Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story

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Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story Page 24

by Ann Lister

  “Michael, there’s something I forgot to tell you last night,” she sighed.

  “Oh shit. Here it comes,” he replied, stepping back to sit on the edge of the bed. “That’s a statement no man likes to hear.”

  “I signed contracts a couple of months ago to join the band, Lace. Have you ever heard of them?”

  “Lace? You joined Lace?” he asked with relief. “That’s fantastic! We used Lace as an opening act for one of our tours several years ago.”

  “Then you must know Taylor and Lacey.”

  Taylor and Lacey Sheridan. At first, Michael had forgotten the connection, until he heard the names spoken aloud. Then his memory became clear. Taylor and Lacey were first cousins, played and sung better than most bands he knew, and both were gorgeous in different ways. Taylor was an exotic beauty with deep dark features and the skin the color of cinnamon. Toe to toe, she stood a good two inches taller than Michael. Lacey was the epitome of a California beach babe with long, honey blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a pair of sun-kissed legs that could make grown men weep.

  Michael remembered the first night they met. Brian stumbled into Michael’s hotel suite, with Lacey on one arm, and Taylor hanging off the other. He also remembered the sex that soon followed. Brian ended up with Taylor while he was with Lacey. For Brian, it was another one night stand. But, Michael and Lacey continued to see each other for most of the following year. Nothing serious, just two road-lonely people needing to be with someone when it was convenient. Soon enough, their touring bands took them in different directions and their relationship ended. No broken hearts and no regrets.

  “Michael, did you hear me?” Annie asked, trying to get his attention.

  Nervously, he glanced up at her, wondering if he should mention his affair with Lacey. “I’m sorry. What was your question?”

  “I asked if you knew Taylor and Lacey?”

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Did you like them? Were they easy to get along with?” she asked, sitting on the bed beside him. “I’m a little nervous about working with them, since they have so much road experience. While I, on the other hand, have none.”

  Easy to get along with, he pondered. Man, if she only knew. Part of him wanted to explain their connection. A bigger piece thought differently. What had it been, five, six years since he had last seen Lacey? Maybe she wouldn’t remember their affair and Annie would never have to know. Then again, if he could remember, Lacey certainly could too.

  “Did you mention to them that you knew me?” he asked, cautiously.

  “Hell no! I wanted to get the job on my own merits, without dropping any names, especially your name!”

  “You say that like my name is a curse.”

  Annie laughed and quickly pushed him onto his back, his arms pinned above his head, and straddled his hips. “Not a curse, Michael. But your name is just too big in this business.” She wriggled into position again. “And, that’s not the only part of you that is big.”

  He closed his eyes and moaned. Perhaps another time would be better to tell Annie about Lacey. Maybe tomorrow.

  It was almost eleven in the morning when they finally woke from another sex-induced slumber. Michael’s eyes glanced at the clock on the bedside table and squinted to bring the blurry numbers into focus. It was getting late and he couldn’t remember what time Brian said they needed to be back at the FleetCenter for their meeting with the press.

  “Do you already have plans for tonight?” he asked pensively, rolling over behind her in bed.

  “No, just heading back to the Vineyard. Why?”

  “Would you consider going to the press party with me tonight?”

  “I guess I could. But I’d have to call my girlfriend first.”

  “I don’t suppose you packed a semi-formal dress in the backpack you brought with you?”

  “No, why? Is this a formal event?”

  “Afraid so. Thankfully, we don’t have too many of them, but this one is. That’s okay. It will give me an excuse to take you shopping this afternoon.”

  “You don’t have to buy me a dress.”

  “Do you want to go with me tonight?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Then I’m buying you a dress to wear. If you don’t mind, I’d like to introduce you to everyone tonight. Would that be okay?”

  “Sure, that would be fine,” she shrugged, slipping out of bed and making her way toward the bathroom.

  “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  Annie spun around with hands on hips. “Michael, take a look at this room! There is enough of your DNA spread around here and all over me for scientists to clone six of you. I think I’m in desperate need of a shower.”

