The One That I Want

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The One That I Want Page 13

by Zuri Day

  “I’m waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “For your promise.”

  She took a deep breath, getting the distinct yet unrealistic impression that her agreement would have consequences extending far beyond the upcoming weekend. “Okay,” she said at last as she exhaled. “I promise.”

  “Thank you.” A beat, and then, “I have one more question.”


  “Is it possible that we not wait until next week? I’d love nothing more than a quick taste right now.”

  Carol looked at the clock. It was just past ten a.m. “I don’t know, Alex. Maybe we should wait. . . .”

  “We’ve known each other awhile now. I think we’ve waited long enough.”

  Carol closed her eyes, blocking out the train of thought that urged caution, restraint. That yellow light had ruled her whole life, was part of the reason she basically had none, why she’d been content to live in Gabriella’s shadow and bask in the residue of her best friend’s vast glow. She hadn’t grown up seeing healthy romantic relationships, had been told that they didn’t exist. Yet she’d continued to believe in happily ever after, had yearned for something different, and had quit a lucrative and perky job so that change could come.

  Change was on the phone, asking to come over.

  Nodding to herself, she asked, “You ready for my address?”

  After hearing it recited, Alex had only four words for her. “I’m on my way.”

  Chapter 8

  Alex stepped into the shower, having carefully removed the heavy gauze wrap from around his midsection but keeping the smaller square taped over his wound. His mind whirled and heart beat a steady anticipatory rhythm as the conversation he’d just had with Carol replayed in his head. He smiled, gently sudsing the shaft that lay soft and heavy in his hand. Remembering the breathiness in her voice as he talked about tasting her, and painting the picture. Yeah, man. You still got it. His smile faded, however, as he remembered something else. Her hesitancy, and vulnerability, when she’d asked how he felt about Gabriella. How many times had she played second fiddle, he wondered, staying in the shadows while her best friend got all of the accolades and all of the men’s desires? Probably too many times. His eyes narrowed as the desire to conquer turned into one to protect. She continued to invade his thoughts as he dried himself, rewrapped the gauze, and donned his winter staple: sweatshirt and jeans. While splashing on cologne and grabbing the keys to his rental, ideas of how to make her feel special flitted through his mind. And on the drive over, memories of their past conversations vied with the GPS instructions for equal time. By the time he stopped at his doctor’s appointment and made a side run and then pulled up in front of her Tudor-styled single-family dwelling in Sherwood Forest, Alex still couldn’t wait to taste Carol’s body. But he was equally concerned with how he’d handle her heart.

  The ringing doorbell caused Carol to flinch. She’d been standing in her master closet, still unsure about her choice of dress. Being out of time to change made the decision for her. So she took a deep breath, sprayed on a last spritz of cologne, and headed to the door.

  It was a perfect rose, and took her breath away; almost as much as the looks of the man who was holding it.

  “Alex! This is beautiful, it’s perfect. Please, come in.”

  “Hey, sexy.” He stepped through the door and placed a light kiss on her lips. After lingering there, less than an inch away from her mouth, inhaling the smell of the mint she’d just eaten, he kissed her again. “This is for you, too.”

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it and find out.”

  “This is so sweet.” She led them into an eclectically appointed living room: wood and glass and bold, dark prints anchored by a dark wood floor and sleek, stark-white upholstered walls. A large Christmas tree, decorated with bright red bulbs, filled the air with the festiveness of the holidays and the fresh scent of pine. Soft jazz played in the background. “You really didn’t have to, but thanks.”

  They sat. She removed the tissue from the gift bag and found several boxes. The first held a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. The second held a heart-shaped friendship charm. The third caused Carol to squeal. “Ooh, and it’s crystal. I collect elephants. How did you know?”

  “I remembered a conversation we had on the road. You were telling Melanie how much you loved them; and how elephants with upturned trunks were symbols of good luck.”

  “Prosperity, wisdom, protection . . . all sorts of things. But I loved elephants even before I knew all that. Our connection goes back to one of my fondest childhood memories.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My dad took us to the zoo. There are three of us. I’m the middle child and as such seemed to get the least amount of attention. My oldest sister is loud and extroverted. Wherever she is she commands center stage. My brother is the only son. Need I say more? So we were walking through this zoo in Tennessee, where my grandmother lives, and this elephant bellowed as I walked by. Actually lifted its horn and blew!” Carol’s eyes shined with the memory. “Everyone stopped and looked at me. The elephant, too. It came to the fence as if to say, ‘Hey, what’s up?’ I walked over and it let me pet its trunk. The handler said he’d never seen her do that before. Later, I was told it was because I was dressed in white, had on a white baby doll top and white jeans. But I always felt it was because we shared a kindred spirit, that elephant and I. They’ve been my favorite animal ever since.”

  “That’s a sweet story. I’m glad I bought that for you.”

  Carol moved the bag and boxes between them and scooted next to Alex. “Me too.” She leaned over and gave Alex a soft kiss on his lips.

  It was not enough.

