Please Remember Me

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Please Remember Me Page 12

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Oh.” Tears misted behind her eyes. Not because of the rules, but for the loss of the opportunity to do the right thing.

  “Enough sermons.” Summer opened the cage and handed Jaden one of the cats. “I know how you feel. I’ve seen too many older people have to give up their pets because they can’t take care of them anymore. Then there are the ones who outlive their owners, like Riley. It stinks. I want to take them all home.” She tapped her chin again. “Both of these guys have had their shots and the local vet neutered them, so you’ll only have to take them in for a check-up. While I’m thinking about it, did you bring a crate?”

  Jaden froze. “Crate? For what? Can’t I just put them all in the car?”

  “You’d be surprised, but no.” Summer laughed, the sound ringing around the room. “I know Riley likes the car because Leonard told me. Cats tend to ride better when in a crate. Although I had one lady who drove with her orange cat draped around her shoulders like a shawl, not that you probably care. It’s kinda funny to see old Doris Folger tooling around town in her Caddy with Farkus sleeping around her neck.”

  Jaden nibbled the corner of her mouth. Keeping cats entailed a whole new set of equipment… Still, she couldn’t leave them. “Okay, so where do I get a couple of crates?”

  * * * *

  Whistling the last song he’d heard on the radio, Marlon strolled out of the courthouse and through the parking lot to his patrol car. Each time he’d had got a chance over the past week, he headed to Judi’s to see Jaden. She didn’t insist upon dissecting his day, but listened until he had nothing else to say. She took away his stress when she smiled. Each time they made love, his desire for her grew. He’d rip out his own heart and bronze it for her if she asked. But letting her go? Damn. Letting go might be more than he could handle.

  His phone beeped with an incoming picture message. He grinned when he read the identification screen—Jaden. He pressed the buttons to retrieve the message. Could it be a risqué picture to tide him over? She might have shrugged out of the Hollywood façade, but she knew a thing or two about turning a man on. Sliding behind the wheel of his cruiser, he peeked around the parking lot and brought up the file.

  In the image, she smiled with a wide-eyed grey tabby in her arms. The caption read: “My child, Tantrum!”

  He shook his head and laughed. Only Jaden could name a cat after a temper fit. Another picture popped up. In this one, she held another cat while Sparky peeked over her shoulder. The caption for this image read: “Here’s his sister, Unruly. Sparks and Riley love them. Well, sorta.”

  Somehow the sight of Jaden with multiple pets seemed right. As right as her with children—his children. Laughing, he drove to the muni lot. The smile on his lips warmed his heart and spread through his chest. She took all the dull greys in his life and gave them pops of vivid colour.

  Once he’d traded the cruiser for his Jeep, he engaged the engine and headed to his apartment. After he’d retrieved a change of clothing, he planned to spend the evening with Jaden—and now her furry children. He couldn’t wait to hear the adoption story.

  Hell, he couldn’t wait to hold her and be near her.

  He rummaged through the top drawer for a fresh pair of socks. Each time he showed up at Judi’s, she found yet another odd job for him to complete. If it wasn’t a leaky toilet, it was a broken step, or the smattering of leaves in the back yard that needed tending. He didn’t mind, but the work meant he got filthy. A man couldn’t cuddle with his girl when he smelt like sweat and rotten leaves. Jaden never crinkled her nose or pushed him away, but as far as he was concerned, the scent of garbage disposal waste was not sexy.

  As he stuffed the socks and a black T-shirt into his duffle bag, his doorbell rang and echoed through the silent apartment. His heart leapt. Jaden? She didn’t generally come to his apartment because Sparky insisted on riding along. He rushed to the front room and yanked open the door, expecting to see the love of his life. His good mood fell flat.


  She fluffed her hair, running her fingers through the thick, honey-coloured curls. “Hey you, you’re never home anymore.”

  The deep V of her lavender blouse drew his attention to her ample cleavage. Holy shit. She’d mimicked Jaden’s couture look, complete with rhinestones on her curve-hugging jeans and heels so high she’d likely topple over. Well, hell. He groaned. She obviously wanted to trap him. But now was not the time for her shenanigans. “I’m not your concern.”

