Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) Page 45

by Audrina Lane

  He could take it no longer as he pulled her up again to capture her lips with his, his hands guided her into position and she sank down on top of him. It was like a horizontal dance, neither of them was in control as they flew together, soaring towards the peak of their passion, before crashing down.

  “That was the best yet” Mitch breathed.

  “I wish we’d started earlier” Charlie whispered, as she kissed him tenderly on the lips. She snuggled into his arms as they started to cool down. Mitch leaned up suddenly and looked deeply into Charlie’s eyes.

  “I can’t believe how in love I am with you” he said.

  “Neither can I” Charlie replied, fighting the tiredness that was trying to whisk her away from this precious moment.

  “Hold me and don’t ever let me go” she said, reaching up to pull him closer again.

  “With pleasure” Mitch said. He pulled the duvet over them and watched as she shut her eyes and slept.

  During the night Charlie woke occasionally and in the moonlight turned and stared at the handsome man that lay next to her. She still wondered how they had managed to meet and then share so much in common especially the links with the past through her Mum and his Dad. She brushed a light kiss onto his lips before falling asleep again. Mitch felt her lips and opened his eyes to stare at Charlie. So beautiful and talented on the dance floor, so eager to please in bed and in essence such a perfect fit for him. He knew that he had never felt this way about anyone else and it scared him. He thought of his Dad’s words, warning him to always be true and to not hurt her but was he good enough for her? He reached out and ran his finger carefully through her hair and she murmured and stretched towards him. Pulling her close he held her and fell asleep again.

  The alarm woke them in the morning, their last morning together for a week. Still sleepy they kissed and shared their bodies again before heading for the shower to wake up properly.

  “I wish we didn’t live so far apart” she said.

  “I know, but who knows what might happen between our parents in the future” he replied.

  “I’m keeping my fingers crossed for them” Charlie said. She held them up for him to see and he grabbed them and kissed them lightly.

  “Don’t start that I think I’m a sex addict already” Charlie moaned, as he pulled her close again.

  “Just as long as it’s with me” Mitch replied, holding her tightly.

  Once they had dressed and packed their bags they headed downstairs for breakfast. They spotted their parents sitting together on a table for four and decided they should join them.

  “Hi Mum, James” Charlie said, sitting down opposite her Mum.

  “Morning Dad, Stephanie” Mitch said.

  I watched the two of them sitting next to each other, almost a mirror image of how James and I had looked all those years ago. While they headed off to choose some breakfast I turned to James.

  “Do you think we should talk to them now?”

  “Yes might be a good idea” he replied “Do you want to do it or shall I?”

  “I will but feel free to butt in at any point” I replied.

  We watched them head back to the table and I took a quick sip of my coffee.

  Once they had sat down I hesitated and suddenly felt James hand on my knee beneath the table.

  “So guys I’m guessing that you might be wondering what has happened between the two of us this weekend”

  Pausing Charlotte and Mitchell looked up and stared across the table.

  “We’ve had a long talk about things and have decided that it would be foolish for us to imagine that we could go straight back to how it was twenty four years ago” I said. I turned to James who took my cue.

  “Yes we’re going to renew our friendship and see how things go over the next couple of weeks” he said, smiling back at me.

  “Are you still going to come down for the Rock on the River event in a fortnight” Charlotte asked.

  “Yes, I believe I’m driving the minibus of all the guys. That’s a point can you recommend anywhere for us to stay?” James asked, turning to me.

  “I’ll ask around but I believe the Premier Inn at the end of the M50 is fairly cheap and good” I replied.

  I spotted Charlotte staring across at me as if to tell me something.

  “James, you are more than welcome to stay at our house, I have a spare room” I said.

  “Thanks for the offer I’ll bear it in mind” he replied. We all settled down and finished our breakfasts. Pam and Peter headed over and took the table next to ours and then Sarah and Chris appeared and we beckoned them over to share the table with James’ parents.

  “Well, it has been a fantastic weekend” Sarah said “Thanks for inviting us” she finished.

  “Thanks for coming” Charlie said, smiling at her second set of parents.

  “It’s been thrilling” Pam said “Fantastic dancing and results and I look forward to meeting Arlene Phillips again if possible”

  We all smiled across at the two stars that shone brightly in our midst.

  Once we had all packed and settled up the hotel bills we paused in the foyer.

  “Its been lovely to see you again Stephanie” Peter said, reaching out and pulling me into an embrace. I then turned to Pam who didn’t need to say anymore as she hugged me too. Then I stood looking at James, wondering what to do as I felt my body start to come alive again.

  “Bye James” I said, as he pulled me into his embrace.

  “Bye Steph” he whispered into my ear, in passing he brushed my cheek with a light kiss.

  Charlie and Mitch had disappeared outside so we followed suit and headed towards the cars. We spotted them at the side of the one car, both so wrapped up in each other that they didn’t notice us until we blipped the cars open. They sprang apart but then Mitch pulled Charlie back against his body.

