On the Road to Ramsgate

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On the Road to Ramsgate Page 14

by Melanie Schertz

  “Of course. Emmy and Edith will grow up with Elizabeth and myself as their parents. They adore their soon to be mother, Edith has already said Mama.”

  “Wonderful. I pray that I do not assume too much if I remain here for the wedding. I was planning to check the estates of which you wrote, so was expecting to be in the neighborhood for a week or two.”

  “Mr Bingley, you are always welcome. I may not be the Mistress of Pemberley until tomorrow, but I feel my husband will agree with me.” Elizabeth chuckled.

  Leaning over, Darcy placed a kiss on his wife’s forehead. “Of course, my love. Bingley, my soon to be wife speaks the truth. You will always be welcome here at Pemberley. And since Richard cannot leave his duties to the army until next week, you can stand up with me. Mrs Gardiner is to be Elizabeth’s witness. We had been trying to decide who to have for my witness, so your arrival is perfect.”

  “I will do my duty to you, my friend. And, if you would like, I can perform double duty, and escort your bride to you. Is the wedding to be at the chapel?”

  “It is. A small event, with only a handful of people. Mrs Reynolds, my butler Mr Barnes, Mr Quigley, who is the solicitor from Lambton, Mrs Gardiner, and now you. Would you wish for Bingley to act in your uncle’s stead? Since legally, Charles is your brother, he can even sign the settlement papers, rather than our sending them to Town for your uncle to sign.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Mr Bingley, I would be honored for you to perform the duties of my male relations.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  One more week and I will be able to leave here. I despise being in Town this time of year. The air is dirty, and the heat makes everything miserable. One more week and I will be on my way to Pemberley. I cannot wait to wish my cousin and his bride well.

  Darcy is truly blessed. After attending the latest dinner to which I was invited, I am ready to find a young lady like Miss Elizabeth. Perhaps it is time that I paid a call on the Widow Jackson. She has always struck my fancy. I should pay a call on her in Lambton while I am in the neighborhood. I have the savings I put aside, and Darcy stated I could have the small estate his aunt gave him when she went to Canada. It is not grand, but it is enough for me.

  A young man stepped to the opening of Colonel Fitzwilliam’s tent. “Sir, there is a gentleman here to speak with you.”

  “Who is the gentleman?” the Colonel asked.

  “He claims to be your father, Sir.”

  Richard cringed. “Send him in.”

  Lord Matlock was revolted when he entered the tent. “This is where you live? It is disgusting. Filthy and despicable. How can they make an earl’s son live in such a manner?”

  “I thought I was disowned, so what does it matter? Besides, do you think that war is fought properly, according to the practices of the ton?”

  “The least they could do is give you a room inside a building, rather than a tent. And just because I was angry with you over the ordeal with your mother, does not mean you are no longer my son.” Lord Matlock huffed.

  “What do you want, Lord Matlock? I have rather a busy day ahead of me.” Richard said, ignoring his father’s comment.

  “My sister is in Town and would like you to come to dinner tonight.”

  “Since when has Lady Catherine de Bourgh ever wished for my company? Never mind, it matters not. I have dinner plans for tonight.”

  Lord Matlock had expected his son’s refusal. “Your aunt wishes to see you, as she has matters of a financial type to discuss. What she has planned would free you from having to go to war again, allowing you to retire immediately.”

  “And what would I have to do to earn such kindness from her?” Richard knew what was coming next. “Let me think…oh, I know. She wishes for me to convince Darcy to give up his desire to keep the twins with him and for him to marry Anne immediately.”

  “Son, can you not see the benefits that would be achieved by all if you were to aid your aunt? And all she wishes is for you to take the children. Your cousin will not allow anyone else to raise those offspring of his sister’s. But you are one of their guardians, so Darcy would be more willing to accept your raising them. And Catherine is willing to give you forty thousand pounds in exchange for your assistance in this matter. That would set you up comfortably in a small estate of your own.” Lord Matlock was pleading with his son.

