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#SandyBottom Page 28

by Alexi Venice

  “I want you,” Amanda whispered in Jen’s ear.

  Jen smiled, familiar chills racing down her spine from Amanda’s hot breath. “Let’s get in the shower.”

  Amanda caressed her way down Jen’s abs and gently pushed down Jen’s nylon shorts, her fingers applying pressure to the tender skin between Jen’s hip bone and her damp thatch of hair. Jen stepped out of her shorts as soon as they hit the floor, using the opportunity to move to the shower, avoiding a look in the mirror at all costs. She had no desire to see the traitorous slut she had become. She glanced back at Amanda in time to see her shed her suit.

  Can she tell by looking at me that Victoria’s hands—and mouth—were on me last night? Does she sense it?

  Amanda’s nostrils flared with desire as her dark eyes pierced Jen’s soul. “You look beautiful but scared as hell. It’s only been a week, babe. We’ve been here before.”

  Jen’s face twitched, and she thought she was going to lose it right there—break down and confess everything—but she gathered her courage and reshaped her nervous energy into what she hoped was a casual smile. “You’re right. I’m freezing. Let’s get in here.”

  When Jen stepped into the shower, she faced the hot spray, leaning in and allowing the force to pelt her face and chest. She felt Amanda behind her, molding her body to Jen’s back, kissing Jen’s neck.

  There was only one way Jen was going to keep Amanda at bay, but before she could act on her plan, Amanda was squirting body wash on Jen’s back and gently messaging.

  Jen rolled into Amanda’s touch, pressing her hands against the wall for support. Amanda’s technique was impeccable, her loving touch unparalleled. The magic of Amanda—loving and enchanted. A torrent of warmth spread through Jen’s body, her heart thundering and breath catching.

  Soon, Amanda’s loving hands glided over Jen’s breasts, down her rib cage, and into her strawberry blonde curls. Amanda lathered those with body wash too.

  “You’ve gone au naturel ,” Amanda said, sliding her fingers knowingly and gently over, through and around Jen’s core. “I love it. It’s like coming home.”

  No suggestion of Coochy Cream and a clean shave from Amanda. She loved Jen in every state of grooming, trimmed or not. Jen’s pussy practically jumped into Amanda’s hot fingers. “I missed you.”

  Amanda kissed Jen’s shoulders, pressing the fat part of her tongue into Jen’s tanned skin, the hot water caramelizing their contact.

  A guttural moan escaped Jen as she swooned with lightheadedness. She was sure Amanda heard her and mistook it for pure, unadulterated love, which would have been the case only 24 hours ago.

  When Amanda pressed her breasts against Jen’s back, using her talented fingers to help the water rinse away the body wash in Jen’s curls, Jen’s legs spread of their own volition, allowing Amanda more access. She playfully tugged a clutch of Jen’s hair with one hand while swirling deliciously over Jen’s center with the other.

  Jen’s mortified insides spun, and endorphins interfered with her felonious brain cells. I can’t let her do this.

  Reluctantly, oh so reluctantly, Jen turned in Amanda’s arms and kissed her deeply, crawling into her warm mouth and meeting her tongue stroke for stroke. After a heated, throaty kiss for eternity, she pulled back slightly. “Your turn to get under the shower.”


  Jen put her finger against Amanda’s lips and looked into her eyes, the soft golden flecks simmering with love. “Don’t argue with me. We don’t have much time, and I want to make you happy.” She turned them both before Amanda could protest, so that Amanda was now under the spray. When she raised her hands to her hair, Jen kissed her breastbone, possibly the most tender, vulnerable part of her, so visible between her small breasts and beneath her pale skin. Jen loved the sensation of the hard bone, its uneven surface protecting Amanda’s heart. She moved to the side and covered Amanda’s nipple with her mouth, swirling and teasing, drawing shivers from Amanda.

  Giving Amanda pleasure set off fireworks in Jen. While Amanda’s arms were raised, Jen ran her fingers over the brown spec below Amanda’s left armpit next to the soft-as-silk skin on the side of her breast. Keeping her thumb on the adorable mole, barely raised from Amanda’s pale skin, Jen moved her pinky to a smaller brown spot that was just around Amanda’s ribs on her back. The spray created rivulets around the brown specs, sending frissons of excitement through Jen.

