The Chess Pieces

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The Chess Pieces Page 12

by Joshua Landeros

  “37 take the order well?”

  “As well as she could, though I assume she was expecting to hear it from you. You are after all her ‘handler.’”

  “Maybe so, but the Cabinet has introduced new procedures.”

  Procedures to keep the suits out of harm’s way. The captain knew better than to straight out say this. The horrors at HQ perhaps confirmed it was necessary. Always better a soldier dead than a suit; it was a custom he knew was silently expected.

  “I’ve heard.”

  “With that settled and with things quieting down here, I’ll be returning to the UNR tonight. A plane has been sent and will be arriving within the next two hours.”

  The captain couldn’t help himself.

  “You got to keep up with the reports, McGinley. Attacks similar to this one here in Freetown are popping up in a number of other districts. Latest I heard, even Morocco was having to get its feet wet.”

  “Really…that’s news to me. All linked to the same group that attacked today?”

  “We can’t be sure till we dig a little deeper.”

  “I’ll assign additional cyborg units to the team being sent in, but I must be going.”

  “The field not as serene as you envisioned?”

  “Actually, I have an important meeting with the Public Services and Inquiries Division coming up and I cannot afford to miss it. The head director would like to talk.”

  The captain hid his disbelief well, but not well enough.

  “The head director?”

  “The one and only.”

  “Must be important and on a need-to-know basis, I’m sure.”

  “One way or another, the citizens will see my name in the news. They always do.”

  For once he smiled. The captain tried his best to match it.

  “Also, for the morning return flight, the Chancellor has requested two prisoners for shipment to the UNR.”

  “I’ll have to assign more security detail; sure, it can be done.”

  “And remember that we need these men to be capable of speech, so please—”

  “My men know protocol,” the captain said as he cut him off.

  “Then, I expect no mistakes and so does the Chancellor. Goodnight, Captain.”

  Chapter 12 - Acceptance and Secrets

  October 13, 2065 - Fort Hosbon, Ontario, Canada

  The pair of lips at long last parted, both silently exhaling. It could have been below zero and a snowstorm upon them, and the two still would not have felt a single bit of cold. Situated close to Lake Huron at the edge of the barracks, the sun tried its best to peek at them, a few of its rays just barely penetrating the alleyway.

  The young man was practically intoxicated by the scent of his Saskia. Sometimes, he mused how people met a new face every day and their features were only analyzed for probably a fraction of a second. They could see that same face the very next day and never realize they’d seen it before. How that all changes when a particular face draws you in and never lets go. Then the finite details become little treasures. Her long brunette hair, even now in the ponytail he never cared for, transported him to a field of orchids. She looked up at him, brushing a few fingers on his scruffy chin and jawbone.

  “You, sir, need to shave”

  “Admit it, you like it this way.”

  She smiled, rolling her eyes.

  “Noah, remember where we are.”

  “You swear like I forgot,” he said, playfully pulling her in close before leaning against the barrack wall.

  “I just don’t want us getting too relaxed.”

  Even though she could not resist his warm caress, she meant what she said.

  “Babe, I swear I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. If the Chancellor himself came knocking on our doorstep, I’d be the first to put a bullet in his head.”

  “Maybe I was over-worrying, after all.”

  “I’d like to think so,” he teased, “and whatever happens, we’ll put up a damn good fight.”

  The man’s adamant determination was all it took. Even with his bed-head black hair, she could never find anything she didn’t like. They started to kiss again.

  “Any plans to join the rest of us this morning, Saskia?”

  They both turned to see a woman standing a small distance away. Her hair and features were a near mirror of Saskia’s, but her physique was not quite up to par. In contrast to her sister’s curves, she was a tad scrawny and a whole six inches shorter. Every time Noah saw her in that army uniform, it threw him back without fail.

  “Brielle, we’ll be reporting in a minute. Don’t you have your own schedule to keep?” Saskia lashed. Even she hated how motherly she came off.

  “Hard to do when I have to worry every minute if he’s going to get you booted.”

  Noah remained understanding.

  “Chill, Bri, I won’t let her get into any trouble, on my honor.”

  “You say that now,” Brielle said as she turned away, finally conceding. She disappeared behind a barrack, the sound of her boots disappearing shortly after.

  “She can be a pain sometimes,” the older sister said in an embarrassed manner.

  “She’s just watching out for you,” Noah replied. “No shame in that.”

  It was then they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. This time, Saskia fully broke away from his grip.

  “Brielle, again with this shit?!”

  Once more, a woman stepped into view and indeed from the direction her sister had just departed. But this was none other than their C.O. Her stare gave them both the shiver the cold had failed to. Instantly, both straightened and stood stiff as planks.

  “Sergeant!!” they said as they saluted. Gabby, however, did not return the sign of respect.

  “You two have the privilege of being part of an elite team, handpicked by Halsey and myself. You were briefed to report to the Garage at 0700 and you saw fit to take your sweet time?”

  Noah tried his best to compensate. “Sergeant Neeson, I apologize, but we still have ten till the designated rendezvous.”

