On the Flights

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On the Flights Page 13

by Ellen Hutton

  “Shussh” … I told her. “Just enjoy the moment” I said. She nodded and smiled. Oh that gracious beautiful smile that always sets my heart racing. She was mine and mine alone forever now. I would do anything to protect her. She was my treasure and I loved her so much. I held my shaft and directed it slowly toward her orifice. She moaned as the head touched her lips. I smeared her own juice on her pussy with my dick for a second or two, creating enough anticipation before sliding in. Oh it was a perfect fit once more. Only this time there was enough time on our hands. My dick was obviously bigger than it had ever been. The blood flowing through my system was not comparable to any other time. This woman had changed the entire chemistry in my body. Every cell in my body was reacting differently. My senses were alert, every part of me was functioning, and in the right way too.

  The next thrust was deep, followed by another and another again, slow and steady, taking my time, feeling the edges of her pussy and allowing myself savor the pleasure of her insides. Despite the wetness, it gripped my member like it would never let it go. And then the thrusts became faster. I was pounding her now. My waist moved quickly, yet rhythmically. I was on top of the world with each dip of my cock inside her.

  Her pussy was so sweet that I knew I would not last very long in this first round. I just had to hold it long enough. So, I reduced my pace and hit pound her from different directions. She moaned in pleasure as I continued to pound deep into her. I knew it was time. The feeling was too much for me. I felt the warm, thick substance rising from my testicles up through my shaft and I could not hold back anymore. It was nearly the time. Oh my… It was… God, it felt so good as I shrieked and shook, unable to keep my position as my liquid spurt out rapidly, surely enough to get her pregnant nine times if it was possible. God, it had been so long and I had the woman who was also shaking beneath me in her own rush of orgasm. She had cum the second time, just in time as I did. The sex had taken very much from me and I fell on the bed, supporting myself with my hands.

  But it was not over. I just had to catch my breath first. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled tiredly. She was definitely satisfied, and rolled on top me, immediately falling asleep as our skins met. I knew then that it was time for me to have my rest also. My woman was sleeping peacefully, and that thought was good enough for me to drift into a world of my own dreams with her by my side and in my dreams as always. Truly, there was no taboo in love.

  Bonus Story: Bright and Red

  Miranda Anderson is on the verge of falling off from the corners of the world after discovering that her fiancé had been cheating on her and even has a kid. Her best friend is there to help her in this trying time and put her back in the market. She goes on a search for something new after burning her past and scattering the ashes. On this journey into getting her life back, she meets Kyle, who has loved her from when they were little, even if they never really took it beyond platonic. But now the skies are open and the birds of love can fly. It has been two years since she last saw him and the question remains if the feelings he once had for her are still burning bright and red.

  Chapter 1

  Nate was perfect. The most perfect gentleman in the entire world. I guess when people seem too good to be true, they usually are. I actually did love him and this was what made it more painful. I could feel my heart beating faster, thumping at my chest, pounding my ribs with so much ferocity and inspired rage. I think back at how wonderfully well things were going before the vicissitude that had left me in such sorry state. My life was bright as roses at noon day. My work mates were envious and some even jealous. I wore a smile that turned a cold snowy night to a bright summer afternoon. Nate and I were the perfect example of love... or at least how it should be.

  I used to have exasperating daydreams and reveries of a perfect honeymoon with the love of my life, under the duvet while the snow peeked from the windows. The icy snow melting by heat of our passion, the sweet words he would say into my ears after filling me up for the first time while I squeezed the edges of the bed in unrivalled ecstasy. All gone! All gone, in just a twinkle of an eye! Poof!

  Another beep sound rattled my ears and disturbed my stream of thoughts; well, it was more like a conjuring ocean of thoughts. I guess the earlier dozen messages would already be over a hundred now. Nice heartwarming compositions from friends who wanted to make me feel better, emotional ones from my girlfriends and close buddies, and most especially, a million apology messages from Nate. I knew too well not to check or read any of them. The reason simply was that I knew that I still felt something for Nate. I mean, how could I not? This was a man that I had loved for two years─ two years that appeared like the entirety of my life; a man that I had given my world to and put my heart in his hands; a man that knew everything about me... my fears, my likes, my weaknesses, my lies, my secrets; a man I thought I knew; a man I once wished to spend the rest of my life with.

  It is an uncanny feeling that comes with a sudden rush of despair when you discover that the last two years of your life have been a lie; a fairytale love story; a far contrast from reality; a damning reverie; a thirsty desert walker's mirage; a fallacy withal.

  I wrapped my arms around me and took a look at Eunice. She prepared wood for a fire on the hearth. I had begged her to get me out of Uncle Richard's house and bring me to her home, because I feared Nate would manage his way to see me. I was not ready to hear the sound of his voice. It would break me beyond repair. Apart from Eunice, only no one knew where I was. I thought Ice cream would do the trick, but it only made my cold heart grow colder.

