Quintessential Tales: A Magic of Solendrea Anthology

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Quintessential Tales: A Magic of Solendrea Anthology Page 15

by Martin Hengst




  Heron Greymalkin

  hair-on grey-mal-kin

















  Royce MacDungren

  royce mac-dun-gren




  rhymes with “twine”

















  Cities and Settlements

  It’s hard to know where you’re going when you have so many options to choose from. The Human Imperium, situated as we are on the eastern side of the continent of Mizdan, has some of the oldest and largest human cities and settlements. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out there that are just as popular. Here’s a quick rundown of the most impressive or important sites.

  Dragonfell—The capital of the Human Imperium, the city of Dragonfell marks the place where the last known dragon on Solendrea was slain. Nestled in the protected recess of the Crystal Bay, Dragonfell is home to the second largest seaport in the Imperium. Originally confined to the cavern where the dragon kept his treasure horde, the city has spilled out into the surrounding hills and valleys. Dragonfell is known throughout the Imperium is a major trade hub. The central market square is a draw for tourists across Mizdan. Notable features include the King’s Palace, the dragon skull above the cavern entrance, and the alabaster statues of the Three Brothers who stand watch over the city.

  Blackbeach—Named for the fine black sand that makes up the beaches around the city, Blackbeach is a stronghold for the Quintessentialists in the Human Imperium. Home to the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences, there are more mages in Blackbeach per capita than any of the other Human settlements. Blackbeach has the largest seaport in the Human Imperium and is home to the Imperium Navy. Traditionally, the Imperium Navy was berthed at Blackbeach as a deterrent to the ancient Quintessentialists tempted to overthrow the King. As knowledge and enlightenment has spread, the Navy is no longer docked at Blackbeach out of necessity. Notable features include the Great Library, the Great Tower of High Magic, and the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences.

  Ethergate—Originally a Xarundi settlement, the Xarundi were driven from the area during the Grand Conquest. Humans razed the Xarundi city and erected their own buildings on the foundations that were left behind. Outside the official border of the Human Imperium, Ethergate came to be known as a haven for rogue mages and iconoclasts. Governed by a Council of Elders, the city maintains a loose alliance with Blackbeach. High walls protect the city and are manned by stewards selected by the Council. Notable features include a large reliquary of magical artifacts, eleven arcane libraries, and some of the best taverns in all of Mizdan.

  Overwatch—Far outside the borders of the Human Imperium, the city of Overwatch has earned a reputation as a lawless den of thieves and mercenaries. While that reputation isn’t wholly inaccurate, it is greatly exaggerated. Overwatch is separated into two districts: the Lower City, consisting of the trade district, seaport, and common areas, and the Upper City, consisting of the art district, militia barracks, and individual baronies. In Overwatch, one’s personal property is their sovereign domain. Committing an act of trespass is a crime punishable by death. Notable features include the tallest waterfall in Eastern Mizdan, Gunther’s Warehouse, and the Baron’s Watch, the large compound of manor houses that look out over the Lower City.

  Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences - A sprawling complex of classrooms, offices, and support buildings, the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences is the crown jewel of Blackbeach. All Quintessentialists in the Human Imperium are sent to the Academy for assessment and instruction. Mages attend one or more of the three Schools of magic: the School of Sorcery, the School of Summoning, or the School of Enchantment. Notable features include the Great Tower of High Magic, the Hall of Wonders, and the Masters’ Concordance.

  King’s Reach—The Human settlement at the farthest boundary of the Human Imperium, King’s Reach exists in a gray area between the lawlessness of the outlying cities and the strict laws of Dragonfell and Blackbeach. The small town is largely unremarkable, save for the reputation of a few residents. The Captain, Royce MacDungren, made King’s Reach his home in his twilight years. It was there that he met Tiadaria and passed on his knowledge and skills to her. After the Captain’s death at the Battle of Dragonfell, Tiadaria inherited his property. Later, Faxon would reside in the small cottage left for her there.

  Frozen Frontier—Far beyond the rigid structure of the Human Imperium, past the independent cities of Ethergate and Overwatch, lies a region so inhospitable to life that only the most rugged and enduring souls can exist there. Buried in snow and ice, the Frozen Frontier is a land where death waits around every corner. If the sub-freezing temperatures don’t get you, the savage animals will. That is, if the Clans don’t capture or kill you first. Distant descendants of the first Humans to settle Mizdan, the Clans have been shaped and tempered by their environment. The men are rugged and brutal, the women and children property to be owned and traded. Notable features include the Frozen Sea, the Lodge of Heroes, and the Silver Spire.

  Famous Faces

  Mizdan, and other parts of Solendrea, have given birth to a host of heroes and villains. Some of these famous faces are quite active in the Human lands, while others seek out anonymity in the dark places of the world.

