Secrets of a Duke's Daughter (The Duchess's Investigative Society Book 1)

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Secrets of a Duke's Daughter (The Duchess's Investigative Society Book 1) Page 13

by Samantha Holt

Which meant he must force his mind away from…down there.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cassie stared at the perfectly neat neck cloth of Lord Bainbridge and ruby red pin pushed into his cravat. Why red? It looked as though he had eaten a juicy steak and dropped blood down the perfectly tied and crisp fabric—an insult to his valet’s hard work in her opinion.

  Not that she could claim to be perfectly put together today. She had not been able to find her pale pink shoes anywhere and had been forced to wear white instead. No doubt it would not be long before they were stained by the grass underfoot and her lady’s maid scolded her for such a choice. But she had nothing else that matched the pink of her gown, and once buttoned into her gown, there was no chance she was getting out of it.

  “Lady Cassandra?” Lord Bainbridge prompted.

  Cassie blinked and forced her attention up to his rather determined gaze. Sweat clung to his upper lip and though not an unattractive man, the way he kept swiping his tongue up to dart it away made her stomach twinge.

  She took a deep inhale of the fresh air and glanced at her sisters who were gathered on the grass nearby under a canopy. They were not alone. Many men of the ton had come to speak with them while Chastity acted as a better chaperone than Aunt Sarah, who was talking to Mr. Wilde of his cats again. The man had approached Aunt Sarah quite deliberately, so it appeared he reveled in talking of such matters.

  Lord Bainbridge had singled her out at the garden party, though, insisting on a stroll along the path that led between the neatly trimmed box trees. Cassie maintained a circle around her sisters so she could escape soon. His lordship had polite manners but there were rumors that he liked to be free with his hands and she had no desire to feel them upon her.

  She offered a careful smile. “Forgive me, Lord Bainbridge, but I think my sister wants me.” She waved at Chastity, who did not even notice the movement. “Do have a lovely day and enjoy the marvelous weather.”

  With a quick dip, she scurried away before he could respond. However, before she reached her sisters, Luke joined her on the path.

  Undecided as to whether to hasten on or slow her pace and demand answers of him, she instead did a tiny stumble, and he snatched her arm swiftly.

  She righted herself, removed her arm from his grip and forced a smile falser than the one she had offered Lord Bainbridge. “Good afternoon.”

  “What did Bainbridge want?”

  She looked back at the man whose expression had grown quite sour. Arms folded, he watched their exchange despite having joined his group of friends. Cassie rolled her eyes. Why any of these men thought they owned her movements she did not know.

  “To converse.” She paused and pressed her lips together. “I think.”

  “You think?”

  “Yes, Luke, I think. We were interrupted by you.”

  “You seemed to be hastening away actually.”

  “Well, I—” She released a frustrated breath. “I might have spoken with him longer had I not seen you.”

  A dark eyebrow lifted. “You did not see me.” His jaw worked and she eyed the pulse, unable to quite fathom what it meant. “Too engrossed in the Lord Bainbridge were you? Too eager to toy with him perhaps? That’s why you were running away.”

  “Toy? Luke, you know I have no interest in the silly games that debutantes partake in to increase a man’s interest, and I fail to see why you would insult me so. I have done nothing wrong.”

  The muscles in his jaw continued to flex for a few moments before his posture relaxed. “Of course. Forgive me. I came to ask...” He glanced at the grass. “That is...”

  She held her breath. Perhaps he did want her after all. Perhaps his silence had been him mulling it over and had they not been interrupted, he would have taken her up on her offer.

  “Theodore Parsons.”

  “Theodore Parsons,” she repeated.

  “Yes. I was thinking on how we might find out more about what happened to him.”

  “Oh. Yes. Of course.”

  “I was speaking with a friend who it seems might have been the last man to see him and it occurred to me it might be useful to retrace his footsteps so to speak. From that night.”

