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Depraved Page 14

by Pucci, Trilina

  I follow her gaze to the barely noticeable dents, coming in behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. Bending to rest my chin on her shoulder, I smirk. “It was better than tearing this fucking place apart or killing everyone for looking at your naked ass.”

  Her laugh vibrates against my throat. “Juice?” she questions.

  “Mmm.” I reach out and grab the carton from the cold shelf before running it over her nipple, making her jump.

  I let her go and step back, uncapping the carton and drinking from it. She turns around, closing the door, and grins as she watches me. My Adam’s apple bobs as I gulp down the liquid, not realizing how fucking thirsty I was.

  “Thirsty?” I ask as I finish and hold out the carton to her.

  “Very,” she says seductively, letting her eyes travel down my body.

  “Look who wants sex before food now…” I tease, setting the juice down on the counter and stepping toward her.

  “Stop. Nope…I may be turned on, but this girl is sore, so we’re having a conversation first, and then eating, and then eating.”

  I laugh loudly, watching the mischievous grin spread over her luscious lips.

  “Done. I’ll have some food brought over from Mama’s. Go put some clothes on and throw me some sweats because if we stay like this, you aren’t lasting more than ten minutes.”

  An hour later, we’re seated on the floor on blankets surrounded by pillows by the fire, trading pasta and drinking wine.

  It’s perfect.

  “Question. Why were you in a tux the night I shot you?”

  I laugh and take another drink of my wine. “Charity event with my brothers. I was called away…for the guy tied to the cabinet,”

  “Ah…and the guy is…?”

  “Not a problem anymore,” I answer coolly, tossing an olive at her to dissuade any further questions.

  “Sorry, curiosity gets me every time.”

  Her expression is teasing, lit with humor, as she sets the olive to the side in a container.

  “That doesn’t bother you?” I watch her closely for a reaction.

  “Why would it? I know you don’t make decisions lightly, and I’m positive that when they’re the hardest to make, that you don’t have any other alternative.”

  Well, Fuck me. She’s too good to be true.

  I lean back on my elbow, focused on her face and the way she glows in the light of the fire. I’m fucking awestruck. There’s nobody like her. I’m falling hard for this girl.

  “Okay, I have another one.” She laughs, and I shake my head. “Why birthday cake? You said no reason, but that was crazy specific. Spill.”

  I push myself back up, waving her off. “Naw, ask something else. That’s for another day, Billy.”

  Her eyes search mine, but I look away, uncomfortable where this is going.

  “Dante,” she says tenderly, moving the food out of the way, so she can crawl across our makeshift picnic and onto my lap.

  My hands find her hips as she straddles me, bringing both her hands to hold my stubbled face.

  “Talk to me,” she whispers, locking her eyes to mine.

  I can’t lie to her. Not after everything.

  “Kiss me first,” I answer quietly, and she does.

  I can count the times on one hand that I’ve said these words aloud. Once to my uncle and once to my brothers. But if there’s anyone else I would tell, it would be her. Only her.

  “When I was twelve, my mother made me dinner, kissed my head, and went to take a bath.” I clear my throat, leaning my face into her hand and closing my eyes, searching for the resolve to say the rest.

  Opening my eyes, I take a breath, letting the rest flow out. “It wasn’t until the water started pouring out from under the bathroom door that I realized something was wrong.”

  Sarah’s hands leave my face and drift to my shoulders, her fingers clinging to the cotton shirt covering my body, her face etched in concern.

  “She was sad a lot. I didn’t really understand because to me she was everything. So strong after my dad died and always so loving. Heart of gold, that woman. But she was a product of this life. Abused and wrecked at the hands of my uncle, forcing her to carry the kind of burden no woman should ever have to.”

  My brows crease as Sarah’s eyes begin to shine. “I didn’t understand. You know? I would’ve killed him then, not waited until later. Because she couldn’t carry that anymore, the shame over the things he did to her, the fear that it would never stop. I didn’t know…”

  Sarah presses a hand to my heart and shakes her head. There’s so much understanding in her eyes that it makes me want to put my hand through a wall.