  Richard walked across the tent, picking up his hat. “I will consider the matter and send word of my decision later today. Now, I have troops waiting for me to conduct training. Good day, Lord Matlock.”

  After his father left the tent, Richard shook his head. Forty thousand pounds! Lady Catherine was desperate to have her daughter married to Darcy.

  ~~ ** ~~

  The happiest day in the life of Fitzwilliam Darcy was the day he married Elizabeth Bennet Darcy. The weather in Derbyshire must have wished to celebrate with the couple, as it was a beautiful, sunny day, with a perfect temperature. With the small collection of friends and family, the couple were joined in holy matrimony.

  The couple had decided to remain at Pemberley, rather than take a wedding journey. They wished to enjoy the time together, as they were to be afforded privacy for a week, though everyone knew they would visit with the twins each day.

  Though Bingley remained in the area, he spent most of his time viewing the estates in the area which were for sale, along with the assistance of the Pemberley steward, Mr Alexander. Fortunately, Bingley had learned enough from his time at Netherfield, he was able to find the best situation for his needs. The estate was Cutherford Hall, ten miles to the east of Pemberley. It had a small house, but there was room for expansion. As Bingley had no intention of bringing his family or his wife’s family, he liked the idea of a cozy, smaller home. Though, to be fair, his idea of a cozy, smaller house was still larger than the home he had purchased for Mrs Bennet.

  Cutherford Hall had an annual income of three thousand pounds, and was perfect for Bingley’s needs. He was especially pleased with the orangery and greenhouses, which would allow him to enjoy his passion for horticulture all year round. It had been one of the reasons he had looked at Netherfield, due to the mild weather they had in comparison to the north.

  So, while his friend and sister in law were beginning a new life together, Charles Bingley signed the papers to start his new life as a member of the landed gentry.

  ~~ ** ~~

  “I learned that your sister has an appointment with the dressmaker tomorrow.” Wickham stated to Jane. “It is best that we remain in Lambton and you speak with your sister when she is here. Darcy will not be pleased if you upset her when she is on his property.”

  “You are correct. And, if necessary, we can remove Lizzy from here. We would not be able to remove her from Pemberley, as Mr Darcy is most likely protective of her.” Jane stated. She had decided to be mercenary, if needed, to remove her sister from the taint of the Darcy family.

  Wickham had not informed Jane of her sister’s marriage to Darcy. He thought she would give up on her plan to see her, which would ruin his plans. Not only was Elizabeth going to be at the dressmaker, she was bringing the twins to be fit for new clothing. Wickham knew he would never have a better chance at claiming his children, and thereby claiming the fortune he so desired.

  “We have rooms here at the inn, so there is no need to worry. And, as Darcy and I had a falling out several years ago, it would be best if you referred to me as George rather than Mr Wickham. I would not wish for your plans to be ruined by someone informing Darcy that I was in the neighborhood.”

  Jane was confused for a moment. “I believe you told me you were close friends with Mr Darcy in the past. Did you have a falling out due to his sister’s ruination?”

  “Yes, it was. And I was extremely harsh on the matter, which made Darcy furious.” Wickham replied, knowing that it was the truth. He knew that Darcy would be furious with him after what Wickham had done to Georgiana.

  “Well, you were in the right to do so. How he expects anyone to
treat him any better than they do is beyond my thinking. It is disgraceful, the way he flaunts his situation.” Jane sniffed. “What time is my sister’s appointment tomorrow?”

  “At eleven tomorrow morning.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Good morning, my dear.” Darcy said as he wrapped his arms around his wife. He had just entered the breakfast room where his wife was filling a plate from the sideboard. They had been married a week, and had rarely left each other’s side. “Are you certain that you need to make the journey to the dressmaker today? I have to meet with my steward and Bingley this morning, before Bingley meets with the solicitor in Lambton.”

  “Then you will be occupied and will not miss your favorite ladies.” Elizabeth smiled as she kissed her husband’s cheek. “We will not be gone long. Besides, the twins are growing so quickly, it is necessary for us to purchase some new gowns for them.”

