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Panahasi Page 15

by Lynn Hagen

  It was an assurance Panahasi wasn’t willing to bet his life on. Everyone had a price. He had learned that millennia ago. It may not be monetary, but everyone had something they were willing to bargain for.

  “And Kobe?”

  “He was out on patrol,” Donny said. “I didn’t think to check on him.”

  The stricken look on Donnchadh’s face told Panahasi that if anything happened to the newest demon warrior, Donny would blame himself. Donny wasn’t Kobe’s keeper, even if he was the one who had showed Kobe how things worked in Serenity City.

  Panahasi trained each warrior when they joined, but each new warrior had been assigned a seasoned warrior to show him the ropes. In the beginning, it was Panahasi. But as time went on, the task fell to those who had been on patrol the longest. It helped form a bond between the men, a bond that was necessary if they were to have each other’s backs. They were a tight-knit group, relying on each other to keep the city safe, and each other.

  There were things out there that were so deadly that it required more than one demon to handle. Panahasi had insisted these men become the deepest of brethren and made sure of that by pairing them up with each other. They didn’t always have the same partner, though, but friendships had formed, and bonds had been forged.

  “I want you men to pair up. No one searches on his own. Scour the city and the outer cities as well.” They couldn’t have just disappeared. At least, Panahasi prayed they didn’t. With Jaden focusing on Panahasi’s mates, there was no telling what the creature was up to. Death was his designation, and he was damn good at what he did.

  But Panahasi would know if one of his warriors was dead. He would feel the severed bond. He hadn’t felt anything as far as the demon warriors were concerned, so he knew they were alive. He just didn’t know where.

  “I want you men to stay together,” Panahasi said to the mates. “Don’t leave anyone alone.”

  “Will do,” Chris said. “Come on, Kamiko. I was in the middle of a horror movie marathon. You can keep me company while I freak out.”

  Despite the gravity of the situation, Panahasi smiled. Chris had been around the demon warriors for over a hundred years. The man was very unique. He wasn’t sure how Hondo handled his mate, and was glad his weren’t that…strange.

  Once the mates left, Panahasi headed toward his bedroom. The need to have his mates in his arms was overwhelming. His body tightened to hold them close. He pushed the bedroom door open, his eyes landing on the two men. They were still in bed, wrapped around each other, each protecting the other even in their sleep.

  As much as Panahasi wanted to kill Jaden so at least one threat was eliminated, he knew that would never come to pass. To kill Jaden would be suicide for Panahasi. He knew this, but the thought was so damn tempting that he could taste Jaden’s iron-rich blood in his mouth.

  He wanted his mates safe. He wanted Serenity City left in peace, but most of all, Panahasi wanted Jaden dead. The irony wasn’t lost on him. He wanted death dead. Damn, he had a twisted sense of humor. And it felt damn good at a time when all seemed hopeless.

  His eyes landed back on the two men, his blood simmering with a slow-burning fire. If those two shifters only knew what he would do in order to keep them safe. He knew for certain that if it came down to it, Panahasi would sacrifice everything in the universe to ensure their safety.

  And coming from someone who cherished life, that was saying something.

  He only took life when it was necessary. When the person was too damn evil to live. And unbeknownst to anyone, it took a piece of him every time he killed. He was life. Checks and balances. To take a life had a price. But it was a price Panahasi had gladly given before. But now that he was mated, the thought of giving even the smallest part of himself was now in question. It was a path he had chosen, but now that Drake and Casey were here, the path had a whole new meaning to him.

  Drake and Casey were his supernovas. The brightest and biggest stars in his life. The very foundation of his being. He would do whatever it took to keep them safe. There was no limit he wouldn’t go to. No boundaries. No exceptions.

  His chest tightened just looking at their innocent faces. For the first time in Panahasi’s existence, he knew what loving another being felt like.

  And damn if he was giving that up.

  Before he could walk to the bed, a mental image slashed across his mind. At first, Panahasi thought it was an image from long ago, because the place seemed familiar. But as he concentrated on the image, he realized that it was in present time.


  Panahasi walked to his living room as he called Einarr, telling him to take Hondo and Wayland to Remtin to look for Kobe.

