On the Road to Ramsgate

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On the Road to Ramsgate Page 10

by Melanie Schertz

  “At this angle, she is able to breathe better. In her bed, she is unable to breathe as easily, which means her body cannot rest. My aunt always does this when my cousins are ill. She claims that the children also feel comfortable being keep snuggled, makes them feel secure when they are ill. When you were a child, did you ever take ill?”

  “I did. As a matter of fact, I had a severe case of influenza which kept me in my bed for almost a month. And I can remember my mother holding me in her arms, rocking in the very chair you are sitting.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “And how did it make you feel?”

  “As if all would be right as rain. I was sure that nothing bad could ever happen if Mother held me close in her embrace.” Darcy gave a smile in return. “Since my sister cannot be here to give her daughters the same comfort, I am pleased the girls have you in which to turn.”

  “They are such sweet girls. Your sister must have been just like them.”

  Darcy’s eyes began to swim in unshed tears. “Georgiana was a dear girl. I loved her from the day our mother placed her in my arms. She told me that it was my duty to protect my sister every day of my life.”

  “Mr Darcy, you cannot wrap a person up in swaddling like you would an infant. Your sister was a young lady, on the verge of entering society. It was only natural to allow her to spread her wings. How could you know that there was such evil lurking? Unfortunately, fate decided on a different course. But you were not left alone. You were given two very precious gifts to protect and nurture.”

  “Thank you, Miss Elizabeth. With so many people telling me that I am a fool to keep the girls with me, it is a pleasure to have someone agree with my decision to raise them.” Darcy wiped the tears from his eyes.

  “Do not give those people the time of day, Mr Darcy. You have a heart of gold and the girls are better for having you love them. It pleases me that someone of your position would turn away from society to protect the innocent.”

  “Well, Miss Elizabeth, I will leave you and my niece to relax. When she wakes, would you send word? I wish to spend some time with her.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head. “Of course, Mr Darcy.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  “We will be leaving in the morning, Caroline. Are you traveling with Jane and me, or are you returning to stay with the Hursts?” Bingley asked his sister.

  “I thought you were to be here for a few more days. Why are you suddenly leaving tomorrow?”

  “Because I have matters with which to attend and my wife wishes to return to the country. She is not pleased with being in Town.”

  “But I have yet to visit with any of my friends. I was expecting a message from Clare Burningham, as she was not home when I visited today. I dearly miss her and wished to spend some time with her before leaving Town.”

  Bingley was in no mood for his sister’s behavior. He was still having a difficult time accepting his wife’s behavior and wished for some peace. “Tomorrow, you will be leaving Town. It is up to you to decide which direction you will be traveling. I wish to know within an hour, or I will decide for you.”

  As she watched her brother march from the room, Caroline Bingley was shocked with his behavior. He had always been easy to manipulate, but marrying beneath himself, as his sisters believed, had made obvious changes in his personality.

  If only I could see Mr Darcy. I need to speak with him. Once he hears from me, I am certain he will wish for me to remain in Town, to be at his side. He requires a hostess for his home, and I am the perfect person to fill the position. After a while of seeing me fulfill the role, it will become a natural conclusion to make me the Mistress of his homes.

  But how am I to see him? His butler refused to allow me inside Darcy House, so how am I to meet with him?

  Wait, I could send him a message, claiming a problem with Charles, which requires his assistance as soon as possible. He would come to help my brother, as Charles is one of his only friends left after his sister’s ruin. Yes, that is what I will do. I will send a message with a servant, with the directions that the message has to be given to Mr Darcy himself and immediately. Then, when Darcy comes, I will be able to speak with him of my being of service as his hostess. What can I say in the message?

  A wicked smile crept on to Caroline Bingley’s lips.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 10

  “Darcy, is something wrong?” Bingley asked when he met his friend outside Darcy House.

  “I was just coming to your townhouse, as I received an urgent message that you had been in an accident. It was signed Mrs Bingley, though I could have sworn that it looked like your sister’s handwriting.”

