl,” Bear suddenly says as I stand up to make my way to his bathroom.

  “Love you too,” I answer as I close the door on him so we can get back outside.

  We’re outside and Renegade has brought up the encounter that happened before the wedding with my sister. Bear wanted to know what happened, so I told him about everything, including punching Anna in her face. He stayed quiet for a few minutes, just processing what I told him. Well, everyone that’s sitting with us in reality because Hadliegh is the only one that witnessed it first-hand.

  “Proud of you baby girl,” Bear finally says before leading me to the dance floor. He can sense that I’m getting tired.

  Change Your Name by Chase Bryant comes on as he pulls me into his arms. We sway to the music as I lay my head on his chest. He holds me close to him and barely moves. Soon more couples have joined us and are dancing. It’s mainly guys from the club with club girls. I don’t really care who dances until I see Psycho leading Hadliegh out to the dance floor. They stop next to us and I give my girl a look that tells her I’m happy for her to be with the man that’s like my brother.

  “You happy?” Bear asks, pulling back just a bit.

  “Happier than you know,” I answer, looking up in his eyes. “You?”

  “Yeah baby girl,” he answers, pulling me back in close to him as we continue to sway to the song playing.

  Once our dance is over, and the food has been devoured, Bear leads me over to the cake so that we can take off soon. After cutting it and taking a small piece each, Bear and I feed the piece to one another. Well, I should say that he fed me mine and I smashed mine all over his face. I’m laughing so hard that I don’t see him taking another small piece so that he can return the favor. The cake is all over my face and even managed to make it up my nose. Fuck! I laugh and don’t get mad because I am the one that started this shit.

  Hadliegh is standing in front of us snapping pictures as Bear helps me clean my face off while I help him. Everyone else is laughing hysterically. We take our seats again while Rusty and Foxy serve up cake to the guests. When Rusty gets to our table, she stops and looks at me. I’m tired and really not in the mood to deal with her shit tonight, so I hold my breath and wait to see what her move is going to be.

  “Callie, I just wanted to apologize for what I’ve done and said in the past. I understand if you can’t forgive me, but I wanted you to know that I’m sorry,” she says, turning her back to me so that she can walk away and go about her business.
r />   “Rusty, just don’t fuck with my husband again and we’ll be all good,” I tell her with a small smile. There’s no way that I’m going to trust her immediately, but we’ll see what happens from here on out.

  “I know you guys are gettin’ ready to head out. There’s just one more thing that needs to happen tonight before you leave,” Renegade says, standing up and getting everyone’s attention. “Bear here has been a prospect for a short time. Shorter than anyone else here. But he’s had our back since before he joined the club and took care of his shit when we finally brought Callie back home. Today he got married to one of the best women he could ever hope to find. Tonight, Bear becomes a full patch of Satan’s Anarchy.”

  The guys all stand up and start cheering for Bear. Smokey and Psycho stand behind him with the new patches that will go on his cut. They all have the same look of pride, respect, and love shining for the man that I married. Tears fall from my eyes as I watch him stand up and give his brothers man hugs and slaps on the back. They all share a shot before I stand up and wrap my arms around my husband.

  “Now, I can officially claim Callie as my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club. Once she’s had our baby, we’ll take care of getting the tat done,” Bear says, pulling me into his side as everyone claps and cheers.

  He leans down to kiss me in front of everyone giving me a glimpse of what’s to come when we make it home. I sit back down as my back aches and my feet hurt from moving around so much today. Bear notices and decides that it’s time to head out so that I can get some much-needed rest.

  “You ready to head home, wife?” he asks, holding his hand out for me.

  “I am husband,” I answer, taking his hand and letting him lead me out front to my car.

  He’s been drinking so I drive us home while Bishop follows us. Hadliegh said that she was staying at the clubhouse tonight so that we could have some alone time. I’m not sure that we’ll need it with how tired I am, but I appreciate the offer. We make it home in record time while Bear’s hands roam over my body. Yeah, my exhaustion is fading the longer he runs his hands over my body.

  Pulling in the driveway, Bear and I make our way into the house. He starts stripping as soon as the door shuts behind him. Instead of me making a path to our bedroom of clothes it’s going to be him tonight. I’m not complaining at all as I trail after him and watch as each article of clothing hits the floor. Well, everything other than his cut. He laid that across the table in the hallway while I was shutting the alarm off and resetting it.

  “Wife, need you,” Bear calls out as I follow him into our room.

  “What do you need babe?” I ask as I enter the room and try to reach around me for the zipper on this damn dress.

  “Need you,” he says, his words slurring just a tiny bit.

  “You got me. Always,” I tell him, stepping into his body as he sits on the edge of the bed.

  Bear wraps his arms around me, and I feel him slide the zipper down on my dress. Instead of holding the material to me, I let it slide down my body after untying the ribbon that’s around my middle. He takes a look at me standing in nothing more than my black and red lace bra and panty set. I can see him swallow as he takes me in.

  “On the bed baby girl,” he says, standing up and letting me climb on the bed in front of him.

  I lay down on my back and wait for his next move. He doesn’t hesitate as he slides in between my legs and takes me in. Bear’s eyes darken as lust takes over and there’s a hunger there that always amazes me when I see it fill his expression. He leans down and inhales as his face dips between my spread thighs. I feel him pulling my panties off my legs so that he can see my pussy.

  “Best sight I’ve seen all day,” he murmurs while staring at me. “You’re gorgeous baby girl, but I’ve been hard as fuck all day waitin’ to bring you home.”