  So, Jaden was sending his warriors back to their beginnings.

  It would make his search for the missing a lot easier.

  If they survived long enough to be rescued.

  Panahasi needed to see the keeper, but he didn’t want to leave his mates alone. An idea occurred to him, and he knew he could kill two birds with one stone. “Keegan!”

  The elf appeared in Panahasi’s living room, looking a bit shaken up. “Yes?”

  “First, I need you to watch my mates for just a few moments. If anything feels off, get them out of here. Take them to Brac Village.”

  The elf quickly nodded. “And?”

  Panahasi sighed. “I’m truly sorry, but I forgot to ask your brother’s name. It’s a bit hard to find someone when I don’t even know his name.”

  Keegan glanced away. Panahasi wondered why the elf looked so sad, but waited for his reply.

  “I haven’t spoken to him in years. We were on the outs because I left our village, wanting to explore the world.” The elf snorted. “If I had known Marino would get his grubby hands on me, I would have stayed home.”

  “His name?” Panahasi asked, not wanting to be rude, but needing to go.

  “His name is Iam. Marino has him somewhere locked away, probably torturing him. He told me he kidnapped my brother. I haven’t seen Iam since before the tribe relocated, and I miss him, even if we are on the outs. But be careful. The wood elves and the shadow elves are at war. If Ahm finds the tribe, he’ll kill them.”

  Panahasi gave a quick nod. “I’ll search for him. I gave you my word, and I don’t give that lightly.”

  “Thank you,” Keegan said right before Panahasi disappeared.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I can’t do it!” Casey said exasperatedly. “If I spend one more minute locked up in the penthouse, I’m going to go crazy!”

  “You can’t leave,” Drake warned.

  It was odd that the tables were turned, but Casey was going nuts. “Let Jaden try anything. As wound up as I am, I’ll kick his ass from one end of the city to the other!”

  Drake shook his head as he walked toward Casey, a determined glint in his eyes. “Stay inside, Casey.”

  “No!” Casey shouted before he raced toward the door. He had had it. If he glanced out of the glass window once more, he was going to scream.

  Drake tackled him before Casey could reach the door, sitting on his chest, locking his hands above his head. “You are not leaving.”

  “The man can get into the house. How am I any safer in here than I am outside?” Casey bucked, but Drake didn’t release him. The man was strong. Casey was going to have a hell of a time getting the man off of him. “Please, Drake. I just want some fresh air.”

  “And the last time I wanted fresh air, I was drugged.”

  “I promise not to take candy from strangers or get into vans with no windows.” He was being a shit, and he knew it. But damn, he needed to get out and explore. If he read one more book or stared at the people walking by one more time, he was going to tear this damn penthouse apart.

  Drake narrowed his eyes. “Very funny.”

  Casey snarled as he pulled at his arms, but Drake had a steel grip on them. “Let me up, shithead!”

  “No,” Drake said as he shook his head. “I’m not the o
ne being a shithead. Calm down.”

  Casey swung his legs up, trying to lock them around Drake’s neck, but his mate was quicker, swinging to the side, avoiding the move altogether. Once Casey’s legs were back down, Drake shifted his weight, stopping Casey from making the same move again. “Breathe, sweetie.”

  “I want out!” He was going to get out. Drake had to go to sleep sometime. Staring at the same four walls was not something Casey had dreamed of. Although he had a sense of belonging now and a place he could call his own, he hadn’t thought to become a prisoner in a well-designed cage.

  Drake butted his head against Casey’s, gaining his attention. When he looked up at his mate, it was to see softness in Drake’s whiskeybrown eyes. “I’ve protected you my entire life. I won’t lose you because you are getting cabin fever.”

  Casey knew exactly what his mate was doing. He was using their bond against him. It pissed him off. He may not be thinking rationally right now, but that was low. He bucked his body at the same time he tore his hands free. Casey shoved Drake off of him as he rolled, pushing to his feet.

  Drake was on him in seconds, taking him down once more. Casey kicked out, landing his foot into Drake’s thigh.

  “That was too damn close, Casey.” He tackled Casey around his waist.