  “What are you looking at?” Amanda asked. “Are you playing doctor?”

  Jen trailed the tip of her tongue from one mole to the other, taking her time as the water thickened the sensation. “Your delectable moles. I don’t know if I’d even describe them as moles. They’re more like freckles. Very sexy freckles.”

  Amanda immediately raised her arm behind her head and squinted down at her side, the water dripping off her nose. “Are you kidding me? Should I have them removed?”

  Jen ignored Amanda, running the tip of her tongue around the spots. Amanda’s skin was so soft between the two spots that Jen’s tongue barely sensed texture.

  Amanda shivered in spite of herself, lowering her arm to rest her hand on Jen’s shoulder.

  Jen kissed her way to the side of Amanda’s breast, savoring the soft skin there through the cascading water.

  A shudder raked through Amanda. “Oh Jen.”

  God, I love you, Jen thought, then kissed her way to the peak of Amanda’s breast, mingling her warm mouth with the water.

  “Uh-huh.” Amanda’s moan dropped a note lower, her hand sliding to the back of Jen’s head where she twined her fingers into Jen’s wet hair.

  Jen took Amanda’s breast in her hand and cherished the pink nipple, her tongue drinking it. Her carnal instincts kicked into high gear, urging her to draw out as much pleasure from Amanda as possible, circling her tongue around and around until Amanda arched up and pushed her breast deep into Jen’s mouth, her hips following.

  Heaven. Jen felt Amanda’s hand tighten on the back of her head, anchoring her in place. As she played with Amanda’s breast, she splayed her hand over Amanda’s taut tummy, her fingers covering Amanda’s tattoo of interlocking female symbols. The tips of her fingers barely touched Amanda’s trimmed hairline above the holy grail. She gave Amanda’s breast one last kiss and rested her forehead against Amanda’s breastbone. From that angle, she had a beautiful view of her goal.

  Amanda placed her hands on each side of Jen’s head and tilted her face up, so she could look at her. Pure, wanton lust sprang from Amanda’s fiery eyes, her pupils dilated and flames licking at Jen’s soul.

  “You taste like candy,” Jen said in a soft voice.

  “I love the feel of your tongue.” Amanda stroked the side of Jen’s head, a sexy smirk pulling up the right side of her lip.

  If Jen hadn’t fallen long ago, that smirk would’ve pushed her over the edge in this moment. “Where else would you like my tongue to travel?”

  “Anywhere and everywhere.”

  In a lustful gush, all the blood in Jen’s brain pooled in her belly. “Let me see if you have any delectable moles lower.”

  “God, I hope not,” Amanda breathed. “I’m going to ask Melissa to remove them.”

  “Please don’t,” Jen said against Amanda’s skin, as she kissed her way down Amanda’s ribs, circling the scar from the bullet wound in her ribs. “I think they’re sexy.”

  On her knees now, Jen trailed her tongue around the tattoo then finally went lower to Amanda’s short, soft tuft of hair. Even through the rising steam and flowing water, Jen could smell Amanda—her favorite scent.

  “Whoa.” Amanda’s voice hitched under Jen’s kisses.

  Jen teased Amanda with more kisses, bites, and licks before covering her pink bean with her mouth and working her style of magic.

  The shower filled with Amanda’s moans, growing in intensity, until her hips hitched forward, angling into Jen’s artful mouth, anticipating the moment.

  Jen backed off and swiped the tip of her ton
gue teasingly around Amanda’s hotspot, torturing her. Fucking Amanda was like pure heroine.

  “Jen… please …it’s been a week!”

  Jen glanced up to see Amanda’s hooded eyes, desperate with desire, searching for the release that was just out of reach. Jen’s goal wasn’t to get Amanda off as much as it was to glimpse the center of her soul, possessing her physically and emotionally, turning her own soul over to Amanda in the process. Their connection transcended any earthly touch.

  The escapade with Victoria hadn’t come close to reaching the same emotional connection. Sure, Jen had subjugated herself to Victoria’s primacy for sexual control, but she had never allowed Victoria to possess her. Truly possess her. Instead, Victoria had enjoyed access without glimpsing Jen’s soul. Only Amanda held Jen in the palm of her hand.