  “Ready to go” I asked. I could see the tears starting to sparkle in Charlie’s eyes.

  She nodded and reached up for a final kiss from Mitchell, who looked just as distraught at letting her go.

  As Chris drove off they followed us for some of the journey out of London. Then due to the traffic the tiny convoy was separated and we headed for home. Charlie stared out of the window, her ear phones transporting her to another place and time. I could just make out that she was listening to the Dirty Dancing sound track; an occasional tear would slip down her cheek, which she wiped away with a soggy piece of tissue. I reached out and squeezed her shoulder lightly. She turned to me a knowing look on her face acknowledging that I understood completely how she felt.

  In the other car both James and Mitchell sat in the front, each locked in their own private thoughts about the weekend. They followed the other car ahead for as long as possible before other traffic pushed them aside and then they were heading home. James thought about how empty the house always felt now for him. Around every corner there were memories of the time he had spent with Stephanie. Mitchell wrestled with his feelings. He had never fallen this deeply in love before. In fact Charlie was the first girl he did actually love. But was she too young for the commitment he wanted? Was it too early in both their lives for these feelings to last? Would career and ambitions pull them apart? Was it worth taking the risk?

  I was glad to reach home after such an emotional rollercoaster of a weekend. Pulling our bags out of the car we carried them in.

  “Do you want to stay for a bite to eat?” I asked Sarah and Chris.

  “Thanks but we’ll head home if that’s ok” Sarah said.

  “Ok, thanks for driving us Chris” I said. I stepped into his strong arms and hugged him tight.

  “I warned him not to hurt you again or he will have me to deal with” Chris whispered in my ear.

  “Thanks Chris, that means a lot” I replied.

  “Well you mean a lot to us too you know” he finished, as we pulled apart.

  We waved them off and then headed inside to a flashing answer phone filled with junk calls. I
deleted them and headed through to the kitchen. Charlie followed me, her fingers already tapping out a message to Mitchell.

  “What do you fancy for tea?” I asked

  “Can we just get some chips Mum, I’m not very hungry” she said.

  “Ok, shall we walk in and get them” I asked.

  “Sure Mum” she said. With her phone tucked into her pocket I grabbed my handbag and closed the house again. Arm in arm we headed into town in the early evening sunshine.

  “You can talk to me Mum, I am old enough to understand” Charlie said.

  “Thanks Charlie. My thoughts are all in a bit of a muddle right now about James” I said.

  “But you look so good together, perfect. James is so nice I wouldn’t hate him being my step dad, I think I would quite like it” she said. I smiled at the sentiments she had expressed.

  “We’ll have to wait and see” I finished. She linked her arm through mine and we continued along the road in silence. Well silence except for the beep of her phone messages.

  As James pulled into the driveway they all got out and headed inside. Darren was home and waiting for them.

  “So bro, how did you get on?”

  “We came joint second in the competition sharing the prize with Charlie’s group” Mitch replied.

  “How did the other dance go?”

  “Fantastic, so good that Arlene Phillips and another of the judges found us in the hotel afterwards and are interested in us auditioning for the stage version of Dirty Dancing at some point next year” Mitch replied “I have the business cards to prove it” he finished.

  “Sounds great. I have some news too” he said “Dad you might want to hear this” Darren said.

  Peter and Pam waited too as Darren cleared his throat.

  “The BBC have approached Sophie and I and offered us jobs working for them” Darren said, proudly.

  James pulled him in for a hug and the rest of them joined in.

  “That’s fantastic news, what a weekend this truly has turned out to be” James said.

  “We will have to move to Manchester though” Darren said, when the congratulations died down.

  Sitting alone in the lounge later James reflected on the weekend and all that it had bought with it. Success was blossoming for both of his sons and he had been reunited with Stephanie again. He still felt angry every time he thought of her scars and the thought that she had nearly thrown her life away in despair. It was a good job he didn’t have to see Felicity as the way he was feeling right now he would have happily punched her. Killed her even for all the pain and anguish she had caused both him and Stephanie. Well this time she wouldn’t be getting in the way of them and if she even tried she would have him to deal with.

  Mitch heard his phone beep and pulled it out of his pocket.

  “Missing you so much”

  He typed one back.

  “Missing you too baby”

  He felt as if he were missing a limb with Charlie not beside him. She filled the space beside him with her passion and joy. When they danced they danced as one. When they made love it was beyond words to describe the feelings he felt. Upstairs in his room he flicked on the computer and loaded up the dance routine and watched as she filled the screen with her light. She was more than he could ever have hoped to find but find her he had and everything was right with the world.

  “Mitch, do you want take away for tea” his Dad shouted.

  “Sounds good Dad” he replied. He played the song again and again; his body yearned for her touch once more.

