Other Places 2: Road Blocks

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Other Places 2: Road Blocks Page 3

by P. S. Power

  He couldn't do a lot, being that he was holding the palm of his hand tightly over the wound on the downed fighters back. He didn't have a band aid, and first aid, while a great sounding idea, hadn't been on his home school curriculum. What he saw then was one of the masked people being driven to his knees and having his face uncovered. The Vampires doing it didn't hesitate, having three hold the fellow in place while another wrenched his head back and forth, finally ripping it off after about twenty seconds. All the attackers were being killed. Instantly and without trial.

  Zack was good with that, since they'd wanted to kill him personally and weren't even smart enough to just walk up to him and do it. Any of them could have, and he would have simply died if they did it right. It was a thing he didn't point out, but he did manage to wave to one of the other Shifters, of a kind that he couldn't really identify, and got them to run over. It was a homely woman, but she was fit and hard, like they all were.

  "Hale? Crap! Medic! We need the medic over here!" She knew what to do, and whatever else she was, got right to it, pushing him out of the way after she pulled a strange looking pad from her waist.

  'Bitch.' Mirror Him said it without heat or seeming upset, so Zack realized it wasn't about calling her names, just that she was some kind of canine Shifter. True, he could have just said that, but it was MH, so only so much could be expected.

  He carefully stood up, still behind the planter, in case hiding was needed again, ready to drop to the ground without hesitation, but no one tried to kill him or anything. In fact, all that happened was the wounded being tended to and the hostages being taken to one of the exits that the mercenaries had created in the wall.

  A tough looking man that seemed to be in his forties and looked like he had enough muscle for both of them, if only he'd be willing to share, called out to everyone, not seeming to care who heard him.

  "The local's are in. We need to get out of here... Except we're surrounded. We might have to fight our way out." The voice was familiar at least, being the guy from the phone.

  Zack picked a likely looking shop, which seemed to sell soap products and baskets, but had a good line of sight back to the Node.

  "Um... Right... Evacuation. Vaughn, can you get your people to help move the wounded? Branson, we don't have time to teach you all what to do, so get with the Vamps. I'll get us out of here." If they had time.

  The first problem he realized, was that there was a sensitive trap on the Node. The room it was in was used for actual storage and had boxes and baskets all over the place, which, he realized, probably meant it was run by a powerful group, since they got the Node points as a rule, but one that was never planning to use it. He started to move things out of the way, but it was taking too long, so the Hispanic Vampire picked him up and deposited him out of the way and did it herself.

  "Tell me what we're doing?"

  "Uh..." He outlined the point in the air, which was about seven feet across in a circle. Higher than that too. "This space needs to be clear and a line, for people to get through."

  She did not take long about getting it done, or complain that it was beneath her or anything like that. She also didn't take the time to be tidy about it, just throwing and kicking things out of the way. Before anyone came in to see about the trap, she had it ready. Then, looking at the machine guns on their stands, she just moved, and turned them to point at the far wall, taking a single bullet in the process. He wasn't certain, but Zack thought that one would have hit him if she hadn't moved in front of him in time. Protecting him with her own body.

  "What else?"

  That involved Vaughn, who started grabbing two people at once, which meant Zack had to take his arm to get it done. It couldn't have been comfortable for anyone, but the Hispanic woman laughed. He saw it on the way back into the room.

  "Damn. I don't suppose you two do parties?" It was impressed sounding, so Zack didn't bother to worry about what she really meant.

  It still took a long time to get everyone back to Denver, and when he got to the Bat Shifter, he was actually a bat. The others had been grumbling a little bit about a Vampire touching them, but Branson ordered them to shut up about it almost instantly. It was Vaughn's turn to refuse suddenly.

  "I don't think so. He'll need to turn back. I don't handle... creatures."

  That got the remaining five Shifters in the room to make faces, and Zack to roll his eyes. It was Branson, the vastly muscled man that explained at least.

