Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance Page 42

by S. Cook

  Liam didn’t give me a break.

  He grabbed both my legs, spread them wide, and fucked me. Really fucked me. Holy shit, his cock was deep. He pounded me so hard that I lost the ability to breathe. And then, oh damn, I was coming again. And because he kept my legs pried wide open, the orgasm went on and on, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.

  I wanted to touch my clit, wanted to clamp my thighs on him, but I couldn’t. Instead, the spasms took over my body, seeming to grow into each other, and I couldn’t stop gasping. Couldn’t stop shaking and feeling.

  I threw my head back. “Liam! Holy fuck!”

  “Yeah, baby.” Liam grunted. He thrust again and again, and then stiffened. His neck arched, his abs flexed, and he exploded inside me.

  His knees buckled and he fell on top of me. His chest was slick with sweat. I loved the feel of skin against skin, of the heaviness of his body. I didn’t even mind that I could barely breathe with his weight on me. He could stay there for as long as he wanted. I loved it actually.

  I loved him.

  My eyes flew open.

  Crap, I loved him.

  How had that even happened? I’d been so careful.

  Liam rolled to the side, and a gentle breeze from the open window cooled our sweaty skin. I lay there, unable to move, to look at him, my mind on what I had just discovered.

  “No other girls,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure if I was just in shock and couldn’t understand him, or if his brain had gone to mush from the recent, thorough fucking. “What?”

  He turned to me. “I said, no more girls.”

  “For me or you?”

  He pushed my shoulder playfully.

  “Really. What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means I only want you.” He touched my face. His thumb smoothed over my cheekbone. “Just you, Misty. Only you.”

  My chest felt like it was going to explode. “Liam.”

  “Shh.” His thumb pressed my lips. “I just...let me just finish.” He swallowed. His eyes met mine. “I think I love you. And,” he continued quickly when I tried to talk again, “you don’t have to say it back. And I don’t want to scare you either. But...I just have to put it out there. I love you. I don’t want you dating other guys. Even if they’re nice guys. I don’t want you seeing that asshole ex-boyfriend of yours ever again. I want you all to myself.”

  He stopped talking and took his hand away. His gaze searched my face.

  “Can I talk now?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “Yes, please do.”

  “I love you too.”

  He closed his eyes. His lips parted with a sigh. “You don’t have to say it back just because I said it.

  “I’m not.”

  “You’re not what?”

  “I’m not saying it just because you’re saying it. I’m saying it because I love you.”

  He opened his eyes. “Are you being serious, right now?”

  I pressed my lips together. “Very serious.”

  For a moment, he just looked at me. He didn’t say anything. Didn’t touch me. Didn’t even seem to breathe.

  Then he rolled me over, his body pressing into mine. “Thank God,” he breathed. “I was thinking I’d broken that guy’s nose all for nothing.”

  My hands began unbuttoning his shirt. “That was pretty hot.”

  He nuzzled my nose with his. “I didn’t know violence turned you on so much.”

  “Didn’t you know girls love it when guys fight over them?”

  He smiled. “I’d fight for you any day, sweetie.”

  “Why thank you. But one broken nose is good enough for me. I prefer it if you didn’t beat up any other men.”

  He frowned. “From the way they throw themselves at you, I was prepared to put up more of a fight.”

  “Men aren’t throwing themselves at me,” I argued.

  “You’ve been on a hundred dates since I’ve known you.”

  “I’ve been on two.”

  He kissed me to shut me up. “That’s two more than I can handle.” He kissed me again, easing my knees apart as he did. “Promise me, no more dates.”

  I was a bit breathless. “Except with you.”

  “I’ll take that exception.”

  I hugged him close.

  “Only with you.”


  *** I’ve included two very hot excerpts from upcoming books, MATTHEW and DOMINICK. A brand new complete bonus book, BRIAN is also included. ***

  More About S. Cook

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  Sneak Peek of Matthew

  I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a door close somewhere inside the apartment, followed by padding of bare footsteps coming through the adjacent living room. Matthew appeared, and I had to admit that he did not appear surprised.

  “Dr. Jones,” he said sternly by way of a greeting.

  “Mr. Murray,” I replied, answering his condescending tone with one of my own.

  “And I’m out of here,” the roommate said, sliding between the pair of us, jingling his keys as he walked out of the apartment.

  I stared after him for only a second before I turned my attention back to Matthew.

  “I would like to know if you care to explain yourself. No, I take that back. I demand that you explain yourself,” I began, barely controlling my anger well enough to keep the tremor out of my voice.

  Great, now I just need to give him a good old fashioned South-of-the-Mason-Dixon-line tongue lashing, courtesy of my Grandma’s home training.

  “I don’t see what there is to explain,” Matthew began before I cut him off.

  “Oh, you don’t? Well, let me help you see the whole picture a little more clearly,” I barked at him. “You come into my graduate school classroom and you disrupt the flow of the conversation with ugly, hate-filled insults that you hurl carelessly at my students, students who have paid a lot of tuition money and worked very hard for the opportunity to participate, and then you have the nerve to walk out of there like nobody’s business and drop the class.”

