Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City

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Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City Page 54

by Peter Demetz

  ———, Cola di Rienzo (Vienna, 1931).

  ———(ed.), Petrarcas Briefwechsel mit deutschen Zeitgenossen (Berlin, 1933), under the general editorship of Konrad Burdach.

  Ugo Reale, Cola di Rienzo (Rome, 1991).

  Carlo Salinari, Francesco Petrarca (Naples, 1969).

  Ernst Schwarz, “Johann von Neumarkt,” in Lebensbilder aus den böhmischen Ländern, ed. by Karl Bos (Munich, 1974), pp. 27-48, important article by older philologist.

  Ferdinand Tadra, Kulturni, styky ech s cizinou až do válek husitsky ch (Prague, 1897).

  Samuel Harrison Thomson, “Learning at the Court of Charles IV,” Specultum, 25 (1950), 1—20, excellent panorama.

  Charles Builds His Myth

  Anton Blaschka, Die St. Wenzelslegende Kaiser Karls IV. Einleitung, Text, Kommentar (Prague, 1934).

  ———, Kaiser Karls Jugendleben und die St. Wenzelslegende (Weimar, 1956).

  Jakub Pavel, Zivotopis Karla IV (Prague, 1970), complements Blaschka.

  Otakar Odložilík, “The Terenzo Dream of Charles IV. A Critical Examination of the Available Sources,” in Orbis Mediaevalis, Festgabe fur Anton Blaschka (Weimar 1970), pp. 163-73.

  New Writing in Carolinian Prague

  Guillaume de Machault, The Judgement of the King of Bohemia, ed. and trans. by R. Barton Palmer (New York, 1984).

  Heinrich von Mügeln, Der Meide Kranz, ed. by W. Jahr (Leipzig, 1908).

  Antonin Hruby, Der “Ackermann” und seine Vorlage (Munich, 1971).

  Hynek Hrubý and František Simek (eds.), Tkadleek (Prague, 1923).

  Günther Jungblut (ed.), Der Ackermann aus Böhmen des Johann von Tepl (Heidelberg, 1969).

  Ernst Schwarz, Der Ackermann aus Böhmen des Johann von Tepl und seine Zeit (Darmstadt, 1968) - Wege der Forschung, vol. 143.

  Josef Hrabák (ed.), Staroeské satiry (Prague, 1962), pp. 115-28.

  “Mastikár,” in Bohuslav Havránek and Josef Hrabák (eds.), Výbor z eské literatury od poátkú po dobu Husovu (Prague, 1957), pp. 248—61.

  “Podkoní a žák,” in Výbor, pp. 335—47.

  Jan Vilikovský (ed.), Legenda o Svaté Kateiné (Prague, 1946).

  Cracks in the Facade

  Chronicon Aulae Regiae [Peter of Zittau], in J. Emler (ed.), Fontes rerum Bohemicarum (Prague, 1884), vol. 5.

  František Michálek Bartoš, “Waldhauser a ohlas jeho díla u nás,” in Knihy a zápasy (Prague, 1948), pp. 40-44

  Vilém Herold and Milan Mráz, “Jan Mili z Kromfže a husitské revoluní myšlení,” in Filosofický asopis, 22 (1974), 765-85, German version in Mediaevalia Philosophica Potonorum, 21 (1975), 27-52.

  Otakar Odložilík, “Vláda Václava IV. Poátky opravného hnutf,” in eskoslovenská vlastivda, 4 (Prague, 1922), 114-62.

  František Palacký, Die Vorläufer des Hussitenthums in Bhmen (Prague, 2nd ed. 1869).

  Karl Richter, “Konrad Waldhauser,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.), Lebensbilder zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder, 3 (Munich, 1978), 159-74.

  Samuel Harrison Thomson, “Prehussite Heresy in Bohemia,” in English Historical Review, 48 (1932), 23-42.

