Unbreakable Bond

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Unbreakable Bond Page 8

by Sharon Cummin

  “Wannabe,” Cassie snapped out, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I'd stopped walking and hadn't even realized it.

  “Snap out of it, Parker,” I whispered to myself. “Enjoy your family.”

  I got moving and quickly caught up with the group.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” I said, as I leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips.

  “I lost you for a second,” she said. “Was the flight that bad? You want to rent a car to drive home?”

  “Are you kidding?” I asked, with a smile on my face. “That is not happening. I'll take hours on a plane over days in a car.”

  She burst into laughter before getting the kids moving again.

  “Let's go,” she said. “We're almost there.”

  I watched my family walking in front of me, and I knew I would do whatever it took to keep them safe and happy. With them in my life, nothing else mattered. They were my everything.

  My parents were thrilled to see us. We stayed at a hotel, and they joined us. It wasn't them. They offered for us to stay at their house, but I said no. There was no way we were staying at their two bedroom home with six kids. Being at the hotel, they were able to visit with us without having to work for it by cooking and entertaining eight of us. They swam with the kids, and my mom held the baby every chance she got. They even went with us to Disney, and that was a blast. We had princesses and pirates running around everywhere. The best part of it all was watching them treat Cassie's three little ones just like they did their biological grandchildren. That meant more to me than anything, and I knew Cassie felt the same way.

  The flight home wasn't nearly as bad as the one on the way there. I was pretty sure it was because every single one of us was exhausted. As soon as we got home, we put the kids to bed. Then Cassie headed for our room while I locked up the house. Once I was done, I headed to the bedroom to show my wife just how damn much I'd missed having her beneath me that entire week. When I walked into the room and looked at the view in front of me, I knew I would never tire from seeing my woman, on the bed, with her hair fanned out around her. Only one thing would have been better, if she'd actually been looking back at me instead of snoring. That would have been perfect.

  Chapter 14


  Thanksgiving came, and we decided to have it at our house. Sam loved having everyone over, and even though she was close to six months along, she wanted to host it. Of course, everyone came early, so the guys played with the kids while the ladies cooked and talked trash about the guys. They thought we didn't know what they were up to, but we definitely did. They'd been doing it for years.

  We were deep into dinner, and I looked over at Sammie. She nodded, so I stood up.

  “I have something I want to tell everyone,” I said.

  “Nothing you say will bother me,” Lance said. “You've already gotten my daughter pregnant. It can't be any worse than that.”

  “Yes it could,” grandma said. “They could be having twins.”

  “Shit!” Lance snapped. “It's not that, is it?”

  “Seriously!” I barked out, as I looked over at my grandma. “Don't get him started. I'm your blood, remember? I don't need that blood smeared all over the wall behind me.”

  “Okay,” Lance said. “What's the big announcement?”

  The whole room was filled with noise. It was nothing like the Thanksgivings from years ago, it was so much better.

  “I'm selling the company,” I said.

  “What?” Lucy snapped out.

  “You're kidding,” Lance Jr. said, as he stood up.

  “I am,” I said. “Lucy needs to be home to keep her man in line.”

  “Reid,” Lance snapped.

  “I also know she'd much rather be at Lauren and Lance's house or at ours, spending time with her million grandchildren. And Lance Jr., I know you've been struggling with a huge decision. You don't want to let the government go, but you want more time at home. Lauren and the kids need you. I'm making that decision for you. You're fired.”

  “James,” Lance Jr. said, as he sat back down.

  “I get it,” I said. “That just leaves me. We have three beautiful kids, and we're getting ready for number four. I want to be home with them. This is what I want.”

  I looked at my dad, and he smiled, letting me know he was behind me on my decision.

  “Do you already have someone showing interest?” Lucy asked.

  “I do,” I said. “Actually, everything went through yesterday. I'm no longer the owner.”

  “What?” she snapped out, as she got to her feet and rounded the table on me. “How did this happen without me knowing?”

  “I'm good like that,” I said. “I have to hand over the keys Monday, so I was hoping you could all get together and help clear out what's mine.”

  “On Thanksgiving weekend,” Lance said. “You know these ladies have to do that crazy ass shopping tomorrow.”

  “Then you're available Saturday and Sunday. Great! Thank you,” I said.

  “That's not what I said,” he replied.

  “Sounded like it to me,” I said.

  “You've already sold the place,” Lucy said. “I just can't believe it. That means I have to spend more time with this guy.”

  She walked closer to Lance, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “That's an honor, baby,” he said. “More naked time.”

  “Dad,” Sammie snapped.

  “Says the woman almost six months pregnant,” he said. “Do not dad me.”

  Lance Jr. came over and gave me a pat on the back.

