The Love I Found: Contemporary Romance Mystery (Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery #3)

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The Love I Found: Contemporary Romance Mystery (Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery #3) Page 3

by Morris Fenris

  She reached Robert’s office and waited for him to return from lunch. When he came, he handed over the keys to the store room to Alicia. “You will need to clean it up a little before you can start using it. The rats do not have a good sense of hygiene you know!” he said jokingly.

  Alicia did not mind cleaning the place. It was not too large a room, in fact just the right size for her to be alone and happy in. She had no difficulty settling in. The empty shelves doubled as racks for keeping her belongings while she stacked up some old cardboard sheets along one of the walls to use as a bed. It was not as comfortable as sleeping on a real bed but better than lying down on the cold, hard stone floor. There was a large window in the room that she would open up at night to keep the room well aired and ventilated. Soon, she started enjoying life in her little world. Alicia did not realize that life was giving her some time to enjoy before hitting her with another rude shock.

  One evening just before she was to go out and perform, Alicia was busy getting ready in her room. Suddenly, she felt nauseated and had to run to the washroom to vomit. She felt a little dizzy and there was soreness around her breasts that she had not experienced before. Alicia felt confused; she could not fathom what could have possibly driven her to throw up. She felt that it was possibly the change of atmosphere that was playing tricks on her body. However, she did not feel altogether well and informed Robert that she would not be playing that evening. Robert felt a little displeased because it was a weekend and he had expectations for a good turnover with Alicia playing. However, he could not force his prized asset to do something she was not up for and allowed her the evening off.

  The next morning she decided to visit a doctor and get a check-up. The physician listened to her and asked her if she had noticed anything else that she felt was misplaced. Alicia said that there was nothing else she could recollect. All of a sudden, the lady shot her an unexpected question, “Ma’am could you please tell me when was the last time that you had your periods?”

  Alicia thought for a moment and realized that she had already passed her date a couple of weeks back. She reported this to the doctor but failed to understand how this was related to her sudden change in health.

  “Is there some worrying news, doctor?” she asked. The doctor stared at her grimly and then slowly nodded her head. “What is it, doctor? Oh please do tell me!”

  The lady walked over to her and placed a hand on Alicia’s shoulders. Then she permitted herself a comforting smile. “Congratulations ma’am! You will soon become a proud mother.”


  Tears streamed down her eyes as Alicia sat in her room back at the bar. Somehow, she could not imagine herself being pregnant? How could she possibly allow a new life to enter this world when her own existence was a major doubt? She barely had enough money to keep her own body and soul together. And then there was the issue of staying. As things stood, Alicia did not have a permanent residential address. She could not afford to bring up her child in such uncertain conditions.

  Alicia felt confused unlike ever before. She felt tired with all the crying and lay down for some rest. Before she knew it, she had drifted off into a deep sleep.


  Alicia knew she could not let everyone in the bar let about her condition, least so her boss. At the same time, she felt burdened at having to keep the news all to herself and dearly wanted someone to share her feelings with. Finally, she decided to take Carol into confidence. Carol Watts was a young woman who worked as a waitress at the restaurant and the two of them had become good friends over time. She was a really pretty woman and she took immense pride in her looks, though she was never too arrogant about any of it. Carol trusted Alicia as one of her close friends and they would often spend time chatting with one another after work.

  Carol carefully listened to Alicia’s predicaments. They were sitting at the bar, sipping a cup of coffee. The place was due to open in an hour. Carol said that there was not much she could do by way of helping Alicia since the whole idea of motherhood was unchartered territory for her.

  “However, there is one piece of suggestion I can offer you. In fact, I would like you to heed this piece of advice,” she said.

  “What is it?” Alicia said in eagerness.

