Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance Page 35

by S. Cook

  His hands moved about my body in demanding searches. His fingers pressed into my flesh as if he was trying to grab onto me, hold as much as possible, and memorize the feel of me beneath his touch.

  I moaned as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted me a bit, just as I had been fantasizing he would do.

  I jumped a little to help him, and the next thing I knew, I was up against the wall with nothing to anchor me but his solid form, and arms about me that felt like nothing else. My short dress slid up my hips, exposing my thighs to his view.

  One hand moved to grip me just below my ass. He held me that way, his fingers just inches from the source of all my pleasure.

  And he knew it, knew what power he had over me. His thumb traced circles into my skin, tickled the sensitive flesh with concentric movements.

  I moaned as his lips moved from my lips to my neck. He gave me soft, sucking kisses that drew pulsing sensations from my nerves. My teeth sunk into my lower lip to keep from making more noise.

  I had to remind myself that we were technically making out against our neighbor’s wall.

  Anyone could hear us. Anyone could walk out into the hallway and see us.

  For some reason, the danger of that made me even wetter.

  As if sensing the renewed rush of lust in me, Liam moved closer, nudging his hips up against mine. With my dress shoved out of the way, there was nothing between us but the thin silk of my panties and the roughness of his jeans.

  The hardness of his arousal rubbed against me, and I gasped. I felt his grin on my lips. He did it again. A gentle nudge upwards. A small gasp. Again and again. My body jerked with each movement, nerves saturated with pleasure, blood heating and settling in areas that became over-sensitive to his touch.

  “You better stop that,” I said eventually, unable to take any more. “Unless you plan on finishing what you started.”

  Liam shifted me so that he could hold me more securely against the wall. “Oh, I plan on doing more than finishing,” he said. There was a gleam in his eyes, a sparkle, a hint of mischief and promise.

  I swallowed, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I looked back at him, suddenly unsure of what to do or say next.

  Thank God I didn’t have to. Because we heard loud footsteps from down the hall.

  I shoved him away, landing on my feet with a shooting pain up my leg. Flinching, I touched my hair, my face, my clothes. I was sure whoever it was would know what we were doing no matter how much we hurried.

  Not really caring to know who that someone was, I began walking down the hall again.

  “Hey,” Liam said, following after me. He sounded like he had just finished running a marathon. “Where the hell are you going? We should talk.”

  I gulped. “‘About what?”

  “What do you mean about what?” he growled. “About what happened.”

  “Nothing happened.” I yanked on the hem of my skirt, which was rather difficult to do when I was walking at breakneck speed. I was sure I’d just given Liam a nice shot of my ass. “That was clearly not planned. It was a mistake.”

  He was silent for a second. I thought he had finally left me alone, but then he spoke. “Mistake?” His voice was quiet and calm. Like he was about to murder someone.

  “Yeah. I said yourself just now that you wanted to be friends. Friends don’t go around practically fucking against a wall in the middle of a hallway.”

  When he didn’t respond right away, I looked at his face. We reached my apartment, and I dug in my purse for my keys. I was thankful for the distraction so that I didn’t have to face him.

  After a long pause, Liam spoke in a resigned voice. “I guess you’re right. I did just say we should be friends.”

  I didn’t know why, but that caused my heart to fail for just a second. “Exactly.”

  Liam sighed. Thankfully, I found my keys and busied myself unlocking the door. It wasn’t easy with him leaning on the frame, his body inches from mine. I felt the heat coming off him.

  The same heat that had just engulfed me moments before. I wanted to delve back into that heat. Wanted to feel his arms around me again. Wanted to taste the sweetness of his lips.

  “You don’t even want to at least discuss this?” he asked.

  I opened the door. “There’s nothing to discuss.”

  Chapter Seven

  I dove into the pool, enjoying the instant relief of cold water surrounding me. My hearing was momentarily lost, but the cool blue world beneath the surface represented a much-needed escape.

  I swam through the water, using mostly my legs to reach the other side before floating to the surface. Breathing in deeply, I floated onto my back, swimming backwards with lengthy breast strokes.

  This had been one hell of a week.

  First, I’d made the mistake of letting Tammy set me up with yet another guy, despite the disaster David had been. This one was no better, but at least he’d had no kids or wife.

  And no wonder.

  He’d been so dull that for the first time ever I was tempted to fake the infamous emergency call from a friend.

  Earlier in the day, Tammy and I had gone out for a drink. I thought we would stop by a bar to relax after a long day at work, but Tammy somehow persuaded me to also drop in at a dance club in downtown.

  The evening had been another disaster.

  Tammy danced with a million guys, while I sat by myself, nursing a Manhattan and wondering when I could leave without being rude.

  I was happy to get back home to my own condo and the pool.

  Which was supposed to close in five minutes, but I knew the security guards didn’t always monitor the deck. Besides, I deserved this swim after all the crap I’d been through. None of the other tenants were going to come up here to bother me and I wasn’t hurting anyone.

  I did a few more laps, alternating between swimming and diving beneath the water. As I took a moment to catch my breath, I heard someone inputting the code into the pool gate.

