Winter's Heat

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Winter's Heat Page 4

by Vinson, Tami

  Hearing the faint sounds of running water coming from the direction of the bathroom, he smiled. She must be just finishing up her last task of the day. He thought.

  Going into the closet, he made himself more comfortable by pulling off his suit jacket, shoes and socks. Walking back out into the bedroom on bare feet, he loosened his tie while looking at the clock beside the bed. He figured if he was lucky he would get to spend some time with Winter today before she finished up for the day and went home.

  With that thought in mind, he strode into the spacious bathroom to say hello and came to a stop at the scene he found unfolding before him.

  His eyes took in the small pile of clothes on the floor and quickly jumped to the closed doors of the shower. His attention was riveted on Winter’s clearly naked body standing under the spray of water. He closed his eyes tightly and rubbed them to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Reopening them again, he silently swore at the vision before him.

  He ran his eyes over the wet curves that he had suspected she’d possessed all along and felt his mouth dry at the instant wave of need now pounding through his own body. The water played a perfect symphony over her long wet curls, shaping them to her head as it continued on to make a path between her large firm breasts her raised arms displayed to perfection. He was transfixed at the lushness of the perfect dark tipped brown globes his hands longed to reach out and touch. He continued to look his fill as his eyes ran further down over her gently curved stomach to disappear between her firm parted thighs. In that moment he was willing to give everything he had just to follow the same path of the water over the lush curves she had openly on display.

  He felt like he’d die if he didn’t touch her now…

  With that thought driving him over the edge of his control, he swiftly removed his own clothes and boldly reached to open the shower door.

  Winter opened her eyes at the muted sound of the door opening and met Eric’s hunger filled gaze with her own equally hungry one. At first she thought her mind was playing a sensual trick on her as her eyes ate up Eric’s mouth watering nakedness in front of her, but as the hot water continued to rain down on her she realized that this moment was very much real.

  “Eric?” Her voice was faint with confusion. She didn’t think he was coming home this weekend because of his busy schedule.


  Before she could fully recover from her confusion he stepped forward and pulled her in for a kiss so hot that he melted her right on the spot. The feel of his well muscled chest pressing against her newly sensitized breasts combined with searing heat of his kiss had her eagerly wrapping her arms around his shoulders and throwing her everything into the kiss.

  It was her fantasy coming to life as she became a mass of sensation from the touch of his roaming hands and plundering mouth. She shut off the small part of her brain that was on ‘freak-out’ mode and gave herself up to the moment. She would live this moment in time like it was her last.

  Soon Winter found herself doing some exploring of her own. Slowly she ran her hands over the taunt expanse of his well defined chest down to the ruggedly ridged perfection of his stomach. Just as she was caressing the perfect indent of his belly button, she felt something brush up against the back of her hand. Looking down to see what it was, she gasped at the long length of his swollen cock straining against her hand.

  Mesmerized at her finding, she touched her fingertips to the slightly red mushroomed head of his hard length and was shocked at the soft but hard texture of it. Continuing to explore him, she felt a rumble of his groan vibrate from his chest as he flexed his hips forward pushing his hard cock further into her hand. The needy action had her boldly tightening her fingers around as much of the long ridged length as she could and repeatedly stroking until she fell into a rhythm.

  Things burned out of control from there.

  Eric knew if he didn’t stop her soon, he would spill himself outside of the one place he wanted to be in so desperately. Kissing her lips, he took her hands and placed them on his shoulders then lifted her up in his strong arms making her instinctively wrap her legs around his lean waist. He never broke the kiss as he backed her up into the smooth tiles of the shower. When the smooth skin of her back hit the cool damp tiles, he positioned the blunt head of his now painfully swollen cock against the slick folds of her wet entrance.

  Before Winter could whimper a warning of her innocent state, she felt him thrust up into the tight inner walls of her pussy making her bite her lip at the newness of the sensation. As her body struggled to accommodate him, she felt him push straight through the thin film of her innocence and imbed himself balls deep inside her scalding heat. She didn’t even bother holding back a low moan as the pleasure and pain of his invasion had her inner muscles constricting tightly in response.

  Eric came to a stop as her already tight channel clamped down around his cock making him groan at the sensual torture. He was trying to shake off the sensual fog clouding his mind to chase a new and important detail.

  Winter was a virgin…

  He was so shocked by that fact that he went to pull out of her snug haven. But at the move, he felt her sleek legs lock tightly around his waist holding him fully within her.

  “ should have told me.” He said reproachfully as he placed a kiss upon her trembling lips in regret. He knew that he was a big man and had probably caused her pain.

  Winter met Eric’s somber gaze as her finger nails bit into the hard smooth flesh of his back at the burning intrusion of his body within her own. She had to show him that she could handle it. She turned her face into the crook of his neck to stifle her moans as her body struggled to accommodate him.