  Carol lowered her voice down to a whisper, though there was nobody around. “There are a number of clinics on the outskirts of town where you could get an abortion. At first glance, these look like any average clinic you would come across in town – some eye clinics, some dental clinics, so on and so forth. However, if you know where and whom to ask they will lead you to abortion centers at the back. You can get an abortion done by experts at half the price they charge you at hospitals. If you want, let me know and I can take you there. I have some connections that can help you out.”

  Alicia found it difficult to come to any conclusion. “Thanks for the help, Carol,” she said. “I will definitely keep your offer in mind but right now, please give me some time to think!”

  “Okay, take your time. But remember, if I were you I would have the last traces of that worthless Damien thrown out of my life for good while it was still possible!”

  Alicia spent the whole of that night wondering what to do. She felt an abortion was the right way forward. Once more, questions about the child’s possible well-being gnawed at her mind. How could she ensure that her offspring would remain healthy and happy when her own survival hung in the balance? Besides, how would she pay for its upbringing when she herself had to get through everyday life in a hand-to-mouth manner! She decided that her mind was made up – Alicia would not allow the child to see the light of day. The very next weekend when they were off duty, Alicia would ask Carol to take her to one of these abortion clinics that she had mentioned to her that morning.


  Carol Watt was not known among her peers as someone you could trust with your secrets. She had the proverbial loose tongue and had never in the past managed to give true honor to a secret. Alicia was not aware of this side of her character and unknowingly put ample trust in her. She would soon come to regret it though.

  That night as the bar restaurant prepared to down its shutters, Carol was called by Robert into his office on some personal matter. She had been wondering about Alicia and her forthcoming child the entire day and this had affected the way she presented herself to the customers. Carol was well known among the regulars for being a jolly spirit so the sudden change in her demeanor to one of absent-mindedness struck them pretty hard. Before long, the matter had reached the owner and he chose to deal with it after work.

  After she had entered and seated herself down, Robert shot her an unpleasant glance. “Carol, do you know how poor you have been today?”

  Carol did not say anything but stared at the table. “You are one of our better waitresses and today I had to deal with plenty of complaints from customers about you. Is there an explanation for this?” Robert sounded very angry.

  She could have easily said that it was just a one-off and put it down to some personal issue. Instead, Carol decided to make a clean breast of everything. “It’s Alicia,” she said.

  Robert frowned. “What about her?”

  “Well, she is expecting but she is pretty confused about her next course of action. I asked her to get an abortion but she did not seem confident.”

  Robert thought for a while. Then he said, “Thanks for bringing the matter to my notice, Carol. So this is the thing! Yeah, I thought she looked a little off-color with her playing during the evening. No worries though, dear! Leave it to me and I’ll take care of everything.”

  Carol felt relieved that Robert was willing to help her out. She thanked him and left for the night. Next morning she would return to work and regret her actions of the previous night.


  Alicia waited in the empty restaurant for Carol to change into her costume and join her in setting things in order. They were due to open in thirty minutes. When she finally showed up, the two of them got down t
o setting down the chairs and arranging the tables.

  “Did you say anything about my pregnancy to Robert,” Alicia asked Carol.

  Carol felt a little ashamed. She should have asked for her permission before spilling her secrets. “Yes Alicia! Sorry I –,” she began.

  Alicia raised a hand signaling for her to stop. “It’s okay I don’t have any issues with that. Sooner or later he would have known!”

  Carol felt a little relieved. “But how did you come to know? Has Robert spoken to you about it?”

  “Yes, he came into my room last night,” Alicia said, setting out the napkins on a table. “He said that he had come to know about my predicaments and was willing to be of assistance. Robert agreed to foot the bills of my abortion but on one condition.”

  Carol looked up to her as she stopped. There was a submissive look on her face. “Go on!” she pleaded.

  Alicia sighed. “Robert wants me to work as his hostess in the evening after I am done playing the piano. He would not require me daily, he said, but would send for me whenever necessary. I told him I would inform him of my decision tonight. Tell me Carol, will I make for a good hostess? I have no experience in serving people!”

