Their Strict Daddies

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Their Strict Daddies Page 5

by Shelly Douglas

  “I think I just saw something outside.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not positive of anything, but it seemed like someone was standing at the sliding glass door.”

  “Okay, I’ll go check it out.” Peter threw his feet out over the edge of the bed and slipped into his robe. He started to walk around the side of the bed. “Damn it!”

  “What is it?”

  Hopping up and down on one leg, he said, “I just stubbed my toe on the bed leg. Damn, that hurts!”

  “Do you want me to turn a light on?” Lizzy whispered.

  “No, if there’s someone out there, I don’t want them to know we’re awake.”

  “Should I go get Max or Josh?”

  “Wait until I take a look.” Peter limped over to the wall adjacent to the sliding glass door, slightly pulled back the curtain and peeked out. “I don’t see anything, Lizzy. Are you sure you spotted something? Maybe you were dreaming.”

  “I was wide awake, checking the time. So no, it wasn’t my imagination getting the best of me. Can you please just make sure no one’s out there?”

  Peter turned on the outside light, and glanced both ways before finally stepping out. “There are some prints in the sand, but they could be ours. We walked in and out of here a couple of times last night, remember?” Peter turned and scratched his head. “I don’t know what to say—I’m not spotting anything out of the ordinary.”

  Just as he came back inside and closed the glass door behind him, there was a slight knock. Peter hobbled over and cracked the bedroom door open to see Max standing in the hallway. “I heard some chatter and saw the outside light flick off and on, so I wondered if there was something wrong.”

  Peter motioned for him to come in and closed the door behind them. “Lizzy thought she saw someone outside, so I decided to check it out. I’m sorry for waking you.”

  Max stood motionless for a moment. “This is getting a little too weird. First the phone calls, then the pool incident, and now this. I’ve never seen my Christina this nervous.”

  There was another tap on the door. Peter opened it up and there stood Chrissy. “I woke up, Max and you weren’t there. What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry, kitten, I didn’t want to wake you. Are you alright?”

  “No, I’m scared. Can I come in?”

  “Of course you can. Lizzy thought she saw someone in the backyard, but Peter checked it out, so there’s nothing to be alarmed about.” Max led her in by the hand, before turning around to find Josh dressed only in his underwear, carrying a baseball bat. Becca followed close behind him, crossed the room, and sat on the bed next to Lizzy.

  Josh began pounding the bat into his left palm.

  “Where did you get that thing, and what on earth are you intending to do with it?” Max asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “It was in our bedroom closet, so I grabbed it when we heard all the commotion. What in the hell is going on?”

  “Lizzy thought she saw something out the window, but as far as I could determine it was most likely nothing.”

  “So, you think I’m delusional?” Lizzy barked from across the room. “Is that it?”

  “Now, now—that’s not what I meant,” Peter said, taking a seat on the cushioned chair in the corner of the room to rub his toe. “I just didn’t see anything. Maybe you saw a raccoon, and it ran away.”

  Becca whispered something in Lizzy’s ear and patted her on the back. “I believe you, kiddo.”

  Max turned and headed for the door. “It’s late. Let’s all get back to sleep and revisit this when we’re fresh in the morning.”

  Josh, still with bat in tow, Becca, and Chrissy all said goodnight as they filed past Max, who closed the door behind them.

  * * *

  After returning to the room, Chrissy straightened the sheets on their king-size bed and frowned. “I don’t like this one bit,” she snapped, glancing over at her husband.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Max’s hands rested on his hard thighs. “I don’t either, but I intend to take care of it.”

  “I just hope you and the girls aren’t writing about everything that’s happening here,” Chrissy said, walking across the room to peer out of the curtain.

  “You know that’s what we decided on, and let me take this opportunity to remind my little kitten to watch her tone. If you continue to snap at me, you’ll be sleeping on your tummy tonight, and I’ll be happy to write about your spanking in detail tomorrow.”

  “I wasn’t referring to our private moments together, which aren’t going to be so private anymore,” she said, forming air quotes before pivoting to face him. “But I’m thinking about who might be watching us. Please tell me you aren’t turning this book into a mystery.”

  “I haven’t yet, but I’m considering it,” he admitted.

  “Jesus, Max. Maybe this person is a psycho and that’s what he wants. Did it ever occur to you that we’re being stalked, so this looney tune could become famous in one of your books?”

  Max tilted his head and smiled. “Someone called twice and hung up. I wouldn’t exactly call that psychotic behavior.”

  “And what about spying on us from the neighbor’s yard, or watching Lizzy and Peter sleep at two o’clock in the morning?”

  “First of all, we don’t know that the phone calls were from the same person. And there’s no proof of the other two happenings, so we really can’t prove the presence of a stalker…”

  “Do you think Becca and Lizzy imagined those things?”

  “What I think is that their nerves may have gotten the best of them.” Taking Chrissy by the hand, Max led her over to the oxblood leather overstuffed chair in the corner of the room and slid her onto his lap. “Sweetie, we only have another week to go, and our book is progressing nicely. Can’t we just enjoy the rest of this vacation together with our new friends? Haven’t you had fun roleplaying with other little girls?”