  Just as she thought she would lose the fight, she felt him pull back and thrust into her again at a different angle that caused the pain to be replaced by a burst of pleasure so intense that she nipped the pulse beating strongly underneath her quivering lips.

  “You’re so damn tight…” His guttural words whispered into her ear over the sound of the running water and caused another ripple of pleasure to course through her.

  His movements from there were fierce and demanding as he set a rhythm with strokes that electrified her newly sensitized flesh while pushing them both closer and closer to the edge of completion. Knowing he wouldn’t last much longer, he reached between them and deftly stroked his fingers over her swollen clit as he stroked in and out of her tight heat.

  At the touch of his fingers combined with the fullness of his cock, she helplessly came apart tilting her pelvis forward to contract tightly around his hard length. Feeling her orgasm rip through her, he held nothing back as he thrust one more time into her hot wildly rippling depths and exploded deeply inside her filling her with his essence.

  As the last tremor of pleasure receded from their joined bodies, he reached over to shut off the water. With her still in his arms, he stepped from the shower and made his way out of the bathroom to the king-sized bed that dominated his room. Gingerly, he cradled her in his arms as he laid her limp damp body down on the cool cream colored satin sheets and followed her down.

  He rested most of his weight on one of his arms as he ran his eyes over her lush beauty. Giving in to temptation, he leaned down to suckle her generous dark tipped breasts into the hungry cavern of his mouth.

  “Sweetheart, I need you again….” The low sexy rasp of his voice was followed by the hard slid of his cock still deeply buried inside her tight sheath.

  At the delicious fullness sliding along her ultra sensitive nerve endings, her body and mind merged to give him the only answer she could regardless of the consequences.

  “Yes…yes—“ The words left her lips in a cry as he reached down and gathered her legs in crook of his arms behind her knees and ground his hips into hers. The depth of his penetration took her breath away and snapped the last of her restraints she might have still held.

  From there they reached a silent understanding as the evening turned to night that th
ey would indulge themselves in a world of extreme pleasure. They made love desperately throughout the night with no thought of what tomorrow would bring.


  A rare cool desert breeze caressed Eric’s bare chest and shoulders as he stood in nothing but a pair of button down blue jean on the downstairs back patio. As he took in the wild beauty of the cactus flowers glowing in the mild Sunday morning sunlight he struggled to calm his hectic thoughts. He had come here to clear his mind and think clearly about Winter, but it was somewhat difficult.

  He was still trying to wrap his mind around last night. They were now lovers. In fact, he was her first lover.

  Her only lover. He silently amended as he slowly sipped his morning coffee.

  Being with her last night was a major game changer for him. Unknowingly in the back of his mind, he’d thought that once he’d finally fed his hunger for her delectable body that it would go away like it did with every other woman he’d been with in the past. Last night had proven him so wrong. Winter was the exception.

  One taste of her and he hadn’t been able to get enough of her and despite her obvious lack of experience, she’d matched his appetite in every way. More than ever he wanted her in a way that he’d never wanted any other woman.

  He found himself wanting to take things between them to a level he’d never been before and seeing where things led them. He admitted that the uncharted territory he was in was disconcerting, but he knew that he didn’t want to risk losing Winter.

  With that thought in mind, he finished off his coffee and went back into the house.


  Finally reaching the bedroom, he stopped in the doorway when he saw her sitting on the edge of the bed talking on her cell phone. She hadn’t seen him yet because her back was turned to him. It gave him another chance of look his fill of the luscious curves she currently halfway covered with a sheet.

  The picture of her sitting there looked so right that the thought crossed his mind to have her move in with him and be right where she was all the time. Sharing his life with her…making love to her every night and holding her in his arms. Suddenly those things were vital to him.

  He knew he would have to make some bold moves in order for that to happen. And based on her response to his every touch, he knew that he at least had a fighting chance at convincing her. Smiling at that thought, he moved further into the room to alert her to his presence. Before he could do so, he heard Winter speak softly into the phone.

  “I know…I love you too.” Hearing the softly spoken words directed towards whoever she was speaking to on the phone gave him pause.

  The thought of her saying those words to someone else savagely twisted something inside him. Before Eric knew it he felt a wave of jealous outrage mixed with a stinging hurt move all through him.

  What the hell? He angrily thought.

  He’d be damned if he’d let her profess her love to another man while sitting on his bed. The same bed she’d just given herself to him in. He stood there feeling foolish and unreasonably cheated.

  Winter was so engrossed in her conversation, that she still didn’t realize he was now standing right behind her. He quickly controlled the surge of anger moving through him and reached for a familiar aloofness while denying the crushing disappointment he felt.

  “Am I bothering you?” The sharp authority that snapped from Eric’s deep voice made Winter gasp and jump off the bed to face him while clutching the phone to her ample sheet covered breasts.