  "I get the cultural prejudice, but he had to heal and his body forced a change to make it happen. It will be hours before he can get back. I won't leave a man behind."

  "Nor do I wish you to, I simply can't touch him. I would, if it were a mere taboo, but... I don't have time to explain."

  Zack looked at the wound on the bat and found it wasn't there, which made sense. Why shift into an injury? If you had that kind of power, it made sense that you'd heal while doing it each time, didn't it? The man wasn't huge, about a hundred pounds at a guess.

  "Hey... I don't know how this works, but can you fold your wings together a bit, so I can try to pick you up? It will look like I'm trying to have sex with you, but I swear that isn't the case."

  He didn't expect words, and they didn't come, the man moving in front of him and folding his arms so that he could be reached around. Then, gasping from the effort, his right arm hurting from the strain, he got the man through. The rest of the work was faster than that, even with the injured, since this one was the only being that had changed shape.

  That it was a big sticking point for an old Vampire didn't make a lot of sense, but it wasn't his business to ask about it, so he just did his part.

  On the good side, he wasn't personally needed for the rest of it, so took Vaughn back to Candles and More, so that he could unlock the space, having an hour left to his day still. If anyone gave him grief about leaving the place closed for so long he was going to have Mirror Him spin a story about an orgy with twenty hot swimsuit models.

  They were supposed to be open all the time, at least during stated hours, but things could happen. If this wasn't a good enough excuse then he couldn't think of any at all.

  Lenore ran over, and moved around Vaughn to hug him closely.

  "You live? What's the situation on the ground there?" That at least was addressed to the other man, since he didn't know how to really explain it at all.

  Vaughn actually sneered, which wasn't what Zack had seen from him so far. He looked horribly angry.

  "It was our own people. Vampires all. We thought it was a mixed group originally, but we got enough from them in the end to put it together. This is... about things other than the Line Walker. That was both a distraction and an attempt to threaten the rest of us. The feeling of it is that they're opposed to the new ruling that states live feeding should be controlled. They drove our debt with Mr. Hartley to a level today that I do not think we will ever be able to repay, using his name so. Some Humans died, and all the Vampires working against us perished in the action. Or after. We had to leave the bodies, which will probably mean we need to send someone around to talk to the coroner and his staff." He looked away and froze, just not moving for several minutes.

  Lenore made a face, which for her meant faking it. She tried anyway, all the time, and most of the ruling council did the same thing, only much better than the young. She was decent at it, but he could see the little differences, compared to a regular person.

  "That's..." She took a huge breath and shrugged. "I'm willing to do my part in paying it, but he already has funding enough to make him happy, and to keep him safe during hard times. He refuses to take slaves and wants no one dead in particular. So... I believe I'll leave repayment to you this time? Perhaps some new furnishings for his home? It's a modest dwelling, but some wear has taken place over the last months."

  That was true. For some reason, people kept getting into fights in his living room. First it was Bey and a young Vampire that just... died, leaving his head on the so
fa. Then his friend Keeley and... herself. It had looked like it at least. Both of them were Greater Demons, and he had a suspicion that those two being around, along with the others, was what had really given him a bad reputation. Most people knew that playing with Demons was a bad plan, so tried to avoid the places they hung out in.

  Zack could endorse it, but when several of them claimed to be your personal friend, you didn't flip them the bird and walk away. Cowering came to mind as a good response, but he doubted hiding was a real option.

  His stomach growled then, which got him to sigh.

  "Could I get a peanut butter swirl with chocolate on the top. I'll-" He was going to say that he'd grab his wallet, which was in the back, but Lenore just ran to her own shop and started making it for him.

  That left him standing in the front of his own store, looking around. They had a lot of pink and red Valentine's decorations up, along with candle displays. In the few days they'd have to redo it, but he liked to keep things seasonal. What was next though? Spring themed things?

