The Royals of Monterra

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The Royals of Monterra Page 6

by Madge H. Gressley

  She felt lighter than air in his arms. He cradled her closer to his chest. It felt as though she belonged there. No other woman had felt like this in his arms. He looked down on her bruised and bloody face and knew then that he could not live without her even if she hated him. He would find a way to be part of her life. He could let nothing happen to her.

  “Didn’t you think to call an ambulance?” Derek growled at Jason. He couldn’t hear any sirens.

  Jason shook his head and pulled out his cell. “They should be here in a few minutes,” he said after he finished the call to the emergency service. “In the meantime, we can put her in the ladies’ lounge. There is a chaise in there to lay her on.” He motioned to Derek to follow him.

  Anger welled up in Derek as he watched Jason casually walk in front of him. How can he act so calm when Maddy could be seriously injured? Derek glared at Jason’s back. I would have thought he’d be more concerned about Maddy’s injuries. He wanted to run a knife through Jason’s dark heart.


  Maddy shrieked as her foot missed the top step. She reached out for Jason, but he just stood there,a strange look on his face, before he finally reached for her. But it was too late. She had already toppled over, hitting her knees, elbows and finally her head on the edges of the stone steps. The final landing pushed all of the air out of her lungs. She felt wetness on her cheek, but it never registered with her that her head might be bleeding. She was trying hard to breathe. Her back hurt from the solid impact with the stone walkway, and her knees and elbows felt like they were on fire. Everything went black.

  Sometime later, she didn’t know if it had been seconds, minutes, or hours, she heard her name faintly called, and then she felt someone touching her. She wanted to answer. She knew she should, but couldn’t. Gentle hands moved her head. It hurt and she moaned. She wanted to tell them it hurt, but she couldn’t. She felt hands all over her body, and everywhere they touched, it hurt. She wanted to scream, but she couldn’t. And, then, the pain stopped and she felt herself being lifted. She was held by something strong. It felt good. She could hear the rhythm of a beating heart as her head rested against something solid and warm. She felt safe as she drifted back into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 12

  Maddy’s eyes fluttered open. The light in the room was dim, but the steady beep of the monitors told her she must be in a hospital. Closing her eyes again, she tried to remember what had happened to her. Her memory was just a blur. Tentatively, she reached up and felt the bandage on her head, and a sharp pain radiated through her shoulder. That’s when she realized that her whole body hurt.

  What happened? How long have I been here? she wondered. What time is it?

  Her eyes roved over the walls, unsuccessfully seeking a clock. She felt her wrist, but she wasn’t wearing a watch.

  She began to panic. She needed some answers. Fumbling around, she tried to feel for the nurse’s call button but only managed to send a stand with an IV bag crashing to the floor. Seconds later, the door burst open and a nurse in a crisp white uniform came rushing in. A relieved smile spread across her face when she saw that it was only the IV stand and not her patient lying on the floor.

  “How are we doing?” the nurse inquired in her faux cheerful nurses’ voice, as she checked the connections in Maddy’s arm.

  “Where am I? How long have I been here? What happened to me?” Maddy bombarded the nurse with questions.

  “What do you remember?” the nurse asked, smiling.

  “I’m afraid not much,” Maddy said. Her head hurt as she pressed her memory for any little detail that would help her remember. “I seem to remember something about a dinner party or something with my new boss, Jason Cornish. I think we were outside. Oh, I don’t know. Everything is a blur.” She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

  “Now, don’t stress yourself. Your memory will clear up. Right now, you are in St. Vincent’s Hospital,” the nurse answered calmly. “You have been here two days. You took a nasty fall and received a concussion for your trouble.” She checked the drip of the IV bag. “The doctor will be making his rounds in the morning and will answer your questions then.” She adjusted Maddy’s pillows. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who this Jason Cornish might be, but there has been a very handsome gentleman who has been here ever since he brought you in. I believe he said his name is Derek Nichols.”