  He came up behind her and grabbed her around her waist. “I specifically remember a certain someone begging me not to hold back on her last night. I was just following orders,” he smiled against her neck and biting her earlobe.

  “Oh, so now I was begging for it,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  Annie stepped beneath the warm shower spray and Michael quickly slid in behind her. Reaching for a bar of soap and a wash cloth, he began to bathe her, slow and seductively. Within minutes, he had her chest pressed against the tiled wall.

  “Oh no, Michael, not in the shower,” she sighed, in mock disgust, as she felt him penetrate her again.

  An hour later they were almost ready to leave. Annie was still munching on the fresh fruit platter that room service had delivered while they were still in the shower.

  “I’m going next door to talk with Brian,” Michael called from the doorway. “I need to double check the time we need to meet at the FleetCenter tonight.”

  “Go ahead,” she replied. “I’ll be there in a minute. I want to call my friend first and let her know what I’m doing.”

  Michael tapped on the open door to Brian’s suite and walked in before hearing a reply. Brian and the other three band members sat around large round breakfast table that room service had delivered.

  “Did someone call a band meeting and forget to tell me about it?” Michael asked.

  “Well, well, well. Here’s the moody bastard now,” Brian taunted, giving his friend a quick once-over glance.

  “Do I detect a hint of a smile on your ugly mug?” John the drummer teased.

  “Yeah, and the sweet scent of pussy,” remarked the bass player.

  “I hope that means Annie stayed last night?” Brian added, taking a gulp of his black coffee.

  “As a matter of fact, she did,” Michael answered with a smug nonchalant smile.

  “All right!” all four men cheered and clapped hands as if at a rowdy football game. “Does this mean you'll actually play that guitar tonight instead of beating on it for two hours?”

  “Yeah, well, at least I know how to play mine,” Michael laughed. “Listen, I stopped in to see what time we need to be at the FleetCenter tonight,” he asked, ignoring their continued line of questioning.

  “Management expects to see us there around six o’clock. Why? Are you and Annie taking off?” Brian asked, shoveling more food into his face.

  “I’m taking her shopping for a dress to wear tonight.”

  “Oooh! It must be love,” Brian sneered, while the others continued to snicker and chuckle in the background.

  When the laughter died down, Brian got serious. “Take her to my sister-in-law’s shop on Newbury Street. Barbara shops there all the time. For the money she spends there, I should own the God-damned place!”

  “Okay, I’ll do that,” Michael agreed. “Also, I want to do the new song tonight with the orchestra playing back-up. I think we’re ready to debut it, and tonight would be the perfect time with all the ‘suits’ in attendance to hear it.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Brian blurted. “Where do you think we’re going to come up with an orchestra last minute?”

  “We’re in Boston, for Christ sakes! This city is swim
ming with musicians. I’ll have it arranged by show time. You guys just be ready. We’ll play it for our last encore. Okay?”

  Michael stared at his band mates as they continued to fill their faces, ignoring his request. “I wrote the song for Annie,” he said, his voice genuine and sincere. “I’d really like her to hear it tonight.”

  It was as if he was invisible to them. Agitated, he shifted his weight and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Sometimes he hated the politics in the band. But mostly, he hated to grovel.

  “It would mean a lot to me,” he pleaded.

  Brian’s eyes locked with Michael’s and he smiled. “Well, since you put it that way, we’ll do it. You guys got a problem with that?”

  Everyone nodded in agreement, without raising their heads from their breakfast plates.

  “Great,” Michael answered. “I’ll call Andy and have him make the necessary arrangements.”

  “Michael?” Annie’s soft voice called from the hallway.

  “I’m in here, babe.”

  As Annie walked in, the conversation stopped. Nervously, she walked directly to Michael’s side. In a protective gesture, he extended an arm and pulled her against his body.

  “You guys all remember Annie, don’t you?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, good morning or is it afternoon?” John joked, while the others waved.