  “My wife is the last person who would reach out to you at the moment, and we both know my sister still believes she has a chance to marry you.” Bingley’s rage was building. “When I arrive home, I will pack her off to our Aunt Gladys, who lives in Scarborough. She will never be allowed in my home again.”

  Darcy frowned at his friend’s first comment. “Why would your wife be the last person to contact me?”

  “That is what I came here to discuss with you. Jane is furious that her sister is now in your employ, as Jane is certain that it will be the ruination of her entire family. I told Jane that nothing would happen, and that she was simply exaggerating the situation. To be honest, I have never seen my wife in such a state. I was certain that she would come here and try to convince her sister to leave.”

  “I pray that she is unsuccessful, as Miss Elizabeth is fast becoming indispensable to us. The girls are quickly accepting her, and she has a gentle way about her that soothes them. And I must admit that I am grateful that she took the position.” Darcy stated.

  “It pleases me to hear this news. After the way their mother and younger sisters treated Lizzy, it amazes me that she is still as strong as she is. When you told me of offering her the position, I was pleased. It will be good for Lizzy to feel needed and wanted.”

  “So, how much longer are you planning to remain in Town?”

  Bingley shook his head. “I am leaving tomorrow for Netherfield, taking my wife and sister. From there, my sister will be shipped to the north. Now, if only I could send my mother in law and Jane’s sisters with Caroline, my life would be much calmer.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  Slamming the door behind him as he entered the drawing room, Charles Bingley finally let his anger free reign. “Caroline, you will be going to our aunt’s home to live. I have already sent word to my solicitor to send your dowry and all your bills to our aunt. She will have to set up your finances there, and take out whatever for your room and board.”

  “Charles, what are you going on about? I was planning to journey with you if my friend did not ask me to stay with her.”

  “Your plan failed, Caroline. I met Darcy as he was leaving his house. He knows you sent the message and that there is nothing wrong with me. As a matter of fact, being rid of you is going to make my life much better.” Bingley said.

  Jane Bingley was sitting on the sofa, and had been stitching on a handkerchief when her husband entered the room. “What is going on? What does Mr Darcy have to do with your behavior?”

  “My dear sister has been attempting to make a fool of herself. She believes Darcy will marry her and make her the Mistress of Pemberley and Darcy House. So she sent a letter to him stating I had been in an accident, saying that Darcy was needed urgently. She signed it with your name, though Darcy was sure it was Caroline’s handwriting.”

  “How dare you, Caroline? That man is not welcome in my home, and you would invite him, using my name? Mr Darcy is a ruined man, and he is attempting to ruin my family by having my sister tend for his sister’s natural children. Your brother will not stand up to the man and remove my sister, but I am the Mistress of the house. Mr Darcy is not welcome here or at Netherfield.”

  “And now it is my turn to speak on the matter, my dear wife.” Bingley faced Jane, fury spewing forth from him.

  “There is nothing more
to be said. He kept his sister with him after she was lost to all polite society. And when she died, leaving behind the evidence of her ruination, he kept those…children. Society will not accept such behavior, nor shall I. And, if my sister refuses to leave his employ, I will turn my back on Elizabeth. She will not destroy my family, especially when it comes to my younger sisters. They must be able to find good matches.”

  Bingley nodded his head. “I completely agree. I wish for your sisters to find husbands, and hopefully theirs will be love matches, unlike ours. You made your feelings clear, I was a convenient match which allowed you to provide for your mother and sisters. I was a fool to believe you cared for me. As to your mother, I have sent a letter to your uncle, Mr Phillips. He should have found alternative housing for your mother to rule over. She will no longer take charge of Netherfield. And she will only be allowed to visit Netherfield when she is invited. When the lease is up on Netherfield, I will not be renewing it. You are welcome to remain with your mother in Meryton or move with me. But I tell you this. Your mother and youngest three sisters will not be welcome to live with us after the establishment is made for them in Meryton.”