  Maddy’s eyes flew open. That name. I know that name. Derek Nichols. Suddenly the whole fiasco came flooding back. Maddy stared up at the nurse as she finished adjusting the pillows and couldn’t help but notice the dreamy look on the nurse’s face. She had seen it too many times on the faces of the women at Bleeker’s. She rolled her eyes in disgust.

  “He left a few minutes ago to get some coffee. He should be back shortly.” The nurse smiled, returning her attention to raising the head of Maddy’s bed into an upright position. “Is there anything you need? Are you in pain? Something to eat? You missed lunch.”

  “Ummm … no,” Maddy replied. “I’m fine. Do you happen to know what time it is?”

  “It is a little after three in the afternoon.” She smiled sweetly. “Well then, just ring if you need anything,” the nurse said as she opened the door to leave.

  “Yes,” Maddy said absentminded, her mind now on Jason. What happened to Jason, and why was Derek staying here? Slowly, she remembered the disagreement she and Jason had had just before she fell.

  Oh dear. He probably thinks I blame him for the fall. That’s why he hasn’t been to see me. He’s embarrassed. I must call him and tell him he’s not at fault. I don’t blame him. I was standing too close to the stairway. I should have been more careful, she reasoned. I don’t know what Derek is thinking, staying here. He has nothing to do with what went on between Jason and me. On the other hand, maybe he found out that Jason has been staying away and realized I might need a friendly face when I woke up. Although I wouldn’t exactly call Derek a ‘friendly face.’ A frown creased her brow as she remembered the animosity that festered between her and Derek.

  Just then the door swooshed open. The frown disappeared as Maddy looked up into Derek’s ruggedly handsome face. Her heart did a flip-flop, she forgot to breathe, and she immediately forgot why she hated him. A blush crept up her neck and she was thankful for the low light in the room. Then immediately her blush deepened as she realized that the heart monitor’s beep mirrored her own heart rate.

  “Ah, good!” A sly grin tilted Derek’s mustache up on one side as he glanced at the monitor. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “Uh … okay, I think,” she stammered her mouth going dry. “What are you doing here?” The heat from her blush turned to the sudden desire to reach out and run her fingers through his tousled hair.

  No! Remember what a jerk he is, she scolded herself.

  She watched him cross the room and pull the only chair in the room up next to her bed. He sat down. He was close … too close. She gripped small handfuls of the blanket that covered her and tried to breathe.

  “I … I thought you would have been back in New York by now,” she said hoarsely. A kernel of desire stuck in her throat as she gazed into those pools of hazel/green. She gripped the blanket tighter. What is the matter with me? How can he be affecting me this way when I don’t even like him? Her thoughts raced as they matched the increased beating of her heart. Damn that machine.

  “Well.” He hesitated, noticing her discomfort and the fistful of blanket. “That seemed to be what Jason had planned for me until you took that tumble down the stairs.” He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. Briefly, he looked at the floor before raising his head and gazing into the deep chocolate irises of her eyes. He wanted to drown in those eyes.

  “But, plans change.” He drew a deep breath before continuing. “Cornish’s insurance company informed Martin of your little accident. Now, he wants me to stay and take over the job until you are ready to go back to work.” He searched her eyes, knowing as soon as t
he words were out of his mouth she would blame him. He waited for the explosion, but it never came.

  “Well … that does seem logical,” she said slowly, her mouth suddenly going dry. She swallowed. She knew she should feel something. She should be livid. She should want to tear Martin’s heart out, but strangely, she didn’t. All she wanted right now was to reach out and touch Derek, to feel his skin, to run her fingers through his hair, to feel his lips on hers.

  She blinked, cleared her throat, and looked away before answering. “Ah … that only makes sense. I can see why Martin would want you to do that. I’m in no shape to do anything until the doctor is sure I’m out of the woods with this concussion.” A half-hearted smile played on her lips. “Anyway, you are as familiar with my concept as I am, so why wouldn’t Martin choose you?” She remembered how Martin had insisted over her loud objections that Derek familiarize himself with this project. On the other projects that Martin had insisted Derek go over, she had gritted her teeth and accepted it, but on this one, she dug her heels in and made an issue over Derek seeing her plans for the Cornish project since he also was submitting a design. But in the end, she had no choice but to let Derek see her plans.