  This unfortunate turn of events took my mind back to Kyle. He always did love me, and I him, even if we never talked about it. I had gotten a call from him recently. He sounded well. He sounded lovely. I had not seen him inn nearly three years. Kyle was nice as always. I thought about calling him. Probably his voice would calm me, even if he did not know. I knocked the though back out of my mind. A lovely guy he was, but I was not ready to move on yet. I needed to find balance and stability, clear my mind and rationalize my thoughts.

  The fire came up wildly, making Eunice jump back and chuckle. It immediately gave the room a snug feel. Eunice rubbed her hands together near the fire and then got on her feet. I watched as she took off her scarf and threw it to collide with her brown lady hat. Next, she took off her coat and playfully threw it at me. She always did that to cheer me up... throwing her things at me. I displayed a wry smile and walk to meet her beside the fire, taking my seat on one of the two chairs strategically placed near the fire place.

  "Cozy, huh?" She wriggled her body and fell in her chair.

  "Yes, it is really cozy. Thank you for doing this." I smiled at her, genuinely.

  "Come on... You know I did not do anything. I only agreed to get you here because I needed company," she winked at me.

  "Selfish witch!" I joked.

  "You see? You are getting better already. A few more days and you would be back to your normal self,"

  What was my normal self exactly? I wondered.

  "I feel empty," I said, watching the hard wood burn under the glowing fire.

  "You shouldn't. In fact you should be happy that you could get out of it before it got too far. What if you got to discover he had a kid six years into your relationship and possibly, marriage?"

  She had a point.

  "Yes. But at least everybody would not have witnessed my shame like that. That party was the grandest public humiliation in America." I grimaced.

  She smirked, knowing that I had indeed considered the angles.

  We remained silent.

  “You know, sometimes I just think that maybe if I had not planned that surprise party for Nate, things would still be the way they were. I cannot believe I humiliated myself like that in front of his friends and mine.” I whispered as I remembered the events of the previous day.

  It was Nate’s birthday and I thought I would surprise him with a party at the place that he least expect
ed… his house. I had a spare key that he did not know about, so getting in was not going to be a problem. I invited my friends and some of his and we all agreed to meet at his house. That day, I called him to make sure he was somewhere else and immediately began preparations. I also told him that I had to leave town for something very urgent and he sounded very sad that I would not celebrate his birthday with him. The plan was in motion. I watched through the window and the moment I saw his car approaching, we all took position and waited for him to open the door.

  “Surprise!” we screamed just as the door pushed open.

  Ironically, we were the surprised ones, as he walked in with a woman and a kid. His jaw dropped.

  And just then, the kid looked up and said “Daddy, are we having a party?”

  I had never been that mortified in my life as I tried to process it all in my mind.

  Chapter 2

  It was a tough, biting weather outside. The windows were white with snow and the ice fog made quiet noises on the door. The cold winter wind wheezed through every key hole, announcing the arrival of Christmas. Christmas was coming, and the only thing I could think of asking Santa for was a perfect ending... or at least some joy for a start; and quickly too. At this point, I wished Santa was real. But then again, if wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

  The marshy sounds of people trudging in the snow slipped in through the wall. It was almost like daylight outside, considering the amount of movement that still went on. Everybody was busy, getting one thing or the other. It appeared I was the least prepared for the Yuletide. Nate and I had planned to celebrate Christmas in Paris─ The city of love, together. It was supposed to be the most blissful Christmas for us; a memorable one, with lots of pictures and memories and happy stories.

  I glanced at Eunice. She looked like she had something on her mind. I had known her long enough to be able to tell when something bothered her. She wanted to talk... She usually did random things whenever she felt like saying something heavy─ a critical decision she made, a relationship that ended because of her; or someone died. Right now I was wearing three layers of clothing, but Eunice seemed comfortable unlacing her boots. She did this very slowly, and I could spot the randomness about it. She wore a puffy vest and ankle boots with thick socks and some foam lining. Then as expected, she started to talk.

  "I spoke with George today," her voice was low but precise.

  "Ha! So mama finally wants to give papa some cookie?" I giggled, rolling my eyes and whistling.

  "I guess. But I told him that I want it to be special. I just don't want to do it because he asked for it. I want to do it because the both of us feel pulled by the forces of sexual attraction to uhm..." she started to snigger. Her face turned bright red under the shadow of the now declining fire. It had found a rhythm, and started to burn gently, latching at the hard wood ever so melodiously, making crackling sounds that only a fire and wood romance could produce.

  Her new boyfriend, George, was a chump, but she loved him. He asked for sex a week ago but she declined. They had not talked since then, and it's quite surprising that she's the one who called him. But then again, it's Eunice. I had learnt to expect the unexpected with her. If Eunice was in my position, she was the type to get back with Nate in less than two weeks after he had apologized. It was only a matter of time. She seemed to have a very forgiving spirit when it came to her boyfriends.

