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The Vulpirans' Honor: The Soul-Linked Saga

Page 20

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “Maybe the colors are meant for whatever race created it,” Lance said.

  “I can’t read Xanti,” Vikter said, “but I recognize the script and all of the directions and labels inside this thing are written in that language.”

  “That’s not going to do the Xanti much good if they can’t see it,” Hunt said. “If the Xanti are not meant to see this, then who is? And what does it mean?”

  “The beings who create and build for the Xanti are clearly intelligent, as proven by the technology they produce,” Vikter said, speaking slowly as he tried to work through the problem. “They are enslaved by the Xanti, so they certainly want to be free. If that’s true, the question becomes how can they get a message out, past the Xanti, to those of us who might be able to help them?”

  “You think the colors are a message,” Lance said to Michael, his voice vibrating with excitement. “That’s it, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly it,” Michael said. “Those beings are smart, and they know their enemy far better than we do. They used color to get their message out and hoped we had enough brains to figure it out.”

  “So what’s the message?” Hunt asked. “What are they trying to tell us?”

  “The message Honey gave me was that the spectrum puzzle had to be solved,” Michael said. “That’s the key. The colors are a code. We have to figure out where the beginning is, then go from there, either left to right, top to bottom, bottom to top. It may take awhile as we don’t know what direction the beings who did this write in. Then we assign values to each color according to their position on the color spectrum.”

  “This is ingenious,” Lance said softly as he stared at the bio-suit in amazement.

  “Where do you want to start?” Vikter asked Michael.

  “With images,” Michael said. “We need to see every color inside that thing and it’s relationship to every other color.”

  Lance was turning on the vid-terminal as Michael spoke. “They’re all right here,” he said, stepping away so that Michael could sit down.

  “Good,” Michael said. “Now all I need is time.”

  “We’ll leave you to it then,” Vikter said.

  “All right,” Michael said, already half engrossed in the images on the screen in front of him. Then a thought occurred to him. “Lance,” he said, stopping them as they were about to go through the door. “Maybe it would be a good idea to vox Elder Vulpiran and tell him about this. They can start trying to decode the bio-suit they have. I don’t know if the messages will be the same or not, but we should find out.”

  “I will do that right away, Michael,” Lance replied, not mentioning that he’d already planned to do that. “Good luck, and let us know if you need anything.”

  Michael nodded and turned back to the screen. He never stopped to wonder about the part of Saige’s message warning that time was running short. Neither did the Vulpirans.


  Vikter, Lance, and Hunt climbed out of the vault, excited by the prospect of new knowledge to use against the Xanti. It didn’t lighten their hearts, but it was still good news.

  “Michael is turning out to be a valuable asset,” Lance said.

  “Yes, he is,” Vikter replied. “I am glad we found him and invited him here, aside from the fact that he brought Honey with him.”

  “Why didn’t we ask him about the papers?” Hunt asked.

  “Because what he is doing now is more important than our personal wishes,” Vikter replied, his tone indicating that he did not want to discuss that matter further. It was eating at him as much as it was eating at his brothers. But they had more important matters to deal with at the moment. More important to their people as a whole, if not more important to them.

  “Lance, call Elder Vulpiran and share Michael’s discovery with him,” he said. “Hunt, call the barracks. I want no fewer than six armed men covering the entrance to the vault. No rookies. I want a mix of three soldiers and one male-set, and I want a rotating roster every three hours for as long as Michael is down there. Ask the cafeteria to send meals over for him regularly too. I have a feeling he’ll be there for awhile and absolutely nothing is to interrupt or endanger him.”

  “What are you going to do?” Lance asked.

  Vikter knew what he wanted to do. What his brothers wanted him to do. He clenched his fists tightly, then stretched his fingers out before shaking them. “I’m going back to work,” he said resolutely. He ignored his brothers’ expressions of disappointment and went looking for the foreman to finish their discussion. He would be patient. They would be patient. If it killed them.


  Honey saw the last patient out and went to Doc’s office.

