Alien Surrogacy 3: Taken by the Alien Pack

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Alien Surrogacy 3: Taken by the Alien Pack Page 1

by Sierra Chambers

  Alien Surrogacy 3: Taken by the Alien Pack

  by Sierra Chambers

  © Copyright 2016

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction and any character resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are over 18 years of age.

  No part of this book this book may be resold or given away without written permission from the author.

  Alien Surrogacy 3:

  Taken by the Alien Pack

  Stemp had begun acting strangely.

  Jen had noticed it in the past several months - as her belly had swelled in pregnancy, Stemp had become more and more protective of her. He would follow her around during the day, growling if anybody he deemed threatening got too close. Sometimes he even slept outside her room at night. The brutish alien was happier, too. He was smiling more than he had before, and his favorite pastime had become placing a gentle hand on Jen’s stomach, and cooing to the baby in complete gibberish.

  Jen wasn’t sure who was more unhappy with this development - Mali or Fezren.

  Mali hated how her husband touched Jen, and her lips would purse into impossibly thin lines whenever she saw the alien man following Jen around like a lovestruck fool.

  Fezren’s eyes flashed with anger, sadness, and hopelessness every time Stemp touched Jen.

  Not that he had any reason to worry. She only had eyes for him. Stemp was nothing but an unavoidable nuisance.

  In the months since they had met, she and Fezren had grown even closer, and seeing him was the highlight of her day. Stemp’s protectiveness was a constant source of frustration for the couple - they could never seem to find enough time alone.

  So when an opportunity arose, like today, they were both eager to take it. As soon as Mali had dragged a reluctant Stemp away from Jen, saying that they were visiting the town, she had raced to find Fezren.

  She loved spending time with Fez. She loved having his pulsing cock thrusting inside her, making her orgasm and filling her with his cum. Marking her as his from the inside, even though they both knew her belly was swollen with the seed from another man.

  She loved staring into his eyes as he thrust into her, or as she rode him, getting lost in those impossibly green depths.

  She loved how he used his long, reptilian tongue to make her cum. He would alternate between using it to flick her clit, and plunging it into her depths, touching her g-spot and every other inch of her channel. She loved feeling his weight above her, and feeling his thudding heartbeat when he held her afterward, his warm body so close to her own.

  But she also loved just talking to him, listening to his wry sense of humor and hearing stories of his home planet. She found it fascinating listening to how different life was where he was from.

  "So who else is in your family?" she asked.

  "I have fourteen brothers, and seventeen sisters," he said.

  "What!" gasped Jen. "That's insane!"

  He shrugged. "My species lives for a long time. It makes sense for the King to have a lot of children. The boys can be placed as rulers of troublesome districts, and the girls can be sent off to marry rulers of other planets to keep the peace."

  "Your poor mother," Jen mumbled. "Thirty one children!"

  Fezren chuckled. "She's a long-suffering woman, I'll give you that," he said. "Usually the children are raised by nannies but my mother insisted on doing it by herself. She says it's a parent's responsibility to raise their children well, and she put a lot of pressure on herself to do that, because she knew that we'd have lots of power when we grew up.”

  "She sounds like a good woman," Jen said.

  "She is," the alien said, his voice wistful. He clearly longed to return home, to see the mother and siblings he spoke so fondly of again. "She would have really liked you," Fezren said.

  "What? Why?" Jen asked. For reasons she couldn't quite pinpoint, the approval from a woman she had never and would never meet delighted her.

  "Because you're intelligent, brave, and funny," he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the universe.

  Jen didn't know what to say to that. She blushed and changed the subject. “What does your planet look like?” she asked curiously.

  "Ralia is the most beautiful planet I've been to," he said. "The entire planet is shrouded in mist, so it's impossible to see the landscape until you're actually standing on the planet. When the fog clears, you can see the rich, purple dirt, and the earthy brown sky that matches the water. Ralia has thirty seven moons, so at night time the sky is filled with bright circles.”

  “Thirty seven moons? All at once?”

  “Yes. They're like giant lamp posts, so the sky is never too dark. It's considered extremely lucky for the King to have thirty seven children, one for each of the moons. I believe my parents were aiming to do that, before my father was killed." His voice dropped low as he finished his sentence, and his brow furrowed. Talking about his home, and the family lost to him, was clearly very difficult for him.

  A wild thought ran into Jen's head. “If you escaped and got back to your home planet, would Mali and Stemp be able to steal you back?” she asked.

  “No,” he said. “My planet has learned from our previous errors, and my brothers have built up our fortifications. It is impenetrable now.”

  "So you can escape," she said.

  The alien frowned, and scratched at one of his pointed ears. "It's not that simple.”

  “Why not?” Jen asked.

  “Mali has a device set up that alerts her every time somebody enters or leaves the mansion's grounds. It would be impossible to leave without her knowing, and I’d be punished severely for trying.” His eyes turned wistful. “Maybe one day.”

  She leaned forward, kissing the sadness in his eyes away. He wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her tightly as if she were the only thing keeping him tethered to this universe.