  "Why pick them in the first place if you can't forgive them when they go wrong?" She would say.

  It was even a bigger surprise that she had not asked me to reconsider Nate, albeit jokingly.

  "Well, what can I say? If you feel comfortable doing it, then you should." I knew that was what she wanted to hear me say, so I did. Not like I had anything different to say, though─ Relationship advice coming from a girl who could not stop herself from getting burnt by the fire that her own love had created. Pathetic!

  She smiled. Our relationship worked like this most of the time. When we had already made our decision, we still talked to the other and sought approval… just a friendly reassurance that we got each other backs, however the decision turned out.

  "So, about Nate… are you planning on replying any of his messages?"

  Sigh... Here we go. I beamed with reprove, but I answered anyway.

  "Honestly, no. I don’t think I ever want to reply any of his messages. I can't believe you would even go there."

  "Hey, hey, you know me. I like seeing all the angles. You know I have never been a real fan of Nate."

  "Yes. You always thought Kyle was better."

  "You can't blame me, girl. The guy's a real charmer. Plus he is caring. And you can trust him."

  "Yeah… I thought I could trust Nate too. Look how that turned out."

  "Kyle has always been there for you. And whenever you need him most, he just haply happens to be around the corner… even when he wasn't really nearby."

  "I know, right? Wonderful guy he is."

  "You could give him a real chance sometime, though, you know."

  "He has not ever gotten serious with me. There has always been a connection... but never that near intimate moment. Not once. Well, maybe one time."

  "There you go... You see? Tell me about it,"

  "It was Christmas, and we were all having eggnogs."

  I hated eggnogs. But it was tradition at Uncle Richard’s house to have an eggnogs feast on the twenty fifth. Eunice was beginning to laugh. She could remember how much I always frowned… squeezing my oval face when eggnogs feast was approaching. When the doctor advised that Uncle Richard turn down his raw eggs intake, I was relieved since I knew that marked the end of a mandatory eggnogs feast, even if I felt bad for Uncle Richard. Father and mother always loved to spend Christmas at Uncle Richard’s house. He simply knew how to bring out the Christmas miracles.

  "Something was off about the eggnogs that year. Kyle had come over for Christmas and was standing in front of me. I took the first sip from my cup and spurted it all over Kyle's face."

  "Ha-ha ha-ha," she laughed.

  "He got so furious that he jumped on me and pushed me to the ground,"


  "Yeah... it was one weird awkward moment when he was on top of me on all fours while I lay on the cold floor."

  "Woops... Did you kiss?" she smirked and rolled her eyes.

  "Get out of here." I was laughing really hard now. Eunice had successfully transformed my mood. I was grateful to her.

  Chapter 3

  "I hate the snow," Eunice groaned as we walked down the snow covered street.

  She was clothed in mitten gloves, insulated leather boots, winter socks, ear muffs, a scarf and a hat. Her trim body adorned a fitted blue sweater with the collar popped out stylishly beneath her cropped blazer. Sigh! Not that I was looking any better but she looked like Snowy the Snowman with all the snowflakes that hanged all over her.

  Cold smoke exited our mouths as we talked. The snow seemed to get heavier in the evenings.

  "I am not even sure if he has a girlfriend or not. What if he has one─ probably a cute fleshy brunette chic with an elaborate persona?"

  I blew more cold smoke from my mouth into my hands and rubbed my glove covered palms together.

  Eunice giggled. My responding chuckle sounded more like a titter.

  "I don't think he has one. If he did, he won't be here drooling over you."

  "He is not drooling; he is just being a good friend. Besides, I have not even seen him in so long."

  She sighed and shook her head.

  “I sure know he fancies you, and you like him more than the two of you are willing to admit. You have gotten so much close… as friends, that you simply cannot fathom the both of you being romantically involved. I would give anything for the kind of commitment he shows towards you.”

  There was a pile of logs around the corner, buried in more than fifteen inches of snow. We walked towards it and sat, not minding the ice la
yers atop it. It greeted our asses with utmost frozen delight. Ah! Heaven!

  “Well, I guess we will just have to wait and see how things turn out,” I replied after we took our seats.

  Everybody seemed to be getting ready for Christmas. I could see people dragging small trees they had got for the Yuletide; families did their shopping and offloaded all they had bought into their various houses. I did not even have a Christmas tree, or new lights for decorations. Some kids stood under a withered tree, holding hands and listened to a fellow in leather pants and red hat. He appeared to be telling tales about the Santa's dwarfs then something about gingerbread man or some other nonexistent Christmas fallacy. The kids listened in awe and together screamed joyfully when he was done.

  "More... More... More...." they chorused.

  Then the lanky looking man rubbed his fingers together and the kids eagerly brought whatever money they had on them and dropped it in his little brown bag. I could not believe he was actually extorting these kids over some nine hundred thousand years old stories.


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