  “What are you gonna do about it now that we’re home?” I ask, knowing that Bear can do whatever he wants to me right now and I’d gladly let him.

  Instead of answering me, I watch as Bear lowers his head and slides his tongue through my pussy. My back arches off the bed and I can’t help but moan as he plays my body like a finely tuned instrument. His tongue continues to slide from my slit up to my clit and then back again. I feel him do this until I start writhing under him. Then, he slides his mouth up to my clit and sucks it into his mouth gently biting down on me while pushing a finger into my wet channel.

  “Need more,” I moan out.

  Bear adds a finger sliding in and out of my body while continuing to manipulate my clit with his mouth. He’s sliding his tongue around it before biting down and then using his tongue to soothe the sting away. The sensations begin to overwhelm me as I feel my climax building and causing my body to tighten in anticipation of it releasing. Just as I’m about to go flying over the edge, Bear stops what he’s doing and helps me move to my hands and knees. This is a new position for us and it’s one that I’ve been wanting to try. With my belly getting bigger, we’ve been trying a lot of new positions and I love it.

  I feel him undo my bra as he places kisses up and down my spine. Shivers run through me as the feeling of his beard and lips coasting along my skin. The kisses are feather light and I’m sure that I’ll have a path of red from his beard that matches the red on the inside of my thighs. My bra slides down my arms and I pull one arm out at a time so that I don’t tumble on the bed. At the back of me I feel Bear’s body lining up with me so that he can push into me.

  Instead of the gentle in and out that Bear typically gives me, he thrusts in with one hard push and doesn’t stop until he’s seated fully inside me; buried to the hilt. We both moan out at the feeling and he stays still for a minute so that I can adjust to him. One of his hands is digging into my hip and I know that I’ll have bruises from his tight grip. I don’t care though. With his other hand, I feel him reach around my body and begin to pinch and pull my clit while he starts thrusting his hips so that he’s sliding out of me slowly before slamming back inside. The hand that’s on my clit moves up as he begins to pull on my hard nipples. They’ve become extremely sensitive since I got pregnant. Almost to the point that I could cum just from him playing with them. The sensation he’s causing to rock through me almost pushes me over the edge.

  Once again, Bear stops moving and pulls all the way out of me as I whimper. He moves up the bed and lays back against the pillows while pulling me on top of him. I line myself up with his hard cock before sliding down slowly. It’s driving both of us insane as I take my time. Bear leans forward and pulls a hardened bud into his mouth while I slide down the last few inches of him. He pays attention to each one of my breasts while I begin to move my hips up and down while adding a swirling motion at the top of him. My head is thrown back and I can feel the tips of my hair catching on his legs. It adds just that hint of pain mixed in with my pleasure as it pulls slightly.

  “Baby girl, you need to find yours. Not gonna last long,” Bear grunts out as I continue to slide up and down his hard cock.

  I slide my hand down my body and begin to rub my clit with enough pressure to get that feeling coiling tightly in my body. Bear’s eyes follow the movements of my hand as he reaches down to grip my hips and move me at the pace he wants. Before too long, I feel myself exploding around my husband. He thrusts into me a few more times before I feel him tighten and stop moving.

  “Callie!” he roars out as his release flows through him.

  I slump down onto his chest while he rubs up and down my back to help get my breathing back under control. Placing one hand on his chest, I feel his heart racing as I begin to slowly fade to sleep with my husband resting under me. Today took a toll on me and right now I can’t move an inch. So, we fall asleep with Bear still inside me and me on top of him.

  Chapter Fifteen


  CALLIE AND I HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR JUST OVER A week now. It’s been the best week of my life. We’ve spent our time at the house hanging out with Hadliegh when we’re not workin
g. Callie’s been too miserable to do much more than go to work and come back home to relax. It seems like she’s blown up even more overnight and I don’t know how she’s going to get through the next three months. But we’ll get through it and make sure that our baby is brought into this world safe and healthy.

  “Baby girl, you almost ready to go?” I ask, walking back into the master bedroom.

  “Yeah. Took a while to find something to wear. Nothing seems to fit me again,” she answers, a smile gracing her face as she realizes that for now, she’ll have to wear dresses and sweats. They seem to be the only thing she’s comfortable in when she has to go out in public.

  “Need anythin’?” I ask, not sure what she needs from me right now.

  “Nope. I’m all set,” she answers, grabbing her purse off the bed and heading out to leave.

  We’re going to have another ultrasound today because Callie was sick when she was supposed to have one last month. She wants to know what we’re having but I’m against it. I want to be surprised the day that she gives birth. So, we’ve compromised and decided that I’ll be in the room for everything except when it’s time to find out what we’re having. I’ll leave so that she can find out. Hadliegh will be the only other person that knows so she can help my wife get what we need to be ready for the baby.

  Walking out to the car, I hold her hand and help her in her new car. Callie picked out a new Charger that’s a dark blue instead of the black one that she previously had. Yeah, she got pissed and gave me the silent treatment when I bought it for her. I laughed because she’s mine and I know that she’s going to need to realize that I’m gonna take care of her. She can do what she wants with her money, but I’m going to do what I can for my girl.

  “Are you excited?” she asks, turning to look at me as I pull out of the driveway.

  “I’m always excited to see our baby,” I tell her, pulling her hand over to rest on my thigh as always when we’re in the car. “Goin’ to look at an SUV later on today too.”


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