  I clear my throat again, tensing my jaw before I continue. “She went into the bathroom, locked the door, and slit her wrists.”

  I can feel my body shake with the hate that still fills me, the regret that I carry inside of me over not being able to help her. If I could bring that motherfucker back to life, I’d kill him over and over.

  “I tried like hell to get that damn door open. But I was a kid, small, skinny. And no matter how many times I ran myself into it, no matter how many bones I broke, I didn’t stop until my legs finally gave out and my shoulder was broken. Because I just wanted to save her. I needed to save her.”

  My voice breaks at the end, and a rush of breath pulls from my lips as Sarah’s arms wrap around my body. But I’m numb as she squeezes me, kissing my face and my cheeks.

  “Dante. I’m so sorry. That’s why you need to help me,” she whispers.

  I nod my head, unable to speak past the emotion.

  “And that’s why you don’t have locks on your doors. Isn’t it?” she says quietly, kissing my lips over and over.

  All I can do is nod as she kisses me back to life.

  “I’ll never stand in your way again. Kiss me. Be here, with me.”

  I focus on her lips and let my hands snake up her spine, one resting on the middle of her shoulder blades and the other on the back of her neck as I do as I’m told, kissing her as if it’s the last moment I’ll ever get.

  Pulling back, I stare into her eyes. “How’d I get so lucky with you, Billy?”

  “You keep earning me,” she answers, leaning back in.

  “GOOD MORNING, SLEEPYHEAD.” I SMILE as I move the eggs around with my spatula in the cast iron skillet.

  The food sizzles, and his muscles ripple as he rolls his shoulder.

  “I smelled food.” He grins sleepily, and I bite my lip, letting my eyes peruse his body.

  Of course, he’s this sexy in the morning when he’s not even trying.

  Dante reaches down and rubs his cock that’s already at half-mast under his black boxer briefs. “If you wanted this, you should’ve stayed in bed, gorgeous.” He laughs, deep and full of a morning rasp.

  My cheeks heat, knowing I’ve been caught thinking dirty thoughts as I go back to the work at hand. He walks in behind me and kisses the top of my head, swatting my ass and making me jump.

  “Quit! I’m going to burn myself,” I humorously scold. Pointing my spatula at a bag on the counter, I add, “You have a package.”

  Dante laughs and walks back around the center island to sit at a stool and opens the bag that was dropped off, pulling out his replacement phone.

  I lean to my left and grab the half-filled plate of bacon and sliced fruit to scoop eggs onto it. Steam rises off the white porcelain as I turn and place it in front of him.

  “For you.” I bat my lashes flirtatiously.

  He grins and shakes his head, picking up a fork and turning it between his fingers. I lean my forearms against the counter and lean in, watching him take a few appreciative bites.

  “Oh. I almost forgot.”

  Spinning around, I grab the already poured glass of orange juice from the fridge and put it in front of him.


  Dante stares at me with the look he gets when he’s sizing up a situation. But I don’t pale under his scrutiny;
instead, I blow him a kiss. He stabs a piece of cantaloupe and grins.

  “All right. Spill. You’ve either poisoned me to escape, or you’re trying to butter me up, and since I know you like my cock too much to kill me, I’m going with the latter.”

  I let out a dramatic breath and stick out my tongue.

  “Fine. I’m caught. We need to negotiate. I need to go to Church. I’m not leaving it to your lackeys any longer. God only knows what’s happening. I have the big party next weekend and too much to fuck around with not to be there.”

  “No,” he answers, taking a barbaric bite of the toast.

  My face immediately contorts into a scowl. I pull a fork from the drawer and lean over to stab a piece of fruit. “Try again. Nicer this time.”

  “No. But thanks for breakfast?” He chuckles, hitting his fork against mine as I steal more food.

  “I should’ve poisoned you,” I sneer.