  Crap, it was probably the security guard here to kick me out. Just my luck.

  I was about to climb out of the pool and make a run for my towel when I looked up and realized that it was even worse than the security guard.

  “Oh,” Liam said, stopping short.

  He glanced around as if he was expecting someone else at the pool. Was he meeting someone here? A girl?

  “I didn’t think anyone would be up here,” he said.

  My throat clogged. “Me neither,” was all I could think of to say.

  I had no idea what to do now. I couldn’t possibly continue swimming with Liam watching me, and I didn’t feel like climbing out of the pool, either. It would only provide him with a better view of my dripping wet, scantily clad body.

  I imagined how Liam would react to that.

  I knew from the way he looked at me that he found me attractive, and after what happened the other day in the hallway, his reaction to me was obvious. He’d been ready to take me up against the wall, not even caring that anyone would have seen us.

  I wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t stopped him. Would I have woken up in his bed the next morning, feeling satisfied?

  I almost laughed out loud.

  Not likely.

  Rejecting him was probably the smartest thing I’d done since breaking up with Bryan a few months ago.

  I would have been satisfied, yes.

  Regretful, also yes.

  “What are you doing up so late?” Liam asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  I shrugged, sloshing water about my shoulders. “I just needed to swim.”

  I didn’t think he would take that as an answer, but to my surprise he nodded.

  I wondered if he would just leave. But I realized that I didn’t want him to. It was nice to see him, even though he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

  It had been more than a week since that moment in the hallway, and we’d somehow managed to avoid each other. I made sure to check the hallways t
hrough my peephole before leaving my apartment.

  I didn’t know if Liam was doing the same, but for some reason, the thought that he wanted to avoid me made my stomach drop just a bit. It was crazy, considering that he was the last person I wanted to see. But a part of me wanted him there. Needed him to stay.

  “You?” I asked to prolong the conversation. “What are you doing out here so late?”

  “Same. Couldn’t sleep. Just need to unwind.” He paused, holding his towel in one hand awkwardly. “You don’t mind, do you? If I swim too.”

  “It’s the community pool,” I pointed out. “It’s not like either of us should be here. Technically it’s past closing.”

  He smiled. “Bunch of badass rebels, we are.”

  I couldn’t help smiling softly at that. I was the farthest thing from a rebel. A good girl. Always did the right thing. Got good grades in high school. Followed instruction, was highly organized. Dated the kind of boys my parents loved. What a lot of good that did me in the end.

  As he walked away to drop his things off at a lounge chair, I took the opportunity to swim as far away from him as possible. This was normal, or at least I tried to tell myself so. Two neighbors could swim in the community pool peacefully and there was nothing wrong with it.

  Except all I wanted to do was jump him like a wild woman.

  I wanted to drag him into the water, wrap my body around his, and feel his wet, naked skin against mine.

  Desire filled me, making my blood grow warm. My skin suddenly felt heated, the water a shocking cold on my flesh. I dove again to soak it in, grateful for the distraction so that I didn’t have to watch Liam jump into the pool.

  Still, I was aware of where he was and exactly what he was doing. Being underwater gave me a chance to look up at his muscular body floating on the surface. I was reminded of what a graceful swimmer he was. No wonder his shoulders were so defined.

  The next few minutes were silent except for the sound of splashing. I liked to dive beneath the water, using only my legs and the occasional push of my arms. Liam remained above the surface, doing laps across the pool.

  I closed my eyes and let my body move through the water, imagining that he wasn’t there. It made me feel strangely lonely. Keeping my eyes closed, I kicked to the surface. My hand touched another person’s body. I recoiled, breaking the surface with a breathless laugh.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, treading water. “I didn’t mean to grab you.”

  Liam floated next to me, grinning. “That’s okay. You can grab me anytime.”

  He started to swim in circles around me, and I had to tread quickly to keep my eyes on him. His gaze fixed on me without breaking, and I felt like I needed to fill the silence.

  “When I’m stressed about something, I like to come up here for a swim. It’s such a nice amenity but none of the tenants ever use it.” I paused. “Until you moved in.”

  He stopped swimming and treaded water about two feet away from me. If I reached out, I could’ve touched his shoulder and dragged him closer.

  “Am I ruining your haven?” he asked.

  “No, not at all,” I said. “Like I said, it’s a community pool.”

  “Good.” He leaned backwards and floated, his six-pack of abs exposed to my gaze. Occasionally, he adjusted his position, causing a ripple in his muscles. I swallowed and forced myself to keep kicking. My heart was pounding, making it difficult for me to focus on Liam’s next words.

  “Have you been on any more dates since that guy from the other night?”

  “David,” I said.

  His expression didn’t change. “Was that the asshole’s name?”

  “He wasn’t an asshole.”

  He gave me a look. “Come on,” he said.

  “Okay fine. Kind of an asshole. But I haven’t seen him again, if that’s what you’re really asking.”

  He folded his arms over his head, kicking his legs to counterbalance his weight on the water. His lips curled. “Cool.”