  “You all right?” he asked as she entered and lowered herself into the chair beside Jareth in front of Doc’s desk.

  “I’m good,” she replied. “Thanks for coming down, Jareth. I feel better knowing that you were unable to find any more of that poison in Arima Gryphon-Hiru.”

  “I am glad that you called me, Honey,” Jareth said. “I enjoy watching you work. It is difficult for me sometimes, knowing that I can heal the mother, but not the babes she carries. It makes me feel such relief that you are able to do what I cannot.”

  “I understand what you mean,” Honey said. “I wish I could help the mothers as I help the babies. But I cannot heal everyone, as you do. I can heal only those not yet born.”

  “Are you able to heal defects, like a deformed heart?” Doc asked.

  “Yes, if I catch it early enough,” Honey replied.

  “When you do that you don’t draw the deformity to yourself, obviously,” Jareth said. “Otherwise, you would not be here.”

  “No, I don’t,” Honey replied. “I’ve never drawn anything to myself before as I did with these poison burns. But then, I’ve never come across a fetus with external injuries, either. Nor have I ever worked on a Jasani mother. I don’t know if those are factors or not. I only know that I was able to help, and the babies are now fine.”

  “Spoken like a true healer,” Doc said. Honey smiled tiredly. She was thrilled to be able to use her gift openly, but it was draining.

  “Doc, I’m curious about something,” she said.

  “What’s that?”

  “I noticed that Carly’s last name is Gryphon-Hiru. And I saw a file for an Arima Bearen-Bat. Are these women related to the Gryphons and Bearens I know, or are they completely different families?”

  “They’re all essentially the same family,” Doc replied. “Each Clan ranks its own members. The highest rank is Consul. Consuls represent the Clan in meetings and major decisions, such as Enclave. The next five levels are named one through five in the ancient Jasani tongue. Bat is one, Ti is two, Hiru is three, Lau is four, and Bost is five. Therefore, Gryphon-Hiru is the third ranked male-set in the Gryphon clan, below Consul. Bearen-Bat is the first ranked male-set below Consul.”

  “What about all of those below the fifth rank?” she asked.

  “They go by their clan name, as the Consuls generally do,” Doc said. “It can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the people in each clan, but as they consider themselves all one family, it doesn’t matter much to them.”

  “That seems simple enough,” she said. “Thanks for the explanation, Doc.”

  “I have one question for you, and then I’ll let you go,” Doc said.

  “Shoot,” Honey replied.

  “Will Arima Carly’s babies have scars? I ask because it’s been several days now since the injuries were inflicted.”

  “I know, and I was worried about that too,” Honey said. “But no, their skin is blemish free now. In a few months, the Gryphons will have three very strong, determined, and healthy sons.”

  “Thank you, Honey,” Doc said. “Now, get on out of here. Go home and get some rest. That’s doctor’s orders, by the way.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Honey said, smiling as she stood up to leave. She said good-bye to Jareth, then grabbed her purse and left the clini
c, pausing for a moment to breathe in the cool, late afternoon air. Winter was coming, she realized. So much had happened in such a short time, much of it good. But there were problems too.

  She had no money, for one thing. She was pretty sure Michael would give her some if she asked, she just hadn’t asked yet. She had no home and no idea how she was going to provide one for herself and Nica. Then, there were the Vulpirans. She knew it was ridiculous, but she couldn’t help but feel as though they’d abandoned her. Suddenly, she felt completely overwhelmed and found herself standing there, staring at the sky, crying.

  “What’s the matter, Honey?”

  Honey spun around, startled, and gasped with nervous relief when she saw Saige Lobo walking toward her. Their house was only a few steps from the clinic, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise.

  “I’m sorry,” Saige said. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “I was just lost in my own thoughts,” Honey said, trying to wipe her tears on her sleeves, hoping Saige didn’t notice.

  “I was just going to invite Doc up for dinner,” Saige said, looking up at the sky rather than at Honey. “You’re welcome too, if you like.”

  “Thanks, Saige, but I need to get back to the Bearens’. Nica will be expecting me.”