  She nodded. “I had been considering such a step. I had rather hoped to find some more solid evidence first, but it seems this company will not lead us to him.”

  “So we are agreed?”

  “Yes, I think it the next logical option.”


  Someone called her name and she glanced over her shoulder to see Chastity gesturing to her. Lord Bainbridge had joined her sisters again and she grimaced. The man was most determined.

  “It seems Lord Bainbridge wants to finish your conversation.”

  “Well, he can wait.” She waved away Chastity’s wild gestures and ignored the frustrated look her sister gave her. Cassie grinned. No doubt Chastity would loathe having to bite her tongue and not tell his lordship to scarper. Her sister had little tolerance for men like Lord B.

  “Perhaps we can take a stroll,” Luke suggested. “There are other things I would like to discuss.”

  She weighed her options. Walk with Luke and spend far too long dwelling on what a fool she had been to even broach the subject of…well, them…or go back to Lord B and his potentially wandering hands.

  Oh, who was she kidding? She’d rather have Luke’s company any day, even if she had embarrassed herself beyond measure and they did need to discuss if he was to continue aiding her. Her sisters were watching her far more carefully now and she had need of his help more than ever.

  “So what shall we do next? Go to this club?”

  He stilled as they moved behind a cluster of trees that offered a welcome break from the warmth of the sun. Her flimsy parasol did little to conquer it, so she’d given up on it hours ago.

  “Cassie, when I said there were other things I wished to discuss, I meant…” He cleared his throat and his shoulders straightened “I meant what you said the other day…” He leaned in. “About…you know.” He glanced downwards.

  Oh pooh. He’d not forgotten nor did he seem to have changed his mind. And now she would have to relive the humiliation all over again while he scolded her like a big brother. How miserable.


  HE’D MEANT TO avoid the whole matter. Fling it from his mind and never broach it again. Pretend Cassie had never spoken on such matters.

  Until Luke had spied her with Bainbridge. He wasn’t the first man to be interested in Cassie and he would not be the last, but Luke knew the man had contention for the rules of society. If Cassie decided to approach another man about down there, Bainbridge would happily oblige and most eagerly partake in her ruination. After all, it would garner him a beautiful and wealthy wife of high standing.

  His jaw hurt from clenching it. Bainbridge would have to go through him first.

  “I-I had rather thought your silence meant you did not wish to discuss it.”

  Oh how much easier that might have been. Help her with this investigation then send her on her way, entirely untouched, thus keeping his promise to Anton. But if he let Bainbridge take a shot at her, Anton would string him up anyway.

  “I am not taking your innocence, Cass.”

  “Then what...?” Furrows appeared between her brows. “You do not wish to help me with my exploration?”

  He closed his eyes briefly and held back a groan. She seemed to think her words innocent and somewhat perfunctory, but she could not be more wrong. The thought of exploring her made his cock begin to harden. He did not think her ignorant to her attractiveness—she always dressed to flatter her slender figure in the colors that suited her best—but she clearly did not know what she could do to a man.

  “You tempt me,” he said gruffly.

  “I do not understand.”

  “I want to help you.”

  “You do?” The eagerness in her gaze made him want to press her up against the tree, here and now, promises to her brother be damned.r />
  “But I will not ruin you.”

  “I do not even want to marry that duke!” She huffed out a breath. “I am not certain I wish to marry any man.”

  “That might change, and I am most certainly not ruining your future.”

  “I do not think I am asking much. You bed women every day.”

  He let loose a dry chuckle. “Hardly. And even if I did, bedding you is entirely different.”

  “I am a grown woman of sound mind.” She folded her arms, drawing his attention to the pale rise of her breasts. “I do not see how I am different.”

  Of course she did not. She had no idea what she did to him. No clue that he hadn’t been interested in bedding anyone since she’d captured his attention. That every moment spent with her was like dragging nails down his very soul. She made him itch from the inside out for things he had no right desiring.