  “Congrats, Man,” he said. “You really did make that decision for me, didn't you?”

  “You've been fighting it for months,” I said. “Don't think I couldn't see that shit. Lauren needs you, and there is no way I'd want you to give up the government for me.”

  “You gave me a chance when nobody thought I could do it,” he said. “I love you, Man.”

  “Love you too, Bro,” I said. “I wanted to fire you, but there was no way I wasn't having you at the company. This was my only choice.”

  “Don't put that on my back,” he said, as his face went serious.

  “I'm just fucking with you,” I said. “It's time for me to be home with my family full time.”

  “Guess I can give you my news then,” he said.

  “You did not,” Lance snapped, as he got to his feet. “My son or not, I'll kick your ass.”

  “No way,” Lance Jr. said, as he lifted his hands in defense. “I landed a huge contract for the military, and I want Lauren to help me. We'll definitely need some help at home.”

  “I'll take that any day,” Lance said. “We're on the job, and we won't even charge that much.”

  “Hotshot,” Lucy snapped out. “Do not say that.”

  “What?” he asked, in an innocent tone.

  “Don't what me,” she said. “You'd move those babies in with us if you could.”

  “Sure would,” he said. “Don't any of you forget that either. Better keep my babies happy, or I'll be right there to rescue them. That goes for all of you.”

  “Now we know how to get a little break,” Parker said, from the other side of the table. “Just have one of the kids call Lance sounding unhappy.”

  “Not funny,” Lance said.

  “What happens when one child from each family calls on the same day?” Sammie asked.

  “Do not even think about it, Sammie,” He answered.

  “Please,” Lucy said. “It's not just him you'll be doing that to. There are definitely times a move like that will bite you in the ass.”

  We all sat back down and finished dinner. By the time we were done with dessert, there were tired kids everywhere. We set them up with pillows, blankets, and a movie in the basement. Then us adults spread out and turned on a movie of our own. It didn't take long for all of the ladies to fall asleep, including grandma. That was when I grabbed the remote, the Lance
s grabbed us all some beers, and we settled in to watch a game.

  The day had turned out better than I'd hoped. I should have known that though. They were family. Of course they would be behind me in my decision. I never should have doubted any of them. They'd always have my back.

  Chapter 15


  We decided to celebrate Christmas at our house. It was the first year we were all actually living in the same area for the holiday. Cassie and Parker being two houses down turned out to be pretty amazing. The kids ran between the houses as if they owned them both, and it was perfect. It let us see the kids and make up for the time we'd lost, and it also gave Cassie and Parker a little break every now and then.

  I'd noticed Scott going to Michigan less and less. He'd definitely let the people at his company take on more responsibility. I knew he didn't want to leave his family if he didn't have to, and I was pretty sure it wouldn't be long before he'd be making an announcement of his own. His parents' home, the one he'd lived in with Carrie, the kids, and eventually me, meant a lot to him. I knew that was one of the main reasons he hadn't already let the company go.

  The kids opened their presents in record time, and seeing all of their smiles and happiness made every one of the adults smile and laugh.

  Parker seemed off, he'd seemed different for over a month, but I couldn't figure it out. He loved Cassie, you could see it in the way he treated her. He also loved the kids, all of them. There was no denying that. What was it, I wondered? What had him acting so different? I'd asked him several times, but he hadn't told me. I've even text him about it, hoping he'd put it in writing, but he wouldn't. All he'd say was that everything would be fine, and I knew that no matter what was bothering him, he would stand by his word. He would make sure everything was good for his wife and his kids, and that was all that mattered to me.

  Then there was Cassie. I knew her just as well as I knew the rest. Parker wasn't the only one keeping something to himself. She was too. I just wasn't sure who all she was keeping her secret from. Did Parker know, or was she holding it from him like he was from her?

  I sat back in my favorite chair, and my eyes scanned the living room. Every single one of my kids were happy and loved. Not one of them was alone. They all had the one person that would be there for them no matter what life would throw their way, and I knew they would all be okay. That made me so damn happy.

  It was the best Christmas ever.

  Chapter 16


  By the time everyone went home after Christmas dinner, I was exhausted, and so was my family. The twins and Jenny walked with Cassie and the baby, while I carried Jeff to the house. Then I headed back to get Jake. By the time I got back, Cassie had already gotten the baby ready for bed. I tucked Jake in, and she tucked Jeff in. Then we both tucked in the three older kids. Cassie had gone back to say goodnight to Jake, so I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. My head fell back and my eyes closed.

  “We need to talk,” she said softly, as she sat down on the couch next to me, leaving space between us.

  Talk about what, I wondered? The day had gone well. Why was there concern in her tone, and why the fuck had she left space between us? I needed her right there, in my arms, snuggled in close. Instead, an entire person could have fit between us. That wasn't normal, and it most definitely wasn't something I wanted.

