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#SandyBottom Page 31

by Alexi Venice

“No. He didn’t make the decision,” Amanda said.

  “Good to know,” Tommy said.

  “I hate to break up the party,” Roxy said, “but I have a bit of a situation, and time is of the essence. I could use a good detective—fresh set of eyes from an experienced copper—if you’re interested, Tommy. Are you and Amanda game?”

  Amanda looked at Jen and their eyes locked, both knowing what this would mean: Amanda would be working side-by-side with Roxy again.

  “Jen?” Amanda asked.

  Jen adopted her game face. “America needs you, so you make the call. I plan on volunteering here.”

  Amanda blinked then pierced Jen with a loving look. “This doesn’t change anything. I still love you.”

  Jen’s throat constricted around her words. “Me too.”

  Amanda turned to Tommy. “How about you?”

  “Hell, I’m always up for a good fight.”

  Amanda turned back to Roxy and said in a business-like voice, “Okay, Roxy. We’ll see what it’s like to work internationally for a change.”

  “Brilliant!” Roxy exclaimed, clearly pleased with her new recruits. “We start immediately.”

  Tommy sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed, preparing to stand. As he rose, Amanda gave him a shoulder.

  “Good to see you again, Jen.” Roxy nodded professionally then wisely retreated behind the curtain into the hallway.

  Before Jen could protest, Amanda leaned in for a full-on hug. She whispered into Jen’s ear, “I love you. See you in a week or two, tops.”

  When Amanda pulled back, Jen rasped, “I love you too. I’m so sorry.”

  Amanda squeezed Jen’s shoulder. “Forget about it. We’re even. Let bygones be bygones.”

  Jen wasn’t so sure Amanda meant what she said, but they didn’t have the luxury of time to discuss it. Emergency circumstances and old relationships would dictate the course of their relationship.

  Tommy took a few steps forward and hugged Jen. “See you soon. Give Kristin a hug for me.”

  “I will.” She hugged his strong body and handed him the staple remover. “Keep this with you. Someone will need to remove those in about seven days.”

  He handed it to Amanda. “Tag, you’re it.”

  “I’d be honored to try,” Amanda said, looking from Tommy to Jen. “Goodbye, love.”

  “Take care of each other,” Jen said.

  “We always do,” Amanda and Tommy replied in unison.




  Message from Alexi Venice

  I so hope you enjoyed reading #SandyBottom as much as I did writing it. I’d love to hear from you about your reaction to this series and where you think it should go from here. Please feel free to email me at [email protected].

  If you have time to post a review on Amazon, Goodreads or Bookbub, I’d be grateful. Your reviews are motivational for me to keep writing and help readers take a chance on my work. Thank you for your support!

  If you like The San Francisco Mystery Series, you also might be interested in my Monica Spade Series, which is more legal drama and less romance. It’s about a young lawyer named Monica Spade and her captivating love interest, Shelby St. Claire, who is more than what she appears to be on the surface. Monica is always willing to take on a challenge—both professionally and personally—and things have worked out well for her…so far. Not even she can control what happens to her next, however.

  Would you like to be alerted when I release a book but not get hit with spam? Then follow me on Bookbub by clicking going to Alexi Venice Author Profile on Bookbub.

  Stay connected with me and receive no-spam newsletter updates by dropping me an email at [email protected].

  You can also find me at:

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  I’m grateful to you, the readers, for writing reviews and reaching out to me directly. Your kind and supportive notes make the hard work worthwhile and are motivational for me to continue chronicling the lives of Tommy, Jen and Amanda, and now, Monica Spade in her new series. Thank you for taking the time.

  I’m also indebted to an incredible troupe of friends and professionals who provided their insights and expertise for certain passages of, or the entire, manuscript. Without this support network, my books wouldn’t see daylight. For this book, the below people tackled various aspects of the story to help shape it into what it became.

  Mik and Erin are true friends and relentless—yes, relentless—colleagues and beta readers. Thank you!

  From scrutinizing sloppy kisses to examining addictive behavior, Susan has been patient and kind in providing edits and color commentary. I’m deeply grateful for her time, as she is a busy woman.

