by Blue Saffire
“You need to back off,” I snarl. “LaSalle is my fiancé. You will not disrespect that or my man’s home.”
His crazy ass just smirks at me. He tilts his head as he studies me for longer than I like, but I don’t flinch. I will not give an inch. I growl when he places his hand on my hip.
“Misha, do you really want to lose your life in my home? In front of your daughter,” LaSalle’s voice fills the room, not too low, not too loud, but commanding just the same.
I look around Misha to see LaSalle standing in the kitchen entrance way with Milanie in his arms. She looks happy to be there. Her eyes bounce between LaSalle and her father, totally oblivious of the tension passing between the two.
Misha sighs and steps away from me. “I am just talking to Moj malen’kij kotenok,” Misha smirks.
“She is not your little kitten,” LaSalle growls, as I simultaneously repeat the same sentiments.
Misha shrugs. “She will always be my little kitten. That will never change,” Misha goes to take Milanie from LaSalle. “Come, my treasure. We wash for dinner. Your aunt cooks something that smell delicious.”
“Yum, Aunt Mo-mo makes the best dinner,” Milanie chimes.
“Thank you, Sweetie,” I say with a smile.
“You’re welcome,” Milanie says with a shy smile, as her father carries her from the room.
“I don’t like him touching you. If he ever goes too far, you talk to me,” LaSalle says, with a frown on his face. His brows are knit and I can see the storm swimming in his grey eyes.
“He is toying with us,” I whisper.
“This I know. If you aren’t comfortable with this—,” LaSalle starts, but I shake my head.
“Milanie is getting what she needs with me and the other children around. I can handle Misha,” I say.
LaSalle presses his lips, moving to stand in front of me. “You are so selfless. Milanie is lucky to have you as an aunt,” LaSalle says, reaching to squeeze my shoulder.
I dip my head and look at the ground. I will myself not to melt from his simple touch. You will not fall for this man, you will not fall for this man.
I’ve been telling myself this every day, wishing it to be true. Right at that moment, Megan comes running into the kitchen and LaSalle doesn’t hesitate to scoop her up into his arms. He whispers something in her ear and tickles her stomach. This is the father I’ve always pictured him as.
Sigh, you are so falling for this man.
chapter Eighteen
Night Baby
Two weeks later…
I can hear him clicking away at his computer on the floor. He has sighed almost every five seconds. It’s becoming comical. I roll my lips and try not to laugh as he does it again.
I give up on trying to sleep or acting like he’s not getting on my nerves just a little. We have been roomies for a month now. I know he’s waiting for me to speak up. It is becoming our thing.
It gets increasingly effortless each night. The level of comfort is getting easier and easier. Talking to LaSalle is like when I used to talk to my big brother. I didn’t realize how much I missed that type relationship until the last few weeks.
LaSalle has shared things about his promotion and what’s going in his family role under the guise that he wants me to be aware of where things stand with Misha, but I think he just needs to talk sometimes.
I can understand that he is going to be taking over his family and a lot of responsibility. I can hear the burden of that in his voice. I know there is still a part of him that questions, ‘why him?’
Out of him, Bobby, and Marcus, he was the chosen one. Now he has surpassed even others in the family to take over. I think it’s because he has a power within him, he hasn’t seen for himself yet.
LaSalle was meant to lead. It’s just in him. I’ve watched him over the past few weeks. The way he can be in a room full of alphas, but when he speaks they all listen. I don’t mean a room full of just any alphas, either.
LaSalle runs with men that can shut shit down on their own, so I can imagine the things they’ll accomplish as a team. It’s awe inspiring to watch. Yet, he doesn’t get it.
A smile tips my lips as he sighs again. I shift on the soft sheet and sit up in bed. He sighs again and I slap the bed and laugh.
“What is it?” I growl with no real bite.
“It took you long enough,” he says, as his head pops up over the edge of the king-sized bed.
He stands revealing his full bare chest and a pair of black pajama pants. I look up into his eyes to keep from looking at anything below his neck.
Lord, have mercy. This man is just fine. Those piercing grey eyes and that chiseled body. It’s just not right.
“What are you, like forty now,” I gasp out.
LaSalle snorts. “No,” he says in mock horror. “I’ll be thirty-eight.”
He climbs onto the bed with his laptop and makes himself comfortable. His eyes search my face. He looks like he’s about to say something, but he changes his mind.
“You don’t look old. I just knew you were older than me. Your body is insane, but since you’re not forty,” I’m babbling.
Shut the fuck up, Mo. Ugh!
LaSalle chuckles. “Thanks, I think,” he teases and elbows me.
“What’s that?” I point to his laptop to change the subject.
I squint at the screen as if I can’t see it clearly. A smile takes over my lips as I look at the pretty little princess gowns. I look back at LaSalle and he’s looking at me nervously.
“What are you up to?” I ask with a smile.
He smiles back. “We had an idea. Dylan was in Brooklyn’s office scrolling through social media. We caught him watching this video of this father and his daughter.”
LaSalle shrugs his shoulder. “Logan and I thought it was cute. We had some ideas of our own. You know not wanting to copy the guy, but do our own thing,” he gives me a nervous smile.