  Crinkling her brow, she stepped towards him and gripped his shirt. “I didn’t come over here to maul you. I’ve missed our friendship.” She released his shirt and smoothed her hands down his sides to his hips. “You’re one of the few people I trust.”


  She cocked her head. “You look pretty lonely and there’s no one in this whole huge apartment. I don’t like seeing you so down.” She peeked over his shoulder. “I do like the extra muscle. You’re working out more.” She squeezed his arm. “Your strength turns me on. Let me nibble every part of your body until we both collapse.”

  His cock shrivelled in his jeans. The scent of her perfume churned his stomach. She wasn’t the woman he wanted to impress. He spoke through clenched teeth. “Sabrina, go away. I’m not interested.” His phone interrupted him, frustrating him no end. “I need to answer this.”

  Faster than he could fumble the buttons to connect the call, Sabrina grabbed the phone. “No way, baby.” Her eyes lit up. “Ooh! It’s Jaden. You even have her name highlighted with a picture when she calls. How sweet.” Giving him a shove, she flipped down the receiver. “You’ve reached the very involved Marlon Cross residence. This is his girlfriend Sabrina speaking. Let me direct your call.” With that parting shot, she snapped the phone shut. “Oops. It dropped the call.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Oh, my. You’d better go get it before something happens to it.” Turning, she gave the phone a hefty fling, sending it into the middle of the parking lot.

  Marlon swiped his hand through the air in a vain attempt to grasp the phone. An oncoming car connected with the phone, shattering the device against the asphalt. Bracing himself, Marlon winced. “Shit.” So much for modern technology.

  Sabrina cackled. “See? You didn’t need to talk to her anyway. She’s a waste of your time. She causes things to break.”

  Marlon had hit his limit. “Sabrina, there is nothing between us. There used to be and it died when you fucked Tex Anderson and God knows who else.” Fury coursed through his body. He’d pent up the feelings for almost a year. ”I’m tired of your shit. You wanted just sex and then cried because I never took you home to meet my folks. I can’t because they’re both dead! But you won’t believe me.” He grabbed her shoulders and directed her out of his apartment. “I don’t know what you want, but I’m sure it’s not me.”

  When she turned, he shivered. Her eyes narrowed to angry slits. “Did she tell you about the drugs? The dealers? She won’t because she’s good at hiding things.”

  Without thinking, he gave a snappy retort. “I doubt it.”

  Her voice dropped to a dull roar. “Do you realise who she’s seeing when you aren’t there? Bobby Hutchins isn’t just a sweet old friend of ours. He banged her on the set of Broken Wheels just like he had that affair with Addy. Jade’s got a history with the asshole.”

  A peal of unease rang through his system. He’d finally worked out a life he liked with a woman he cared for, but the lethal combination of mistrust and reality showed up to screw it all to hell.

  Well, fuck. Marlon stewed a moment and regained his bearings. “You had no problem strolling off with him the other night.”

  “It’s called making an exit.” She rested her hands on her hips. “So what are you going to do? I know Jaden. I was in her shoes for a while.”

  What? His hearing was off. Had to be. Damn. “Make an exit now.” He’d have to hit the sparring bag to calm down.

  “I will.” She winked. “I’ll watch yo
u like a hawk. You’ve always been one of my favourite, if rather blunt, men.” Sabrina sashayed off the stoop and crossed the parking lot.

  Behind the wheel of his Jeep, Marlon forked both his hands into his hair. Where was his loudest heavy metal CD when he needed it? Son of a bitch. First the mention of drugs, then the mention of Bobby. With Jaden he’d be playing with fire. Was he up to the potential burn?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jaden stared at her phone. What the hell? His girlfriend Sabrina? She snapped the phone closed and shook her head to clear out the ugly thoughts. She needed a moment to gather her wits. I trust him. I don’t know about her, but he’s got the benefit of the doubt.

  Tantrum and Unruly sat on the bed staring at her. When Unruly swished her tail and bopped Tantrum, he pounced on her. The ball of grey tabby fur rolled on the comforter until Tantrum gave up and stopped to clean his paws. Sparky, though not totally sure of the cats, lolled on the floor. Riley sat next to his new canine pal, nosing Sparky’s ear. Jaden puffed a long breath. Why did life have to throw curve balls? She hadn’t planned on falling head-over-heels for Marlon. Maybe a weekend fling or friends with benefits, but not love.