  “So, you’re trying to validate this fuckup? I realize now I was mistaken about you both.”

  He now took heed and shut his mouth. Gabby stepped closer and even though she was only a few years older than them, the pecking order was clear.

  “You both need a morning jog to clear your head.”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  The two took off, and Gabby could have struck them for their impertinence.

  “Not toward the rendezvous point, not yet. Join the cadets out on the track for two laps. Then you may report back to me, understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am!”


  In the depths of The Garage, Alex sat in a mobile office chair. It was tattered and heavily stained. Duct tape concealed the worst of it, and the man was aware of the story behind each blemish, burn and tear. He’d requested the chair specifically for his main workstation shortly after arriving, being very specific about the dark navy blue he sought.

  In the rush of all that had come since, he’d never taken the time to order a new one. After losing his poor imitation of a laboratory nearly a year ago, he had never quite adapted to the cleanliness of this place. He saw it in every officer’s eyes when they occasionally strolled in for inspection: the urge to scold him furiously, but the fruit of his work left no opening for it. The being standing silently behind him was another thing, surely with eyes sharper than any other. Still, Alex went about as usual.

  Will had been in this situation with people often: a silent observer even when he strived not to. Even in those filthy coveralls, Alex hadn’t changed too much aside his hair. The oily appearing stuff hung damn close to his eyes, covering the nape of his neck in its onslaught. Currently, he was on his laptop, rested where else but on his thighs, two cables running from the device along the floor till they snaked their way under a tarp covering a large object. The silver tarp’s shape easily led one to the conclusion it was some sort of vehi
cle, but exactly what, Will could not be sure. Since he was not invited to gander at whatever lay underneath, he respectfully did not go over his bounds.

  “Any sneak previews or am I looking for disappointment?”

  Will was surprised to hear a small laugh. The chair turned ever so slightly as Alex scooted close to a cluttered desk, disconnecting the cables and laying his laptop down upon it. As he rose out of his chair, he stumbled, and Will made no move to help him. They’d been here before.

  “I’m afraid it’s a special present. Only the top brass receives the spoilers. I can guarantee you’ll absolutely love it if that makes you feel better.”

  The cyborg smiled, though it was partially because Alex managed to maintain his balance on his new leg. However, a few steps into his stride toward Will and he reached for his crutch lying against the vehicle.

  “Damn thing still irks me. Almost ridiculous after this long, right?”

  “You’d be kidding yourself if you thought it’d be easy.”

  “Yeah, yeah, everybody loves to hand out pick-me-ups these days, like fucking candy.”

  His affinity for swearing had come not long after his recovery. Every arm outstretched to help was an asshole, every fall to the floor a muttered son of a bitch. He’d mellowed greatly since then. Still, a lot of it had stuck around.

  “Anyone ever tell you have the demeanor of a man twice your age?”

  “Ah, impartial to the last. That’s why I like you, Will.”

  “I’m terrible at conversation in any other manner.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it, but I believe we both get a fair amount of amusement out of it.”

  He hobbled past the desk to a forty-four-inch telescreen which lit up once he got within a meter of it.

  “Morning, sir.”

  “Hello, Victoria. I need only to upload today’s progress for the council. I’m sure they’re growing anxious.”

  “Certainly, sir, opening data log. Would you prefer vid recording or text document?”

  “Uh, text, thank you.”

  “All right, recording in three, two, one, zero…”

  “General Ominic, Chief Declan, other esteemed readers, I’m pleased to inform you I have begun the installation process for the weapon’s software. For it to have all the many capabilities you requested of me, I took the time to…”

  As he spoke letter by letter, word by word, text followed on the screen. It even registered when to add a colon or in Alex’s rare case a period. It was as he spoke to the computer, his back to Will, that the cyborg took note of the one major difference since he’d been gone: the handgun holstered on the man’s hip. He was not sure if Alex had ever fired a gun at another human being, but considering the past he assumed, regardless, he took no chances.

  Alex, meanwhile, had finished his monologue with a clear “sincerely” before reaching out to use his pointer to crudely sign his full name: Alexander Waltz. In his tackiness, he had left a series of smudges on the screen, black in color. Victoria was nonetheless oblivious to them.

  “Message complete.”

  “Shall I send now?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Welcome, sir.”

  The telescreen shut down, but the smudges remained evident. He muttered a silent damn before an attempt to wipe it with his sleeve, which only added a corrosive spiral shape to it all.

  “Can I take a guess this machine of yours will be complete in time for the presentation at the UNR’s party?”

  Alex at first seemed too preoccupied with his task, paying no mind to the inquiry. However, with each stroke the mess worsened. After a few dull seconds, he gave up.

  “One thing you left out about yourself is that you love to pry if the subject interests you enough.”

  “That I do.”

  Alex began to walk toward the far corner of the dingy repair shop, toward another desk. He motioned for Will to follow.

  “Well, no dice, but I will show you a little side project of mine, partly because I feel I owe you.”