I think I just fell in love. Here I was, just thinking of how much of an alpha this man is, and now this. He just turned my heart to goo.
I nod. “Okay, what do you need help with?”
“Which dresses are the right size and age appropriate for my girls,” he says.
I look back at him and his cheeks are a little pink. The stubble covering his chin and cheeks only intensifies the color and makes it adorable on him. I shake my head and pluck his laptop from his lap.
I scroll the site he was surfing, until I find the girls favorites. We spend a half hour with LaSalle frowning at the choices before him. He looks like he’s deciding on world peace.
“What? What’s wrong,” I quiz.
“They all look cheap. I was thinking of something a little different,” he rubs his forehead.
“I think they will love whatever you pick,” I encourage.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “My brain is fried. Let’s call it a night. Thanks.”
“You’re a good dad,” I say and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at me for a long moment, as I pull away. He reaches to twirls his finger around one of my curls sticking out the top of my scarf. I’m stock still, I don’t even breathe.
He leans and kisses my forehead. “Goodnight, Baby.”
With that, he slides from the bed and returns to the floor on his makeshift bed. I slip down under the covers and stare up at the ceiling as I repeat his words in my head. No one was here to cause him to use the endearment. He did it on his own.
Goodnight, Baby, I think back to him.
chapter Nineteen
Three months later…
“Why are you lifting him,” Misha growls.
“Not now, Misha,” I snap back, as I try to tighten my hold on a squirming Sammy.
He is not having a good day. He seems to be having a meltdown every hour on the hour. I blame whatever visions he’s having. I don’t know what’s going on in his head, but it has been vicious today. The po
or thing needs a little peace.
“Put. Him. Down,” Misha orders.
“Misha,” I hiss.
“Just listen,” Misha grunts.
I place Sammy on his feet and Misha comes to kneel before him. He pinches Sammy’s chin in his fingers and catches his eyes. Sammy stops squirming immediately.
Misha looks up at me. “You say pressure is good for him, Da?”
I nod.
“Good, I have just the thing. Come, young Sam. Three is old enough,” Misha nods.
“What? Old enough for what?” I gasp and go to throw myself in front of Sammy. “He’s not even three yet.”
Misha moves faster, scooping Sammy up in his arms. “Old enough to hang with Uncles. I make visit to Uri and Michael today. Sammy come with.”
I narrow my eyes at him. I’m not letting this nut take this baby anywhere. I open my mouth to say just that, when LaSalle enters the kitchen.
Sensing the tension in the room, he comes right to me and wraps an arm around my waist. He dips to kiss my forehead. Then looks between me and Misha.
“What has he done now,” LaSalle grunts.
I smirk and give Misha a look that says, ‘you done fucked up now’. I fold my arms over my chest and look up at LaSalle. I nod at Misha and Sammy.
“He’s trying to take Sammy with him to see Uri and Michael. He says three is old enough, but this is Misha. Old enough for what?” I hiss the last words, looking directly at Misha.
A look passes between Misha and LaSalle. I look back and forth between them. LaSalle only squeezes my waist.
“They’ll be fine,” LaSalle murmurs.
“What,” I gasp.
“It’s fine, Baby,” he looks me in the eyes. “He’s right. Sammy will be three in a few short months, he will be fine. You said it yourself. Sammy’s a smart boy.”
“You trust your son with this nut?” I point at Misha. “Sammy’s not even having a good day.”
“Relax, Mo-mo,” Sammy giggles.
My head whips in his direction and my mouth falls open. Sammy has a grin on his little face, as Misha holds him in his arms. I groan.
“I do not have a good feeling about this,” I shake my head.
“Is she always like this?” Misha pokes.
“Fu-,” I stop myself and hold my tongue. “Have a nice day, Misha,” I say sugary sweet.
Misha laughs and walks away with Sammy, who now seems to be having a good day. I swear that man breathes to annoy the life out of me. One of these days there will not be children around and I will kick his damn ass. I swear it’s going to happen.
LaSalle snatches my chin, causing me to look up at him. “Thank you, but he will be fine,” he chuckles when I don’t respond. “You know my mother used to tell us that our face would freeze into a perpetual frown if we scowled enough. You’re too pretty for that to happen. My son is fine. I trust Uri and Michael.”
“I’m not worried about Uri and Michael,” I huff.
“Misha doesn’t have a death wish. Come with me. I have some errands to run. You haven’t been out of the house much,” LaSalle says, dropping his hand from my face.
I perk up instantly. Camille took the girls with her for a play date. Sammy remained behind because he was having such a bad day.
With all the children out of the house, I was only going to sit around and write. I’m at an impasse in my book, so I jump at the chance to get out of here.
I did have errands to run, but I changed my mind, when I saw how happy Monique was to get out of the house. I made a detour to one of my restaurants. It’s one of my favorites.
We have a rooftop dining area. It’s too cold for New Yorkers to dine out there this time of the season. So, I was sure we could have it to ourselves.
“How’s your therapy going,” I ask as we share a plate of mussels.
