Legally Bound 5.5: Legally Unbounded (Legally Bound Series)

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Legally Bound 5.5: Legally Unbounded (Legally Bound Series) Page 19

by Blue Saffire

  “The girls will be excited,” I reply as I trace circles on his skin.

  “Baby, I want to make it clear that the only reason I’m not buying you your own home is because I don’t want to change anything else in the children’s life, not yet. In a year or two, I’ll make sure you get the house of your dreams,” he sighs.

  I lift my head and look up at him. “I’m not even about all of that. I wouldn’t allow you to disturb their lives like that, just for my comfort. I know what I’m getting into LaSalle. You had a wife and a family before me,” I lift a shoulder.

  “There is nothing I can do about that, but do know this. I love each one of your children and they will always come first because they’re your priority. Their safety and well-being is just as important to me as it is to you.”

  He cups my face. “I don’t want you to forget you’re a priority for me as well,” he presses his lips. “Sammy still won’t let me take that ring off your finger. I swear his little ass comes running every time I even think about it.”

  I smirk. I still haven’t mentioned to LaSalle that I think Sammy is gifted. He’s right. He’s tried to remove the ring on my finger a number of times. Each time, Sammy has come running.

  I stroke his damp hair from his forehead. “I love you for wanting to do things for me. I can see what you’re thinking. You have never made me feel like I’m in her shadow and I will never try to replace her in your life or the children’s. It’s a house and a ring. Just things.”

  He shakes his head. “No, that’s not what I’m thinking. I know you’re not trying to replace her. These are things Sam gave to someone else. I need to give you things I chose for you, capisce?” LaSalle says with a frown.

  “Yes, I understand, but do you understand it’s not something I’m stressing?”

  He kisses my forehead. “Good, because it’s not for you to stress. It’s my concern,” he murmurs.

  “Ugh, so stubborn,” I huff.

  “Be ready for a huge party when you arrive in Italy,” Sam changes the subject with a smile on his lips.

  “You know the kids don’t have to go stay with your parents. I’ll keep them here with me,” I offer.

  I was a little disappointed when he told me he was taking them to his parents’. I wouldn’t mind keeping them with me. I look down at his chest as I wonder if he questions leaving them with me long term.

  He lifts my chin with his fingers. “My mother wants to spend time with them. You’re welcome to go to the house and spend time with them whenever you want,” he kisses my lips. “Besides, you should be planning our wedding. There will be plenty of times when you and the kids will be without me. You’ll be begging me to send them off.”

  “Nonsense, don’t you know us girls are best friends and Sammy has become my shadow the last few days,” I laugh.

  LaSalle wrinkles his brows. “Yeah, I noticed that. You know, maybe I should take him with me,” he says, as if thinking out loud.

  “He’ll be fine. Anyway, I’m here if your mother needs help or a break,” I reassure him.

  LaSalle cups the side of my face. “Thank you. You love my children. It’s not forced, I can tell. The way you care for them…thank you. You don’t have to, but you do,” he says with so much emotion.

  “Even if I didn’t fall in love with them before all of this happened. How could I not love them? They’re a part of you. I love everything about you,” I say as I search his eyes.

  He draws me to him and kisses me passionately. It doesn’t take long before we’re making love once again. LaSalle makes my body and soul soar to heights beyond heights.

  chapter Thirty-One

  All I Have


  I sniffle as I look down at my phone. This man has no idea what I’ve been through. I want to meet my niece. I need to meet her. I don’t know what his problem is, but I’m getting impatient.

  This Russian bastard needs to stop playing games. I’ve called and left him numerous voicemails about meeting my niece. Afanasy and I aren’t speaking at the moment, because I will not listen to him tell me I cannot see my niece one more time.

  I don’t give a good damn who this Misha is. No, I don’t need to watch my mouth when I leave him messages. No, I don’t have to respect his wishes. It has been long enough.

  I tighten my grip on my phone and growl out my frustration. He doesn’t want to take my calls, well, I’ll blow his phone up until he gets sick of me. Enough is enough. I have a right to meet my sister’s daughter.