  Caroline was shocked at her brother’s behavior, and sneered at Jane Bingley. She had disliked her sister in law, and had hoped to have Charles married to someone of higher society, thus paving her way with the likes of Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  Turning to look back on his sister, Bingley was appalled at the look she gave Jane. “You had best stop thinking about my wife and worry about your own situation, Caroline. You have lied and manipulated long enough. But you will no longer be my problem. If our aunt cannot make you change your ways, I am certain her brother, our uncle, can. Now, both of you had best see to your packing, as we leave at sunrise. Once at Netherfield, we will send the servant’s carriage on with you, Caroline, to Scarborough.”

  Bingley then turned and walked from the room. He felt lighter than he could ever remember. I should speak my mind more often, if this is the results.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Darcy returned to the nursery, after receiving a message from Elizabeth. Entering the room, he found Elizabeth singing to Emmy, holding the infant’s hands and clapping them together to the beat of the song. Again, Darcy’s heart was warmed. How quickly Elizabeth had won her way into his heart was amazing to him. Her smile, the twinkle in her eyes, the curls which escaped their pins at the back of her neck and bounced about. A desire to play with one of the curls made his fingers twitch. Good God, I cannot be thinking like this. She is a servant in my home. I could not ruin her life. Much as I might wish to have more with Miss Elizabeth, she is the daughter of a gentleman. Marrying someone who is a leper in society will do her no good. And we cannot lose her, Emmy and Edith would be lost without her. No, I must curb my desire for her.

  “Look, Emmy. Your uncle has come to see you.” Elizabeth said, breaking the thoughts running through Darcy’s mind.

  “How is my dear girl? Did her nap help her feel better?” Darcy asked as he moved towards his niece, lifting her from Elizabeth’s outstretched arms. He placed a kiss on Emmy’s cheek, before holding her close to his chest. “She seems to be breathing easier.”

  “We gave her a steam treatment, used some of the medicine Mr Foster left for her, and she has had a warm bath. We just finished dressing her for your visit.”

  “Miss Elizabeth and Sally have been taking good care of you, Dearest. I am pleased to see you improved. Shall we read a story?” Darcy took the seat that Elizabeth had vacated, settling down with his niece seated on his lap. “Where is Edith? My lap has enough room for both of the girls at once.”

  “Sally has Edith in the next room, giving her a bath. They should be finished soon.” Elizabeth said as she made herself busy picking up items which had been left after treating Emmy with steam and giving her medicine. Elizabeth found herself glancing over at the gentleman sitting and rocking his niece. He was tall and handsome, his eyes were like deep blue pools, filled with devotion. It was rare, but she had seen him smile at the twins, revealing dimples that Elizabeth was certain few knew he possessed. Her heart continued to race whenever he was close.

  I must learn to control my emotions. It is not proper to have these thoughts. Not only is he a gentleman, he is my employer. I would be tossed out with no reference if he knew what I had thought of him. It does not matter that I have seen him dressed in less. And I must stop dreaming of him, of touching his muscular chest, of the patch of dark brown hair on his chest. Stop it now, Lizzy, before he realizes what you are thinking. My cheeks feel so warm, I am certain that I am beet red.

  “Mr Darcy, I am going to take the laundry down for the maids. I will be back shortly.” Elizabeth said, her back to him so that he would not see her flushed face.

  “That is their duty, Miss Elizabeth. You should not have to carry bundles down the stairs to them. You could fall on the stairs and cause yourself an injury.” Darcy was concerned. He not only did not wish for her to jeopardize her safety, he especially did not wish her to leave the room. It was his greatest joy to sit in his mother’s rocking chair, holding his beautiful nieces, with Elizabeth nearby. Her love filled the room with the most incredible warmth, a warmth he had never known before. And it was a love of which he could not get enough.

  “I wish to make things easier for them, as they have been busy with the monthly cleaning of the guest rooms. It is no trouble for me to take these items down.” Elizabeth continued to keep her back to him.