  A soft knock at the door created a clamour in the room. Riley and Sparky barked while the cats surged under the bed to hide. Judi peeked around the door. “Goodness. Now I see why my friend Rosemary never wanted a security system. These guys are loud enough to wake folks down in China.” She leant against the doorframe. “You look lovely. Marlon must be stopping by. Well, good. I need him to check the belts on my Buick. It’s squeaking and I don’t want to get stranded at church with a bum car.”

  Jaden shrugged and smoothed out the wrinkles in her cotton prairie skirt. “I can’t get him—it keeps going to voicemail.” Because a certain busybody ex-actress butted in. “I don’t know what’s going on, so I’ll give him an hour. If I don’t hear from him, I’ll call Logan or Ray. They can fix the car, too.” Not Corbin, though. Grief, she wasn’t totally sure where she stood with him after that date. And not Bobby. He might be great extra set of eyes, but anything more wasn’t going to happen.

  “Well, all right.” Judi nodded. “I want to have it fixed before the snow comes because I have the feeling this winter will be rough.”

  “You okay? You look a little pale.”

  “I haven’t put on my foundation today. I didn’t feel like getting gussied up. Just one of those days.” Her shoulder moving a fraction of an inch, Judi shrugged. “Speaking of fun things, Halloween’s the day after tomorrow. Have you given any thought to your costume? I love to dress up in my witch costume and pass out candy during trick or treat.”

  Despite the amount of money she’d dropped to buy the cats’ supplies, Jaden had made a special trip to the mall for a suitable get-up. The silky crimson gown, paired with sheer black stockings and sky-high heels, would be perfect for her plan to portray a she-devil. She grinned. “I have a great idea for the party tomorrow night and a tamer version for trick or treat tomorrow afternoon. I found a sweet little set of devil’s horns for Riley and a child’s track jacket for Sparks. He’ll look like a professional runner!”

  Judi clapped her hands and shrieked, the rosy colour returning to her cheeks. “I love it! Sparks, you’ve never dressed up before. I can’t wait!”

  “You do realise I’ve never actually passed out candy? Daddy usually made the help do it…” She giggled and scratched Riley’s ears. “But since I’m the help, I guess it fits.”

  “You’re the best help.”

  The doorbell rang, echoing up the stairway. Judi pointed to her head and then to the door. “My ESP says a handsome deputy stands outside my door. I’ll go let him in.”

  Once Judi had disappeared down the steps, Jaden slid off the bed and knelt on the floor. When she moved the comforter, two sets of green eyes peered at her. “Come on out, kids. It’s safe. If it’s Marlon, he’s a good guy. He’s got some issues, but I still like him—a lot. I’m not sure how to tell him because I’ve never been in this deep.” She stroked Tantrum’s head.

  “I’m scared that when I tell him I’m in love, he’ll leave. Everyone else I’ve loved finds a reason to run away. Sure, Cass and Logan still care, but…” She sighed. “It’s not the same. I think they have to love me because they feel sorry for me. Not Marlon. He’s the first guy who seems to like me for me and I’m falling head-over-heels for him.”

  Marlon stood just outside her bedroom, transfixed. There sat the woman who made his heart beat, talking to a room full of animals—quite the motley crew—and telling them the contents of her heart.

  She loved him!

  He considered throwing the door wide open to proclaim his love. No, the over-the-top approach wouldn’t work, especially not when he had so many questions. He wanted a relationship built on mutual devotion and trust. But damn, she looked hot as hell in a skirt and fitted tunic. If he lifted the hem of the skirt… His mouth watered and his cock sprang to life.

  Sparky, no longer interested in what Jaden had to say, barked. She jerked around. “Hi.” Her gaze darted to her shaky hands. Her face paled as her voice wavered. “Um…how long have you been out there?”

  He eased the door open and strode into the room. “Long enough to know a few secrets, but nothing I’ll press you for right now.”

  Jaden turned away from him and ran her fingers through her hair. She snorted. Her voice came out curt. “Don’t quit your day job so you can write greeting cards. That was pretty corny.”