  Chapter 59

  It was back to work for me, as the good weather finally broke and I woke up to the light patter of rain on the window. I had slept really well now that I was back in my own bed. Suddenly my phone beeped and I saw a message from a strange number. Opening it I realised that it was from James.

  “Morning Steph, hope it’s not too early for us to start getting to know each other again. So first question is what do you like for breakfast these days. James x”

  I smiled and quickly sent a reply.

  “Morning James, yes I am awake. I still like toast and coffee for breakfast, although I do remember that you make a mean fish finger sandwich when breakfast gets missed. Steph x”

  I pulled my dressing gown on and headed downstairs, still clutching my phone as it beeped again.

  “Oh yes, how I could forget the fish finger sandwich. Are you working today, as I’ll tune in and listen”

  “Yes, I will be on air between 10am and 2pm. Drop me a text later and I might play a song for you”

  “You bet I will, take care and can I give you a call this evening?”

  “Ok, anytime after eight will be fine for a chat”

  As I made coffee I thought back to when we had first been together. Writing and posting a letter and then the long wait until the reply fell through the letter box. It was so slow in comparison to texts and emails but perhaps it had made the whole process more precious. As I ate breakfast alone I fired up my laptop and started to check my emails. I spotted a couple from Paul and Ian and clicked on them and then sat back in amazement. Somehow they had managed to land Rick Astley as the headline act. I was stunned, ok it wasn’t George but Rick was definitely up there for me. Ticket sales would definitely fly when I announced this at twelve noon today.

  Heading upstairs I knocked the door of Charlie’s room

  “I’m off to work in half an hour” I called.

  “Ok Mum” she replied “I’ll see you later” she finished. I could hear music from behind the door so I carefully pushed it ajar slightly and spotted her swaying along to “She’s like the wind” she looked such a solitary figure without Mitch with her. I crept away to my room and got dressed. My mind was a buzz of excitement and also with the thoughts of how James and I would play out and what affect it might have on my daughter’s new relationship.

  In the car I listened to Paul starting the build up to the announcement at noon. Christ, Rick Astley, I could hardly believe it and I was just as excited that I hadn’t realised that my secret admirer had been silent so far today. Pulling into the car park in Hereford I headed to the studio, calling in to grab some doughnuts on the way. In the studio Paul raised his hand to me and I noticed that Mark was in too so I put the kettle on and made everyone a cuppa.

  “Hi Steph, had a good weekend in the capital”

  “Yes thanks Mark; it was a weekend of surprises and good news”

  Paul ducked out of the studio quickly while the adverts ran.

  “How did your daughter get on” he asked, grabbing a doughnut.

  “They came joint second but even better Arlene Phillips was one of the judges and has hinted that she would like Charlie to audition for her in the New Year for a part in the stage version of Dirty Dancing”.

  “Crikey, Dirty Dancing…still haven’t watched that film” Paul replied, before disappearing back behind his desk.

  As the time ticked down towards noon I kept an eye on my phone for a text request from James, assuming that he would send it to my personal phone rather than the studio line. Then after the news I made the announcement.

  “Well have we pulled a great one off for all you guys who have already bought your tickets for Rock on the River in a fortnight’s time? The one and only Rick Astley will be performing his classic hits from the late eighties as our headline act” I announced. I watched the message board start to go mad as I played “Never gonna give you up” Paul popped his head round the door.

  “The ticket line is going bonkers” he exclaimed in amazement.

  “I knew it would” I replied “If I wasn’t helping to organise, run and part present the event I would be buying my ticket now too. I have been a fan of his for a long time” I finished.

  Just then my personal phone beeped and I looked at the message and smiled. Paul noticed but didn’t have time to say anything as I flicked through the computer screen and queued up the song.

  “This first request is for an old fri
end of mine called James, here’s your song ‘Waiting for a star to fall’ by Boy meets Girl “

  “Old friend” Paul asked, as my phone beeped again and I blushed. Then it beeped again with a text from Jack saying.

  “Do you mean THE JAMES?”

  “Yes, if you’re free after three for a drink let me know and meet me at the studio”

  “Is there something going on I should know about” Paul asked curiously.

  “All in good time” I replied, enjoying the music as it took me back to the past.

  By the end of the show I realised that I had still not heard from my secret admirer but I didn’t really feel worried. As Ian took over from me I spotted Jack waiting just outside the door and grabbed my bag to leave.

  Outside the rain had finally been replaced with drizzle but at least it was still warm. Jack put his arm through mine and steered me to the nearest coffee shop and after ordering some drinks he sat down opposite me.

  “So tell all” he said, leaning forward “I’m all ears”

  “It’s a bit of a long story really” I began, hesitantly.

  “I’ve got time” Jack said, sitting back and taking in my flushed cheeks and bright smile.

  “Well to cut a long story short Charlie’s new boyfriend Mitchell is the son of James” I paused to allow him time to take in the information.


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