  The Carolinian Jewish Town and the Massacre of 1389

  Ruth Bork, “Zur Politik der Zentralgewalt gegenüber den Juden im Kampf Ludwigs des Bayem um das Reichsrecht und Karls IV um die Durchsetzung des Königtums,” in Annamaria Engel (ed.), Karl IV: Politik und Ideologie (Weimar, 1982), pp. 30-73, an East German scholar presenting tough evidence of the king’s anti-Semitic policies in the Reich, possibly, an answer to Eckert (1978).

  Willehad Paul Eckert, “Die Juden im Zeitalter Karls IV,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.), Kaiser Karl IV: Staatsmann und Mäzen (Munich, 1978), tries to assuage our doubts.

  František Graus, Pest, Geissler, Judenmorde: das 14. Jahrhundert als Krisenzeit (Göttingen, 1987).

  Paul Lehmann, Die Parodie im Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 2nd ed. 1963), includes analysis of Prague Latin satire about the 1389 pogrom.

  David Podiebrad, Althertümer der Prager Judenstadt, Neu bearbeitet von Benedikt Foges (Prague, 2nd ed. 1862), rare, presents moving translation of Rabbi Avigdor’s elegy.


  The King and the Vicar-General

  Johanna von Herzogenberg and F. Matsche, Johannes von Nepomuk (Passau, 1971), important exhibition catalogue.

  Wilhelm Hanisch, “Wenzel IV,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.), Lebensbilder zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder 3 (Munich, 1978), 251-79.

  Jií Spváek, Václav IV: 1361-1419 (Prague, 1986), important and learned synthesis, excellent bibliography.

  František Stejskal, Zbynek Zajíc z Hasenberka (Prague, 1914).

  Vít Vlnas, Jan Nepomucký: eská legenda (Prague, 1993), a splendid revisionist analysis.

  Ruben Ernest Weltsch, Archbishop John of Jenstein: Papalism, Humanism, and Reform in Pre-Hussite Prague (The Hague, 1968).

  Eduard Winter, Frühhumanismus (Berlin, 1964), thoughtful and balanced.

  The Advance of the Religious Reformers

  Reginald Robert Betts, “The Regulae Veteris et Novi Testamenti of Matêj of Janov,” Journal of Theological Studies, 22 (1931), 334-51.

  Jan Gebauer, O život a spisích Tomáše ze Štitného (Prague, 1923), especially introduction.

  Howard Kaminsky, A History of the Hussite Revolution (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1967), on Mili, pp. 5-23.

  Miloslav Kaák, Mili z Kromíže (Prague, 1975).

  Kamil Krofta, “Bohemia in the 14th Century,” in Cambridge Medieval History, 7 (1932), 155-82. Alois Kubíek, Bethlemská kaple (Prague, 1962).

  Vlastimil Kybal, M. Matj z Janova (Prague, 1926), especially chs 4 and 5.

  Otakar Odložilík, “The Chapel of Bethlehem in Prague. Remarks on Its Founding Chapter,” in Studien zur älteren Geschichte Osteuropas, ed. by G. Stökl, 1 (Graz, 1956), 125-41.

  Jan Hus at Bethlehem and at Constance

  František Michálek Bartoš, echy v dob Husov: 1378-1415 (Prague, 1947).

  Remigius Bäumer, Das Konstanzer Konzil (Darmstadt, 1977) - Wege der Forschung, vol. 415.

  Howard Kaminsky, A History of the Hussite Revolution (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1967), especially pp. 5-96, excellent history of ideas.

  Amadeo Molnár, Jan Hus: témoin de la vérité (Paris and Lausanne, 1978).

  Fontes rerum Bohemicarum (Prague, 1932), vol. 8 (includes Petr of Mladenovice, “Relatio de Magistro Johanne Hus”).

  Václav Novotný and V. Kybal, M Jan Hus: život o ueni (Prague, 1919-31), 5 vols., fundamental study.

  Ferdinand Seibt, Hussitica: Zur Struktur einer Revolution (Cologne and Graz, 1965).

  Matthew Spinka, John Hus and the Czech Reform (Chicago, 1941).

