Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story

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Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story Page 11

by Ann Lister

  “You’d make a great split-leg sandwich,” a raspy voiced man whispered into Annie’s ear. Eyes wide with horror, Annie spun around to face the perpetrator. When she did, Brian was standing there with a lecherous smile bigger than his face. Annie felt herself turn red with embarrassment.

  “Oh, I should have known it was you,” she replied, with a nervous smile. “I don’t know of anyone else that would use a phrase like that for the opening line to a conversation.”

  “That’s what endears me with the masses,” he snickered, waving his hand in a kingly manner, his voice sounding positively wicked.

  “You’re absolutely right. We’d be disappointed if you underwent a personality transplant at this stage in your career,” Annie giggled. “I think you’d lose some of your followers!”

  “I believe I would,” he agreed, his tiny brown eyes twinkling with mischief. Then he bent in close to her ear. “Can we talk seriously for a minute?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Mike told me what's been going on between you two. And, to be perfectly honest, I was less than thrilled to hear about it. This is the first time our band has tried any type of promotion like this contest and I'd hate to see the good gesture it holds go down in flames because of his indiscretion. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  Annie saw the seriousness in Brian’s eyes and nodded.

  “So, I'd like to thank you in advance for having the good sense to walk away from him and not risk being disqualified. Don't get me wrong, Annie. I'd like nothing better than to give you and Mike my blessings and tell you to run off and go make babies. But right now, I can't do that. I'd like to think I can trust that you will do the right thing for your band and mine.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Annie said, wishing he’d change the subject.

  “That’s what Mike keeps telling me but I still worry,” Brian shook his head. “Look, I hate to be a hard-ass about this but the rules of the contest were clearly laid out to us before we got started in this little venture. Mike heard the same speech as the rest of us, so frankly, he should have known better.”

  “Seriously, Brian, don’t worry about it. It was a one time thing and it’s over.”

  Brian smiled broadly. “Got it out of your system?”

  “I guess you could say that,” Annie lied, struggling to maintain her composure.

  “I appreciate what you're saying but I don’t believe it for a second,” he said. “I’ve known Mike too long. He sees something he wants and he’s like a dog with a bone. So I guess we’ll see what happens. On a lighter note,” he said, sliding an arm around her waist, “I personally wanted to thank you for the dance earlier.”

  “No problem. It was fun.” Annie forced a smile on her face.

  “I’m happy to hear you say that. I was a bit concerned you might be pissed off at me. I wish I could say the same for Mike,” he said, bending in closer to her ear. “Truth be told, I did it on purpose to piss him off, so I guess I deserve his anger.”

  “I’m not sure I understand. Why would Michael be mad at you for dancing with me? It was all part of the show.”

  Brian laughed loudly. “Annie, it's like candy. Once you're told you can't eat the candy, it makes you want it all the more until eventually all you can think about is eating that damn piece of candy. Do you get my drift?”

  Annie smiled. “Brian, the only reason I’m backing away from Michael is because of the contest. Trust me, it has nothing to do with him personally. If it weren’t for this contest, well…let’s just say, all bets would be off and he and I would both be enjoying the candy.”

  Brian’s eyes sparkled. “Point taken. Maybe after the contest is over, things can be different for you two.”

  “I’m not holding my breath, but it would be nice,” Annie answered.

  Brian rubbed thoughtfully at his chin and licked his lips. “I like you, Annie, and I wish you and your band success with the contest. I really do. And after it’s over, give Mike a call.”

  Annie opened her mouth to respond but the sudden intrusion of Michael emptied her head.

  Michael grabbed Brian firmly by the shoulder. “Hey, I got a message from your wife,” he said.

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “She said, go to hell.”

  “Okay, I can take a hint,” Brian smiled then turned back toward Annie. “It was nice talking to you, Annie, and remember what I said.” As soon as he finished his sentence a reporter tugged at his sleeve.