  Carol was not sure what surprised her more – Alicia’s naivety or the fact that Robert had asked her to be his hostess. She knew that he had a thing for young women and had even employed a pretty girl as his personal assistance a few months back. Then he got her pregnant before she left a couple of weeks before Alicia joined. Since then, Carol had been trying to grab Robert’s attention. She did not think anyone else was suited for the role. After all, not many people knew that Carol was a famous call girl in Malibu who went by the name of Spanky Mama! As much as she was angry with Robert, she was also furious with herself for failing to keep her tongue from wagging more than necessary.

  “I’m sure you will do a fine job,” she told Alicia and excused herself. She headed straight for Robert’s office. “What is this I hear?” she asked, bursting into his chamber.

  Robert looked at her calmly. “What seems to be the matter my dear? You seem pretty agitated!”

  “You have asked Alicia to serve as your hostess? How could you do this Robert? How could you possibly ignore me?”

  Seeing that he was not saying anything, she stormed on, “You really love pounding a young pussy don’t you? But let me tell you something, that naïve bitch doesn’t even have the slightest idea about what you want from her! Hell, she’s not even among the prettier lot working for you these days!”

  Robert could see that Carol was getting agitated without any reason. He asked her to calm down. Then he said, “Tell me Carol! How many of your clients praise your beauty after they are done offloading themselves on Spanky Mama? I can tell from experience that you have never received such a compliment!” He noticed the surprised look on her face and added, “You should remember one thing girl. Nobody gives a damn about how a whore looks as long as there is enough quality residing between her legs!” And saying so, Robert ordered Carol to get back to her own work. He did not want this topic to come up for discussion ever again.

  Chapter 3


  Alicia’s month long sojourn at Robert’s bar restaurant was nearing its end. She had just three days in hand to pack up her belongings and leave in search of a new shelter. Robert had reminded her just a couple of days back that she was into her last week at the place.

  “Alicia, I hope you remember our deal?” he asked her one day as she came in to collect her wages. “This is your last week in the store room. I can’t possibly allow you to use the place beyond Saturday. I am aware of your condition and everything but sorry; this is the best I can do!”

  She did not make a big fuss out of it or plead with him to allow her to stay on for another few days. “Sure, I remember! I will be gone by Saturday evening, gone for good.”

  Robert did not ask her where she intended to put up after leaving the place. He was not sure the girl had any idea of that herself. He was right, Alicia was not sure where she would stay or what she would do after leaving the bar. Nevertheless, she decided to keep the matter to herself and not speak to anyone of her plans, least of all Carol. She no longer trusted anyone at the restaurant. Alicia went about her daily chores, there was nothing untoward in her manner and nobody could suspect that in another few days, she would be walking out of their lives once and for all. Slowly Friday turned into Saturday and the evening approached. Alicia finished her piano performance for the night and returned to her little place. Robert had already paid off her wages in advance so that she could leave when it was time – he never did anything that would demean his employees, he said. Once more she packed up her belongings and prepared to leave, this time into the unknown. She slipped out through the back exit and disappeared into a dark alleyway. No one saw her leave for the back door was never manned. Before anyone realized, Alicia was gone and nobody could bring themselves to imagine what her next destination would be.


  It took Damien three weeks to sober up enough so that he realized that something was not right. He had not seen Alicia for what seemed like an eternity. Initially it did not matter to him for he had his vodkas and rums to keep him company. However, now that he had run out of money, Alicia’s absence all of a sudden caught his attention. He managed to drag himself through another week on his last supplies of alcohol. Damien had to wait another four days before he finally remembered where Alicia worked. He shook himself out of his drunken slumber and decided that it was time to go and search for her.