  Chrissy lovingly placed her head on his shoulder. “Max, I know that the mysteries you’ve written so far have been fictional.”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “And they’ve all had happy endings where the bad guy gets caught.”

  “That’s right.”

  “But in real life, it doesn’t always happen that way…”

  Max nudged her forehead onto his and gazed into her pleading eyes. “Did I promise to keep you safe, young lady?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Have I always kept my promises to you, Christina?”

  Though she nodded, her eyelashes lowered.

  “Look at me, sweetie.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “But we might be in danger…”

  As a rumble of thunder was heard in the distance, Chrissy’s body involuntarily jumped. “Oh, my God, a storm is brewing!” she cried, burrowing her flushed face into his broad chest.

  “Come on, I know just the thing to relax you,” he said with a hug. “Let’s get back into bed…”

  Chapter Six

  As Max slid open the door to enter the back patio, Josh and Peter were sitting around the fire pit, each with a cup of coffee in their hands. “How’s it going today, slugger?” he joked, glancing in Josh’s direction.

  “At least someone has a sense of humor this morning. Unlike you, Becca was a bit cranky. She didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “I’m voting for nap time instead of play time this afternoon for all three girls,” Peter suggested.

  “You won’t get any arguments from me. Unfortunately, our morning writing meeting wasn’t very productive.” Max put his coffee cup on the end table and got comfortable in the empty chaise lounge. “Becca and Lizzy kept passing notes to each other, just like girls do in junior high. Once I put my foot down and reminded them that adult-like behavior was expected in the morning, I was finally able to restore some semblance of order, but it was evident their minds were somewhere else.”

  “How is the book coming along?” Peter asked.

>   “With the exception of today, our progress has been right on track. Both Becca and Lizzy are really exceptional writers, and I love working with their fresh perspective. Given all that’s happened here so far, we certainly don’t have a lack of material.” Max took a sip of his coffee. “In all honesty, there are times when Chrissy feels left out since she’s not involved with the book, and I’m not sure what to do about that.”

  “Maybe Peter and I can help out,” Josh offered. “Since the three of you have writing time at the end of each day, we certainly could involve Chrissy in some kind of activity.”

  “Absolutely. Let’s take her shopping this afternoon,” Peter deadpanned.

  “Seriously? Is it possible to think of something a little less stressful on my wallet?”

  “Sorry, I was only kidding. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to change the subject for a minute. Josh and I were wondering if the realtor ever called you back with the owner’s number.”

  “He did and I spoke with him this morning. Unfortunately, neither of them have been trying to get in touch with me, but he does know who owns the property next door. I told him about the girls’ strange experiences, and he promised that he or the realtor will find out who’s renting next door. Trust me, I intend to get to the bottom of this.”

  “Peter and I were talking this morning while you were having your team meeting, and we’re both inclined to have faith in what the girls believe happened. So, what’s our next course of action? Should we contact the police?”

  “And tell them what? Someone called twice and hung up when I wasn’t available? That the girls think someone’s stalking us? I’m not sure I want them talking with the police and possibly pointing a finger at our neighbors. I know this is making everyone nervous, but there just isn’t enough information that’s police-worthy. Maybe our girls have watched too many slasher movies…”

  Chrissy suddenly walked out to join them on the patio. “Is this a guys only conversation or do I have permission to join in?”

  Josh and Peter turned their heads, deferring to Max. “Of course, Chrissy, take a seat. In fact, it might be helpful for them to hear your take on the last couple of days.”

  “Let’s see,” she said dramatically, looking up at the bright blue sky. “I’m bored to death, tired of all the rules, and I don’t like the lack of attention from my husband. There—does that sum up my vacation so far?” Chrissy’s tone was defiant as she abruptly crossed her arms.

  Peter and Josh each stifled a chuckle while Max tipped his body forward on the lounge chair. “Christina, I’m always happy to give your bottom more attention,” he stated, before stopping to notice Becca standing in the doorway.

  “Josh, I don’t feel well,” Becca whined, holding her stomach.

  “How much coffee did you drink at the meeting this morning, sweetie? You’ve never been able to drink two cups on an empty stomach, and what happened to the nutrition bar I put in your hand?”

  “I didn’t eat it,” she admitted, lowering her eyes to the ground.

  “We both know you haven’t been eating properly since we got here,” Josh scolded in a stern, but concerned manner as he walked over to his petite wife and offered her his hand. “Let’s go inside and talk about this problem right now.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her lips curved downward into a pout as she avoided everyone’s curious eyes and compliantly took his hand.

  * * *

  Becca sat on the bed watching nervously as Josh rummaged through his doctor bag in the corner of the room. “Isn’t there an easier way?” she pleaded, crossing and uncrossing her arms nervously.

  “Well, there would’ve been, if I’d known how far off schedule your system was. But now, I’m afraid there isn’t,” he said, pulling the disposable enema from the box.

  “Do we have to do this right now?”

  “Don’t you want to feel better?”

  She nodded reluctantly.

  “Then take your pants and panties down, young lady, while I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. The last thing we need is for you to dehydrate.”