  The Vampire's cell rang, and he moved away, speaking rapidly, but in a calm voice. Clearly not being needed, Zack started to front face the whole store, which took about three minutes, since no one had moved anything all day, and then swept, which for once got almost nothing at all. Just a bare hint of dust. The place was clean, and neat, as well as decorated. Now if they could just get sales, it would be worth it all.

  Not for the first time he stood behind the counter wondering if he should start bringing books with him each day. Reading was fun, and killed time, but felt like he was cheating the store, so he hadn't been, but it got very boring sometimes.

  'Yeah it does. I mean with the shooting and dying all around and you trying to get us killed to save people you don't know. Oh, you didn't mean that part, did you?'

  "Nope, I didn't." He smiled and saw the man in the back of his store look at him a little strangely, but was rescued by Lenore coming in with an extra large frozen yoghurt. It looked amazing and tasted that way too, the chocolate on top being a caramel not just stuff from a can. Nothing in the dish was. She even ground her own peanut butter. Zack knew this, because occasionally he filled in over there in the mornings. Otherwise Lenore could never have a day off. Most of that was being done by the Mage intern, Jennifer, since he'd been convalescing, but he liked to put in a little time there, since it was a place filled with free food.

  "Thank you. This is perfect. I'll get my wallet as soon as I'm done?" He knew she wouldn't make him pay, but asking was important. Besides, he could afford things like this now.

  She didn't even answer, just waving a hand at him and walking to the back of the store, staring at Vaughn, going into a truly blank state. After a bit she turned to Zack and explained, knowing that his hearing wasn't up to the task.

  "This isn't good. It seems that everyone has figured out that this attack was done by my kind, and many of them are far less than happy about it at the moment." She looked back at her shop and then actually moved to look both ways up and down the Mall proper.

  When she turned back her face was serious.

  "In fact, most are calling for war over it."

  Of course they were. It wasn't the best way to handle things at all, but most people got scared and just lashed out, or at least wanted other people to do it for them. It was tempting, if you knew that you, personally, wouldn't have to face the consequences of your own actions. More than once he'd thought things like that himself, like about the pesky cop that had been bothering him earlier. They were wrong, but that wouldn't occur to many of them for a while. At the moment they were angry and scared, so things like being right in what they were calling for took a back seat.

  It seemed it was a real problem too, since Lenore ran back to her store to answer the phone. She was there late already, which was a bit odd and probably also meant that she needed to eat. He didn't feed her himself, since what Vampires really ate was life energy, not blood. That was just a way to keep links open to the various sources.

  Tilting his head, Zack had a thought and dug out the card Keeley had given him. He didn't really need to talk to her, personally, but rather to her friend, Rebekah, who was one of the cool looking Manthori Vampires. They had a business being started, a blood bank system for Vampires, that was possible because they'd learned to preserve the stuff without it tasting like toxic waste, which had been a problem before, from what he'd heard.

  The phone picked up on the second ring.

  "Zack. What may I do for you today?" It was Keeley, who always managed to sound a little formal with him. She was sixteen, and looked it, but also a Greater Demon, so immortal or nearly so, and so powerful that many people had suggested that a good thing to do when you met one was kill yourself. It was better than many of the alternatives, or a least that was the general idea. Keeley however was nice, to him. So were most of her friends, which meant he'd met a half dozen Greater Demons and hadn't been enslaved yet or anything.

  "Hi. I was wondering if I could get in touch with your friend, Rebekah? I don't know what I can trade with her, but if she has any of your new blood available, I'd like some. Please."

  "It's currently a hundred dollars a pint, but we can do that. Let me get her for you. Perhaps you could work out a trade? I know that her friend, Jonas, would like to come and visit her, but has to be at work regularly. The other way around as well. That might be a place to start. Just make certain you get fair value for it." Then she held her hand over the phone, speaking clearly enough he could still hear her.

  "Rebekah dear? Telephone for you. Zack Hartley."