As brisk as the weather is, you would think it was summer, the way her face is lit up. I know security has been tight, but it hadn’t dawned on me how little she gets to go out. Her physical therapist comes to the house, five times a week.
“It’s coming along. I have a decent range of motion. I’m not complaining. I’ll be back to kicking ass and taking names later in no time,” she giggles.
I shake my head. “Czar used to tell some pretty amusing stories about you. The shit the two of you got away with,” I cover my mouth as I laugh.
Her brown eyes twinkle, lighting up her face all the more. The purple turtleneck sweater dress she has on is perfect for her complexion. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun, showcasing her flawless features.
Monique rolls her eyes. “All of my siblings have big mouths. I don’t know where they get that from. You can’t pry information out of my father.”
“Yeah, that man is a steel vault,” I chuckle.
“Tell me about it. I like your family though. They’re all so warm and welcoming. Your mother is a riot,” she laughs.
I give a shiver and wince. “Now that woman, she’s where I really got my ruthlessness. Her wooden spoon put the fear of God into the four of us.”
“What, stop lying. Minnie would never,” she gasps, giving me that gorgeous smile.
“Yes, she would. Ask Bobby,” I snort. “He was the one always getting his ass whipped. I was too smart for that. I should have been the lawyer in the family. I talked my way out of trouble every time.”
She tilts her head at me. “I saw the law degree. You did go to school for law,” she says softly.
I nod. “Yes, but my skills for law were not the ones I needed most. Turns out that I was born to be a businessman.”
“Yup, a business,” she smirks and winks at me.
“Don’t let anyone tell you different,” I smirk back.
“I think you are forgetting who you are talking to,” she lifts a brow.
“Nope, I’m just being normal on a perfectly normal day,” I reply and sip my wine.
She looks around the rooftop. “This is not normal, but I’ll let you have that. I’m not a dream killer.”
“Dreams…no,” I chuckle and wink at her.
She twists her lips over a smile. “Watch it.”
“Yes ma’am,” I hold my hands up.
“So, do you think Misha is buying our story?” she says quietly.
My smile falls slightly and I sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know where his head is. He’s still watching us,” I frown. “Well, he’s watching you. I know that for sure.”
“What are we going to do? I mean no one expects you to run into a marriage after your wife was just gunned down. Not even if you two were filing for a divorce. But at some point, he’s going to question our engagement,” Monique says to the table.
“We have time,” I say simply. She lifts a questioning brow at me. “Trust me, we have time.”
“I trust you,” her words come out like a promise, causing something to shift in me.
All playfulness leaves me. I know instantly our day has ended. I won’t let that door open.
chapter Twenty
Sister Lunch
Two months later…
I have mixed feelings about what I’m about to do. I received a call from Brenda two days ago. It started off like any of our usual conversations and then I heard the shift in her voice.
I held my breath, as I waited for whatever bomb she was about to drop. That’s when she asked if I was ready to meet my other sister. I sat silent.
It has been six months since I first met my niece, Milanie. Every day as I watch her blossom and bloom, I can’t help but wonder what her mother was like. That’s something I will never have a chance to find out.
So, after a few long, excruciating minutes, I said ‘yes.’ It was a miracle I got LaSalle to agree with me going out. He was reluctant at first, but I threatened to choke him in his sleep if I didn’t get out of the house.
Things have been too quiet and LaSalle doesn’t like it. The murmurs have even stopped, whi
ch he doesn’t trust. I’ve watched him and Misha brood about family business.
Yes, that fucking Misha is still living with us, taunting our lives every chance he gets. I roll my shoulders thinking about the ass whipping I want to give his ass. LaSalle is even becoming increasingly short tempered with him.
Well, I guess that’s all a part of the act. Misha hits on me and LaSalle threatens his balls. Tension has been getting thick. Misha has picked up on the lack of PDA between us.
LaSalle makes sure to hold me, wrap an arm around my waist, or a touch here or there. We just never lock lips. I may peek his cheek or LaSalle may place an affectionate kiss to my forehead, but the line is drawn there.
Misha has started to mention it more and more. Offering to fulfill my needs that LaSalle isn’t. He’s such a cocky bastard.
“Moj malen’kij kotenok, why settle for man that gives you no fire,” he teased this morning.
I wanted to throat punch him. Only reason I didn’t was because LaSalle walked up behind me, smelling like sin. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.
“Enjoy your lunch,” his words fanned my ear, then he nuzzled my neck.
You would have thought he said something so much dirtier. My panties were completely ruined. That has been happening a lot lately. LaSalle’s simple touches are becoming overwhelming. I chide myself daily for allowing myself to fall into the fantasy.
“What has you so deep in thought,” my sister, Brenda’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.
I blink and look up to find Brenda standing next to a shade lighter version of me. My mouth drops open. She looks just like me, with light brown…no they’re green and light brown eyes.
“Wow, you could never deny being my sister,” Kurtrina gasps.
I stand nervously and she pulls me into a tight hug. I’m shocked, but I return the hug when I recover. This is real. I have a little sister. My father ain’t shit for it, but that’s not Kurtrina’s fault.