  ———, John Hus’ Concept of the Church (Princeton, 1966).

  ———, John Hus at the Council of Constance (New York, 1965); all three are eminently reliable and thoughtful.

  Paul de Vooght, L’hérésie de Jean Hus (Louvain, 1960), a Catholic attempt at legal rehabilitation.

  Ernst Wemer, Jan Hus (Cologne, Graz, and Weimar, 1991).

  Melchior Vischer, Jan Hus: Sein Leben und seine Zeit (Frankfurt, 1940, 2nd ed. 1958), first edition destroyed by Nazi authorities.

  Eva Kantrková, Jan Hus (Prague, 1991), interprets Hus against the neo-Stalinist “normalization” of the 1970s and 1980s, admirable.

  The Decree of Kutná Hora

  Reginald Robert Betts, “Jeroným of Prague,” University of Birmingham Historical Journal, 1 (1947), 51-91.

  Dekret kutnohorský. Prednášky a stati V Novotného, K. Krofty.) J. Susty a G. Friedricha (Prague, 1909), and the continued discussion in Dekret kutnohorský a jeho místo v djinách (Prague, 1959) - Acta Universitatis. Phil e hist., 2, official point of view.

  Vilém Herold, Pražská univerzita a Wyclif (Prague, 1985).

  Howard Kaminsky, “The University of Prague in the Hussite Revolution and the Role of the Masters,” in University and Politics (Baltimore and London, 1972), pp. 79-106.

  Jií Kejr,
Husitský právník Jan z Jesenice (Prague, 1965).

  Ernst Lemberg, Nationalismus (Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1964), important study.

  Ferdinand Seibt, “Jan Hus und der Abzug der deutschen Studenten aus Prag,” in Hussitenstudien (Munich, 1987), pp. 1-5.

  František Smahel, Idea národa v husitských echách (eské Budjovice, 1971), excellent analysis from the sources.

  Milan Svatoš (ed.), Djiny univerzity Karlovy (Prague, 1995), especially pp. 87-100 (by editor), and ch. 2 by František Šmahel.

  John Adam Robson, Wyclif and the Oxford Schools (Cambridge, 1966).

  Herbert Brook Workman, John Wyclif (Oxford, 1926), 2 vols.

  Prague Attracts the European Dissidents/The Revolt of the Prague Radicals/The Crusaders Arrive/The Battles for Prague

  František Michálek Bartoš, “Žižka a pikarti,” Kalich, 8 (1924), 97-108.

  ———, Literární innost M. Petra Payna (Prague, 1928).

  Howard Kaminsky, Hussite Revolution, especially ch. 4.

  ———et al., Master Nicholas of Dresden: The Old Color and the New (Philadelphia, 1965) - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S., vol. 55, part 1.

  Horst Kpfstein, “Über den deutschen Hussiten Friedrich Reiser,” Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft , 7 (1959), 1068-82.

  ———, “Über die Teilnahme der Deutschen an der hussitischen revolutionären Bewegung,” Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 11 (1963), 116-45.

  Amadeo Molnár, Valdenští (Prague, 1991), important study.

  Božena Auštecká, Jan Žetivský jako politik (Prague, 1925).

  Wilhelm Baum, Kaiser Sigismund (Graz, 1993).

  Frederick G. Heymann, John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution (Princeton, 1955), an essential study of the wars.

  Howard Kaminsky, Hussite Revolution, chs. 7 and 8, and pp. 136-40 (the Battle of Vitkov Hill), pp. 175–79 (the Battle of the Vyšehrad).

  Howard Kaminsky, “The Prague Insurrection of 30 July 1419,” Medievalia et Humanistica, 17 (1966), pp. 106-26.

  John Martin Klaasen, The Nobility and the Making of the Hussite Revolution (Boulder, Colo., 1978).

  Amadeo Molnár, “Želivský, prédicateur de la revolution,” Communio Viatorum (1959), pp. 324-34.

  Josef Pekaf, Žižka a jeho doba (Prague, 1927-33), 4 vols., by a master of Czech historiography.