  Casey snarled as he went down. He wasn’t trying to hurt Drake, but he wanted his freedom. He wasn’t used to being locked up, even if it was in a fancy penthouse.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass,” Drake warned. “It’s been years since I’ve had to hand you your ass and I don’t want to do it now, but I will if you don’t get your head out of your ass.”

  The challenge ignited something deep inside Casey. He shifted, effectively shaking Drake loose. He snapped and snarled at his mate, warning him to stay back.

  “You are so smart, dipshit. Now how are you going to turn the handle?” The question was asked with smugness.

  Casey backed toward the door, baring his canines the entire time until his hind end hit the door. He shifted and twisted the knob, crying out in frustration when he found Panahasi on the other side. “No!”

  Panahasi’s eyes blazed as he stared down at Casey. He knew an angry look when he saw one. Too damn bad. Casey wanted out. He tried to get around the demon leader, but Panahasi was too big to get around. He wasn’t bulky with muscles, but his presence was something that couldn’t be denied.

  “Go back, Casey.”

  “No,” he said with a pout. “I need fresh air.”

  “Naked?” Panahasi’s dark brow raised a fraction. “I don’t think so.”

  Damn, he had forgotten about shifting and losing his clothes. Thankfully Panahasi had bought them a whole wardrobe of clothes recently or he would be stuck with nothing to wear. But he wasn’t about to go the closet to get some clothes. These two would barricade him in if he did.

  Fuck it. He would go naked if he had to.

  “I would advise you to turn around, Casey.” Panahasi’s command brooked no argument, but Casey was just as stubborn. He jutted his chin out, glaring at Panahasi, defiant eyes meeting blazing fire.

  “Or what?”

  “Dumbass,” Drake murmured behind him.

  Panahasi stalked into the apartment with a deadly lope, making Casey back up. The leader’s body was lean, sinewy muscles moving gracefully as he shut the door behind him. His jaw was clenched, but a twisted little smile appeared on his lips. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  On second thought, not really. Casey was beginning to calm down under Panahasi’s threatening glare. It was a look that promised punishment if Casey disobeyed.

  But Casey was never one to back down from a challenge. He may be the levelheaded one between him and Drake, but he did have his moments of insanity. And when those moments took over, he wasn’t in control. His insanity was.

  And right now his insanity was telling him to get out of the house and enjoy himself. It didn’t matter what his common sense was telling him. His common sense wasn’t in control right now.

  “Then take me somewhere, anywhere, but do not expect me to stay locked up in this penthouse.” See, he could compromise.

  “Get dressed.”

  Casey stood there for a moment, shocked. Had Panahasi just agreed to his demand? Was this a trick? He wasn’t sure what to think. “Promise me.”

  “He just said he’d take you.”

  Casey spun around, pointing a finger at his mate. “Stay out of this, Drake.”

  “Point that finger at me again and it’s not Panny you’ll have to worry about.” The threat was clear, and Casey knew when Drake was serious and when he was teasing. The man wasn’t teasing.

  He lowered his hand, turning back to the demon leader. “Promise me.”

  Panahasi dipped his head in a nod. “I promise.”

  Why didn’t Casey believe him? Maybe because there was a mischievous glint in his dark eyes—a glint that didn’t promise anything Casey would like. He glared at Panahasi a moment longer before going to the bedroom to get dressed.

  Jeans and shirt in hand, Casey walked from the closet and froze. Panahasi and Drake stood there in the middle of the room, stark-ass naked. He knew what they were up to, and as much as he wanted to protest, his eyes grazed over each luscious inch of his mates’ bodies. Both were perfect masculinity, and both were ramrod stiff. “No fair,” he whispered.

  “I never claimed to play fair,” Panahasi said as he walked over to Casey, pressing the heat of his chest into Casey’s back, his hands sensually skimming over Casey’s shoulders. The touch made Casey shiver as he stood there, gazing at Drake in his beautifully naked form. The man had always impressed Casey. Now was no different.