  Satisfied that she had Amanda where she wanted her, Jen dug her fingers into Amanda’s ass and searched out Amanda’s core for a second round, flicking and sucking until Amanda arched again. Jen deftly slipped two fingers inside Amanda, and seconds later, Amanda came in a collapse over Jen, her hands digging into Jen’s shoulders.

  Amanda’s hot cum drenched Jen’s fingers. She removed them and stuck them into her mouth. Her favorite taste. Always. Incomparable.

  “Thank you.” Amanda watched Jen, her hands now cradling Jen’s head, her gold-flecked eyes blindingly sexy.

  Convinced that she had thrilled Amanda, not leaving any time for herself, Jen kissed the insides of Amanda’s thighs, smothered her hot spot one more time to draw out a final spasmodic quiver, driving herself crazy in the process, then rose to her feet. Her tongue a bit numb, she kissed Amanda, who lazily explored Jen’s mouth in all of its wetness, sealing them in the afterglow of love.

  When they finally drew back, Amanda whispered against Jen’s lips, “Can I eat you instead of dinner?”

  Jen’s body went limp. “I’d love that oh so much, but I think we have to go. Raincheck?”

  Amanda dropped her forehead against Jen’s lips. “If you say so. I want you so much.”

  “And you shall have me.” Jen waited a beat. “Later.”


  Too little time passed between their steamy liaison and the obligation to leave their cunnilingusnest for dinner. Wearing a navy sundress and a dopey smile, Amanda leaned into Jen, her arm around Jen’s waist, as they walked on the brick pathway toward the main cabin. The romantic sky was a deep blue canvass with a brushstroke of cotton candy reflecting the late sun.

  “I love you.” Amanda squeezed Jen’s waist. “You’re so talented in the shower.”

  Warmth spread through Jen, and she said playfully, “Thank you. You’re beautiful, you know…in certain light, that is.”

  “What?” Amanda gently bit Jen’s arm in offense.

  Not wanting to compete with Amanda’s smashing femininity in a sundress, Jen had opted for tight, white cropped pants and a black sleeveless, a trusty flannel hanging over her forearm—for either Amanda or herself when the evening air cooled. They entered the main cabin, and Buster discharged a long, drawn-out howl at their arrival, the Basset Hound mix in him showing off. Ranger opened one eye from a nap on his dog bed, catalogued who it was, and went back to sleep.

  Tommy, seated at the kitchen island, looked up from his cell phone. “Hello ladies.”

  “Hi,” Jen said. “Where’s Kristin?”

  “With Grandma Kay in the bedroom wing.” His elbows on the kitchen island, an open beer in front of him, Tommy’s gaze traveled over Amanda and Jen, immediately registering the satisfied smile on Amanda’s face and guilty pixies dancing in Jen’s eyes.

  Embarrassed, Jen parked Amanda at the island with the men and turned toward the bedroom wing. “I’m going to go check on Kristin and look for my phone.”

  The men exchanged a knowing look while Amanda self-consciously dipped her fingers into a bowl of mixed nuts and nibbled on them, trying to look casual in her post-euphoric, contented state.

  “Can I get you anything?” Jake asked. “Beer? Wine? Cigarette?”

  Amanda’s eyes lit up more than she would’ve liked at the last option.

  Tommy patted his breast pocket and gave her a conspiratorial wink.

  I’ve missed you too, she thought, then she turned to Jake. “Maybe a small glass of white wine, thanks.”

  Jake removed a bottle from the fridge door. “This Chardonnay that a beautiful woman brought from California?”

  Flattery always worked. “Only if someone will join me.”

  “I’m sure Kay will,” Roger said from the kitchen table, where he was playing cribbage with Dave. “Jake, pour a glass for your mother too, will you?”

  “I bet Jen will too,” Amanda said.

  “Three glasses,” Jake said, as he prised the cork from the bottle.

  Amanda looked down to see Buster licking the tops of her feet through the straps in her sandals, apparently apologizing for his bark at her arrival. “Oh, what a cutie.” She reached down and patted his head.

  “After he licks your feet, he’ll eat bugs and dried worms then kiss someone on the mouth,” Tommy said, returning to the news feed on his cell phone.

  “How lovely for him,” Amanda said, accepting her glass of wine from Jake. “I guess everyone in Wisconsin has a dog, huh?”