  “Honey, I don’t mean to pry,” Saige said hesitantly, still not looking at Honey’s tear streaked face. “But you seem so sad. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I’m just feeling a bit at loose ends, I suppose,” Honey replied with a shaky sigh. “Hope is very kind, but Nica and I can’t stay there as a houseguest forever. We need a home of our own, and a way to furnish it. Everything we own except what we brought in a couple of suitcases is back on Earth and gone forever. I have a job, so that’s good, but no money right now, and Nica is growing so fast that she really needs new clothes. Plus, I need to come up with a solution for her regarding school, and other kids her age. And, I’ll need someone to be with her while I’m at the clinic, or the infirmary, because I can’t keep asking Hope and Aunt Berta, but again, I have no money to pay someone.”

  As Honey listed her problems, her voice got more and more hoarse, and Saige knew she was fighting tears. And why not? The poor woman was nearly buried beneath a mountain of worries and fears. “Nothing out of the ordinary,” Hope said finally, trying to laugh. “Regular life stuff.”

  Saige was surprised, angry, and confused. She argued with herself for a moment. She didn’t really have any right to ask Honey personal questions. They barely knew each other. Then she decided to heck with it. “Honey, what about the Vulpirans? Aren’t they helping you with some of these things?”

  As soon as she said Vulpirans, Saige knew she’d hit on the biggest problem of all. She watched as Honey blushed, dropped her eyes to the ground and shrugged again.

  “My problems aren’t their problems, Saige. They asked Michael here, not me.” Then she looked up and stretched her lips into a smile. “I haven’t even seen them since the explosion. Now that Michael and I are apart, I suppose there’s no reason for them to visit me. Well, I better get going now,” she said, too brightly. “Thanks for listening to me whine. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” Saige replied. She watched as Honey went to her ground-car, climbed in and drove off. Then she turned on her heel and went back into her house.

  “Faron!” she called, too impatient to go waddling through the house looking for him.

  “What is it?” Faron demanded as he burst from the meeting room and ran down the hall toward her. “Is something wrong? Shall I call Doc?”

  “No, I’m fine, but something is definitely wrong,” Saige said.

  “I don’t understand, amada,” he said, frowning.

  “Call Dav and Ban,” she said. “We need to talk.”

  “All right,” Faron replied as he walked with Saige toward the sitting room. He tapped his vox, spoke into it, and disconnected, all while guiding Saige to a comfortable chair before the fireplace and getting her seated. A moment later, Dav and Ban entered the room, looking as worried as Faron felt, all of them sensing Saige’s anger and distress.

  “Honey Davis risked her life, her life, for our children,” Saige began heatedly. “She suffered great pain. We all saw what it did to her. If not for Jareth, she would be disfigured for life, if she’d even lived through it. And she didn’t even know us. We were total strangers to her. All of us. She did it without a second thought or a moment’s hesitation.”

  “Yes, amada, we know this,” Faron said, keeping his voice calm and soothing in hopes of calming Saige. But she was having none of it. She was angry and working herself up to a real temper.

  “Good, then you agree that we should help her if we can, if she’s in need, am I right?”

  “Of course,” Dav said. “We will do anything for her, or her daughter, at any time. She need not even ask.”

  “She is in need of help, right now, and I want something done about it,” Saige said, calming a little since her men were not looking to argue with her.

  “What is her need?” Faron asked. “Tell us and we will endeavor to help her at once.”

  “She has no money, no home of her own for herself and her daughter, and no way of getting one,” Saige said. “Nica needs clothes, schooling, playmates her own age, and someone to look after her while Honey works. She is pleased to have a job, where she works to help us, yet she has nothing of her own aside from that car the Dracons gave her so she can go to work to help us. It’s not fair and I’m not going to sit still for it.”

  “Saige, I understand why you are upset, but these are matters that she should turn to her Rami with,” Faron said.

  “What Rami?” Saige demanded. “I asked her about the Vulpirans and her reaction was heartbreaking to see. She said that her problems are not theirs, and they owe her nothing. I don’t know what the story is there and I don’t care. I care about Honey. It’s not right. This whole thing is not right and I want it fixed.”