  “Their gowns should have very long hems on them, so they can be let out every week, as they seem to be growing faster than the crops.” Darcy said. “It amazes me how quickly they are growing.”

  “The first year of life is startling. I remember watching my cousins as babes, and by their first birthday, they had changed from babies to little people. The twins are over six months old, can you imagine what the next six months will bring in their appearances?”

  “Can they not remain infants for a few years? It does not feel as if we have had a chance to thoroughly enjoy them at this stage.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “I will leave it to you to ask the girls to remain as they are for a few years. I doubt they will cooperate with you.”

  “I have no doubt, though I would like them to obey this request.” Darcy chuckled. “Perhaps if I use my Master of Pemberley voice rather than my Uncle William voice.”

  “Forgive me, my dear husband, but I doubt you could use your Master of Pemberley voice with Emmy and Edith for more than a moment, before you are Uncle William once again.” Elizabeth was chuckling at her husband’s raised eyebrow as he looked at her.

  “Well, you had best return before tea time, for I will be expecting time with you and our girls. I expect to hear all about your outing.”

  Elizabeth could not thank her lucky stars for the blessing she had been given. The man she married was the most caring and devoted man she had ever known, and he dearly loved her. Never, in all of her life, had Elizabeth felt so loved.

  ~~ ** ~~

  The carriage arrived at Mrs Bronson’s Dress Shop just before eleven, and the footman handed Elizabeth and Sally down, each of the ladies holding one of the twins. The foursome entered the shop, only to find that Mrs Bronson and her assistant were not alone.

  “Jane, what are you doing here?” Elizabeth exclaimed. “I had no idea that you were in the neighborhood.”

  “I am not surprised, as you have been ignoring my letters. So these are the children you prefer over your flesh and blood? They are the ones you are more for than the ruination of your family?”

  “Jane, I will not have an argument with you. Besides, I am married now. I married Mr Darcy last week.”

  Jane was furious. “How could you marry him? He is ruined to all polite society. How could you do this to your family?”

  “I married for love, Jane. Something you did not do, according to your husband.” Elizabeth’s temper flared. “Your husband and our aunt attended my wedding, and our uncle would have if he could have gotten away from work. He sent his written approval for the wedding, and Charles signed the papers for the settlement. I do have some family members who care about me and my happiness.”

  Elizabeth did not react quickly enough to avoid being struck by her sister’s hand. Her cheek stung from the contact, and left her shocked.

  “Mrs Darcy, I will take the girls to the carriage.” Sally said as she attempted to remove Emmy from Elizabeth’s arms.

  Just then, George Wickham stepped from behind the curtain which hung in the doorway of the dressing room, a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

  “The children will go nowhere.” He declared.

  “George, it would be best if the children were removed from the situation while I speak with my sister.” Jane said, not looking at him.

  Elizabeth gasped at the sight of the man wielding weapons. “Who is this man? You are quite familiar with him, using his given name. And why is he holding weapons?”

  Jane turned her head towards Wickham. “What is happening here? We have no need for weapons.”

  “Indeed we do, as my plans are different from yours.” Wickham replied.

  “Who is this man?” Elizabeth demanded.

  “This is Lieutenant George Wickham, of the militia which is stationed at Meryton. He is a close friend of our family and knew how distraught I was, so he offered his assistance.”

  “Wickham?” Elizabeth asked, certain she had heard his name before.

  “Yes, George Wickham.”

  Elizabeth heard a soft sob come from Sally. Seeing the fear in the nursemaid’s eyes, the truth began to settle in place for the new Mistress of Pemberley.

  “You are the one who ruined my husband’s sister. You are the one who raped an innocent girl of fifteen, which destroyed her life.” Elizabeth stated to Wickham.

  The man sneered at her. “I am. Which makes me the father of those two girls. And I will be taking them with me.” He stepped closer to the group of women.

  “What are you talking about?” Jane was clueless as to what was happening. “George, what are you saying?”

  “I needed a way to come here to claim my children. As I had no funds to pay for the journey, I had to find someone who would pay my way. You were the perfect solution, wishing to confront your sister, who was taking care of my daughters. And now, since she is Mrs Darcy, I believe she should also come with me. Her husband will pay dearly to have her returned to him.”