  Cynthia is new to the team, bringing her special talents to the therapy scenes. I’m grateful for her professional expertise as well as role-modeling at the CrossFit Box, like taking a selfie on a stranger’s phone.

  Natalie reviewed the musical references in this book, bringing her considerable talents, training and education to the table. A runner and a yogi, Natalie is a wise woman. I’m so grateful for her perspective regarding Amanda.

  Robin served as the smoother-outer, sweeper-upper in the role of proofing. I so appreciate her observant set of blue eyes and keen observations. I look forward to seeing her infectious smile at the CrossFit Box.

  Rob Bignell has been invaluable in my writing journey, teaching me tons of rules, stylistic points, and character and plot arcs that I didn’t learn during a legal education and career. Each book becomes a better story under Rob’s tutelage.

  Lastly, I thank Bo Bennett, the founder of eBookIt.com for his on-going advice and guidance. Bo, you are outstanding.

  About the Author


  Amazon bestselling author Alexi Venice writes legal thrillers and crime drama with a side of romance. Her popular SAN FRANCISCO MYSTERY SERIES is a crime drama—rich with unresolved romance—that tests the bonds of love and loyalty among Dr. Jen Dawson, Detective Tommy Vietti and District Attorney Amanda Hawthorne.

  Venice says: “One of my favorite characters to write about is DA Amanda Hawthorne. She’s heroic and genuinely in love with Dr. Jen, but Amanda struggles with addiction issues, cannot stop herself from personally fighting the bad guys, and engages in self-destructive behavior to blow off stress during high-profile investigations. She is capable of deep self-reflection, though, which is why I respect and adore her.”

  Venice’s 30-year legal career informs her medical and crime fiction. She is legal counsel under a different name at an international health care system, specializing in preparing nurses and physicians to testify in court in both civil and criminal trials. Venice’s heart, imagination and life experience inform her romantic drama.

  Venice’s 2019 release of CONSCIOUS BIAS, A MONICA SPADE NOVEL, has been acclaimed by readers.

  “An impeccably well-written legal drama with a slow burn romance front and center. Look for a surprise twist at the end of this book, too!” Goodreads 5 stars – Gayle

  “I loved the book, characters, and plot. I didn’t want to put the book down. I especially liked the way the relationship grew between Monica and Shelby.” Goodreads 5 stars – S

  “What a great read! It had many stories going on simultaneously. There is a murder, a trial, bigotry, coming out, hot romance, friendship, etc. And there is humor to break things up. I was thoroughly captivated and entertained. This is the first book I have read by Alexi Venice and if this story is an example of her writing, I will soon start her San Francisco mystery series.” Goodreads 5 stars – Cheryl

  “Slow-burn F/F romance with some courtroom drama thrown in. Venice did a great job of capturing being a lesbian or gay in the Mid-West, having grown up there myself.” Goodreads
– Linds

  “This was a fast moving book who’s characters had a lot of personality and steamy moments. This book looks at hate crimes for gender, sexual orientation and color. It was a true joy to read.” Goodreads - Heather

  When she isn’t working and writing, Venice can be found on the lake boating and swimming with her dogs. Venice is married and lives in Wisconsin.

  Bonus Material

  This scene was sketched out for Bourbon Chase, The San Francisco Mystery Series, Book 1, but the story took a different direction, so this scene never made it into the book . The scene is about a fight—and makeup—in the budding relationship between Jen and Amanda. I’m pleased to offer it now.


  Jen couldn’t deny herself any longer. She’d been staring at the same screen for over an hour and suddenly realized the words were a hopeless gossamer of blurred images. She returned to her latest pastime, scrolling through pics of Amanda on her iPhone. Pics from their getaway weekend at Stinson Beach: Amanda lying on the beach. Amanda walking ankle-deep in the water. Amanda flipping off Jen because she snapped a pic of her too early in the morning. Amanda reading a book on the deck.