  He ripped off her clothes more roughly than usual and pushed her naked body down onto the couch.

  Her breath hitched. He had never been this forceful with her before. He had always treated her gently, which she loved.

  But she loved this new side of him too. Her nipples hardened as his arms went to the couch on either side of her, caging her in.

  He kissed her roughly, a kiss that was all tangled tongues, panting breaths and groping hands.

  Fezren reached down between her legs, shoving a finger inside her to check whether she was ready for him. Evidently satisfied that she was, he lowered his pants and quickly buried his cock inside her, his eyes glowing an impossibly bright shade of green. His eyes had never done that before, and she felt a thrill of fear race through her at the unfamiliar, alien sight.

  He pounded into her roughly, letting out all of his frustrations. Their bodies slammed together, rocking the couch and filling the room with the sounds of them fucking.

  She felt pinned by the strength of his gaze. His eyes seemed to be trying to stare into her soul, to let her know the intensity of what he was feeling. She was the only thing he had. And he didn’t even have her, truly. He was a slave, they lived galaxies apart, and she was pregnant with another alien’s child.

  He continued his quick, desperate rhythm, slamming his length into her wet cunt. His breathing began to sound uneven, as her own breathing began to sound labored. She moaned, feeling her orgasm building up inside her. Fezren’s cock was brushing against her g-spot with every stroke, the ridges on his cock making the sensation even more intense. She brought a hand to her clit. All she needed was a little more, to push her over the edge...

; Wordlessly he pulled out, spraying himself on her belly and tits, coating her body with his cum, marking her. His cum was dark blue, and contrasted against the pale color of her skin. She could see where every single rope of the sweet tasting substance had landed.

  He finished off, shaking his cock, making the last couple of drops of jizz fly towards her, before walking over to a closet in the room. It was one of the housekeeper’s cupboards, filled with linens and towels.

  He apologetically handed Jen a towel without speaking. She took it wordlessly, watching in bewilderment as he left the room.

  Confused and horny, Jen got dressed. What the fuck just happened?

  She moved one of the cushions on the couch to cover up a new ink blue stain left by her alien lover’s cum.


  The next day, Jen was reading a book in one of the many sitting rooms. To her frustration, Stemp was back by her side, which meant that she wasn’t able to speak with Fezren.

  Her eyes flicked up as she heard the door handle turn.

  She knew Mali was about to cause trouble before the alien woman even spoke. “What do you want?” Jen asked waspishly. She didn’t bother hiding how much Mali annoyed her any more.

  “I’ve come to make you an offer,” Mali said.

  “So make it,” Jen retorted.

  “Now that you’re pregnant, you are free to have sex with others should you choose to do so, because it cannot hurt the baby. Humans are rare on this planet, and there are several nobles who would pay a lot for the pleasure of fucking one,” she said

  “You want to be my pimp,” Jen stated flatly.

  “I’m not familiar with that word,” the alien replied, tilting her large head to the side.

  “You want to arrange for me to have sex with people, and in exchange you get a percentage of the money I make,” she explained.

  “No. I don’t want any of your money.”

  Jen’s eyes narrowed. “So what do you get out of this?”

  “I know that you need money. I simply wish to help,” Mali said.

  “No, you don’t,” she replied.

  “Fine. I believe that you proving what a little whore you are will make Stemp lose interest in you,” Mali admitted.

  The idea of Stemp not following her around any more was extremely appealing, and it was true that she needed money, but she knew Fezren would hate the idea. The thought of him disapproving of her actions disturbed her.

  “I don’t think so, Mali,” Jen said.

  Mali’s lips mashed into a thin line, and her tennis ball sized eyes narrowed to slits. “Very well,” she said in a tone Jen assumed was meant to sound carefree. “Let me know if you change your mind. You know you can always talk to me. Stemp, let’s go.” She gestured for her husband to follow her.

  Stemp stayed sitting on the couch next to Jen.

  Mali repeated herself in an unfamiliar tongue, but still received no response from the hulking alien. She stomped over to him, gripped his hand, and pulled. He was far too heavy for her to move without him helping, and no help was forthcoming. She gave up.

  Stemp happily waved goodbye at Mali as she left the room.


  “Fez! I have the answer!”

  “Okay. What’s the question?” Fezren asked, sounding amused.

  “The question is: how can we get Fezren back to Ralia?”

  His long ears twitched, and he raised an eyebrow. “And the answer?”

  “I buy you a ship ticket, and a disguise. Then you run onto the ship and go home.”

  His shoulders drooped. “That’s your plan?” he asked disbelievingly. “To just get on a spaceship? Gee, why didn’t I ever think of that?”

  She flicked him on the nose. “None of your sarcasm, thank you very much. This time it will be different.”

  “Oh? And how’s that?”

  “You escape while I’m giving birth. Mali will be far too concerned about her baby to even think about you, especially when I tell her I’m feeling some unusual pains, and that I think something’s wrong with the baby. That should give you enough of a head start to make it back to your planet safely.”

