Kalazaron Ankon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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Kalazaron Ankon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 11

by Maia Starr

  “Who gave you permission to be alone with my slave Lieutenant Treen? I ordered you to bring nourishment and nothing else. You were not to stay here and act out fantasy games of feeding her as if she was yours!” Baku was now standing and shouting at him in a rage of jealousy.

  “Yes Commander. My mistake. Punish me at your will,” the warrior said bowing his head.

  “I will deal with you later. Now go!” Baku shouted. The warrior left and Baku moved over to Meera. “What else happened? Did he touch you?”

  Meera was frightened but also intrigued and turned on that this Commander that she found so interesting and attractive was jealous over her.

  “Just a little…” she whispered teasing him to get a rise out of him.

  “No! You are mine! Are you not still a virgin then?”

  “I am still a virgin,” she whispered. Then Baku walked close to her and planted his lips on hers kissing her deeply and passionately.

  In the room the sensual weight between them was evident. He put his strong hands around her and pulled her closer. Meera shrieked a bit as she was caught off guard, then he planted another firmer kiss on her lips. His hands meandered down her back and around her ass. He pressed his crotch against hers and Meera could feel that he was hard. He turned her on like Meera had never been. At that point he pulled away from her. "I didn’t care for the way you were associating with my Lieutenant. What may you have done with him if I had not shown up? Would he be in this room with you now, doing what I’m doing to you?" he said as he contracted his eyes at her in a fun teasing way but still very stern.

  "No, by no means whatsoever. The guard was just offering…”

  "Did he offer a suggestion of what he could offer you?"

  "No," Meera said.

  Baku stopped in his tracks and investigated her. His smile contorted up at the corners and he gave off an impression of being satisfied with her answer.

  "So you were playing with him? Teasing him?" he said as he moved toward her. His boots resonated over the floor.

  "No!" Meera.

  "I think that you were and you will be punished for it," he said.

  Her eyes expanded into shock. What did he mean by that? What had Meera gotten herself into?"

  "What kind of punishment?" Meera asked.

  "I envision that you should allow me to attach your arms to the bedpost while your eyes are closed. If you open them, then there will be more punishment," he said as he began to unhook her black spacesuit.

  Meera expected to stop him. Meera knew she shouldn't do anything with this strange alien warrior, it was too risky, yet her body had throbbed for it for so long after being a virgin for years that she could not control herself. He loosened the suit the separation down the length of her back and after that slipped her out of it. It tumbled to the floor. Now Meera stayed there in her underpants in shock not knowing what to do. She wanted to stop, but her body did not want her too. She felt herself getting wet as he investigated her like she was some unknown creature, and to him, she was. He looked at her up and down from toes to head. He slid his strong cold fingers along her arm. He slid his hands over her belly sideways around to the small of her back as Meera breathed heavily. Her chest went up and down in hard breaths and her nipples became erect under her bra.

  “You female human are almost exactly identical to our females here on Kaethon. It is astounding.”

  “I…I… I mean may I ask. Are you males the same as human males?” she said as her gaze shot down to his leather kilt at his crotch. He smiled and said, “I do not know. You will have to tell me.”

  Meera watched waiting for him to disrobe but he did not. Instead he kept examining her figure and sliding his cold fingers over her.

  "You have an astounding figure on you Meera. I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm underneath me."

  Meera was astounded. He was so forward and tyrannical and Meera did not understand this blunt warrior way of the Kalazaron. They were warriors of honor on the battlefield and dirty dominant males in the bedroom. Baku seemed to acknowledge that he was bossing her around. Meera comprehended that he this especially with a virgin, and deep down she liked it too. For her first time she wanted it to be with someone that would tell her what to do and how to do it. She had also wanted it to be special and you could not get more special than with an alien warrior unlike any other. It made her feel delicate and it gave him the inclination that he was in control, and Meera delighted in that about him.

  He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. At that point he started removing her underwear. After a short time it slid down to the floor. He turned her back toward him. Meera was in a matter of seconds topless. He moaned as he let her breasts rest in his hands. He ran his thumbs carefully over her nipples that were erect. Meera moaned as he touched her. These were all new sensations to her. A man had never touched her and Meera felt the throbs in her pussy attempting to explode into something she did not understand. At that point he pushed her panties to the floor. Meera stepped out of them. Meera was shaking with vitality and curiosity.

  "Turn," he said.

  Meera turned moving her back to him.

  "Now touch your toes," he said.

  Meera’s eyes widened. What kind of order was that? Meera stood solidified.

  "Do it. I am your commander now, do as I say," he said.

  Meera almost was delighted in listening to his dominant voice stacked with desire and sternness letting her know what to do.

  Meera turned around and touched her toes. At that point she felt a slap against her ass cheek. Meera moaned due to her body jiggling and the light sting of his hand on her skin.

  "That is for bantering with my guard. You are mine and no one else's."

  At that point he spanked her ass cheek, and Meera moaned yet again.