  When she dared pull back he took control, placed his hand behind her head, and deepened the exchange. He swiped her closed mouth with his stiff tongue. She got the message, opened her mouth, and sucked in his sweetness. It was like his tongue had come home. She groaned, leaning back against the loveseat. He moved as well, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, while the other began to explore the body he adored: her shoulders, waist, hip, and finally, the nipple whose hardness now protruded through both bra and blouse. He tweaked it, once, twice, and again before taking his thumb and rubbing it softly. He pulled up just enough to kiss her nose, eyelids, and both cheeks before reclaiming his destiny, the mouth that spouted wittiness as well as wisdom, and brought on fantasies waiting to be fulfilled. Once again his hand traveled, this time to the juncture of her thighs. He placed his hand there and squeezed, applied delicious pressure. Carol writhed with anticipation.

  She deepened the kiss.

  Took her tongue and swirled it around Alex’s oral sword, wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to meld their bodies into one form. Her soft breasts were crushed against Alex’s hard chest. He wanted more; he turned so that he could kiss her more fully.


  Carol froze, totally aware of what had just happened. She cursed herself for losing control and forgetting that not long ago Alex had been shot.

  She moved to put distance between them. “Sorry, Alex. Are you all right?” She looked down to where he was holding his side, looked down farther to where a massive erection strained against denim.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Both of them knew he wasn’t talking about a flesh wound.

  For several seconds the air was punctuated only with the sounds of saxophones and heavy breathing. Suddenly, Alex reached for the band of Carol’s maroon-colored velvet warm-up bottoms, and pulled. She didn’t protest, made no move to stop him. Instead, she lifted her hips so that he could pull them down, lifted her legs so that they could be removed from around her ankles before being tossed to the floor.

  “The blinds are open,” she eked out softly.

  “I don’t care,” Alex growled. “I want to taste you, now.”

  Something about his declaration and her awareness of doing something so nasty so blatantly, with the chan
ce of being seen by the mailman or a nosy neighbor, turned the sometimes introverted Carol Robbins all the way on. She placed her head on one of the Kente-cloth covered pillows and let her legs fall open. Alex stared—lovingly, reverently—as a bold, strong forefinger ran up and down the crease of her see-through white thong.

  She shivered, waited, and watched his finger slide behind the fabric and make contact with her bare, scorched skin. He ran a finger between the folds of her femininity, already wet with wanting. Pulling said finger to his face, he sniffed it, licked it, all the while never breaking eye contact with her.

  “Delicious,” he murmured, even as he placed his finger back in her heat. “Just like I knew it would be.”

  Moving to his knees, he turned Carol’s body until her throbbing pussy was flush with his face. With one motion, he relieved her of the thong, leaving her bare and beautiful, wickedly vulnerable before him. He looked up into eyes that were filled with desire and smiled as she spread wider her legs.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” he whispered, placing kisses on her inner thighs, his stubble tickling the trail to her waiting sex. “Let me know that you want this, baby, as much as I do.”

  He kissed her there. Once, twice, and again.

  She quivered . . . everywhere. Especially there. Moaned louder, spread wider.

  He laughed, a low, knowing chuckle, before flicking his tongue against her nub and then sucking it into his mouth. He continued to kiss her, assaulting her sex even more fervently than he’d assaulted her mouth, until Carol was no longer aware of her surroundings. All she could focus on was how amazing her body felt, how a release was beginning somewhere around the soles of her feet and shooting to the tips of her freshly done weave.


  In his ear, calling his name was like a sprinter’s start gun. He pulled her down until she lay on the floor, then buried his head between her legs: licking, lapping, kissing it deep. Swirling his tongue around her throbbing pearl and then hungrily sucking it his mouth rocked Carol’s world. She writhed and moaned as she ground herself against him, trying at once to both get away and hold him closer.

  “Alex!” she cried again, placing her hands behind his head as he loved her, grinding herself against his talented tongue. Her body began to shiver as a climax overtook her, one unlike she’d ever known. She screamed, believing the neighbors would probably call authorities.

  And not giving a damn.

  “My. Goodness,” she panted, after seeing how the moon was hung and the stars were spread. “That was . . . that . . . was . . . incredible.”

  He gently laid his body next to hers, careful not to hit his wound as he pulled her into his arms. “And so are you.”

  They lay there, both satisfied for different reasons, absently listening to Eddie Daniels’s jazzy rendition of “Sleigh Ride.”

  When Carol was finally able to move she turned to Alex, and said, “I really should return the favor,” while reaching down to stroke the now semi-erection that immediately began showing signs of life.

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that.” Alex kissed Carol’s temple while reaching to stay her hand. “Today is all about you. I just want to make you happy, and let you know in no uncertain terms that you are special and appreciated.”

  “You’ve done that,” Carol replied, snuggling into his renewed embrace. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this satisfied.”

  “Glad to hear that,” Alex said, twirling a finger around her nipple. “Because I’m not hardly finished, sexy Carol. I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter 9

  The ending to their love tryst came quicker than planned. Instead of a day spent loving each other from various positions, a phone call had sent them to Carol’s mother’s house where Alex met Carol’s siblings, a few cousins, and neighborhood friends. They ate leftovers and played card games. Finally, after seeing Carol at all ages through the family photo albums, the two had returned to Carol’s place where finally, almost reverently, they had made love.