  “Yes,” Matthew simply said, agreeing with my assessment of his actions and leaving me speechless for only a moment.

  “Yes? That’s all you have to say? Yes?” So much for controlling my anger.

  “That’s correct,” he said, nodding again and watching me warily.

  “I do hope you have a better explanation than that, Mr. Murray!”

  “Actually, I do, if you would calm down long enough to let me...”

  “Calm down? You want me to calm down? Let me tell you something, young man, I’m not capable of ‘calm’ when I see hatred and superiority expressed in the hallways of an institution of higher learning. I’ll calm down when...”

  Matthew grabbed me by both shoulders and pulled me to him, kissing me roughly and astonishing me for a minute. I punched at his chest with one balled fist, but he still held me closely, deepening his kiss until my mouth opened slightly under his, allowing him to slide his tongue impatiently across mine. I found myself caving as the kiss went on until finally I was holding him as closely as he held me.

  When I finally pulled away, a tiny voice in my brain demanded to know what the hell was going on. Matthew’s face wore that same unreadable, blank expression I’d seen in class. I actually considered slapping him for a moment for his second very violating intrusion into my most personal of spaces before remembering that intelligent human beings didn’t go around slapping people, even people who deserved it.

  Instead, I fired back at him.

  “What was that for?” I demanded.

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “Did you ever stop to ask yourself if I wanted you to?”

  “I assumed you wouldn’t still be standing in my doorway if you didn’t want me to,” he replied in a husky voice. “Is that what you’re say
ing? That I shouldn’t have kissed you?”

  “That’s not it,” I began, involuntarily looking at his mouth when he licked his lips, “I’m saying you should have asked me first.”

  “Oh, I see. So, may I have your permission to kiss you?” he asked, teasing me ever only slightly.

  “I am not going to give you permission to kiss me right here in front of God and everybody,” I replied, exasperated with him already.

  I was the one who had come over to demand an explanation, so how did I end up so confused and flustered?

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Matthew said before taking me by the arm and pulling me into his apartment, closing the door behind me and pressing me against its cool metal surface, cornering me with his body.

  My hands flew up to push him away on instinct, but the look in his eyes told a different story.

  “I dropped your class because it wasn’t right for you to be my teacher anymore,” he whispered, looking into my eyes.

  “And why is that?” I whispered back.

  “Because it would be wrong. I want you so much, but not enough to risk your career.”

  I swallowed nervously. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I would rather not be your student if it meant I could be something more,” he answered breathlessly, leaning in closer to me and placing his lips hungrily against the skin of my neck. “And I think you want the same thing.”

  “Oh, you do?” I answered, even as my hands betrayed me by sliding up his firm chest and joining behind his neck, pulling him even closer. “That doesn’t explain your dumb-assed outburst, though.”

  “I didn’t want anyone to know why I left your class,” he answered, making it almost impossible to form an intelligent thought with the heat of his breath fanning across my neck, his whispers sounding in my ear.

  He moved one hand from where it had pinned me to wall to the side of my neck, bringing my tingling skin to meet his mouth as he kissed a path to my collarbone, barely visible above the collar of my silky button-up blouse.

  “This way, they’ll think we were simply incompatible. That I was an unbelievable jerk and you hated me.”

  “And are we incompatible?” I asked, playing along.

  “I’d love to show you how well I think we could fit together,” he replied, biting at my neck a little bit more forcefully with his kiss before straightening and kissing my mouth ravenously.

  My breath caught in my throat as I returned the kiss, running my hands through Matthew’s hair and pressing my body against his. He ran both of his hands down my back and pulled me close to him, letting me feel the full length of his hard cock between us. With his arms around my narrow waist, he lifted me off my feet and carried me across the living room and towards his own bedroom.

  “Moving awfully fast, don’t you think?” I asked him, accusing him of presuming that’s where I wanted to go.

  “We could stay in the living room, if you don’t mind Michael coming back from the mall while my face is between your legs,” he replied, still moving towards his room.

  I laughed nervously at the thought of someone walking in on us. It was bad enough that my car was out front. I shook my head quickly and reached for the doorknob to Matthew’s room.

  He set me down gently and reached to shut the door before going over to the stereo to put on some music. Matthew returned to my side, pushing me gently but determinedly onto the bed where I fell to a seated position.

  “What is it you like, Dr. Jones?” he asked, standing over me.

  I looked up at him through my lashes, awestruck by how different he looked in his darkened room. This was a fiercer person, most definitely a man who looked almost animalistic.

  “I like to be surprised, Mr. Murray,” I answered, my voice stronger now that I had fully decided that Matthew could offer me something I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

  “Good. Because I’m kind of an expert at surprises,” he said, reaching down to undo the tiny buttons on my blouse, opening my shirt wider with each flick of his fingers before finally peeling back the thin fabric and admiring the lace of my bra by running one fingertip over the fabric lightly, sending small trembles through me. “Here’s the first surprise.”