  “Or two,” Jake said, then toasted Amanda with his beer. “To beautiful women.”

  She smiled demurely, not accepting the compliment for herself but immediately thinking of Jen. “That, your sister is.” She lightly tapped his bottle with the stem of her glass.

  Tommy air clinked without looking up from his cell phone.

  The cool liquid coated Amanda’s throat. It wasn’t red but it was cold, and that was welcome in the hot, humid weather. Could her day get any better? Watching Jen ski, a mind-blowing orgasm from her true love, having a drink with Jen’s family? Life was looking better and better.

  “What the hell?” Tommy muttered while staring at his phone.

  Amanda raised an eyebrow.

  He puffed another expletive then said, “You wouldn’t believe this!”

  He had the attention of everyone now.

  “What?” Amanda asked.

  “I’m reading the Bay Briefing in The Chronicle. It says, ‘Mayor Woo arrested for patronizing prostitutes at Angel Massage Parlor in a major sex-trafficking bust.’ God, doesn’t that just fit Woo’s personality?” Tommy asked. “Dumb fuck!”

  Amanda nodded calmly. “Soooo, evidently, Da…Jack didn’t waste any time.”

  “What?” Tommy asked. “Jack? As in your dad, Jack? Did he tip the police? Did you know about this?”

  “I can neither confirm nor deny,” she said, but her shit-eating smile belied her Senate-hearing response.

  “Is that what you were up to last week?” Tommy asked.

  She ignored his assumption and raised her chin. “Please, read on.”

  He squinted at her. “There’s probably a roundup of your entire enemy list here, isn’t there?”

  She huffed, “Oh Tommy, you know as well as I do that my true enemies are dead.”

  “Lethal fact,” he said, glancing at Jake and Patrick, then locking eyes with Amanda. “Most killed in the heat of battle by you.”

  Jake and Patrick’s eyes widened.

  She brushed away imaginary dust from her bare shoulder. “What else does the story say?”

  He read aloud, “‘Police say they were notified by a San Francisco resident that employees at Angel Massage were performing sex acts in exchange for money at a business located in the Tenderloin District. They were provided video evidence of Mayor Woo and 223 other customers using the massage parlor during a one-month period. A police spokesperson indicated the video clearly demonstrates Woo receiving a sex act then paying in cash.’”

  “Niiice,” Amanda said.

  “Who’s this ‘Woo guy?’” Jake asked.

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “Our nemesis, the mayor of San Francisco.”

  “Taking on
the big fish, huh?” Jake asked.

  “Woo is nothing compared to the fish Amanda has fried,” Tommy scoffed. “There’s more to the article, but it doesn’t have any names I recognize.” He set his phone down and stared at her, prompting an explanation.

  She regarded him coolly and sipped her wine. She had no intention of disclosing that Woo had orchestrated her exit.

  Jake and Patrick watched in silence.

  “Go on,” Tommy said. “Tell me what Woo finally did to incur your wrath and his undoing.”

  She couldn’t talk about this now. She had just regained her sense of happiness in a small corner of the universe and didn’t want to resurrect her embarrassment over being sacked. She had spent a week working through the acute pain of Jen ditching her and now wanted to leave pain, in general, behind her. Was that too much to ask? To start fresh with Jen? To start fresh with her work life?

  “I’m waiting,” Tommy said, tapping his index finger against his bottle.

  “Um, right,” she said. “I’ll explain later. Let me enjoy relaxing a little. I just got here.”

  Still holding his beer, he waggled his index finger at her. “You’re not off the hook.”

  She looked at Jake and smiled. For the first time in his life, Jake was way out of his depth in a woman’s company.


  Jen found Kay and Kristin in the extra bedroom struggling with Kristin’s white sandals.

  “Hold still, honey,” Kay said, trying to wedge the sandal onto a squirming foot.

  Jen knelt down beside Kay and took over. “Have you seen my cell phone?”

  “I’ve been preoccupied showering Kristin and getting her dressed,” Kay said without a hint of irritation.

  “I know and thanks,” Jen said distractedly. “You’re a godsend. I just wish I could find my phone, though. I had it earlier, but I don’t know where I set it.”

  “Do you really need it tonight? After all, Amanda is here. Let it go,” Kay said.


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