  “My, my, don’t we look ravaged - I mean ravishing this morning,” Brian chuckled like an adolescent school boy. “Would you like to join us for breakfast or have you already been eating this morning?” Again the room broke into an outburst of lewd laughter.

  “All right, we’re out of here,” Michael replied, trying to hide the smile on his face.

  “Hey, lover boy,” Brian called after Michael, a long piece of bacon dangling suggestively from his mouth.

  Michael turned around to face his band mates. “What?”

  “Don’t even think of blowing off the party tonight or I’ll personally hunt you down like a dog. The limo is picking us up here at quarter of six. It would be nice if we could all head over together as a band. Know what I’m saying?”

  “I hear you,” Michael replied.

  Annie was in the bathroom applying the finishing touches to her make-up when Michael answered the knock on their penthouse door. She figured it was probably Brian or one of the other band members and ignored the interruption. When her job was completed, she studied her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were still flushed from their afternoon lovemaking and warm to the touch, the thoughts of which, made her knees weak. Being with Michael felt so right, she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. Nor did she want to. She was so helplessly in love with him, it made her positively glow.

  Michael waited on the edge of the bed for Annie to come out of the bathroom, a jewelry box the jeweler had personally delivered to the room was resting in his hands. When she appeared in the doorway, it took his breath away. He felt his jaw go slack, as he took in her beauty.

  The deep plum-colored dress they had bought earlier was tight and short, displaying her long tapered legs, and narrow waist. The neckline was just low enough to give the eye a hint of cleavage, without exposing too much. Charcoal stockings and three-inch heels completed the ensemble. She looked stunning.

  “Well, what do you think?” Annie asked nervously, twirling around quickly for him.

  A slow deliberate smile crept across his face. “I’m thinking we should stay here at the hotel so I can peel that dress off your body.”

  Annie placed her hands on her hips. “Michael,” she sighed. “I didn’t spend the last hour getting into this dress so that you could immediately take it back off!”

  “I know. I know. I’m kidding. Besides, it will give me something to look forward to later,” he teased.

  She reached out in an effort to playfully slap him and he grabbed her by the wrist. “Come here. I have something for you,” he said, pulling her gently into his lap and handing her the long rectangular jewelry box.

  Annie took the package and glanced at his eyes. “What is this?” she asked quietly.

  “Open it and see,” he smiled.

  Annie slowly lifted the lid and gasped loudly, her hands instantly began to tremble. Inside the box was a sparkling diamond necklace with a one and a half carat, pear-shaped stone with three round quarter-carat stones clustered above, white gold setting and a sixteen-inch chain. Displayed in the center of the box were matching diamond earrings, three-quarter carats each; pear-shaped stones in drop settings.

  “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you…” and then her tears came, as she buried her face into the sanctuary of his neck.

  “I didn’t spend eight grand to make you cry!” he joked. “I just figured you’d need something to wear with the dress.”

  “Eight thousand dollars? Michael, this is too much. I can't accept this,” Annie replied, closing the box.

  “Sweetheart, I picked these out specially for you. Please, I want you to have them,” he said, nudging the box back at her.

  “No one has ever given me anything this nice,” she replied, glancing back at the jewelry, and placing a hand on her chest. “They’re absolutely beautiful,” she sighed.

  “Just like you,” he answered, his voice low and provocative.

  She felt his voice vibrate in her chest and raised her eyes up to meet his. The weight of their gaze felt enormously powerful at that moment, as it pulsed between their bodies. She could feel his breath, short and heavy, washing over her lips, taunting all the nerve endings in her body. Her chest began to quickly rise and fall. Their eyes never broke their connection, as the heat continued to mount. Then his mouth reached for hers. She wrapped her fingers tightly around his smooth neck and squeezed, as she succumbed to the passion. Her entire body began to ache for attention. Regrettably, she broke their kiss and pressed her face against his cheek, panting softly.

  Michael groaned in disappointment that her mouth was suddenly gone from his. “I swear, you could make me come just by kissing me,” he sighed, with a hint of levity in his statement.