  I stab at my phone dialing the same number I was given months ago. I mean, why give me your number if you’re not going to answer my freaking calls. I don’t do stupid well. This is beyond.

  “You’re going to answer my damn calls. I want to see my niece you, son of a bitch,” I huff as the phone rings.

  “You do not know my mother. Although, you are right. It is my father that was bitch,” a rough Russian accent pours through the phone.

  My heart skids to a stop at the sound. It’s sexy as fuck. I’m taken back by my reaction. I don’t gravitate to men. Afanasy is a gorgeous man and he has asked me a number of times why I don’t date. Truthfully, Afanasy and I are as close as a man and a woman can get without having an intimate relationship. I just don’t do men.

  I shift in my seat, feeling a little discomfort, but I pull my shit together before he hangs up. “I want to meet Milanie. There is no reason for you to be doing this. Do you think you’re better than me? Why is Monique good enough and not me?” I snarl.

  “We will be there tonight. You have two weeks to spend with Milanie. Shura stays with you. You do not leave apartment with my daughter. Da,” he rumbles back.

  “What?” I breathe stunned by his words.

  “I have business. You watch my daughter. I give you what you ask for, net,” he says with impatience.

  “Yes, but why now,” I ask suspiciously.

  “I don’t have time for this. I ask Tasha. Stop calling me,” he snaps.

  “Wait, no, I want to do this. Please, she is all I have. My sisters and my niece are all I have. Don’t take this away from me,” I hate that I’m pleading with this man for anything.

  I tighten my hold on the phone even more. The pause on the other line is so long, I think he has hung up. I look down at my phone to see the timer still going.

  “You even sound like her,” he says roughly. “Tonight, I bring her tonight. Milanie is all I have. Do not go against rules.”

  I’m left with my mouth hanging open when the line cuts off. I stare down at my phone in disbelief. Who is this guy?

  “You don’t understand Misha. This is not about you,” Afanasy’s voice fills the room. “I try to tell you this.”

  “Don’t,” I lift my hand.

  “I am friend. I don’t want to see you hurt. Be careful with Misha,” Afanasy continues anyhow.

  “I don’t give two shits about that man. I want to be in my niece’s life,” I huff.

  “You have that now. I hope you know what you have gotten yourself into,” he says and turns to leave the room abruptly.

  I don’t have time to figure him out, as the excitement and nervousness of getting to meet my niece sets in. I finally get to meet Milanie, my sister’s baby. It is a bittersweet feeling.

  “I’ll take care of her, Keisha. Better than I did you,” I whisper to myself.



  I don’t know why I’ve chosen to let Milanie stay with her aunt. I should take LaSalle up on his offer for me to send my daughter with his children. I should talk things out with my Aunt Faina, but I will do none of that.

  It is something in her voice. Kurtrina has been calling my phone for months. I’ve listened to every message. I tried to tell myself that Milanie is better off not meeting her, but I know I’m wrong.

  “You are good father, Misha, but this is business. You have made wise choice. Let Milanie spend time with aunt. You focus on Alliance and business,” Shura says with a nod. “I wil
l take care of family.”

  “You are good friend, Shura. You and I know this is about more than business,” I scoff.

  “Yes, but you are man. You do what you need,” he shrugs.

  “I have to do this…I need to move on,” I say more to myself than anyone else.

  “Who are you trying to convince my friend? Me or you,” Shura asks with a lifted brow.

  “Maybe both.”

  “Da, but only one of us needs convincing,” Shura chuckles. “Let’s have drink. You have some time before you drop Milanie to her aunt.”

  “You will take her to her. I will just ride along,” I reply, feeling the bile rise in my throat.

  “I knew you would say that,” Shura sighs heavily.

  “It is for best,” I mumble.

  “Sure, it is. I say nothing,” Shura nods as he pours us both out two fingers of vodka.

  He doesn’t have to say anything. I’ve known Shura long enough to hear what he doesn’t say. This is going to come back to bite me. I already feel the sting.