  While his fingers slid beneath the thin strap of my bra, guiding it down over my shoulders until he freed my breasts, his free hand worked his zipper until he released his very full erection, the sheer size of which impressed even me.

  I instinctively grabbed him with one very warm hand, causing him to jerk slightly at my touch.

  “I want you to suck me,” he said, leaning towards me.

  I opened my mouth to comply, licking my lips first before drawing him towards me and letting my tongue glide along his length. He held both my breasts, kneading them into small peaks and causing me to arch against him. I gripped him tightly with both hands, sliding my fists up and down in a slow rhythm as I let my tongue dance in circles across the tip of his already moist head.

  Sensing his anticipation and enjoying the power that came from killing him by dragging it out, I finally gave him what he wanted. I took him in my mouth, slowly guiding his cock fully down my throat, thrilled with myself when I heard his sharp intake of breath from the absolute ecstasy of the sensations crawling out every nerve ending in his body thanks to what my heated mouth could do to a dick.

  Matthew stood still as long as he could, but too soon he was bucking against me, fucking my hot mouth as powerful tremors rocked him. Finally, he pulled back, breaking free from my grasp before he could accidentally cum from what I was doing to him. He grinned at my and lifted me by my hands until I stood facing him.

  “It’s your turn for a surprise.”

  He lowered me to the bed and stood at the foot of it, eyeing me greedily. He removed my blouse the rest of the way and the bra that he’d pulled down in his hurry to get to my wonderful breasts. Then Matthew reached beneath me for the zipper to my skirt, shimmying its fabric down my long legs slowly, leaving my panties in place for now.

  I watched as he positioned himself on top of me, climbing over my legs to get to my breasts. Matthew devoured first one nipple and then the other, sucking them deeply into his mouth until I thought I might scream. One hand fed my breast to his mouth, helping him consume me, while his other hand brushed at the skin beneath my lace panties with an agonizingly light touch.

  After what felt like an hour of having his lips lavish my hard nipples, giving them more attention just then than they’d had in the last several years combined, Matthew looked up at me and smiled before asking, “Are you ready for another surprise?”

  I could only nod, hoping against hope that this next surprise would at last involve some much-needed attention on my now very wet pussy. Matthew licked his way down my stomach, tickling me along the way with his scaldingly hot mouth before pulling back the fabric that covered my sweet spot.

  “Open your legs for me,” he ordered, positioning himself beneath my thighs and resting his weight on his elbows.

  I did, only to involuntarily squeal when he attacked my sex, hammering at my pussy with his tongue until it was all I could to hold still.

  He used his fingers to gently open me, making sure his tongue could go as deep as possible, fucking me with it and lapping at the juices that were already building inside me. I didn’t know when I reached for him and realized I was holding the back of his head and grinding against his face, which only made him thrust into me even faster.

  Soon, he zeroed in on my throbbing clit, biting at it ever so carefully before sucking it into his mouth and making me scream. He continued to run his tongue back and forth against its swollen surface, sliding first one, then two fingers deep inside my wet folds as he did.

  I felt something I had not experienced in ages: the rising awareness of an uncontrollable orgasm, waves of which were already coursing in and around my pussy. It was all I could do not to come off the bed and throw Matthew to the floor in order to dive on top of him. I would ge
t my chance at his cock soon enough.

  Matthew sat up and opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. “It’s my turn to hand out a surprise or two,” I said, grabbing his strong biceps and pushing him down on the mattress.

  I moved over and then straddled him, lowering myself inch by inch down onto his firm cock, moving up and down the length of his dick so slowly that he held his breath. As I increased my pace, I ground my hips in slow circles, twisting against his length and making him shout briefly before he gasped for more air.

  Finally, I leaned back as I moved, tightening the muscles that held his cock in total rapture, and delivered my final surprise by reaching behind me and grasping his balls lightly, running my fingernails over their smooth tautness.

  “God, you feel so good!” he moaned, finding enough air to yell his appreciation for my particular kind of surprises.

  He threw me over onto the bed and turned himself without pulling out of me, straightening behind me in a move so sudden that it took me completely unaware. He continued his gentle assault on my sex, shoving into me forcefully with every thrust of his hips before pulling out almost completely, only to repeat his wonderful lunge inside me every time.

  I couldn’t take any more. I cried out through my intense orgasm, not caring about any of his roommates that might happen to be home. All I knew was incredible things were happening deep inside my core and I had to let it out.

  As I buckled onto the bed, completely exhausted and thrilled from the onslaught of pleasure, the likes of which I hadn’t experienced in far too long – if ever – Matthew collapsed on top of me, panting from the exertion of bringing me to absolute physical joy. As his breathing began to slow to something more controllable, he kissed me just behind my ear, biting carefully at my neck before whispering in my ear, “I have one more surprise for you.”

  I took several deep breaths before I could bring myself to ask, “What would that be?”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, the heat from his breath dancing across my neck and exciting me.


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