  In a room filled to capacity with people, Annie suddenly felt alone with Michael. Everyone else around her faded into an opaque blur. Michael stared down at her, his eyes charged with life. Sweat glistened on his brow. His fingers still red and raw from the punishment they’d endured on stage. His body fidgeted with nervous energy, still pumped with the afterglow of the concert.

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Probably not, but nonetheless, I need to speak with you.”

  Annie nodded and Michael led her from the room by the hand until a security guard stopped them at the door.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he asked Michael.

  “I’m going to get something in the dressing room and I’ll be right back,” Michael answered, trying to step around the burly man.

  “Maybe I should come with you?” the guard suggested, blocking Michael’s pathway.

  Michael was a good foot shorter than the guard but still he attempted to get in the man’s face. “No thanks. I think I can handle it,” he sneered.

  “No need to get an attitude, Mike. I’m just doing my job.”

  The guard kept a cautious eye on Michael and Annie until they turned the corner at the end of the hall. Then a soft tap on his forearm distracted his vigil.

  “Could you take our picture with Brian Lofgren? A young blond groupie asked.

  The guard scowled and glanced down the hallway again.

  “Please? No one will believe we actually met him unless we have some proof,” she insisted, rubbing her ample silicone breasts against his side.

  His facial expression weakened. “Okay, but we gotta make it quick. I’m not supposed to leave the door unattended.”

  As soon as the guard stepped away, two reporters slipped out the door in the hopeful pursuit of a story line.

  Michael took Annie down a long concrete corridor, which led into a large cluttered room. A variety of couches, chairs, tables and several mirrors lined the walls. Half-eaten food and empty bottles of water and soda cans covered nearly every surface. The room looked like the aftermath from a New Year’s Eve party. In the back, Annie noticed another room with shower stalls visible through the open door. Without asking, she assumed he had taken her to one of their dressing rooms.

  Michael took a white towel off a nearby chair and plunked himself down onto a couch. Annie sat in a chair opposite him and watched as he proceeded to towel dry his face and chest.

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  Michael tossed the soiled towel to the end of the couch and leaned forward, resting his arms against his knees. Annie nervously crossed her bare legs. He studied her movements intently, as if he were seeing it play slow-motion in his mind. A mischievous grin curled his sensuous lips.

  “Anyone ever tell you that you’ve got legs from here to heaven?”

  Annie smiled. “As a matter of fact, Brian just mentioned something about me making a great split-leg sandwich,” she teased.

  “He said that to you?” Michael shook his head in mock disgust. “The guy is a pig, what can I say. I apologize for him,” he chuckled.

  “Brian is Brian and that's an entirely different conversation for another day. Right now, I'd rather hear what's on your mind. So, what did you want to talk about?”

  Michael grabbed the legs of her chair and began pulling it toward him. Annie put both her feet back onto the floor, with her knees pressed tightly together, and held on to t
he edge of the chair for stability. When he was satisfied with the closer distance, he let go of the chair and rested his fingers lightly against the tops of Annie’s bare thighs. She closed her eyes and shook off a shiver that wanted to race through her limbs.

  “I’d like to talk about us and about you and Sammy.”

  “There is no ‘us’ to talk about,” she quickly answered.

  “That’s a load of crap and you know it,” he returned.

  The sharpness in his voice took her by surprise. She leaned in closer and took his hands, cradling them in hers. She could feel the heat radiating off his smooth fingertips. Lovingly she stroked at them. “Then, what would you like to call it?”

  He smiled nervously then groaned as if he were in pain. “I really missed you this week, Annie. More than I feel comfortable admitting. And it drove me out of my mind knowing that Sammy was with you and I couldn’t be.”

  “So you’re jealous of Sammy? Is that was this is all about?” she grinned. She loved seeing his soft vulnerable side.

  “Yeah, I suppose I am.”

  “Is that why you threatened him?” she asked.

  The smile faded from his face. “He told you about that?”