  “There are other ways.” He moved closer and dropped his voice, grateful for the natural shield of the trees. Any man with eyes in his head would see his patent desire for her.

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “You want to explore those feelings?”

  She nodded so eagerly he feared his cock might explode.

  “There are other ways of exploring those feelings without taking your innocence,” he explained.

  “How so?”

  He inhaled deeply. How the hell had he found himself in this situation? “I can touch you,” he said, “in ways that you would find pleasurable.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh.”

  “There are many things men and women do outside of the act.”

  “So I can touch you and you would find it pleasurable?”

  “Very,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Cassie inched toward him and laid a hand upon his thumping heart. “I would touch you...down there?”


  She chewed briefly on her bottom lip, leaving it glossy. “When can we do it?”

  Breaths rasped in his throat, desire roared through him, leaving him deaf to the world. His focus narrowed in on her and only her. He heard laughter nearby and jerked away.

  Swallowing hard, he took a step back. This was utter madness.

  “When we can be alone. Truly. Without risk of discovery,” he vowed.

  “Will you be attending the ball at Oakden?”

  He nodded.

  “What about then?”

  “Good God, Cassie, whatever am I going to do with you?”

  She grinned. “Touch me?”

  “I must be being punished,” he muttered.

  “For what?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing.” She knew of his rakish lifestyle but that was it and he would prefer they leave it there. He didn’t need her seeing him as more unworthy than ever of her. “Come, let us continue our walk. We have already been tucked behind these trees far too long.”

  With a sigh, she acquiesced. “What shall we do about Theodore?”

  “Leave it to me.”

  “This is my investigation.”

  “Yes, which involves going into a gaming hell and I do not think even the indomitable Cassie Fallon can set foot in there without being noticed.”

  “I guess you are right.”

  “I’ll simply find out what he did that night and tell you what I learned, two days hence at the ball.”

  “That would work, I suppose.”

  “And meanwhile, stay out of trouble.” He scowled as Bainbridge eyed Cassie far too eagerly. “And stay away from Lord Bainbridge. He’s a rogue.”

  “But you are not?” she teased.

  “I am many, many things, Cass. Too many things for me to list. But I would never hurt you.”

  “I know.” She gave a smug smile. “Why do you think I propositioned you and not Lord Bainbridge?”

  “If you proposition Lord Bainbridge, I shall be forced to call him out.”

  “Oh nonsense. I have no interest in the man. He has odd taste in accessories.”

  “Well, just remember that when he flirts with you.” He moved closer and kept his voice low. “And remember my offer, Cass. Do not let anyone else touch you.” He smirked. “For if they do, I shall surely have to challenge them, and we do not wish that do we?”

  He said it more lightly than he felt. Indeed, if any man touched her, he’d enjoy taking their life from them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Aunt Sarah stopped in front of Cassie and cast her gaze up and down her. Cassie narrowed her gaze at her aunt. “What is it, Aunt Sarah?”

  “You should be dancing,” she declared. “You have only stood up three times this evening.”

  Cassie glanced past the dancers crowding the center of the floor then at her dance card. “Perhaps no one wishes to dance with me.”

  “Nonsense. You are the prettiest girl here.” Aunt Sarah grinned. “It reminds me of the Duke of Westwick’s ball some forty years or so ago. I was utterly resplendent, and no one could take their eyes off me.” She pressed her fan to her chest. “Of course, I only had eyes for Simon.”

  “And I am sure he only had eyes for you too.”

  “I can see you only have eyes for one man too.” Aunt Sarah came to her side.

  “Nonsense,” Cassie replied swiftly. “I am merely desperate to speak with him. You know he is aiding me in my investigation.”

  “You knew who I was talking about though.”

  Cassie’s cheeks warmed and she puffed out a breath. Blast. “Aunt Sarah, please do not get the wrong idea. You know I am far too busy to think of the opposite sex.”