  Jen lingered over the pic of Amanda buried in her paperback, her white shirt unbuttoned a few, her black bra visible underneath, the curves of her breasts resting above her rib cage. Jen had tasted the sweet skin on the underside of Amanda’s breasts, and she longed for more. Amanda’s skin was so delicate there, like the feel of a velvety flower petal against her cheek. Just the thought ignited a fire.

  Why am I torturing myself like this? I need to make a move.

  Her mind and body were at war over her stupidity and their parting words—Jen expressing doubt, and Amanda quickly ending their relationship.

  Frustrated, but no longer confused, Jen slammed her laptop shut and ran out to the street to find her car. In her frenzy, she couldn’t remember where she had parked, so she clicked her fob and followed the sound a block away. She jumped in and sped off toward Amanda’s house without advance warning or a plan. Spontaneity had never been her strong suit, but, given their last conversation, she wasn’t sure Amanda would agree to see her if she rang in advance. A surprise attack was the only way.

  As Jen drove, she could feel the anticipation building in her belly. Her skin tingled as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She knew for certain now—from the tips of her toes to the ends of her hair—that she loved Amanda.

  What am I going to say when I get there? What if she rejects me? I’ll make a fool of myself and the pain will be worse.

  Yet, Jen drove on. Their chemistry propelled her. Depriving herself of Amanda didn’t make any sense, and she knew that now. Jen’s world was empty without her. Jen had seen the hurt in Amanda’s eyes when she, Jen, had said she wasn’t ready to make the leap, but was considering staying with Tommy. Those were stupid, confused thoughts that she shouldn’t have said out loud. After only a few days, Jen had figured out that she had made a huge mistake.

  She was ready to be in a relationship for the long-term, and marrying Amanda felt more natural than the prospect of marrying Tommy ever did . Jen wanted all of Amanda. To build a life together. To live with her and raise children together. To bury her face in Amanda’s neck and smell her hair, letting the curls fall around her. To get lost in the intoxicating lavender scent of Amanda. To wrap herself in Amanda’s arms and forget the world.

  She smiled as she drove, filled with the possibility of Amanda . Filled with the hope that they could have the kind of relationship that Amanda had asked for: one where Jen would give all of herself and receive all of Amanda in return. As she waited at the stoplight a block from Amanda’s house, she checked herself in the rearview mirror.

  God, my hair! Her usually-straight blonde hair was zany from the humid weather, as if reflecting her emotions—wigged out and stormy.

  The car behind her gave a prompting honk, so she hit the gas and drove a little too fast on the next stretch, turning down Amanda’s tree-lined street.

  Jen had come to know Amanda’s Sea Cliff neighborhood better than her own. Funny that she felt more comfortable in Amanda’s house, but her emotions were coming together because of Amanda, opening herself and sharing her life.

  I was insane not to commit, Jen thought sadly. That’s all going to change right now. I’m going to give her my heart.

  She found a parking spot close by. As she grabbed her bag off the seat, she realized her hands were trembling, actually shaking, with the raw nerves of potential rejection.

  She practically ran down the cobblestone walk to Amanda’s front door. She put her knuckles to the door but couldn’t bring herself to knock. What am I doing here? She won’t take me back.

  Jen turned to leave. A few feet from the door, however, she caught herself. Stop being a wuss. Just ring the fucking doorbell.

  She spun around and pressed the button. No answer. She pressed again. No answer. An eternity passed while she waited, fully expecting to be examined, scrutinized, and maybe even resented by Amanda staring through the peephole.

  This is ridiculous. I can take a hint. Jen made it half way down the walk when she heard the door open.

  “Can I help you?” an unfamiliar voice asked.

  Jen spun around, knocked off balance. Her first thought was that Amanda had already moved on. “Yes. Ah. I’m looking for Amanda.”

  “Who are you?” a bright-eyed woman with medium-length brown hair asked.

  “I’m Jen. Jen Dawson,” Jens said in a flat tone. “Who are you?” Her heart squeezed with dread at the possible response.

  “I’m Heidi, Amanda’s sister-in-law.”

  Relief flooded Jen. She actually felt herself smiling.