  “Well, that’s not one of my proudest moments.” He shook his head in disgust. “Look, I have to ask you something and I know you don’t owe me an explanation and I certainly don’t have the right to ask you either, but I need to hear your answer.”

  “Okay. Ask me.”

  “Are you and Sammy together?”

  Annie couldn’t help but smile. “You want to know if we’re dating?”

  “Yeah, whatever you want to call it,” he replied, sitting back against the couch.

  “Would it bother you if we were?”

  “Yes, and I think we’ve already established that.”


  He stared at her quizzically and ran his fingers through his damp hair. Then he opened his mouth to speak but stopped before the words spilled from his mouth.

  Annie shook her head and glanced toward the door. “If you don’t want to talk then I should get back to the press room before someone notices we’re gone.”

  “It’s not that.”

  “Then what is it? I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you to tell me how you feel. You didn’t seem to have any trouble the other night.”

  “That was different,” he replied quickly.

  “How so?”

  “Because it was in the heat of the moment.”

  “So what are you saying? Didn't you mean any of it?”

  Annie's face was turning red with anger and Michael knew he was on thin ice. He dropped his head to his lap and leaned toward her. “I meant every word I said,” he answered in a whispered tone.

  “Then why is it so hard for you to talk about it now?” Annie was losing her patience fast.

  “I don’t know. I’ve always been a man of few words. I express myself best through my music. I’ve been accused of hiding behind my guitars for years,” he said, forcing a smile and trying to make light of a situation he was clearly uncomfortable with.

  Annie pulled away. “Okay, fine,” she sighed heavily. “I'm not going to sit here and argue about what you feel or don't feel. How about I answer your question about Sammy and then I'll tell you how I feel and we can be done with this conversation,” she said, agitated.

  She folded her hands in her lap. “You’ll be happy to know, Sammy and I are not dating; although he did ask me, but I declined his offer. We’re just friends.” Annie met his eyes and felt hers begin to fill with tears. “I told him I couldn’t date him or anyone else because I’m…in love…with you.” She blinked and felt the tears spill from her eyes. “I’m sorry, and I’m sure that’s probably the last thing you want to hear right now because it complicates everything. But, it’s the truth.” she said, rubbing at her cheeks. Michael’s smile was brilliant, his eyes danced with life, and she melted.

  “You’re not mad?” she sniffed.

  “Mad? Why would I be mad?” he said, his smile never diminishing.

  “Then how does it make you feel to hear me say that?”


  Annie skewed her face. “Wow. That’s not the response I was hoping for at all.”

  He leaned forward and set his hands on the tops of her thighs and then slid them under her leather skirt. “Come here,” he said, pulling her out of her chair and onto his lap. Her legs naturally parted as she straddled his groin. Immediately, his mouth went to her throat. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  He slid her skirt up toward her hips and kissed her.

  Annie pulled away. “This isn’t a good idea, Michael.”


  Annie rolled her eyes. “Because we’re not supposed to be together. Remember?”

  “Say’s who?” he teased, kissing her throat again.

  “You. Brian. Your management. The list goes on and on.”

  His mouth found hers. “Do you always do what people tell you to do?”

  She kissed him back and sighed. “Most of the time, but when it comes to you, I’m obviously very weak.”

  “I’m glad,” he grinned, his lips reaching for hers.

  Annie squirmed in his lap. “Seriously, I can’t do this.”

  Michael fell back against the couch and cocked his head, gazing at her. “I’m not sure what you want me to say, Annie,” he said confused by her reaction.

  Nervously she turned back toward the door and attempted to slide off his lap but he stopped her. Her eyes rose and met his. “And I can’t believe you don’t know what I want to hear,” she said.

  He ran his fingers through her hair, his eyes never leaving hers. He looked hurt and worried.

  Annie bent in and pressed her forehead against his.