  A lie to be sure. Because busy or not, all she had done was think of Luke and his words to her at the park. Of how he might bring pleasure or how she might do the same in return.

  Now all she wanted to know was when, how...and when. If something did not happen soon, she feared she might go out of her wits. Watching him converse with others and even dance with several women was utter torture.

  Ridiculously handsome in his evening wear, his presence repeatedly drew her gaze. The fact she wished to speak to him about the investigation was no lie, but she wanted to speak on other matters too.

  “What you two need is a moment alone.”

  Shooting her gaze to her aunt, Cassie frowned. Aunt Sarah might not be the most conventional of aunts but even she was surprised she wished Cassie to break the dearly held rules of society. “Aunt Sarah, that is not—”

  “Oh, shh shh.” Her Aunt pressed a finger to Cassie’s lips.

  Cassie released a mumbled protest past the firm finger.

  “I shall never understand why you girls are so fearful of the opposite sex. They can be quite amusing, you know.”

  “You saw how miserable Chastity was when she was married,” she pointed out.

  “An unfortunate match, indeed, but if you girls could have one ounce of the happiness Simon and I had, I just know you would live life fulfilled.” Her aunt sighed. “To be married to your dearest friend is quite the experience.”

  Her gaze strayed toward Luke.

  “Of course, to be married to your lover is even more wonderful.”

  “Aunt Sarah!”

  Her aunt shrugged. The momentous number of feathers upon her head bobbed as dancers swished past them. “All this talk of busyness and independence. In my day, we did not even think on such matters. You young girls like to make it so complicated.”

  “Maybe we wish to have love matches.”

  “Or no matches,” Aunt Sarah muttered. “Even lovely Demeter has shown no interest in matrimony and you know she is quite admired.”

  “She is admired,” Cassie agreed, “but it is hard to be interested when we see what burdens marriage puts upon our sex.” She put a hand to her aunt’s shoulder. “With you and Uncle Simon as an example, can you blame us for not wanting anything but the most passionate love match?”

  Aunt Sarah smiled slowly. “It was quite the marriage. But other matches work. Your mother and father for example.”

; “They were hardly passionate about one another,” Cassie pointed out. “We have Eleanor as living proof of that.”

  “But they were good friends. What more can one ask for but to spend your life with your closest friend?”

  Cassie wasn’t certain. She had not spent much time devoting her thoughts to matrimony. Her parents had what many of the ton would consider a successful marriage despite her father’s one infidelity, but she could not imagine having such a thing for herself.

  Most especially not after kissing Luke and experiencing such sensations. How could she live a life without such feelings again? No, marriage and all its difficulties needed to be put from her mind. She had other things to worry about.

  “Aunt—” She twisted to find her aunt had vanished. She shook her head. Aunt Sarah had likely gone off to find Wilde and speak of his cats again. They seemed to seek each other out at every social occasion now but she could not fathom how they spent so much time conversing on the one matter.

  When she turned back, Luke pushed through the crowds around the dance floor toward her. Her breath stilted in her chest. He struck an especially masculine presence against the many beautiful flowers adorning the ballroom of Harton House, his shoulders seeming so broad in his evening jacket. A knot gathered in her throat and it did not shift, even when he greeted her.

  “I have been trying to come and see you all evening.”

  She nodded, her tongue feeling strangely thick in her mouth.

  “I did not want to seem too eager,” he murmured. “We must not draw attention to ourselves.”

  Eager. Good Lord, but she felt eager. Eager for his hands upon her, eager to have his mouth pressed to hers once more.

  “We are old friends,” she said, aware of her breathless tone. “No one shall pay notice.”

  “So you have not changed your mind?”

  Her gaze shot to his. “No. Have you?”

  He smirked. “I wish I could.”

  “You do?”

  “You underestimate the temptation you provide, Cassie.”

  “I do?”

  “If I could, I would take you aside now, and start providing you with tonight.”


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