  “Eric…” She floundered as she took in his obviously angry face. Before she could gather her scattered thoughts, he continued on.

  “Talk to your boyfriend on your own time Winter, not mine.” Even as he said the words, he knew them to be untrue. The way she had given herself to him last night had proven that, but he just couldn’t seem to stop the flow of the harsh spewing forth.

  “Eric, it’s my sister Charlene. Something’s happened to my auntie…” At her quietly spoken words his anger quickly fled to be replaced with remorse and concern.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, is everything okay?” Eric asked immediately calming down. He was silently kicking himself for jumping to the wrong conclusions and letting his temper get the best of him.

  “Charlene says Aunt Sophie is in the hospital because she fell and broke her leg.” She explained.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.” Seeing how visibly upset Winter was, Eric gently pulled her in his arms and softly brushed his lips against her brow to comfort her.

  A muffled voice coming from the phone had her shifting in his arms to put the phone back to her ear. “Yes, I’m here Charlene…” Everything else was forgotten as Winter listened to Charlene fill her in on what was going on back home. She stood there locking her concerned eyes to Eric’s over the next few minutes as she listened.

  “Did you find out anything else?” Eric asked when Winter got off the phone.

  “Charlene said they’re waiting to see just how bad it was. I just hope she’s okay.” Just even saying the words made her worry double because she knew her aunt’s health was fragile as it was.

  “I know sweetheart. I’m sure your sister Charlene would tell you if there is any change in your aunt’s condition.” He said soothingly rubbing her back to try to put her mind at ease.

  “If something bad happens to my Aunt Sophie, I would never forgive myself if I wasn’t there to be with her. She’s done so much for me and it just sucks that I can’t do anything right now.” She said feeling the weight of worry press down on her.

  Watching the look of helpless frustration settle on Winter’s face, Eric knew what he had to do. And it gave him pleasure to do so. Especially if it meant helping out the woman he cared so much for.

  “Sweetheart, I want you to take some time off and go back home and be with your aunt.” He said smoothing the worry from her brow with his fingertips.

  “Really?” Winter asked not sure she had heard him right.

  “Sweetheart, you can put your mind to rest. I’ll arrange for my company jet to take you home so you can be with your aunt.” His generous offer took her by surprise.

  “Eric, I can’t let you do that.” She started to protest. “Besides, I can’t afford to just leave for two weeks straight. What about everything here?” As she listed all her points, he calmly listened while mentally solving each one. And when she finally ran out of steam, he kissed her softly on the lips.

  “Sweetheart, your Aunt Sophie needs you and I’m sure I can survive without you for a couple of weeks. As for everything else, there’s nothing that can’t be put on hold until you get back.” He continued his sweet torture by placing a series of nibbling kisses over her upturned face to silence any further protests that seemed to want to bubble up.

  “Everything is gonna be okay.” He said thankful when he finally felt a reluctant smile curve her soft lips.

  “Baby…” The one word was all she could get out as her eyes lovingly caressed his handsome face. Winter felt her indecision turning into acceptance of his generous offer and she had to bite her tongue to keep from blurting out right then and there how much she loved him. Instead she wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders and poured it all into her kiss.


  Instant raw emotion went tearing through Eric as the tender endearment branded him right to the very heart of him. The simple word became sensual fuel to the fire inside of him turning him on like nothing else ever had. She was like a drug in his bloodstream slowly chipping away all his self-control and he willingly gave in.

  He relieved her of the sheet barring him from her body and let it drop to the floor between them. He thoroughly feasted his eyes on every inch that was revealed and couldn’t help letting his hands and mouth follow down the same sensual path.

  Winter’s low needy moans were a symphony to his ears that called him to open his eyes to behold the picture she made as she stood before him. What he saw was just as breath-taking as the first time they’d made love, o
nly better. This time there was a knowing, a claiming, a meshing of souls.

  God, how he needed this woman.

  Needing to be within the warm welcoming heat of her tight sheath, he smoothly picked her up and deposited her on the edge of the bed to stand between her firm brown thighs. Pushing her backwards, he took her hands in his and placed them above her head and gave her a soul searing kiss. When he pulled back he settled solidly between her parted thighs and looked searchingly into her warm brown eyes.

  “I don’t want to let you go, but if I have to—I want you to take a piece of me with you…” His words were followed by action as his hard thick cock slid to the hilt into the place it now called home.

  “Baby, yes…” Her low breathy moan slipped helplessly from her parted lips as she was consumed with sensations. Both the physical and emotional combined to overtake her as she once again stretched to accommodate his large girth. Winter felt deliciously exposed as she maintained eye contact with Eric the whole time as she accepted him fully into her. She couldn’t help but arch up into him and wrap her legs around his lean waist while he pushed through her wet folds to settle to the hilt at her womb.


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