  “Talk about what?” I asked, not opening my eyes or lifting me head.

  “What's going on?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked her in return.

  “Something has been off, Parker, and I can't figure out what it is,” she said.

  “Nothing is off, princess,” I said. “Why would you say that?”

  “You're wrong,” she said. “You spend every possible moment that you can with the baby, so I know he's not what has you this way. Is it having so many kids? Is it me? Shit! Are you already changing your mind about me? Is there someone else?”

  I opened my eyes and immediately turned toward her.

  “What?” I asked. “Are you serious?”

  “I am,” she said, as the first tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

  “Cassie,” I said, as I reached out to pull her closer, but she pulled away.

  My woman pulled away from me.

  “No,” she said. “It's there. I'm not stupid. You know what I've been through. I know, Parker. Something is going on. You've been different since we got back from your parents. If I'm being honest, the first time I noticed that something was off was in the airport after we'd flown to California. Was it all of us being on the plane together? Is that was started it, or was it something else?”

  “Cassie,” I said, but she cut me off again. I was an inch away from shoving my dick in her mouth just so I could get out more than her name.

  “Just tell me, wannabe,” she begged. “Don't fuck with me. I've been through enough, and I honestly don't know how I'll make it through losing you.”

  “Losing me,” I said, and she nodded, as another tear fell. “You're not losing me. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm here to stay?”

  “Then what, Parker,” she snapped. “What's going on?”

  I opened my mouth to speak, and she shook her head.

  “Do not tell me it's nothing,” she said. “Do not tell me everything is fine. I'm not playing. I need you to be honest with me. I don't care what it is, just tell me.”

  “Fuck, Cassie,” I said, as I took her hands in mine and looked into her worried eyes.

  What I had on my mind was nothing like what she thought it was. It wasn't her problem. It wasn't something that needed to be put on her shoulders, but hearing her words and knowing what she was thinking, I couldn't not tell her. She was my wife, and she was right. She needed to know.

  “They're talking about trading me,” I said.

  “What?” she asked, in a shocked tone, as more tears came.

  “I've been so damn worried since the moment they mentioned it,” I said. “I didn't want to tell you. It's not your problem, Cassie. This is for me to figure out.”

  “That's not true,” she said, through her sniffles. “You're my husband. It most definitely is not for you to deal with alone. You should have told me.”

  “I didn't want to ruin the trip,” I said. “Then the holidays came right after.”

  “You can't keep shit from me,” she said, as even more tears came. “It's not good. I can't take secrets.”

  “Hey,” I said, as I took her chin in my hand and lifted it so her eyes connected with mine. “Please don't worry. I'll figure it out.”

  “I'm not leaving my family,” she said, as she tried to take her eyes away from mine, but I held her still.

  “I get it, Cassie, I do,” I said.

  “No, you don't,” she said, as she shook her head and her tears fell faster yet. “I can't leave them.”

  “I know,” I said.

  She shook her head again.

  “No, Parker,” she said. “I'm pregnant.”

  “What?” I asked, as her words began to sink in. “Wait! You're pregnant?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I didn't mean for it to happen. Shit! Pete is only five months old, Parker. I'm sorry. I was sure I'd been on the pill long enough. It shouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad.”

  “Mad,” I said, and she nodded. “You think I'm mad?”

  “I wasn't sure how to tell you,” she said.

  “So, no secrets unless they're yours then?” I asked.

  “No,” she said. “I just found out. I was going to tell you, but I wasn't exactly sure how to do that.”

  “A baby?” I asked.

  She nodded, but she was totally unsure of herself.

  “Princess,” I said, as I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap. “Do not ever be afraid to tell me anything. I'm your husband, and I will always be there. Another baby?”

  I asked her again, more out of awe than anything.

  “Yes,” she said. “I'm freaking out, Parker. I swear I didn't do it on purpose. I'm so sorry.”

  “Don't be,” I said, as I tightened my hold on her waist. “I'm not mad, Cassie. I'm so damn happy. You know I want to have another baby with you. I told you I'd get my way.”

  “Not funny, wannabe,” she said, as she laughed through her tears. “What are we going to do?”

  “I'll figure it out,” I said.

  “No, we'll figure it out together,” she said, as she began to get up from my lap.

  “I love you, princess, and I am so happy about this,” I said, as I rubbed her belly, not being able to wait until I could feel our little one growing inside of her.

  “I love you too, wannabe,” she said, as she finished getting up from my lap. “I could always come back here to my family to have the baby.”

  “Bullshit!” I growled out.

  “Parker,” she said.

  “Don't Parker me,” I replied.


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