  "That one was part of your punishment as well but also because I enjoy watching your ample ass jiggle like that. The female Kalazaron are not full bodied as you are. You are soft compared to their skinny frames. I like this thickness on you. It is very arousing," Baku said. For the first time Meera was hearing that her thick curvy body was something desired by a male being. She was used to being passed up for skinnier females. This was new to her and it made her feel very wet.

  At that point he stepped forward and rubbed his hard cock against her ass. Meera could feel his hard manliness through. He growled and groaned as he did it. Then he moved away.

  "Lay on the bed Meera," he said as he investigated her taking in every part of her figure. It felt awesome that he thought her figure was alluring. Meera ventured to the bed. She set down on her back.

  "Get your arms over your head and close your eyes. Remember that you are not allowed to open them," he said.

  Meera did as he asked and put her arms over her head and her back arched accordingly making her chests emerge. Meera shut her eyes. She felt his body heat as he glided over her and after that Meera felt a wet tickle around her nipple. He had licked it rapidly. Meera squirmed and moaned under it. She didn't expect it to be this hard to not open her eyes. Meera expected to see what was happening. However being bossed around was very alluring. Meera felt string wrap around her wrists as he tied her to the metal bed. He tied it tight. Now she was frail and was his prisoner. Meera couldn't see what he was doing, nonetheless she felt his cold hands inside her thighs. He pushed them open spreading her wide. She moaned and longed to open her eyes yet Meera didn't. She was playing this game also and it was hot.

  Then Meera felt a sudden weight on her pussy and the cold skin of Baku’s face. It startled her and her body bobbed accordingly. Baku kissed, licked, and pushed his face in her pussy. Meera yelled uproariously disregarding that she was in a place full of warriors down the hall. She couldn't help it. It was such an exceptional feeling. It was not what Meera imagined it would feel like. She was working up to a release. Meera could feel it happening.

  "You taste so damn good. I could eat you every night and day," Baku moaned between lickings. His word
s turned her on to such a degree.

  Then he pushed on her pussy higher where Meera was the most sensitive. He moved his tongue over it forward and in reverse and after that Meera tensed. Her whole body vibrated and her eyelids opened as Meera let out an uproarious moan. She didn't recognize what was going on yet Meera favored it. Baku looked at her from between her thighs and he was smiling as he slowly licked and said, "You shouldn't open your eyes human female."

  "I know. I am sorry commander. I couldn't help it. What was that? Something happened to me," Meera asked in her immaculateness.

  "That, was a coupling release. It is what is suppose to happen. You had a peak and it truly is perfect. I will give you more and more," he said.

  At that point he climbed her body bit by bit licking every one of her bends while he talked, "Now, about that punishment. You did frankly open your eyes when you shouldn't." He snatched her arms and detached her from the metal bed.

  Meera instinctively rubbed her hands down his midriff touching his blue skin and hard muscles. She wanted to touch him everywhere and she was in such a wanton state as her body enjoyed the orgasm he had given her. He was so strong and hard. Meera moaned at feeling him and the pleasurable sensations so far vibrating inside her.

  "Now for your order, stand up," he said as he got up from the bed.

  Meera obeyed him and remained before him. Meera felt progressively more confident about her bareness and her sufficient looks of being a curvy thick female.

  "You will give me a rubbing and you will take after my requests," he said.

  Meera signaled her head yes to his charges.

  "Bow before me human female."

  Meera did as he asked. She bowed down before him on her knees. Now Meera was just inches from his kilt. She yearned to see under it.

  "Now remove my band cloth belt and let it fall to the floor,” Baku ordered.

  Meera bit her lower lip and step by step unbuckled the belts on the kilt. Then it fell to the ground. Meera gasp at what she saw. Baku was exactly like a man, although she had only seen it in videos and not in person, but she knew it was the same. It was long and wide and so hard.

  “Well is it the same as male humans?” Baku asked.

  “Yes, only…”

  “What?” he asked.

  “It is so much bigger. Very much… a lot… so much bigger. But that it to be expected because you are also taller and bigger in stature,” she whispered. He smiled at her and said, “Good. Now continue and do what I say.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Hold it in your hand,” he ordered.

  Meera pushed it in her grasp and wrapped her hand around it. It was so hard and smooth. She wanted to lick it essentially as he had licked her.

  "Now rub it this way Meera," he said as he groaned out the words and showed her what to do by putting his hand on top of hers and moving back and forth. She followed his lead as he removed his hand and then she did it all by herself. As she moved her hand back and forth, he groaned and grunted.

  At that point Meera did something he didn't ask, nonetheless Meera couldn't hold out any more. Meera stuck her tongue out and licked the tip of his cock. Meera pushed it into her mouth. Baku groaned and pushed his hands in her hair.

  "Fucking shit that feels so damn hot. Fuck, Meera I can barely wait any more. I want you so bad human female."