  Annie sat back and studied the longing in his face, as her fingers thoughtfully traced the outline of his lips and chin. Seductively, Michael sucked one of her fingers inside the warmth of his mouth, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. Again, her breath came in short bursts. Her eyes reflected the deep and intimate connection they were both feeling.

  “Do you think it will always be like this between us?” she sighed breathless, almost unable to speak in a complete sentence.

  “No, I suspect it will only intensify as the years pass,” he replied, speaking around the finger that remained in his mouth.

  “Do you see us growing old together?” she asked, with a hopeful tone.

  He smiled and lightly kissed her fingers. “Very old.”

  Annie returned his smile as her eyes began to mist with emotion.

  “I think we better get going before I have to change my pants,” he chuckled. “Let me put the necklace on for you,” he suggested, removing it from the box.

  With the diamonds safely secured around her neck and on her ears, Annie took a minute to admire them in the bedroom mirror. Michael came up behind her and slid his arm around her slender waist, resting his chin on top of her shoulder. He pushed her silken hair off the back of her neck and found a soft spot behind her ear to kiss.

  Annie spun around to face him. “Thank you, so much,” she whispered, cautiously touching the jewels with her fingers. “I love them.”

  “More than me?”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible,” she laughed.

  They met Brian and his wife in the hallway. The look on both their faces clearly stated the obvious, that Annie was a total knockout. Barbara noticed the jewelry dangling around Annie’s neck first.

  “Wow! Looks like someone got extra lucky today,” she squealed. “I didn't know you had such good taste, Michael.”

  Annie blushed and touched her neck again. “Yes, he is amazing,”
she quietly replied. Michael squeezed her hand and smiled knowingly at her.

  “No, you’re amazing, Annie,” Brian stated sincerely, and kissed her on the cheek. “And God knows, he doesn’t deserve you, but…”

  “All right, enough of the sentiments,” Michael interrupted, stepping into the elevator.

  In the limousine, Annie sat beside Michael and across from Brian and his wife. Even though the elongated vehicle had the seating capacity for twelve, it was still cramped with all five band members and their spouses. One by one, Michael officially introduced Annie to the few remaining wives she hadn’t yet met. With every second that passed, the reality of the situation overwhelmed her, and caused her to cling tighter to Michael.

  “Are you nervous?” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

  She nodded. “Why? Aren’t you?”

  Michael laughed. “Hardly. The mystery of this was lost on me a long time ago. It’s a job. A job that I love but, none the less, it’s a job.”

  His eyes drifted around the car and settled onto Brian, who was lecherously scanning the length of Annie’s exposed legs. “Hey, watch your eyes, Lofgren! You might want to keep it above the shoulders,” he warned.

  Brian shamelessly grinned and looked over at his wife. “What can I say?” he shrugged ambivalently, trying to deflect his wife’s angry glare. “She’s got gorgeous legs.”

  “Oh, and mine aren’t?” Barbara snapped back playfully.

  “I didn’t say that,” Brian defended, patting his wife’s thigh.

  “Yeah, nice try,” she scolded in mock disgust, as she removed his hand from her leg.

  The car came to a stop in front of the FleetCenter. Slowly, the occupants spilled onto the crowded sidewalk, their eyes disappearing behind dark sunglasses. Camera flashes illuminated the late afternoon sky, almost at the speed of a strobe light. Annie concealed her face behind Michael’s arm, as he gently tugged her past the squealing fans. Brian stopped and signed a few quick autographs, while the others moved into the building. On another night, Michael might have stayed with Brian. But, judging by the grip Annie had on his hand, he thought it best to get her inside tonight.

  Backstage was a beehive of activity, more so than usual. It was the end of another long tour, which always brought an extra air of celebration to the event. That feeling was even greater with this tour, since everyone was feeling the need for a lengthy break, especially Michael. With Annie back by his side, all he wanted to do was drop into obscurity and surround himself with nothing but her.


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