  Looking down at his niece, Darcy thought he saw a sparkle in Emmy’s eyes. A sparkle which convinced him to speak. “Miss Elizabeth, I was planning to have my dinner in my study tonight, though I am in desperate need for someone to speak with rather than going over figures and reading reports on investments. Would you approve if I had dinner sent up for both of us, and we could eat in the next room? From what I know of you, you are well read and know much of the current state of the world.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “Very well, Mr Darcy, I would be willing to join you. After I have taken these items downstairs for the laundry maids.”

  Darcy smiled and shook his head. He knew that they had come to a compromise, and he would accept her terms.

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Welcome home, Jane.” Mrs Bennet declared. “And you are just in time to enjoy the dinner party I have arranged for tonight. The militia have visited frequently, and your sisters have so enjoyed meeting the young men, so I decided to have a dinner party.”

  “Mamma, you are not the Mistress of the estate, and I would thank you to stop acting as if you were.” Jane hissed.

  “But you are so young, Jane. You have had no experience in hosting parties and the like. Of course you would need me to show you how to perform your duties. And what better way than to have a dinner party?”

  Bingley approached his mother in law. “This will be the last dinner party, or any other sort of gathering, that you do in my home, Mrs Bennet.”

  “Wh…wha…what are you saying, Mr Bingley? Am I to watch my daughter fail to perform her duties as hostess? Watch her fail to do her duty to you, making you the laughing stock of the neighborhood? It would be an embarrassment to me to have our neighbors think her so improperly trained.” Mrs Bennet said.

  “No, Mrs Bennet, your daughter will not fail to perform adequately, I am certain. You, on the other hand, have usurped her position long enough. Therefore, you will be moving to a house in Meryton. We stopped by your brother in law’s office as we passed through Meryton. He has found a splendid place for you and I have purchased it for you. It has been cleaned and prepared for you to move there tomorrow. Now, I must see to my sister’s journey to Scarborough. I will see you in an hour.”

  Bingley left the room, making his way to his study. Mrs Bennet stood in stunned silence for a few moments before beginning her tirade. “Well, I never. To think I was pleased with your match, Jane. Now he sees fit to cast me off as if I were rubbish. You see how he treats your family? Mark my words, if he would so
willingly abandon your family, he will soon be abusing you. Have you not done your wifely duties to his satisfaction? Have you not allowed him his pleasures in the marriage bed? If he is not satisfied, he will take up a mistress and abandon you all together.”

  “Mamma, enough of this discussion. I will not speak of it with you, and especially in front of the servants and my sisters. You must abide by what my husband says, and he does not wish for you to do as you please when you are not the Mistress of the house. Please see to your packing after the dinner party tonight. Your move to the new house will begin tomorrow.” With that, Jane marched out of the room to her own suite. Once inside, Jane flung herself on her bed and began to sob.

  Papa, I have done all I could to protect the family. Why am I being so ill treated by all? My husband is furious with me, Mamma is attempting to command my home, and my sisters refuse to behave themselves, especially Elizabeth. What am I to do? I sacrificed in marrying for the benefit of my family, was that not enough? What more am I to give up for them?

  Jane continued to sob until she fell asleep, exhausted from her self-pity.

  ~~ ** ~~

  The guests began to arrive at Netherfield, a larger number of guests than either of the Bingleys had imagined. It was not long before they found themselves the minority in a sea of red uniforms.

  In the midst of the sea was Mrs Bennet, as if she were the queen, holding court. As Jane moved towards her mother, she could hear her chattering with one of the officers.

  “Oh, Mr Wickham, you are such a flatterer. If I did not know better, I would believe you are flirting with me.”

  “As lovely as you are, Mrs Bennet, how could a man not wish to better know you? And I have heard that you set a fine table as well, so I look forward to this evening.” Wickham leaned over Mrs Bennet’s hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

  “You are so kind, Sir. Now, you must meet my youngest daughter. She was visiting with a friend when we were introduced. Lydia, dearest girl, come and meet Lieutenant Wickham. He has recently joined the militia and tonight is his first in Meryton. Does he not look fine in his regimentals?”


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