  Damien had to hunt around for quite some time before he finally located Robert’s bar restaurant. He imagined that he could have a few drinks in there at Alicia’s expense and then ask the manager to make up for it from her wages. Damien sat himself down at a table and dived into three bottles of beer and two plates of the finest steak he had ever tasted. He felt satisfied and praised his wife for having taken up a job at such a fine address. At once, all his anger had settled down and he felt in a cheerful mood. The waiter came over with his check and he proudly said that his wife would pay for it.

  “Your wife?” the waiter was surprised. “But you came here alone!”

  “Oh don’t bother my good man! My wife is the best pianist in Malibu and your bar is honored to have her working for you.”

  For a moment, the waiter thought that the man was just too drunk and talking rubbish. Then he remembered Alicia and what a fine talent she was when she played at the piano. “Are you talking about Alicia Garvin?” he asked.

  Damien put on a proud smile. “That’s her,” he said. “That’s my wife.”

  “Please be seated, sir. I will be back in a minute.” The waiter left and summoned Robert to where Damien was seated. “Sir, this man here is the husband of Alicia Garvin. This is his check and he says that his wife will pay for it.”

  Robert took a good look at Damien and felt pity for Alicia. She had to put up with this shameless creature! He realized that Damien would not be an easy man to deal with, especially in his present condition where he was drunk.

  “So you are Damien Garvin?” Robert said, shaking Damien by the hand. “Alicia spoke all the time about you. What a coincidence that you turn up exactly a month since she left and ask me to charge your drinks from her wages!”

  Damien looked up at Roberts with a look of disbelief in his eyes. He was still unable to fathom the gravity of the situation. “Huh?” was all he could manage.

  “Alicia Garvin no longer works here mister. She has been gone for a month now,” Robert said.

  “B…b…but I…I…I,” Damien mumbled.

  “STOP MUMBLING YOU DRUNKEN FOOL!” Robert stormed at him. Everyone in the bar stared at them. It was not every day that a drunken pauper turned up at a bar in Malibu. “PAY YOUR MONEY AND DON’T WASTE MY TIME!”

  “I don’t have any money,” Damien said calmly. “Alicia will pay for it. Where is she?”

  Robert felt like tearing his own hair. He ca
lmed down and slowly said to Damien, “Look my good man! Your wife was in my employment till last month. Then she packed up her belongings, handed in her papers, and left. I don’t know her whereabouts. Now please, pay for your drinks and be on your way home. Else, I will be forced to throw you out!”

  “SON OF A BITCH…” Damien screamed and kicked ferociously at the table. He got up from his chair and pushed the waiter aside. With unsteady steps, he headed towards the stage where an orchestra was performing. “I know she is here somewhere. Tell me, where you have hidden her?” he asked Robert, turning around at him.

  Robert did not say anything but simply went ahead and tried to overpower Damien. The latter swung his right hand at his jaw but missed. Robert stumbled and took a few steps back.


  Robert charged at him again and landed a ferocious punch on his belly. Damien was caught off-guard and before he could react, another heavy blow landed on his jaw. He staggered backwards and crashed to the floor. The few customers who were seated around the bar rushed out of their seats and huddled at different places around the hall. The punch had brought him back into his senses and Damien leapt up on to his feet. He kicked out at Robert and missed again but his next punch was on target, catching him just below the right eye. Robert was not one to give in so easily and retaliated with a flurry of kicks and cuts. This was too much for Damien and he was soon overpowered. Too bad he did not know that the bar owner had taken karate lessons in his prime and held a black belt. His skills often came in handy while dealing with such rowdies. Robert summoned some of his waiters and asked them to take Damien outside and wait with him there. He then went on to call the police who arrived within minutes. Robert told them everything that had happened and asked them to take him away. The cops assure the owner that he would not cause further trouble and take him to the nearest police station. Damien was put in the cell for the night and then released in the morning. The law enforcers did not wish to make a big hue and cry of the incident. They were well aware of the reputation of this young man – a good for nothing character who did nothing but hopped around the various watering holes across Los Angeles with the sole purpose of staying drunk for as long as he could afford!


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