  Jane was confused. “We never spoke of taking my sister for ransom. I have plenty of money, I need none from the likes of Mr Darcy. And what are you saying about the children being yours?”

  “Jane, listen to me. This man, this friend of yours, is the man who raped Miss Georgiana Darcy. He kidnapped her for ransom, the day of the accident that killed Papa and injured me. Mr Darcy was in the other carriage, rushing to find his sister after learning she was missing from the house they had leased for her in Ramsgate. This man is the one responsible for Miss Darcy’s death, and is the father of the twins.”

  “This cannot be true. George is the kindest of men, an officer in the militia. Lizzy, you cannot be correct.” Jane could hardly comprehend what she was being told. “He is friends with Mamma and our sisters, especially Lydia. She adores George.”

  “One of many, Mrs Bingley.” Wickham boasted. “And another who has pleasured me.”

  Jane gasped. “My sister has…has..., no, it cannot be possible. None of this is true. This is a nightmare, nothing more. I will wake to find this all a nightmare.”

  “You foolish, foolish being.” Elizabeth said as she turned, attempting to shield Emmy from Wickham. As she moved, Wickham stepped closer, though his movement was halted by Jane stepping between her sister and Wickham.

  Elizabeth saw a chance to protect the twins, she thrust Emmy into Sally’s arms, beside Edith, and spoke quickly. “Run, now.”

  Sally’s eyes were wide open, though she obeyed her mistress. As she ran from the shop, Sally heard a shot ring out.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 14

  Everything happened quickly. Sally was able to flee from the shop, finding the carriage still sitting in front. Seeing Sally’s tears and her expression, the footman rushed to her aid.

  “We must take the girls from here. It is too dangerous for them to be here. Wickham is in there.”

  Almost everyone who lived at Pemberley knew who George Wickham was. He had grown up on the estate, so many knew him from first-hand experience. The rest knew him from the tale of what happened to Georgiana Darcy. It was no great secret amon
gst those loyal and dedicated to the Darcy family. The man was responsible for the ruination of a most beloved young lady, and he was despised for his actions.

  The footman, Fred, ushered Sally into the carriage. Shouting up to the driver, Fred took control of the situation. “Jennings, take the carriage to Pemberley immediately. Tell Mr Darcy what has happened. I will stay with Mrs Darcy.”

  Jennings snapped the reins, and the horses leapt forward. As they rushed away, carrying the precious cargo inside the carriage, Wickham was at the door of the shop. He growled at having lost his chance to sell his children to their uncle, but he still had Elizabeth. He would make the best of the situation.

  Pointing his knife at Fred, Wickham threatened. “Stay back. I have killed two already today, I would not hesitate to kill you.”

  “Where is Mrs Darcy? Is she alive?”

  “She is no good to me dead. Darcy will pay handsomely for his lovely wife.” Wickham said, still holding the knife menacingly towards Fred.

  “Who is dead?” The footman asked.

  “One of them is the lady who owned this shop. The other, well, she is still breathing, but not for long.”

  People were beginning to come, having heard shouting and the sound of the gun firing. One of those was Charles Bingley, who had just ridden to Lambton to collect papers from the solicitor, so he could show them to his friend. Bingley had seen the Darcy carriage rapidly leave from down the street, and the lone footman standing in the street, speaking to someone inside the shop.

  Bingley hurried over to the footman. “What is happening?”

  “Mrs Darcy is inside the shop. Sally and the twins fled, saying that George Wickham was inside. He is an evil man, and the one who caused all the pain with Miss Darcy.”

  “George Wickham…why does that name sound familiar?”

  “Probably the Master has told you of the man harming Miss Darcy.”

  “No, it is something more recent. Good God, he was in Meryton. He was in the militia there. What is he doing here?”

  “I do not know, but I would wager it is to cause trouble for the Master and Mistress. That be why the Mistress sent Sally out with the girls. The wee ones be the offspring of that scoundrel.” Fred answered.


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