  František Smahel, Husitská revoluce (Prague, 1993-95), 4 vols., a recent classic. Unfortunately, for financial reasons, published only in a limited number of copies by the Czech Academy.

  Karel Vladislav Zapa, Vypsání husitské války (Prague, 2nd ed. 1893), popular, battle-by-battle narrative.

  Hussites and Jews

  František Michálek Bartoš, “Židé v echách v dob Husov,” in Kalendár esko-židovský, 35 (Prague, 1915-16), 154-63.

  Ruth Kestenberg-Gladstein, “Hussiten und Judentum,” Jahrbücher der Gesetischaft für Geschichte der Juden in der tschechoslowakischen Republik, 8 (1936), 1-25, essentiel.

  Tomáš Pkn, Djiny Židù v echch a na Morav (Prague, 1993), pp. 38-42.

  Maria Tischler, “Böhmische Judengemeinden 1340-1519,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.), Die Juden in den böhmischen Ländern (Munich, 1938), pp. 73-86.

  Valentin Urfus, Právo, úvr, a lichva v minulosti (Bmo, 1975).

  Laurentius (Vavinec) of Bezová, Chronicon (Hussite Chronicle), in the original Latin, together with a Czech translation, in Fontes rerum Bohemicarum (Prague, 1898), vol. 5.


  Praga Mystica?

  Jan Bechyka, Praga Mystica, ed. by Amadeo Molnár (Prague, 1993), Acta Reformationem Bohemican Illustrantia, III.

  After the Polish Kings, the Hapsburgs Again

  Viktor Bibl, Maximilian II, der rätselhafte Kaiser (Vienna, 1929).

  Peter Brock, The Political and Social Doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries (The Hague, 1957).

  Ernest Denis, Fin de l’indépendance bohème (Paris, 1930), a famous study.

  Kenneth Dillon, King and Estates in the Bohemian Lands (Brussels, 1976).

  Winfried Eberhard, Monarchie und Widerstand: Zur ständischen Oppositionsbildung im Herrschaftssystem Ferdinands I in Böhmen (Munich, 1985), an important analysis.

  Friedrich Edelmayer and Alfred Kotrba, Kaiser Maximilian II: Kultur und Politik im 16. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1972) - Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, vol. 19, new researches byD J Jansen on Jacopo Strada, pp. 182-202.

  Robert John Weston Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy 1550-1700: An Interpretation (Oxford, 1979), learned and balanced.

  Anton Gindely, Geschichte der böhmischen Brüder (Prague, 1868), 2 vols.

  Josef Janáek, eské djiny doby pedblohorské: 1526-1547 (Prague, 1968), 2 vols., almost encyclopedic.

  Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Court, Cloister and City: The Art and Culture of Central Europe: 1450-1800 (Chicago, 1995), instructive and truly cosmopolitan.

  Pavel Preiss, Italští umlci v Praze (Prague, 1986), here especially ch. 1.

  Rudolf Rfan, Die böhmischen Brüder: Ihr Ursprung und ihre Geschichte (Berlin, 1961), shortened version of Czech study (Prague, 1957).

  Helmut Teufel, “Juden im Standestaat: 1526-1620,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.), Die Juden in den böhmischen Ländern (Munich, 1938), pp. 57-72.

  Rudolf II

  Bohdan Chudoba, Spain and the Empire (Chicago, 2nd ed. 1969).

  Robert John Weston Evans, Rudolf II and His World: A Study in Intellectual History (CAcford, 2nd ed. 1982), essential and enormously learned.

  Anton Gindely, Rudolf II und seine Zeit (Prague, 1862-65), 2 vols., by the tutor of crown prince Rudolf, the suicide of Mayerling.

  Josef Janáek, Pád Rudolfa II (Prague, 1973).

  Gertrude von Schwarzenfeld, Rudolf II, der saturnische Kaiser (Munich, 1961), a popular biography.

  Karl Vocelka, Rudolf II und seine Zeit (Vienna and Cologne, 1985), instructive cultural history.