  He laughs and juts his chin, holding up a bite of eggs for me to eat. “I’ll send someone to get your shit from the office.”

  I scowl as I wrap my lips around the fork, pulling the warm bite into my mouth and chewing as I grin. I swallow and shake my head. “No, send someone to deliver me to my shit in my office.”

  He drops the fork and crosses his arms. As if that’s scary.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I forge on. “No one is coming within twenty feet of me. And Dom will probably be there tonight. He always is…him and Drew.”

  “I don’t want to know about Dom—I’m eating. Billy, you’re killing me.”

  I wave him off and keep my eyes on his. “This would all be so much easier if you just agreed.”

  He leans over the counter, grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand up to kiss my palm.

  “All right, you win. But you’ll take Antonio and Matteo, and I’ll meet you there.”

  I wink and give my shoulders a little shake before I pull his plate to me, eating the still-hot eggs.

  My night has flown by, but it’s nice to be back in the saddle. Antonio and Matteo were only up my ass until we walked through the door, because I’m safe inside of here, and they know that. There’s such a heavy system of vetting that to get through these doors is next to impossible.

  But they’re still watchful.

  On the way here, I asked if they’d found anything new out about my family or tracked them down, and I was met with silence, answered only with headshakes. Hopefully, no news means good news, but the worry is there in the back of my mind.

  I stamp my approval on the last application we’re taking for next year and stand from my desk, looking across at the wall that’s been fixed from the bullet. It’s crazy to think it’s been almost a week since everything first happened. It feels as if months have passed, but in reality, it’s only been five days.

  I let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders and heading to my office door to take a walk around the club. I try to every night; it’s important to put eyes on the night’s activities, gauge how the night is going.

  I walk around the corner from the back hall and spy Antonio at the bar that lines the wall, with an ice water in front of him. He’s so serious. If ever a person needed a drink and to get laid, it’s him. I wave and he gives me a small head nod.

  I continue on through the main room of Church, which is set up much like a hotel bar, with dark leather booths that line the red velvet-cushioned walls and tables flanked with high-back club chairs scattered under twinkling custom-made chandeliers. The vibe is 1940s debauchery. I think it nails it.

  The main floor serves as a gathering area for mingling and flirting; public displays are limited in here because it’s meant as foreplay of sorts for all the other trouble you can find.

  I walk through the room and hook to the right, which leads to a wide iron-railed staircase that leads to the communal room upstairs.

  Clicks echo on the black concrete steps, accessorized with a rug colored with golds and reds that runs down the center. I quietly greet a couple coming down and pass them as the music begins to fade away from downstairs.

  Unlike the main room, the energy up here is more fevered, more sexual, and doesn’t need any help in setting the mood. Especially now, with the show beginning in the center of the room.

  There are plenty of spectator events that run on any given evening in this room. Some are requested by guests to perform and others are courtesy of Church, but tonight is special.

  On certain nights, there’s a baptismal of sorts—a bathing that happens in an egg-shaped tub that was custom-made and fully useable in the center of the room.

  A woman is bathed, prepared, and brought to pleasure for the room to watch. It’s incredibly sensual and erotic to watch someone cared for in such a way, and it makes me squirm every time I see it.

  I stand toward the back as the crowd begins to gather and surround her. Some choose pews that are sectioned around the tub, and others opt to stand. The entire room is dimmed, creating shadows and dark spots for hands and moans to exist in privacy as a spotlight is shined from above down on the bathtub.

  Desire is palpable. An elegant woman with honey-blonde hair sweeping her back is led through the room. She saunters behind her partner…her master, the crowd parting for her naked body as her sinewy form is led by the delicate gold chain that’s connected to her bright gold collar.

  My fingers trace my collarbone as I stare at the way she holds her head high, as if she wants everyone to see what’s around her neck.

  She does. She wants people to know she’s owned. A familiar feeling pricks at me…am I jealous?