  He nodded. “It did sound mushy, but I also eavesdropped on a private conversation. Not cool.” A grin tugged the very corner of her mouth. He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Why don’t we go watch that marathon of scary Halloween movies? I want to hear all about your costume since you refuse to model it for me, but first, why don’t you introduce me to our kids?”

  Jaden turned around and tipped her head. “Our?”

  “If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a million times—you’re not in this alone, babe.”

  One of the cats slipped out from under the bed and sat like a statue next to Jaden. She smothered her smile behind her hand before regaining her poise. “Despite his calm attitude, this is Tantrum. When I got him out of the cage, he wriggled and squirmed. Once we let him loose here in the house, he ran around like a kid on a sugar high. Judi wanted to name him Havoc, but I liked Tantrum better, so we compromised. Havoc is his middle name. He pouts when he thinks he isn’t going to be fed.” She raised the comforter. The other cat, more black around the eyes, peered at him. “This is Unruly. She’s not fond of the crate I used to bring her home. She cried and protested the entire way home. She hasn’t gone ballistic, but she’s still wound up—on the bed, off the bed, in the window, kneading her claws on the bedspread. She ran laps around this room for a solid five minutes. You already met Riley. Kids, this is Marlon.”

  Marlon knelt next to Jaden. Every day and in every way she amazed him. “So you went to get Riley and you came home with them, too?” Without thinking, he rubbed his hand over her spine. The scent of her shampoo floated around him, reminding him of making love to her in his shower. His erection pressed against his pants. He tugged her into his lap and kissed her shoulder.

  “They looked so sad in the cages.” Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout. “But I also found out that their previous owner went into a nursing home. Summer didn’t want to split them, so I took them. Judi loves it. She wants a whole house full, but I hear we can only have four animals.”

  Bobbing his head, he nodded. “Yes and no. Yes only four, but it’s really a four-dog limit. She’s got a big enough back yard that there should be enough room for them to run, but I wouldn’t suggest adopting everyone from the shelter either.”

  “I won’t, but I felt so sorry for them. It was like each animal begged with its eyes, saying “Please remember me—come back and take me home”. And let me tell you, I wanted to. It took a lot of guts to walk out of there without crying my eyes out.”

s heart melted. “I have no doubt it did.” She cared so much for others, yet didn’t see it. He liked the way she became the real woman within—the woman he loved. Still, he wanted to beat the shit out of the person who had stripped her pride to nothing.

  Her laughter broke his thoughts. “What are you staring at?”

  Marlon grasped her tighter. “You.” He glanced out of the window for a split second. A flash near the street caught his attention. He stood and edged to the window. “So, you met Summer. What did you think? Or should I be afraid?” Scoping the street, he saw nothing, but filed the information back for later. Was the jerk from the main drag back on her tail? He hoped not, for her sake. He shifted his interest back to her.

  “Well…um, yeah.” Jaden stood, patted the cats, and whistled for the dogs. “Come on, boys. Let’s go downstairs. Marlon and I have to talk.”

  Why did her words make his skin crawl more than the issue in the street? Because he’d committed his heart into her hands—without words, yes, but she flowed through his veins. If things hit the fan with Jaden, she’d push him far, far away. Living without her would suck.

  Letting the dogs through the doorway first, Marlon followed Jaden down the stairs. “You didn’t answer my question. What did you want to talk about?” Besides the fiasco with his cell phone…

  “You’ll see.”

  When they reached the bottom of the staircase, she stopped. First sneaking a peek into the living room, Jaden yanked him into her arms and planted a wet kiss on his lips. Not content to keep the kiss platonic, he tickled the satiny flesh with his tongue. On a sigh, she opened for him. She tasted of mint toothpaste and sensual woman. His hips seemed to move of their own accord, pressing in to her to relieve the ache in his groin. Judi could walk in at any time, but he didn’t care. The thrill of potentially being caught spurred him on.

  After what seemed like forever but was only a few moments, Jaden eased away from him. “You’re addicting. I wanted to do that all day.” Her breath came in short puffs. Crimson streaked across her cheeks. Her green eyes darkened to dark pools with thin hazel rims. At that moment, she looked primed, ready, and gorgeous.


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