  Tiadaria—Forged in the Frozen Frontier, this blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty is as dangerous as the land she hails from. A skilled warrior and tactician, Tiadaria works directly for Heron Greymalkin. She protects the Human Imperium from its greatest enemies. Tiadaria believes in acting first and talking later, an attitude that occasionally lands her in a tight spot. Taught to read by her mentors, Tiadaria loves getting lost in a good book, though she doesn’t often have the opportunity to do so.

  Faxon Indra—This carefree Quintessentialist is widely considered the foremost authority on the Ethereal Realm and the magic that flows from that outer plane. His brown hair and beard have begun to gray over the past few years, but his age is no impediment to his boyish charm or sense of humor. No one knows exactly how skilled Faxon is in the magical arts and sciences. However, he is the only person in the history of the Academy to graduate from all three Schools simultaneously. Faxon has served as a teacher, diplomat, mercenary, and scholar throughout the years. He reports directly to the Head Master, though neither admits to his exact role. Faxon is a talented cook, but is often too busy to indulge in his hobbies.

  Maera—The youngest Head Master in the history of the Academy, Maera is something of an anomaly in the Human Imperium. Her people, the Theid, are notoriously xenophobic and generally treat outlanders with distrust. When Maera’s parents emigrated to the Imperium, they left a culture with a much more open attitude toward magic for one with a much more restrictive worldview. Cultural differences aside, Maera has adapted well to life in the Imperium and provides objective and impartial leadership for the Quintessentialists.

  Tionne—The only survivor of a Xarundi massacre, Tionne was taken from her village and became a ward of the Imperium. When her innate magical abilities were discovered, she was taken to the Academy and raised there. Deeply twisted by her experience, Tionne never recovered from the death of her family. Tionne is a s
killed Quintessentialist, adept at twisting the Ethereal Realm to her own malicious goals. Formerly apprenticed to Faxon Indra, Tionne has a deep and abiding hatred for her former mentor.

  Nerillia—Little is known of the reclusive Lamiad race, of which Nerillia is probably the most infamous example. Stone gray skin and deep red eyes make for an unsettling appearance and probably contribute to the Lamiad’s sinister aura. The Lamiad are known to be proficient in the use of mind magic, which is outlawed by most civilized nations, including the Human Imperium. In addition to the insidious nature of their magic, the Lamiad are capable of using their own pheromones to influence those around them.

  Royce MacDungren—Captain of the Grand Army of the Imperium, Royce was the right hand of the One True King for decades. An inspiring force on the battlefield, Royce’s powers on the line were the source of many tall tales and legends. His skill with a blade helped win major battles for the Imperium, including the Elven Insurrection and the Battle of Aldstock. After retiring to King’s Reach, the Captain returned to lead the Army at the Battle of Dragonfell, where he ultimately fell.

  Adamon—When a mage begins abusing his power or is swayed by dark forces, the Inquisitors are called to bring them back into balance. A former cleric, Adamon abandoned his holy vows to become an enforcer for the Orders. As an Inquisitor, Adamon commands both fear and respect from his fellow Quintessentialists. His investigation skills are second to none, and he has never lost a target. Quintessentialists aware of Adamon’s reputation think twice before doing anything that might end up putting them on his list.

  Heron Greymalkin—Heron is a direct descendent of the Three Brothers and continues an ancestral tradition as the One True King of the Human Imperium. His Queen passed on during childbirth, leaving him alone to raise his only daughter. Set in his ways, Greymalkin is distrustful of magic and those who use it. He feels that the Quintessentialists are a necessary evil, required to keep the supernatural forces of Solendrea at bay. Heron is a just and fair man, though he tends to be stubborn and dogmatic when it comes the welfare of his people.

  Torus—The Captain of Greymalkin’s Grand Army, Torus is a man with an unwavering moral compass. His sense of right and wrong is as strict as Adamon’s. He served as Royce’s First Lieutenant until Royce stepped down to retire. Torus shares Greymalkin’s distrust of all things magic, but understands in a way that Heron cannot that the mages offer more than just protection against the things that go bump in the night. A skilled warrior, Torus is a fearsome sight to behold in combat.

  Olin—A senior member of the Inquisitors’ Corps, Olin often works with Adamon to bring rogue mages to justice. As a young man, Olin joined the Inquisitors’ Corps because of the prestige and opportunity for travel, only to find out that he didn’t particularly care for the work. Regardless, he does his best to do his duties adequately, though Olin is much more comfortable with the research and investigation portions of his vocation.

  Volinette—A renowned singer in the Terris Family Singers, one of the most famous performing groups in the Imperium, Volinette gave up what most girls dream of to try and win a place in the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences. Though her first semester was fraught with peril, she found her place in the School of Sorcery and applies her unique talents to her studies there.

  Baris—Life in a small farming village was too boring for young Baris. When he heard that a Trial of Admission was being held for the School of Sorcery, he leapt at the chance to make something more of himself than a mere farmer. He and Volinette became fast friends, enduring the tribulations of their first semester together. During those events, Baris exhibited traits that befit an Inquisitor, and Faxon offered to train Baris under his watchful eye.