  “What are you doing here?” Heidi held the door firmly, not opening it more than she had to.

  “I’m here to see Amanda.” Jen sensed this wasn’t going to be easy.

  Heidi stared at Jen, her eyes appraising Jen like she would a traitor.

  “I’m feeling a little judged here,” Jen said, her hands opening wide.

  “I’m not sure Amanda wants to see you,” Heidi said through tight lips.

  “Probably because she doesn’t know what I’m going to say. That’s why I want to talk to her.”

  “Are you going to break her heart again? Because, if you are, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Heidi’s deep tone was as ominous as the warning in her motherly eyes.

  “Isn’t this a conversation I should be having with Amanda?” Jen asked.

  “Yes or no?” Heidi asked.

  “No. I’m not here to break her heart. I’m here to—” Jen stumbled. “I’m here to—” Emotion constricted her voice. “Are you going to let me in?”

  “I’m thinking about it.” Heidi held the door tight to her hip, only half of her body visible.

  “This is ridiculous! Do I have to tell you that I love Amanda and want to be with her in every possible way? Forever? Because I wanted to tell her first if you don’t mind.”

  Jen’s declaration was out, as much a relief to her as it was a door-opener for Heidi. “You said the magic words.” Heidi swung the door wide and made a sweeping motion with her hand, inviting Jen to enter.

  Jen didn’t hesitate. If this was her only chance to see Amanda, then she was seizing it. She practically ran into the kitchen, where she spied Amanda through the sliding door to the patio, lying on a chaise with her eyes closed. Jen slowly and quietly opened the door. The sun shone on Amanda’s face, highlighting red blotches on her cheeks—proof that she felt as terrified and lonely as Jen. A pile of used tissues lay on the table next to her.

  Jen stepped onto the patio, as she had the first night she had visited. Only this time she didn’t take her surroundings for granted. She had too much to lose.

  “Who was at the door?” Amanda asked, her eyes still closed.

  Heidi-the-bulldog stood behind Jen, but didn’t answer, instead giving Jen a little push in her back.

  Jen took a step for
ward. “Ahh… Me.”

  Amanda’s eyes flew open. “What the hell? Heidi, I thought you were here to help me!”

  “I am,” Heidi said. “Why don’t you listen to what Jen has to say then decide for yourself. I’m going to give you two some privacy.”

  “Wait—” Amanda said, but Heidi was already in the kitchen, making a beeline for the front door.

  “You hate me that much?” Jen asked. “You can’t even be alone with me?”

  “I don’t hate you! As you recall, I’m the one who poured my heart out to you, and you rejected me.”

  “I get it,” Jen took a deep breath. “Hear me out. I was confused. And, to be honest, I think I was protecting my heart too much. Spending a few days without you just about killed me. I realized I love you—more than anything.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This isn’t going how I thought it would,” Jen shifted her feet nervously. “I thought it would be so simple. I would tell you that I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with you. I’d surprise you by kissing you, and holding you, then kissing you again. We’d collapse into each other’s arms…” Jen’s voice trailed off.

  Amanda remained glued to the chaise, her hand now shielding her eyes from the sun.

  During the tense silence, Jen felt like she was staring into a black abyss so masked were Amanda’s eyes.

  “I’m so scared,” Amanda finally said, her voice raspy with emotion. “What if this isn’t what you want after all?” She made a sweeping gesture over herself. “I can’t turn myself over only to have my heart ripped out and stomped on again.”

  “I feel the same way.” Jen opened her arms wide. “Let’s take the leap. Together.”

  After hesitating briefly, Amanda rose in a graceful motion and stood before Jen, her hands finding Jen’s narrow hips.

  Jen felt Amanda’s warm breath on her, smelling of licorice and iced tea. She looked at Amanda’s lips. They were vivid-red, stained by the licorice that lay on a table next to the chaise. Opening her mouth in anticipation, Jen longed to taste the licorice flavor herself. She reached out and fingered a strand of Amanda’s hair, gently hooking it behind her ear, then leaned in.


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