  In seconds he stood her up and lifted her up and hurled her on the bed. He arranged his body between her thighs and kissed her unquenchably and significantly all over. At that point Meera felt the tip of his cock push inside her slowly. Then increasingly more it went inside her until Meera felt weight and tension. Then it gave way, her chastity. Meera groaned out of how it felt. Meera required his cock inside her. Baku bolstered her head in his strong tremendous hands as he moved in and then reversed bit by bit. Meera opened her thighs more broad letting a more prominent measure of him in. He investigated her, locking eyes and Meera could see the ravenousness appetite inside this warrior. He longed for her and it made her feel awesome. At that point he propped himself up gazing her in the face and drifted above her moving his pelvis in a fast shaking motion. His cock moved in and out speedily all through her. Meera felt it once more, the building tension inside of her.

  "It's going on again," Meera whispered as she got the sheets in her hand. At that point she stressed and convulsed a little before releasing into pleasure. Meera moaned and yelled while Baku still fucked her. Then Meera saw his face tense and he groaned like a bear. Meera put her hands on his back and Meera could grab every muscle strained in pressure on his back. Then he released himself. Meera felt warm fluid surge inside her. Baku moaned and moved his cock all through her bit by bit. At that point he pressed his waist on her body and let his weight fall on her. This is the way they fell asleep together.

  Chapter 3

  In the warehouse cages, Tiffany and the other brides and male crew were pulled one at a time. Now, it was Tiffany’s turn and she was terrified as she was led from the cage outside the warehouse. As she walked through the busy streets of Konthos she saw just how advanced the city was. The alien race of the Kalazaron were going about their daily lives and as Tiffany looked on something stood out to her, there were very few females. She swallowed hard at this thought knowing that any female must be valued if they are scarce here. Finally she moved into a stark white building with many Kalazaron moving about. However, these Kalazaron were in robes and not in the leather like kilt of the strong warriors she had seen so far. To her eyes they looked like scientist or monks of some sort.

  “This is another female human from the ship,” the warrior guard said to another male in a robe.

  “Tag her,” the robed Kalazaron said.

  “Tag? No,” but the guard grabbed Tiffany’s arm and in a flash held a pen like instrument and pushed a button.

  “Done,” the guard said.

  “Show me,” the robed man said.

  The guard rubbed Tiffany’s forearm. She gasped as words suddenly appeared as though it was invisible ink activated by the warmth of rubbing. The words read, “Property of Station Two.” Station two was the research facility and all creatures captured in space and taken as property of the Kalazaron society were given this tag. From now on she would never be able to remove it. It was permanent. She now belonged to them and tears rolled down her face as she began to understand that she was never leaving this planet. It was now her home.

  “Put her in the room.”

  Tiffany was taken to a room where she was laid on a table. Electrodes were attached to her body and for the next two hour she was given a round of various test. Some of the tests were physical and simple, such as walking around the room. The other test were actual mind tests involving Tiffany solving puzzles and answering questions as her brain was monitored. The Kalazaron wanted to know everything there was to know about the humans, but because they had great technology their techniques were not intrusive. They could x-ray the body with one laser scan that came out of a flashlight device in one quick swoop. Tiffany was glad for this for she did not want to be dissected or worse. Then she noticed everyone stopped working as two large warriors walked into the room. They looked a little different. They were dressed in the leather kilts but their shoulders were draped with a chain of medallions linked together embedded with precious stones. It was clear they were men of authority.

  “Master Treen…Master Stanis,” the robed scientist bowed low to the men. Master Treen was about forty years old and he was strong and bold with brown hair and brown eyes. He was one of the two Masters that ruled over Konthos. Master Stanis was the other and his family had been leaders for many years and it was that family that had established the Stanis Trials. The Stanis Trials were a combination of combat trials and tests of intelligence that were held to pick a new leader in each department. If the Consulate died or was found to be impeached from position a new Stanis Trial was held to find the new Consulate. This was to ensure that the next Kalazaron Consulate was both st
rong physically as well as mentally as they prided their leaders to be the best. This way of finding a leader had been held for over one hundred years, but recently there had been a secret rebel faction. This faction held the belief that the leaders should be voted in by the Kalazaron citizens. This was treason to the Kalazaron way of life, however no one knew who the rebels were or who led them. There were only whispers of it and the random graffiti on walls asking for democracy. This had been happening for the last six years and was kept quiet.

  “This is one of the human females?” Master Stanis asked.

  “Yes, it is. She is the third to undergo the first round of tests we have designed. There is much to learn of the humans. So far they are a very intelligent being and seem to have only a few differences from our own race. The obvious being the physical features, and they are smaller and their skin colors seem to be only one color on their bodies.”

  “Good work, we need to find out all that we can. There could be more arriving at any moment for all we know. This could be the start of an invasion, we must be on our guard,” Master Stanis said. Then he continued, “Master Treen, the training grounds and warrior stations are on high alert?”

  “Yes, my brother Lieutenant Treen is working with Commander Janga pulling in reinforcements and surrounding the city as well as eyes on the sky and in space. A starship battalion is being launched in an hour to forewarn us if Earth starships come into sight.”


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