  Janessa—Daughter of the prominent Navita family, Janessa was practically born into the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences. She and her sister attended the same Trial of Admission as Volinette and Baris, with tragic consequences. Janessa’s sister was killed when they attempted to manipulate the trial. It took some time, but eventually Janessa was able to work through her issues with Volinette and stand with her against the horrors they faced during their time in the Great Tower.

  Lacrymosa—One of the only Pheen to leave the Court of Enclaves voluntarily, Lacrymosa has dedicated her life to studying the human Quintessentialists. Although she is technically royalty among the Pheen, Lacrymosa finds herself more comfortable amongst the humans. She has loosely aligned herself with the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences, though she thinks of herself as an independent observer, rather than involving herself in the political machinations of the Quintessentialists.

  Zarfensis—High Priest of the Xarundi Combine, Zarfensis was the nominal leader of the Xarundi until his death. As Runeholder for the Dyr, the Rune of Death and Disease, Zarfensis was a fearsome foe in combat, drawing on the power of Dyrmot herself to vanquish his opponents. Driven to eradicate the humans from what he considered to be Xarundi territory, Zarfensis struck relentlessly against his oppressors. With his death, the remainder of the Xarundi Combine scattered across the wilds of Mizdan.

  Greneks—A consummate craftsman, Greneks is known among the gnomes as a technical genius. Called upon by Zarfensis to replace his missing leg, Greneks created a marvel of engineering that allowed Zarfensis to retain his command of the Xarundi Combine. A vicious fighter as well as technician, Greneks offers his expertise to any with deep enough pockets and questionable morals.

  Mythology and Folklore

  War is hell. More so when you know you’ll never die. Tiring of the plots and intrigues of the Eternal War, six souls banded their powers together and set out to create something for themselves, a place that they could escape the ravages and infighting of the Far Beyond, where the Eternals squabbled with each other.

  Together, the six souls created the Deep Void and filled it with unthinkable horrors, including demons that would give the Eternals pause and would make it impossible for mortal beings to cross the threshold between the Void and the Far Beyond. When they felt the Deep Void was adequately populated, they turned their attention to lighter matters.

  They turned their minds to creation. They wanted an emissary race, a group of beings who could act on behalf of the Eternals. This race would be the eyes and ears of the Eternals, seeing that their will was carried out beyond the great barrier that the Deep Void created. These beings were the Pheen.

  Created by the Eternals, the Pheen were gifted with great intelligence, cunning, and bravery. They were sent to the empty place beyond the Deep Void.

  Arriving in nothingness, the Pheen set about creating a barrier between the world they would create and the nightmares of the Deep Void. The home they created for themselves is known as the Meridian. It is the place between the Physical Realm and the Deep Void. The Meridian is the embodiment of the Quintessential Sphere. The source of all magical power and paranormal creatures.

  Though they had banded together for the purpose of creating their emissaries, the six Eternals had their own plots and schemes. Each of the Eternals added to the Pheen traits that they believed would turn the Pheen to their favor. In the end, all their meddling was for naught. The Pheen tended to fall naturally into one Enclave or another, each Enclave being devoted to one of the Eternals. Though this vexed their creators, the Pheen found it maintained a reasonable balance of power and set about to ensure that the Enclaves were equally represented in all things.

  In the Meridian, the Pheen planted the seed of the Tree of Living Memory. The Tree of Living Memory sprouted six roots. In each of these roots, the Pheen Enclaves made their homes. Each of the great roots houses one autonomous Enclave.

  The Root of Life is home to the Enclave of Light, worshipping the Eternal Lyrissa. Lyrissa is the Goddess of Light and Life.

  The Root of Water is home to the Enclave of Water, worshipping the Eternal Wyrnett, the God of Storms and Seas.

  The Root of Earth is home to the Enclave of Earth, worshipping the Eternal Eyrald, the God of Hunts and Harvests. />
  The Root of Air is home to the Enclave of Air, worshipping the Eternal Ayrid, the God of Winds and Change.

  The Root of Fire is home to the Enclave of Fire, worshipping the Eternal Fyron, the Goddess of Fire and War.

  And finally, the Root of Death is home to the Enclave of Darkness, worshipping the Eternal Dyrmot, the Goddess of Death and Disease.

  As the Tree of Living Memory grew, it gained the power of all the Pheen who had come before it. Pheen who die are absorbed back into the roots, their memories and powers absorbed by the Tree of Living Memory and flowing out from the branches of the tree to the whole of the Ethereal Realm. Each possible memory of what could have happened, what did happen, and what could happen in the future, is hidden somewhere in the layers of the Tree of Living Memory. Like layers of an onion, or rings of a cut tree, the Quintessential Sphere has more layers than any mortal could possibly hope to dream of in a lifetime.

  Only the oldest of the Pheen have the power and experience to traverse the whole of the Tree of Living Memory without fear of being lost in its infinite branches. Most Pheen stick close to their roots, as those are the places they are attuned to from birth. Mortals traveling into the Ethereal Realm risk being lost to the timeless growth of its branches.


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