  There was the sound of scurrying, but the phone passed without making any real noise about it, so it wasn't snatched from Keeley's grasp, just passed along. They were both just so fast it was nearly instant.

  "Mr. Hartley, sir?"

  "Or, you know, Zack, which is shorter and easier to say. I was hoping to trade you for some blood. The good kind. Keeley gave me inside information. You and your friend Jonas want to visit each other regularly? What would that be worth to you?"

  She paused, and there was a murmur from the other end of the line, which sounded like Keeley, but he wasn't certain.

  "A lot. Not my soul, or being enslaved, and I'd like to avoid torture for it, but I can work with almost anything else. I have some money, but not enough for that kind of thing. Jonas is a political aide, so that means not rich. You want blood though? For Vampires?"

  He nodded, then realized that wouldn't communicate anything well at all.

  "That's right. Can I get some now? Enough for a few people for the night. There... Might be a war coming for your kind, which you should check in to." Then he had to tell her the whole thing, which got her to go silent for a bit.

  "I'd give you whatever you wanted just for that bit of information, sir. I mean Zack. I... If I could book some trips with you? I can pay in blood. Call it a hundred units per? That's cheating you horribly, but we aren't up to full production levels yet. We need to open at least a thousand new blood banks for it. It's going well and we do have a hundred already being set up, with fifteen in operation, so I can pay what I offered." She sounded professional when she gave her spiel about it. "Including breaking into my private reserve for you tonight. I have enough on hand I think, but it's at Keeley's home, the one she shares with her mother? It will take me a bit to get it."

  He knew where that was however, so offered to pick it up himself, since that would keep the thing just between the two of them. Keeley chuckled in the background, but also had Rebekah agreeing a few seconds later.

  "We'll call ahead, so she knows to expect you, so, about five minutes or so?"

  That would work for him, since it was almost nine, meaning he could close the store, at least for a bit. He had a feeling that once news spread, normal working hours might just be something that went away.

  He waited, got Vaughn to leave with some waving motions and smiles, the man not looking hurt about it, being too distracted with his t
alking, and locked up. Then he jogged to the back and stepped into Arizona. It was warmer there, even this time of year, than in Washington, but not hot at all. Chilly enough that he hurried, having to walk a few blocks to get there.

  At the door he knocked gently, half expecting Keeley to come to it, even if it wasn't the plan. She could be like that at times, he knew. Unexpected.

  Chapter three

  The woman that answered wasn't Keeley, but was, as planned, her very cute mother. She looked to be in her early to mid-thirties, and was dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans this time, which was different for her, being that the last two times they'd met she'd been in nicer clothing that was a bit revealing.

  Mirror Him took control and smiled, leering a bit.

  "Why, hello. You look good tonight, Keeley's mom. I don't suppose you'd like to come out and play?" It was so unexpected that she just stood there for a moment, then smiled, laughing a bit.

  "I can't tonight, but soon? I have a huge party tomorrow. Floral arrangements and decorations. My assistant and I will be up all night. We could get together this Friday, I think, in the evening?"

  MH tilted his head back and nodded once, very slowly.

  "The day after Valentine's? Perfect. I'll pick you up at seven, here. Wear cute underwear, since I plan on seeing it."

  Then being a gentleman, he let Zack have control again, laughing.

  He tried to keep his voice strong at least and to smile. Sherri really was pretty after all, and he did not want to make her upset.

  "Right now I need to get something for..." He looked around and the woman touched his arm, her soft hand pulling him in gently.

  "Eve is packaging that up for you. In here?"

  By packaging she meant turning it into a blood gift basket, complete with flowers and two candles, as if he were going to be going on a very strange picnic. Which was an idea, if he could get a sandwich too. Maybe a soda?

  "This looks great! Thank you... Eve is it?" He held out his hand, since the girl was obviously a Human, and might not get what was going on. Acting like whatever strange thing was going on was normal left most people feeling better, if they had to rationalize it all to themselves.


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