  The man, who is in suit slacks and a white dress shirt, stops at the bath, reaching down to feel the water before taking her hand as she lifts one leg then the other to step inside. He nods, and she submerges herself into the water as he holds her hair up, letting it cascade outside the tub when she settles.

  He removes his shirt and kneels down next to her, taking a sponge and drowning it in the water before he begins to clean her, long brushes over her skin, disappearing into the water, accompanied by sweet moans and mewls that pull from her lips as her head falls back.

  The crowd watches the sensuality of what he’s doing, and you could hear a pin drop. A thick blanket of need, urge, is covering the room, and people are beginning to transform into roaming hands and pressed bodies as they watch.

  Breathing begins to pick up, with panting sounds coming from a scattered number of spaces, creating a symphony of sex. It’s everywhere; you can smell it. The sound of water splashing catches my attention as the woman stands on display for the room bathed in light that glistens off her wet body. Water slides down her breasts as his hands come to the front of her, kneading and caressing. His mouth finds her hard nipple, and his tongue traces it before he sucks.

  She stands unmoving, her eyes fixed ahead of her, but you can see the pleasure she feels, that she’s receiving from this act.

  “You like what you see, beautiful?” a low voice comes from behind, and I almost come out of my skin.

  I spin around and step back immediately.

  “Jesus,” I gasp, my eyes adjusting to the familiar face. “Bill.” My eyes widen, trying to plant a fake look of polite surprise on my face. “Good to see you. You really shouldn’t sneak up on a girl. Better men have been shot,” I half joke, brushing my hair from my eyes.

  He laughs and touches my shoulder, but I shirk away. “Great to see you. Having fun tonight?”

  “As much as work is fun,” I laugh. “It was great seeing you again. I really need to get back to it.” I motion behind me as I take another few steps backward before pivoting around, almost running right into Dante’s hard chest.

  “Fuck! Is everyone trying to kill me tonight?”

  “Move,” he barks, glaring past me. “I’m about to scare the shit out of him.”

  A smile immediately graces my face, and I start to laugh, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Missed you.”

  I feel his body ease as his hands run over m
y back, gripping my shoulders and pulling me off him. His face leans down to mine. “I don’t like that people don’t know you’re mine, Billy.”

  The scene behind me flashes through my mind, but I let it go just as quickly.

  I push up onto my tiptoes and kiss his lips. “Dante. Everyone knows. You’re a fucking lunatic.”

  He scowls but doesn’t say anything back. Instead, he takes my hand and pulls me from the room as I laugh, trying to keep up with him. We head back downstairs, slower, and when we get to the bottom, he turns to me and grins. “Go to your office, change, and meet me back out here. I have a surprise.”

  My face lights up, and I smack his chest gently. “What? Change into what?”

  He shakes his head, refusing to answer, and winks. “Go.”

  I walk past him and point my finger, wagging my brows. “Look at you, all romantic,”

  I tease him as I walk back toward my office.

  I push my door open excitedly and scope out a garment bag and shoe box laid across my desk. Closing the door behind me, I don’t waste any time getting to the bag and unzipping it. Red peeks out from behind the zipper, and my smile grows even bigger.

  “Oh…it’s gorgeous,” I say aloud as I fold the bag back to reveal a sublime strapless red evening gown. “What did you do, Dante?”

  I pull it out and hold it up against me, it’s Pretty Woman. I start laughing when I realize what he’s done, and I’m in full-on swoon mode.

  Undressing quickly, I shimmy on the dress and pull the zipper straight up my side. Fits like a glove. He couldn’t have done better if he tried. The bottom of the silk dress is pooled around my feet, and I have to walk on my tiptoes to grab the shoe box, opening it to reveal a pair of strappy crystal Jimmy Choos.

  I gather my dress in one hand and place another on the chair in front of my desk to steady me as my door opens, pulling my attention.

  “Thought you might need help,” Dante suggests.

  I let my eyes catalog him, realizing he’s dressed in a sleek black suit with a matching tie. He looks criminally debonair.


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