  They approached his desk, on top of it a mess of diagrams propped up against the wall. Behind these diagrams was a hefty safe. The keypad lit up as Alex neared it, quickly typing in a code. He paid no mind if Will had glimpsed it or not, but he did hesitate before opening the hatch.

  “Now, be aware, I’ve worked my ass off on this. I’d rather not do battle with Declan over budgetary issues.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  “Very well, then.”

  The handle was turned and a bright white light inside shone down on a draped object. Alex removed it in a showman like manner, sending Will nearly reeling.

  “It’s similar to my design.”

  Inside the safe were the skeletal-like beginnings of a robotic foot and what resembled a tibia. An assortment of wiring ensured this was no ruse. This was startlingly close, and Will didn’t know what to express.


  “During the few months I oversaw your repairs, I was taking quite a bit of notes. The technology required has been substantial, but the basic layout is already in mind. Probably would’ve completed it by now if I wasn’t going it alone, but all it needs is the maestro’s magic touch.”

  “And you will surgically attach it?”

  “That’s the end game, at which point I can put this crapper where it belongs.”

  Will nodded, remaining silent. Alex took full heed and out of a sense of responsibility spoke up.

  “As I told Declan, your body was, yes, enough for the rest of the world to finally reproduce Neeson’s medical miracle but only to an extent. Without the neoartium plating it will be nowhere near as durable as your own.”

  Will thought back to that, a variable he idiotically had failed to even factor in.

  “Luckily for the Chancellor, the scarce deposits all remain in UNR territory,” he registered, “and I’m guessing they haven’t taken this technology public.”

  “And no sign of doing so soon, either.”

  “There are applications beyond those of military use.”

  “When I first tried to talk them into my project they merely laughed. The day the government shelled out hundreds of millions for a single human being was in their mind ‘insanity defined.’ They’re looking for something with long term reciprocation.”

  “Didn’t stop you from funneling some of the precious budget, now, did it?”

  Alex smiled devilishly.

  “There are some opportunities too grand not to take.”

  At that moment, they both heard the opening of a latch, Alex quickly shutting the safe. Both faced the sound of the noise to see a group of people coming down the spiraling staircase in the center of the spacious room. The metallic steps made every footstep a loud clang, especially since the two in front were jogging their way down. The one behind calmly strode after them.

  They finally reached the bottom, standing sweaty and blood red but seemingly oblivious to any affliction.

  “Saskia, Noah, about time you arrived. Kurt and Paul left over a half hour ago, and I can’t have any more delays.”

  “Yes, sir!” they chimed.

  “Enough of that, go get suited up properly for today’s lesson. Declan told me we have guests of honor arriving soon so my ass means your ass.”

  The two rushed off down a hall, leaving the third intruder to finally arrive in front of them. To Alex’s apprehension, it was none other than Gabby. Will remained a stone. She spotted the two before reaching the bottom, though her face hardly seemed to register them.

  “You babysitting your star pupils again?” Alex called out.

  “Everyone needs a fire under their ass from time to time.”

  Despite the proximity of Will and Alex, her eyes only met one of them.

  “Go on, then,” Alex said.

  Gabby merely nodded before leaving the two of them. Alex suddenly followed in silence, hobbling back to his smaller desk.


  Gabby entered the small room, no big
ger than a child’s bedroom in contrast to the shop. Each of its walls was lined with shelves that spanned the floor to the ceiling, jam-packed with tools of every sort. She eyed the assortment in the bright light, painstaking with her examination. Carrying in one arm a large tray, she began to collect what was needed. Not a second into her work and she sensed the presence in the doorway.

  “At long last he’s come back.”

  “Yeah, and this time I’m here for good.”

  Taking the better part of her nerve, she faced Will. He stood in the doorway, apparently wishing to prevent any kind of elusion.

  “That should be interesting, then. The younger ones will have to learn, I suppose.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s only right that they see what they’re up against out there. Otherwise, I’d be sending my soldiers to the wolves with blindfolds on.”

  “Don’t forget, they have one on their side.”

  “Yes, it will come in handy, I’m sure. However, I have my own unit now. I’ll be sure to give the others a recommendation to assign you to one of the newer platoons.”

  “If that’s really what you want. I only aim to ensure the success of the mission.”

  Without warning, she exploded like he’d never seen. Gabby was dead in his face, closer than she’d ever been. Hell, closer than any human being had ever dared to tread against a super soldier. And yet, here she was yelling into his face, a distinct vein across her forehead.

  “Stop thinking you can repair any of the damage you’ve done because you can’t! You never can! You’ll always be what you are no matter how much you try to cozy up with the others—a depraved psychopath! You always were and always will be!”

  Gabby said this as she finally quieted, taking a step back from him. Her chest was heaving, every muscle in her body tense and spring-loaded. In her storm, the tray of tools had clattered all over the floor. She hadn’t noticed at all and still didn’t. After a few seconds of ragged ventilation, she seemed to somewhat calm. Her glare tore into Will but he didn’t budge as she expected.


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