  So at this point, she had no choice now either, but to accept Martin’s decision. After all, it was a company project that needed to be moved forward. A favorite phrase of her father’s popped to mind. ‘It’s just business. Nothing personal.’


  What just happened? Derek wondered. A dazed smile hid behind his moustache. He had been expecting the room to vibrate with her outrage over his supervising her project. This quiet acceptance was totally unexpected. Had she decided he wasn’t a bad guy after all, or had that bump on her head finally knocked some sense into her?

  Derek didn’t have time to speculate further as the door to Maddy’s room burst open and Jason strode in carrying a huge bouquet of fresh flowers.

  Oh, great! I thought I had seen the last of him for a while. Derek’s stomach sank as he looked at Maddy’s face; he heard the heart monitor’s beeping speed up, and the hope he had been feeling moments earlier evaporated into thin air.

  Maddy broke into a big smile as Jason lowered the bouquet to reveal his face.

  “Jason!” she exclaimed, her face lighting up. “I am so glad to see you! Where have you been?”

  “Some unexpected glitches came up with the permits that needed my immediate attention,” he said glancing around for a place to set the vase of flowers. “I came as soon as I had that under control.” Seeing no place to put the vase down, he turned and shoved it into Derek’s hands. “Here, old boy, find some place to put this.”

  Biting his tongue, Derek took the vase out to the nurses’ station and handed it off to them. He stood there for several minutes to regain his composure before walking back into Maddy’s room.

  Jason had made himself comfortable in the chair Derek had just vacated. He had moved it closer and was holding Maddy’s hand when Derek walked in. An unexpected pain hit Derek at the sight of Maddy’s face as she gazed into Jason’s. He turned on his heel and left.

  I knew I was right all along. I should never have let her get to me, he thought as he stormed out of the hospital.

  Chapter 13

  Jason stayed for over two hours. He started by telling Maddy of Martin’s decision to have Derek stay on, only to find out that Derek had beat him to it. To say he was disappointed that she hadn’t been upset was an understatement. He had hoped for something along the lines of her demanding that he immediately send Derek packing.

  Disappointed that Maddy wasn’t going to protest Derek’s handling the project, he began to ply Maddy with well-calculated compliments to feed her ego. He embellished on the numerous compliments that the board members had paid her about how much they ‘loved’ her design. He told her how her ‘forward-thinking concepts’ would make her the envy of the architectural world, and that she would most likely be written up in one of the architectural journals. However, the rosy picture he was painting did not include the permits that were still under investigation, the fact that the waiting was costing him money he didn’t have, and the fact that if the project couldn’t be completed by September, the buyer he had aggressively courted would walk, leaving Cornish International in dire financial straits.

  Ever confident in his ability to seduce Maddy, Jason had bragged to Mark that within two weeks he would have her eating out of his hand and ready to walk down the aisle. Once they were married, it would only be a small matter to convince her to have her father invest in Cornish International. Then, his cash flow problems would be over. But first he had to get her away from Derek. Her attitude toward him seemed to be softening, and he couldn’t have that. She was his!

  He had left Mark in charge for the next two weeks while he focused on Maddy. However, on the outside chance that the unthinkable happened and Maddy resisted his charms, he had secretly devised a plan B. Although he really didn’t want to use it since the outcome would be less than ideal, he would still get what he wanted in the end, and that was all that mattered.

  Watching Maddy’s eyes light up as he told her about the big celebration he had planned in her honor for the groundbreaking more than made up for his disappointment about her attitude toward Derek. Casually, he began to name off all of the officials and dignitaries that would be attending.

  “Oh my!” Maddy exclaimed, her eyes wide. “I never imagined that this would turn into such an ordeal.” A small worry line creased her forehead. “You should have told me so I could have planned. I didn’t bring anything that would be appropriate to wear for such a grand occasion.”