  “Everyone thought she would be with the Vulpirans now,” Dav said.

  “Well, she’s not,” Saige replied. “The Vulpirans have left her hanging. She told me she hasn’t even seen them since the day of the explosion.”

  “Saige, please, you are getting yourself too excited,” Faron said worriedly. Saige was usually so calm. “I promise you, we will take care of this matter at once. Right now. I ask only that you try to relax.”

  Saige took a deep breath, knowing that Faron was right. Her emotions tended to get the better of her when she was pregnant. But it hurt her heart to see the expression on Honey’s face. She looked so lost and alone. And sad.

  “Go now,” she said to Faron. “Please. I’ll hold dinner till you get back.”

  “Dav and I will go,” Faron said. “Ban will stay here with you. But if he calls and tells me that you are not relaxing, we’ll have to come back.”

  “Blackmailer,” Saige muttered. “Go on, I’ll be fine if you go now.”

  Faron nodded, shot a warning look at Ban that was totally unnecessary, and left the house with Dav at his heels. He was angry that Saige was so upset. Angry that Honey was being treated so poorly. Angry that the Vulpirans had not done their duty by their Arima. And angry that he had not checked on the young woman himself. He had sworn to himself that Honey would never be harmed, and here she was, hurt, and he hadn’t even known about it.

  As soon as he was outside he transformed into his loboenca, threw his head back and howled his anger into the sky. Then he began running toward the garrison where the Vulpirans had been spending all of their time.

  It was against ancient law to interfere between a male-set and their Arima. But, there was an exception to that rule which was, unless a male-set mistreats or causes harm to their Arima. In which case, all Jasani were required to step in and protect her at any cost. Honey had worked a miracle for them, at great risk to herself. She had asked for nothing in return. He would not see her harmed by anyone. Not even her Rami.

; “What are you going to do?” Dav asked as they raced down the hill to the garrison.

  “Let the Vulpirans know that I am not happy with them,” Faron replied.

  Faron waited for Dav to respond but he didn’t. “You’ve nothing to say?”

  “No,” Dav replied. “I’m not happy with them either.”

  Vikter spun around, instinct warning him that the black and white striped loboencas racing toward him were angry. And their anger was directed at him. Without thinking he shifted into his vulpin, Lance and Hunt doing the same and taking their places behind him just as the loboencas came to a stop at the edge of the building site. He watched warily as Faron Lobo began stalking toward them, hackles raised, making him look even taller than his usual ten feet, head pulled in, ears flat, eyes glowing.

  “Why are you so angry?” Vikter demanded as his own ears flattened and he crouched low to the ground, eyes fixed on the loboenca.

  “You have caused harm to one we protect,” Faron snapped, more loboenca than man at the moment.

  “We have harmed no one,” Vikter replied.

  “You have hurt Honey Davis, your Arima,” Faron growled as he stopped inches in front of Vikter, Dav moving up beside him, their long white teeth bared.

  Vikter was so shocked by the accusation that his ears popped up and his eyes widened. “Hurt Honey?” he asked. “We have not, could not. She is our Arima. We would never do her harm.”

  Faron blinked, some of the angry red haze clearing at the stark surprise in Vikter’s voice. He was struggling to think of a response when a loud, ground shaking roar sounded from above them.

  “Oh, squilik shit,” he said, looking up into the darkening sky at the two dracons circling above them. Thirty-five feet long with twenty-five foot wingspans, wedge shaped heads, and leopard spotted fur, they both roared again, then spit great gouts of fire into the air above them.

  “Double squilik shit,” Dav said.

  Faron, Dav, Vikter, Lance and Hunt all shifted back to their humanoid forms, then waited for High Prince Garen and Prince Trey to land, shifting from their dracon form to their tall, broad shouldered humanoid forms. They walked toward the Lobos and the Vulpirans, their long, straight black hair flowing behind them, their eyes warning everyone to remain still and silent.


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