  “Michael, I really need to know if I’m feeling something you’re not,” she whispered breathless, against his cheek. She could feel his fingers slip beneath her satin panties and begin to knead the soft flesh of her bottom. She closed her eyes trying desperately to stop the warm rush of excitement racing through her body. “Please,” she wiggled in his lap. “I’m too emotionally involved in this now. I really have to know what you’re feeling,” she sighed, squeezing her eyes tighter.

  “Isn’t it obvious how I feel?” he answered, grinding her against his groin.

  Annie slumped in his arms, dejected, her anger raising. “Michael, the only thing the hard-on in your pants is telling me is that you want to have sex. Actually, it’s screaming that fact to me. Is that all this is about for you - getting yourself laid? If that’s the case then let me leave this room now while I still have some dignity left.”

  “Annie, don't talk like that ,” he answered quietly. “That's not what this is about and you know it. If I wanted to get myself laid then I'm sure there's a couple of girls back in the press room that would be more than willing to do the job. But I'm not out there, am I? I'm in here with you.”

  Annie squirmed, frustrated, in his lap. “Then for God’s sake, tell me how you feel. I want to know if I’m in your head,” she sighed, kissing his forehead. Then she dragged her tongue down to his neck and gently sucked the salty skin. “I want to know if I’m in your heart,” she continued, while pushing her hand beneath his shirt and cupping a firm pectoral muscle above the heavy thump in his chest.

  A slow groan came from Michael’s mouth when her fingers drifted downward onto his muscled stomach. Then she raked her hands through his long wavy-hair, clamped her fingers tight and jerked his head back against the couch. Her tongue left his neck, proceeded beneath his jaw line, then up onto his open mouth. Michael was speechless and his body ached for more.

  “I want to know if you think of me at night before you fall asleep.” she stated, “and if being without me drives you as crazy as being with me.”

  Annie pushed the hair off his forehead and stared deeply into his lustful eyes. “I’m not asking for much,” she w
hispered in a soulful tone. “But I need to know if this is another one-sided relationship for me, because if it is, I really don’t have the strength for it. Be honest with me. That’s all I’m asking.”

  He slid her off his lap and carefully laid her back against the couch cushions. In one swift movement, he pulled his shirt over his head, and began to creep up her body until his face was hovering over hers. His long necklaces swung back and forth above her breasts like a hypnotic pendulum. His eyes bore into her, as if trying to say the words he hadn’t the strength nor the courage to vocalize himself.

  Slowly, he pressed himself against her body, resting his weight on his forearms. Thoughtfully, he studied her face. “Annie, the other night when you said you could fall really hard for me, I was feeling the same way about you. It was as if you had read my mind.”

  Annie reached up and stroked at his face, tears biting at her eyes. “And what about now, Michael? How do you feel today? No games, it’s just you and me here,” she replied.

  Tenderly, he kissed her cheek and lingered, teasing her skin with his tongue. “I want you so much it physically hurts to the point of insanity. When I see you across the room, I’m overcome with thoughts of kissing you, the taste of your mouth, the way your skin feels and smells.”

  He pressed his mouth against her throat. His breath was hot and moist. “You consume my thoughts, Annie. There is nothing else in my brain these days except you. All I can think about is having you in my bed and being deep inside you. And, I'm afraid, if you don't let me inside right now I'm going to lose my mind. Is that what you want to hear?” he asked, as his fingers slid down past the front elastic waistband of her panties.

  She felt his fingers drifting lower and then disappear into the depth of her wetness. Nervous she was about to lose control, she squirmed beneath his body.

  “Those are beautiful thoughts, Michael,” she sighed. “It almost sounds as if you could be in love.” She reached out and pushed the hair out of his face so she could see his eyes. “Do you think that could be possible? Are you in love?”

  He was busy unfastening the button of his waistband and pulling down the zipper of his pants when he heard her question and froze. He opened his mouth to speak and paused. The silence in the room was overwhelming. Then he cleared his throat and tried again.


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