  “Not to worry,” he said, squeezing her hand. “I have arranged for Jacqueline to take you shopping for a new gown. It will be my treat.”

  He noticed the frown play across her face as he mentioned shopping, but dismissed it. What woman didn’t like to shop, especially if someone else was footing the bill?

  “Absolutely not!” she said emphatically, pulling her hand away. “I can pay for my own gown.” She paused. She hadn’t meant to sound so sharp, but he had caught her completely by surprise. But, not wanting to give the impression that she was ungrateful for his generous offer, she smiled and said, “It will be nice to have Jacqueline accompany me, though. I’m sure she knows all the best places to shop.”

  Really, what is he thinking? Maddy fumed inwardly.

  “I apologize,” he said, searching her eyes as he took her hand again. “I hope I haven’t offended you. I only wanted to make up for the oversight on my part in not informing you of the groundbreaking celebration while we were in New York. Please accept my apology.” His thumb made gentle circles on the back of her hand.

  “Apology accepted,” she said. “No harm done.” Feeling uncomfortable under his intent gaze and his suddenly too-warm hand holding hers, she pulled her hand away and began smoothing out the wrinkles in her blanket.

  “Well then,” he said, and feigned a big grin to cover his stab of irritation when she pulled her hand away. “I will talk to the doctor and see if you can be released tomorrow. Of course, you still must rest. I will suggest taking you away somewhere quiet for a few days. Nothing strenuous, just white sandy beaches, warm ocean breezes, and lots of rest.” He paused for effect. “We will sail up toward the Gold Coast on my yacht, Excalibur. It will be wonderful. Just the two of us.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Maddy said, hesitating as a sudden stab of panic hit her. “I don’t feel I should be too far away in case Derek needs me.”

  “Nonsense!” Jason exclaimed, a little louder than he had intended. “I mean, he can get in touch with you anytime, if necessary. Anyway, we won’t be gone that long, and I will have Mark on site to make sure Derek follows your plans exactly as you have laid them out.” He smiled reassuringly.

  “Yes … I suppose that would work,” she said slowly. “Still, I don’t like the idea of being gone while everyone else is working. I feel like I’m slacking on the job.” She picked a
t non-existent lint on the blanket. “I’ve never let anyone take over for me on a job.”

  This is so wrong on so many levels, her inner voice put in. But it’s only for a couple of days. What could it hurt?

  Really? Her inner voice jabbed back. You have only known Jason for less than two weeks. Do you really know him? You are already having doubts. Don’t do this.

  Maddy gave herself a mental shake and tried to concentrate on what Jason was saying.

  “You’ve never had an injury like this before, have you?” Jason leaned closer with a mock look of concern on his face. “I can personally assure you that no one will fault you for taking time to get well. If they do, they will have to answer to me.” His expression changed to one of authority.

  “Well, may I have until tomorrow to think it over?” Maddy asked, not looking at him. Yes, she had doubts about going away with Jason. Somehow, it just didn’t feel right, but she couldn’t put her finger on the reason. Maybe by tomorrow she would feel differently.

  “Certainly,” he said, checking his watch. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I have another appointment that I cannot be late for. So, if you will excuse me, I will be off.” He stood, bent over the bed, and placed a small, impersonal peck on Maddy’s forehead.

  His lips were cold as they brushed Maddy’s skin. A sudden chill raced up her spine, and it took all of her self-control not to shudder. “Yes, tomorrow.” Her lips formed a weak smile as she looked up at Jason.

  How could I have thought he was handsome, she wondered, taking in every little detail, from his carefully groomed hair to just the right amount of five o’clock shadow on his too-perfect face. Up close, Jason looked like a life-sized Ken doll … all cold, hard, and plastic. No warmth shone in the amber lights of his eyes. This Jason had shifted into a mere image of the one in New York in whose arms she had so dreamily fantasized about being held.


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