  My father’s words haunt me even now. You are obsessed with those brown faced women. It is time I let go of my obsession. The time has come. I toss back my head and swallow the fiery liquid. If only I could drown my sorrows in this glass.



  I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous. I’ve cleaned the apartment twice and it wasn’t dirty to begin with. My mind is racing. I don’t know how my niece is going to receive me and she will be with me for two weeks.

  I’m trying my hardest to ignore the fact that I’m intrigued by this Misha character. Something in his voice has stirred something within that I’m not even willing to look at. Afanasy’s reaction to his boss has my interest peaked even more so, but I’ll be letting all of that go.

  I look at the clock on the wall and take a deep breath. Shura called thirty minutes ago and said they’d be arriving within the hour. I’ve changed my clothes three times, settling on a yellow wrap dress. I don’t even remember buying this thing.

  It has to be something Brenda brought over to sneak into my closet. The girl is relentless. She doesn’t understand why I won’t let her set me up on a blind date. I’ll have to tell her soon. She is driving me nuts.

  The apartment doorbell buzzes and I nearly jump out of my skin. I pop from my seat, but Afanasy is already on his way to answer. I rock from foot to foot, trying to look around Afanasy large frame as he opens the door.

  When the door opens and he steps out of the way, Shura comes into view with the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen on his hip. She is just gorgeous. I can see some of my sister in her face.

  When her eyes land on me, they grow wide and she stares in wonder. I watch as her eyes tear up. She turns to look up at Shura. Her little lips tremble when she speaks.

  “Papa said that’s not mommy, but she looks just like mommy,” she says in almost a whisper.

  “You remember your papa saying your mommy and your aunt are special sisters. Just like your friends Tiffany and Tracey, and Sydney and Marie Lynn,” Shura says softly.

  Milanie nods her little head. She then turns back to me and looks me over from head to toe. She wiggles free from Shura’s arms and makes her way to stand in front of me.

  I hold my breath as she stands in front of me wringing her tiny hands. She rocks forward as if she might reach for me, but rocks back just as quickly. I take a chance and kneel in front of her.

  She reaches her little hand out and cups my face. “You’re my auntie, like Auntie Mo?” She asks, her big eyes blinking at me.

  “Yes, I’m so happy to finally get to meet you,” I say with a shaky smile of my own.

  I’m struck speechless when she throws both arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her and hold her small body as tightly as she is holding onto me. I think I’m going to crumble when she starts to sob.

  “Don’t let go okay?” She sobs. “Mommy let go. I wanted to stay with her, but she let go. I was a bad girl. I didn’t run like she told me to. Don’t let go.”

  “Oh, God, Sweetie. I won’t,” I promise.

  And I mean it. I keep my niece in my arms for the rest of the night. I never even bother to question her father’s whereabouts. I could care less. I have what I want. My piece of my sister.

  chapter Thirty-TWO



  “Sammy, Honey, come on,” I coax.

  I’m so tired, I just want to get back in bed. I’ve slept like shit with LaSalle gone. I’m so used to him being in the room at least, and the last couple of nights before he left, I got spoiled being in his arms.

  I’m exhausted, but when I lay down my head to rest, sleep doesn’t come. At this point I feel like I could pass out any moment, but I’m forcing my lids open. Minnie called me in the middle of the night. She just couldn’t get Sammy to settle. I wasn’t asleep anyway, so I rushed over to pick Sammy up to stay with me.

  I’ve only been in my apartment for one night. There was something eerie about being in LaSalle’s house all alone, without the children or LaSalle. Misha and Milanie went on a trip as well. I didn’t ask to where. Misha’s business is his own.

  I figured the smaller apartment would bring me a little more comfort and some sleep. At least, my bed in my apartment doesn’t smell like LaSalle. His scent covers the bed back at the house. It has been driving me crazy.

  I cracked the biggest smile when I arrived at Minnie and James Mairettie’s home. Sammy was waiting by the front door in his little jacket. He looked so adorable, ready to go, as if he’d been waiting the entire time for me to arrive and take him with me. I had to remind myself the kid sees the future.