  His eyes narrowed as he tried to think of a flaw in her plan. He couldn’t. “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” he said thoughtfully. “It could work. But there’s still no way to pay for the spaceship ticket. A ticket from here to Ralia would be extremely expensive. I can’t steal that much stuff from Mali, she’d notice.”

  She hesitated. This was the part of the plan she didn’t want to tell him. She didn’t want him to think less of her, but there was no other way.

  “I have an idea for that too. Mali made me an offer the other day. She said that there are aliens living on this planet that would pay a lot of money to have sex with a human woman. So if I do that, I will have the money to buy the ticket,” she said. “After I finish the sex, I can just tell Mali I feel like I need some fresh air, and walk to a ticket station.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that for me,” he said, frowning slightly.

  “You don't need to ask. I'm offering.”

  “I'd still feel wrong for letting you degrade yourself like that for my benefit.”

  She shrugged. “It's really not that different from the whole 'Alien Surrogacy' thing if you think about it. And it's not something I'd hate doing anyway,” she admitted, her cheeks flushing red .




  “You don't think less of me now, do you?” she asked shyly.

  “No. Of course not, Jen.”

  Jen began to feel a bit uneasy about just how undisturbed Fezren was by the whole idea. She knew it was stupid to love somebody that she had only known for a couple of months, but she couldn't deny she felt a special bond with him. Clearly, the feeling wasn't mutual.

  “You don’t mind at all? Really?” She tried to not let disappointment seep into her voice.

  “I mean, I’d rather you not have to, but I understand that love and sex are different things,” Fezren said calmly. “You need to do what you need to do. Besides, it's not like there's any risk. Mali would never allow any harm to come to her child, and that means she can't let anything happen to you either.”

  “Love?” Jen repeated back at him, her voice cracking slightly.

  Fezren flushed. “Well... yeah. I... care about you a lot,” he said slowly.

  “I care about you a lot too,” Jen smiled at him.

  He grabbed her hand. “Join me,” he said.


  “Come with me. Live on Ralia. I'll marry you.”

  “Okay,” she smiled, feeling excitement build up inside her. “I’ll meet you there.”

  They kissed, long and deep.

  “Okay, I'll go and tell Mali that I've decided to take her offer.”


  Four days later, everything had been arranged.

  Jen sat in her bedroom, waiting for her alien clients to come. But when the door handle finally turned, it was Mali that was on the other side. She was accompanied by a tall, hulking alien with armor-like skin. There were several formidable looking weapons tucked into his belt.

  “Hello Jen. Are you well today?”

  “Hi, Mal-”

  Mali continued speaking before Jen had time to answer. “Today is the day you have been booked in for the gangbang” She pointed at the alien standing next to her. “He will be your guard. He will show you safely to the brothel.”

  “I’m going to a brothel?” Jen asked disbelievingly.

  Mali frowned. “Where on earth did you think you were going, silly girl. Did you honestly think I’d let a bunch of alien brutes gangbang you in my house? On my furniture?”

  “Well, yes. Wasn’t the entire point to make Stemp lose interest in me. How would that work, if he’s nowhere nearby?”

  “When you come home, they will have marked you with their seed. They will have cum in all your holes, and all over your body. Stemp has a strong sens
e of smell. It will be enough.”

  “Oh.” A flicker of excitement ran through Jen at the prospect of seeing more of the alien world. Besides, the journey would give her the chance to find out the location of a tickets office.

  A vehicle of sorts was waiting at Mali’s front door, and the guard escorted her inside.

  As she sat down, Jen noted with disappointment that the vehicle didn’t have any windows. There goes my plan of finding the spaceship station on the way, she thought bitterly. “Why aren’t there any windows?” she asked the guard grouchily.

  “We travel at speeds too high for windows. Looking out them would make you sick,” he replied.

  Jen frowned, settling back into her seat. Throughout the journey, she stared at the blank space where the window should have been.

  When the duo arrived at the brothel, they were greeted by a naked female alien. Jen suspected from the woman’s large eyes that she was the same species as Mali, but the alien was wearing too much makeup to be sure. The thick goop coated her entire body, making her feet, breasts, head, and everything in between swirling shades of pink and purple. Her hair was piled high on top of her head, with shades of blue, green, and purple in it. “Welcome, Jennifer. I am Madam Rosital,” the alien woman said grandly.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Your English is very good,” Jen complimented her.

  She smiled prettily. “Why, thank you. We have patrons from all around the known space, so it is important for me to speak a number of different languages.”

  “Oh? It's not just Elendamans?” Jen asked.

  “Not at all! Many species live on Elendama, and others still travel for the opportunity to be with my skilled workers. For example, for you alone, aliens from more than fifty different species applied. ”

  “Fifty?” Jen gasped, her heart thudding in her chest.

  “You were very popular. I have chosen your clients based on those sexually compatible with humans, and narrowed it down to a select number of aliens I believe you will enjoy.” Rosital winked at Jen, and handed her a lightweight white dress.


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