  His cock filled, standing just as erect as his mates’. Drake walked seductively toward Casey and then dropped to his knees, taking Casey’s cock into his warm, moist mouth. The shivers ran down his spine, encircling his groin as his mate licked him like a wet dream. Pure muscles wrapped around Casey’s arms, holding him in place as Drake took Casey’s cock down his throat.

  They were ganging up on him, and Casey wasn’t going to fight this time. Not when Drake’s mouth felt like paradise. Casey’s eyelids fluttered when Panahasi ran his knuckles down Casey’s cheek, murmuring softly spoken words. They weren’t loud enough for Casey to make them out, but the thick accent was back, and the tone was husky-deep, filled with passion and promise.

  Drake placed a warm hand on each thigh, spreading Casey’s legs wider apart. If it wasn’t for Panahasi holding him, Casey would have crumbled from the assault Drake was laying on him.

  When Drake looked up at him from under his lashes, Casey swallowed at the molten heat in his whiskey-brown eyes. The look was nothing but possession. Drake was going to consume Casey. Being waylaid in this manner didn’t tick Casey off. It turned him on to the point his body was aching from head to toe.

  Panahasi’s arms tightened around him, reminding Casey that he had two lovers to contend with. That was something he could never forget. He ran the tips of his fingers over Panahasi’s strong arms, telling his mate that he was well aware of who was behind him.

  He could feel the dark hunger in Panahasi building. It was turning the warrior on to watch Drake suck Casey’s cock. He knew how the man felt. He could also feel Panahasi’s erection digging into his lower back. The man was primed and ready.

  Heart in throat, Casey watched as Drake pulled his cock free, licking it from tip to base, his eyes fluttering closed in bliss. The pure sensuality spread across Drake’s face, turning him into the most beautiful creature Casey had ever seen.

  “Don’t make me come that way,” he softly begged Drake.

  “How do you want to come?” Panahasi whispered in his ear, his warm breath tickling Casey.

  “Not like this.”

  Drake pulled away, heading toward the bed. “Then get over here before I finish whatI started.”

  Casey held his breath when Panahasi’s hand smoothed over his chest, the roughness of
his skin rasping over his sensitive nipples. He groaned, his head rolling back, resting against Panahasi’s broad chest.

  “I think someone is waiting on us.” The words were low, teasing, and inflaming Casey’s desire.

  He moved away from Panahasi, even though he hadn’t wanted to. Just being in the man’s arms felt so damn good. Casey felt safe when Panahasi was holding him. He liked that feeling.

  A very male smile curved Drake’s lips as he crawled onto the bed, pulling the lube out and tossing it next to him. “Come here so I can get you ready for me.”

  Casey could see now that Drake was going to draw this out. The man knew slow was not in Casey’s sexual vocabulary.

  Panahasi cupped Casey’s ass, kneading the fleshy mounds as he encouraged Casey closer to the bed.

  Casey joined Drake on the bed, but before he could position himself, Panahasi flipped Casey onto his back and took his cock down a very tight throat. Casey bucked and cried out, the sensations overwhelming him. He felt two fingers plunge into his ass. They belonged to Drake. He would know those fingers anywhere. He moved up and down on the invasion as Panahasi opened wider, taking Casey’s full length in. His fingers dug into Panahasi’s hair, tugging at the strands as waves of pleasure washed over him.

  Panahasi gave a guttural growl as he pulled back. “Harder.”

  Casey shoved his cock deep into Panahasi’s mouth as he yanked at the silky strands. Drake’s fingers moved in a faster rhythm, as if he knew Casey was close. And he was. The dual sensation had him so close that Casey was dangling over the edge. The pleasure swept him under and it was lightning and fury, heat and hunger. Casey came hard, his ass spasming as his seed shot from his body in hard pulses.

  Panahasi pulled back and Drake removed his fingers. Casey was left a sated mess as he lay there trying to catch his breath. But it wasn’t over, not by a long shot. Panahasi rubbed his hand down Casey’s stomach and Casey arched into the touch, enjoying the feel of Panahasi running his hand over his skin.

  “Get on your hands and knees for me, hon,” Drake said, the indulgent sensuality of his tone making Casey turn over. Casey whimpered when he felt a mouth on his ass. It was pure demand and rough heat as a tongue licked him.


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