  I smiled to myself. He sounded almost relieved. “I have been on a few other dates.”

  “Oh.” He kicked one leg hard, bringing his body back into the water so that he faced me.

  “This one guy. So boring, I don’t even remember his name.”

  Liam’s smile was slow to spread across his face. “Yeah? Where did he take you?”

  “A nice bistro in downtown. The food wasn’t half bad.”

  “Looks like you got something out of it, at least.”

  I smiled politely and nodded. “Girl’s got to eat,” I joked, even though I had paid for the meal in the end. Of course, the guy had “forgotten” his wallet. I’m not spilling that secret to Liam. The date was mortifying enough.

  The lights that had brightened the rooftop deck suddenly went out and we were encased in darkness. I gasped from the shock of sudden blindness. I reached out in a reflexive panic.

  My hand found Liam’s shoulder and he pulled me into his arms like it was the natural thing to do. As if he’d wanted to do that all night.

  For a moment, I forgot all about my dignity, about the fact that this was the craziest thing to do, that I shouldn’t be throwing myself into the arms of a man who had rejected me, not just once, but twice.

  I didn’t care.

  My pulse raced and the hairs on the back of my skin rose. And Liam’s arms wrapped around me made it all better, made my breathing return to normal. Well, almost. I clung to him, not even noticing that he had to kick double time to keep both our bodies afloat.

  He was whispering something in my ear, stroking his fingers through my hair and holding my head against his shoulder. I had no idea what he was saying, but the soft sound of his voice consoled me, eased the tension from my body.

  I breathed in the clean scent of him. His skin felt heated even after the cold swim in the pool. With the reminder of chlorine in the back of my nose, I could still smell that elusive scent that always clung to him.

  It was only when I had relaxed a little that I realized I was pressed to his chest.

  His very naked, very muscular chest.

  Cool water sloshed between us, but I could feel the heat rolling off him, and I wondered for a moment if the pool was heated and I hadn’t realized it all this time.

  My eyes had adjusted to the dark now and I realized with embarrassment that I had overreacted. The lights had shut off automatically since the pool was now closed. The gates would lock electronically from the outside, but we would be able to leave from the inside. Moonlight washed over the deck. The reflection in the water revealed a half moon, rimmed in midnight blue.

  I didn’t want to ever let go.

  When Liam pulled back, I had the strangest urge to throw my arms tightly around him so that he would be forced to hold me.

  He didn’t release me, not yet anyway. He looked down at me. The fingers of one hand still in my hand reminded of that time in the hallway, when he’d pushed me up against the wall and practically took me where anyone would’ve been able to see us.

  I wanted that.

  I wanted him.

  Here. Now.

  And he wanted me.

  I knew from the way he looked at me, his gaze lingering on my lips, his eyes half-lidded, his mouth parted slightly. I could tell when a man wanted me, and I knew that in that moment, Liam would have given anything to be with me.

  And I would have done the same.

  “What were you saying?” I asked.

  He blinked at me, his mouth opening just a bit. The tip of his tongue darted out to touch the dip in his bottom lip. My mouth watered in response.

  “I said it’s okay.” His voice was hoarse. “I’m here.”

  I looked up at him with wide eyes. I tried to gauge the emotions on his face, wondered what he was feeling or thinking.

  If I kissed him now, would it be a mistake?

  “I think that’s our cue to leave,” I said eventually.

  I was prepared to release him even though my body rejected every
notion of doing so.

  His next words surprised me.

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  My stomach somersaulted. A light feeling washed over me. “Me neither.” We gazed at each other. His arms tightened like a vice, like he never wanted to let go.

  And then I didn’t care anymore. So what if I regretted it in the morning? Things were already awkward between us. Might as well make it worth it.

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and anchored myself more securely to his body. My legs hooked about his hips, my feet resting on the back of his thighs so that I could leverage myself high enough to reach his lips. When our mouths met, I heard a strangled noise come from him, like a groan he’d been trying to hold in for days.

  Don’t do it, I told myself.

  This was bad.

  What was I doing?

  Let go. Let go of him now.

  I clung to him tighter.

  He let me explore him this time, and I enjoyed every touch of our tongues, every sweet taste I was able to gather from the kiss.

  The water seemed to grow higher around us, until I realized that it wasn’t the water rising, but that we were sinking.

  “Sorry,” Liam said, giving a few kicks.

  I kissed him again, not caring for words now that I was finally getting what I wanted. I unwrapped myself from him, placed my hands on his shoulders, and pushed him backwards.

  We swam together, our mouths still connected, tongues dancing. Finally, we reached the shallow end of the pool, where Liam was able to stand comfortably. He gripped the back of my thighs, pulling me so close that I could feel the hard ridge of his cock against the notch of my body.

  Damn, he was packing.

  I wanted him desperately.

  I wanted to feel him in my hands, inside my body. I pulled at his shoulders urgently, wanting to be closer, desperately craving more of his skin on my skin, his body on my body.

  This felt good—so good—but it wasn’t enough.


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