  Franz Grillparzer, Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg. Ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen, in Sämtliche Werke, 2 (Munich, 1961), 345-448, an excellent edition with full commentary.

  Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, The School of Prague: Painting at the Court of Rudoff II (Chicago, 1988), inclusive and magisterial, with useful bibliography.

  Eliška Fuíková, “The Collections of Rudolf II at Prague: Cabinet of Curiosities or Scientific Museum?” in Oliver Impey and Arthur MacGregor (eds.), The Origin of Museums (Oxford, 1985), pp. 47-53

  Jaromir Neumann, Obrazárna pražského hradu (Prague, 1964).

  Prag um 1600: Kunst und Kultur am Hofe Rudolf II, catalogue of exhibition presented by Kulturstiftung Ruhr (Villa Hügel), (Freren, 1988), with distinguished contributions by R. J. W. Evans, Erich Trunz, Zdenk Horský, Ivan Muchka, and others.

  Pavel Preiss, Giuseppe Arcimboldi (Praha, 1947).

  Elisabeth Schleicher, Die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Habsburger (Vienna, 1979).

  Josef Svátek, “Poslední dnové rudolfínských sbírek v Praze” and “Strádové z Rosenbergu,” in Obrazy z kulturních djin eských (Prague, 1891), pp. 49—67 and 103—31, anecdotal and informative.

  Scientists and Alchemists

  Carola Baumgardt, Johann Kepler: Life and Letters (New York, 1951), readable and informative.

  Max Caspar, Kepler (London and New York, 1959), standard work.

  John Allyne Gade, The Life and Times of Tycho Brahe (Princeton, 1947), useful and entertaining.

  Josef, von Hasner, Tycho Brahe und Johannes Kepler in Prag (Prague, 1872).

  Zdenk Horský, Kepler v Praze (Prague, 1980), distinguished expert on Prague sciences.

  Arthur Koestler, The Watershed: A Biography of Johann Kepler (New York, 1960), critical analysis.

  Franz Pick, Johannes Jessenius de Magna lessen (Leipzig, 1926), fundamental study.

  Josef V. Polišenský, Jan Jesenský-Jessenius (Prague, 1965).

  Richard Deacon, John Dee, Scientist, Geographer, Astrologer and Secret
Agent of Elizabeth I (London, 1968)

  John Dee, Private Diary, ed. by J. O. Halliwell (London, 1842).

  Peter J. French, John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus (London, 1972), instructive biography.

  Jiljí V. Jahn, Alchemie v echách (Prague, 1993), synopsis.

  Donald C. Laycock, The Complete Enochian Dictionary: A Dictionary of the Angelic Language as Revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley (New York, 1978), for the connoisseur

  Josef Svátek, “Alchemie v Cechach za doby Rudolfovy,” in Obrazy z kulturních djin eských (Prague, 1891), pp. 39—75.

  The “Golden Age” of Prague’s Jewish Community

  Isaac Eisenstein-Barzilay, Yoseph Shlomo Delmedigo, Yashar of Candia (Leiden, 1974).

  Isidore Fishman, The History of Jewish Education in Central Europe from the End of the Sixteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century (London, 1944).

  Amold L. Goldsmith, The Golem Remembered, 1909-1980 (Detroit, 1981), variations of the legend analyzed, ancient and modern.

  Nathan Grün, Der hohe Rabbi Loew und sein Sagenkreis (Prague, 1855).

  Moshe Idel, Kabbalah: New Perspectives (New Haven, 1988), in which Prague does not figure prominently.

  Otto Muneles (ed ), The Prague Ghetto in the Renaissance Period (Prague, 1965), fundamental research instrument.

  André Neher, Le puits de /’éxll: la théologie dialectique du Maharal de Prague (Paris, 1966).

  ———, Jewish Thought and the Scientific Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: David Gans and His Times (Oxford, 1986); two pathbreaking studies.

  ———, Faust and the Maharal de Prague: Le myth et le réel (Paris, 1987), unfortunately more myth than réel.


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