  It’s eight in the morning in Italy, but LaSalle has been busy. I probably should have called him to tell him that I’m taking Sammy with me, but I figured I’d wait until he calls me later. He has called at least once every day to check on me.

  At first, my plan was to try my best to just calm Sammy down. I figured once I calmed him and got him into bed, I would be able to leave. However, seeing him in his little jacket that Michael bought him, told me I wasn’t going to leave him. Sammy has been carrying that jacket everywhere.

  If he doesn’t have it on, he has it with him. The evil eye he gave Megan when she tried to take it from him the other day had me in tears. Needless to say, we’ve been leaving him and his little jacket alone.

  Instead of my original plan, I scooped my little buddy up and got back in my car. What the heck, we can be sleepless together. Although, I’d rather be sleepless in my apartment. Not the garage of my apartment building.

  “Please, Sammy, can we go upstairs,” I try again as he sits in his car seat humming.

  “Not yet, Mo-mo, not yet,” he whispers.

  I narrow my eyes at this little boy, but everything in me tells me that I need to pay attention. I’ve been trying to get him out of the car for the last five minutes, but he won’t budge. He has this pensive look on his face as he hums to himself.

  “Sammy,” I say gently.

  “Now, Mo-mo, now,” he says as his head snaps towards me.

  My brows wrinkle, but I nod and hold my hand out for him to get out of the back seat of the car. Sammy takes a tight hold of my hand and hops from the car. I push the door closed and we head for the elevators that lead up to the apartments from the garage.

  Sammy nearly drags me along. When we get to the elevator, he pushes the button and it lights up. I turn him to face me and kneel before him.

  “Is everything okay, Sweetie,” I ask, but my words go unanswered.

  Sammy’s small hand mushes me out of the way, with strength I never knew he had. I fall over to my side, onto my hip. It’s just in time to see one man drop to the floor with a hand to his bloody throat, as a gun drops from his other hand.

  My eyes go wide as I see another man heading for us. I turn to Sammy to grab him, but my eyes grow even wider as I watch my three-year-old charge reach into his little jacket and p
ull a blade just big enough for his small hand.

  Sammy tosses the blade so fast and fluidly, it’s almost like it never happened. I turn to see the man that was headed for us drop to the ground just like the first. I look back at Sammy with my mouth open.

  His grey eyes snap to mine. “Get your guns, Mo-mo. Three more coming, five seconds,” Sammy says.

  I snap out of my shock and reach for my bag. I have time to get to my feet and release the safeties on my guns, as I lift them from my bag. Twin Glocks, Tasha never leaves home without them. I’ll kiss Misha later for buying the ones I wanted.

  Sure enough, by the time I pull my guns two more men come into view. I blow a hole through the head of one and shoot the other in the neck. Sammy has flung another blade from his jacket, catching a third guy in the shoulder, causing his gun to fall from his hand.

  I turn my guns on him and air his ass out. His body jerks five times before dropping to the ground. I’m pissed, now that reality is setting in and the shock is wearing off.

  “Left, Mo-mo,” Sammy commands.

  I turn left, but no one is there. Until…it’s about five seconds and two broad guys turn the corner. I let loose, as I move my body to cover Sammy’s.

  The elevator chimes behind us and I turn at the sound of my name being growled. I turn to see LaSalle’s cousin, Marco. He has a gunshot wound to his arm looking like a blue eyed pissed off version of LaSalle.

  “Move,” Marco grunts.

  I scoop up Sammy and start back for my car. Marco places a hand on my back, leading me to a SUV. With his gun, he points me to the driver’s side. I nod and lick my dry lips. Marco takes Sammy and rounds the car for the passenger side.

  A sound to my right has me spinning. I turn in time to blow a hole through the chest of the guy that fires at Marco and Sammy. I don’t even think about it twice.

  “Get in, Mo,” Marco roars in his thick Italian accent.

  I jump in the truck and start it. I peel out of the parking spot, heading for the exit. Sammy climbs from Marco’s lap into the back seat. Marco cusses in Italian as he dials a number on the dashboard display.


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