  As Josh left the room, Becca lazily pushed her pants down, slipped them off, and folded them neatly on the bed. She was just about to remove her pastel striped underwear when Josh strolled back into the room.

  “Come on, sweetie, let’s get this done, so we can move on with our day. We both know why your belly aches, and moving slowly is only going to drag this unpleasant event out longer. Do you need help lowering your panties?” he asked, turning her around to playfully smack her across the buttocks.

  “I guess, daddy,” she said, frowning. “I know that it’s still morning, but I like to call you daddy when you take care of me.”

  “It’s okay, I love taking care of you any time of day, so it can be our little secret,” he assured her, calmly hooking his thumbs into her panties and slipping them down her long smooth legs. “Come on, sweet pea, hop up onto the bed and roll over on your side, while I prepare the enema for you.”

  Her eyes watched sadly as he lathered the long tip of the plastic bottle with gel.

  “Even though these tips are lubricated, I want to make sure you aren’t uncomfortable.” Covering his digit with a bit of the slippery substance, he gently pushed it in between her round cheeks.

  Becca moaned as he carefully inserted the tip of the nozzle into her puckered, smooth hole and gave the bottle a squeeze. Her whimpering got louder as she felt the gush of liquid enter her anus, but Josh seem undeterred as he lovingly stroked her back and spoke softly into his wife’s ear.

  “Shh, sweetie—calm down and behave yourself. I promise this won’t take long.”

  But as he emptied the remaining contents from the plastic bottle into her bottom, she started to writhe and squirm.

  “I want to go to the bathroom.”

  “It’s not time yet,” he said, removing the nozzle from her tight, wrinkled entrance. “Just lie here for a minute and let the liquid do its job.”

  “Please, daddy. I feel like it’s already working. I need to go now!”

  He put his strong hands under Becca’s arms, stood her upright, and affectionately drew her close. “You need to give it a little more time…”

  “Please let me go,” she groaned between clenched teeth, trying to break his hold.

  “Sorry, little one, I need to make sure you hold this in for at least five minutes. Otherwise, it won’t work and we’ll have to do it again.”

  She tried to back away, but his grip became stronger. “I’ll let you go when it’s time,” he stated quietly but firmly.

  Finally, a strong cramp took hold, and small beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She wasn’t going to last much longer. Pushing against his broad chest, her whimpering turned into loud begging.

  “Please, daddy, please! I can’t hold this in any longer!”

  And with those last words, she ran to the bathroom and firmly closed the door. Standing in the hall, he asked from time to time if she was alright and when she finally came through the door, he handed her a cold bottle of water.

  “Can I hide out in our bedroom for the rest of the day?” she asked, her face reddening with embarrassment. “I’m sure our friends know what we were doing.”

  “Everyone needs a little help now and then, especially when they don’t eat right. Maybe a nice relaxing bath would improve your mood,” he insisted as he accompanied her back into the bathroom.

  “Can I bring the chilled water with me?”

  “Absolutely. Take a few sips now, and leave the bottle on the ledge for later.”

  On his knees, Josh ran the water, making sure it was a comfortable temperature before he undressed Becca completely and helped lower her into the tub.

  “Are you going to wash my hair, daddy?”

  “Of course, baby doll. Now lean back and try to relax.”

  He filled a small cup with warm water and tilted Becca’s head, saturating her hair before gently messaging an orange-scented shampoo into her scalp. Wa
tching her tired eyes close, he poured clean water over her head, checking to make sure that all the soap was thoroughly rinsed out of her light brown silky tresses.

  “Can we still go out to dinner tonight?”

  “As long as you’re feeling healthy, sweetie. Right now, let me make sure the rest of you is squeaky clean.”

  Caressing her neck and shoulders with a soft soapy sponge, he tenderly bathed her with warm sudsy water, and as she reached for her cold bottle to take a few sips, he skillfully washed her breasts and tummy. After rinsing her upper body completely, Josh twirled his finger. “Okay, kiddo. You need to put that down and turn over.”

  She glared at him and took another sip.

  “Your heinie is warm, wet, and bare. Would you like to end this bath sitting on my lap or over it?”

  She pondered the choice for a moment before handing him her half-filled container, and Becca reluctantly rolled onto her hands and knees, knowing that this was his favorite part of giving her a bath. Watching her round pink tushy float out of the water, he slid his fingertip up and down her smooth slit before lightly trailing the full crease of her bottom cheeks. Aware that her bottom hole was still sensitive, he circled the rim slowly before gently tapping and rubbing the pad of his soapy finger over it, prompting her to immediately squeal and squirm in embarrassment. She knew that this behavior would not only earn her a loving smack to both warm wobbly cheeks, but it also meant that bath time was officially over, and she would soon be enveloped in softness, snuggling with her daddy.

  “Take my hand, kitten, and I’ll help you step out of the tub.”

  True to form, Josh turned her around to lovingly spank her dripping wet bottom before wrapping her in a large white fluffy towel. Drying her completely, he finally moved Becca onto his lap before hugging her tight. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “Yes, but I’ll be in trouble with Max if he finds out we broke the little girl rule by playing before five o’clock,” she said with a crooked smile as he helped dress her in a fresh pair of panties.


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