  Sitting in first class on their way to Los Angeles, Carol recalled the events of four days ago; the moment when two years of unexpected celibacy ended.

  “I like your family.” Alex pulled off his leather coat and tossed it on a nearby chair.

  Carol gave him a look before retrieving it and placing it next to hers in the hallway closet. “They liked you, too.”

  “Your mom is fine! She looks more like your sister.”

  “We get that a lot. She started early, by accident.”

  “She was kind of reserved, though.”

  “She’s like that sometimes. Want something to drink?”

  “Just water is cool,” Alex replied, following Carol to the kitchen. “I’m probably dehydrated.”

  She poured two glasses. “Here you go.” She held up her glass.

  “Why are we toasting?”

  “Because you survived my family.”


  “They aren’t easily impressed and can spot phoniness from a mile away, so that you made a good impression on my brother and sister speaks volumes.”

  “Does that mean you’ll think about keeping me around?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  They drained their glasses. An awkward silence ensued. Alex looked at his watch. “Wow, nine o’clock. I didn’t know it was so late. I probably should leave; I’ve taken up your whole day.”

  “You don’t have to go.” The sentence came out quickly, unexpectedly, before Carol could stop it. “I mean, it’s not a problem if you want to stay.”

  Alex took a step toward her. “You say that because you don’t know what I want to do . . . if I stay.”

  Carol looked from Alex’s sexy brown eyes to his equally scrumptious mouth. “What do you want to do?” Secretly she was hoping it was the same thing that had been on her mind all day.

  “I think you know.” She swallowed, tried to slow a heartbeat that was suddenly rapid. “Then again, I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do.”

  Thinking of the day’s earlier amorous events emboldened her. She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to keep space between their bodies and his wound. “Right now there’s nothing about you that I don’t want,” she whispered, and then initiated a scorching kiss.

  Without thinking, Alex wrapped his arms around her body and pressed her against him. He swallowed the pain caused by the impact on his flesh wound and deepened the exchange. Not enough to escape Carol’s notice, however. She immediately stepped back and looked at his midsection.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “I forgot. Look, let’s go sit on the sofa, watch a movie or something.”

  “Thanks, gorgeous, but watching a movie is the absolute last thing on my mind. I may be injured, but I’m not fully disabled.” He hugged her, as if to underscore the point. “I’d like to give you a massage.”

  She stepped back. “A massage?”

  “Do you have any bath oils? Or lotion?”

  “Sure, but . . .”

  “Let’s go to your bedroom.”

  Carol reached out and lightly touched the sweatshirt near his midsection. “What about this?”

  “Let me worry about that. Come on.”

  Butterflies danced in her stomach as she led them toward the stairs. Except for the workers who’d set up her bed, there had been no testosterone in the master suite.

  Alex entered after her and looked around. “This is nice, Carol. You have great taste.”

  “Thank you.” After what he’d done to her this afternoon, you’d think shy would be gone. It wasn’t. Seeing Alex in her bedroom had elicited all kinds of feelings, awakened all sorts of dreams. Like how she wanted to get married, have babies, and wake up to someone special every day for the rest of her life.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Oh, nothing.” Carol dodged Alex’s hand and went to her closet for candles.

  “Didn’t look li
ke nothing to me. You were deep in thought, brow all scrunched up and everything.”

  Continuing to ignore this line of questioning, she walked over to the iPod dock on the nightstand. “What kind of music do you like?”

  “For what I have in mind . . . maybe a little Brian McKnight?”

  “Great choice.” She flipped through the catalog. Soon, the sounds of Brian’s sultry crooning added to the romantic atmosphere, further created by the white candles Carol was lighting and the golden hues on her silk comforter.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be. You’re beautiful. Come here.” She walked over and stood in front of him. He removed her clothes and after instructing her to lie on the bed, proceeded to give her the best massage she’d ever had, including her scalp. By the time he finished, his was a full erection, which he quickly covered with a condom. He guided her to her knees at the edge of the bed and with one gentle, well-placed thrust made their night, and their reconnection, totally complete.

  Alex had been watching Carol for a few minutes, after turning to look out the window. They were minutes away from landing and the view while coming into LAX was immense.

  “There goes that look again.”

  Carol, who had also been looking out the window, did not turn around. “What look?”

  “The one you get when deep in thought; like the other night when we first walked into your bedroom.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Alex’s chuckle was deep and sexy. “Yes, you do.” When she remained quiet, he added, “I understand why you can’t say anything. Don’t want it known that you’re thinking about me.”

  “You sound pretty sure of yourself.”

  “It’s not true, you’re not thinking about me?”

  “Oh, look. We’re landing.” She gave him a look to underscore how she was so not going to answer his question.

  He laughed. “Are you glad to be back in LA?”

  “Actually, yes. I enjoyed the time we spent here during the concert tour and am looking forward to seeing more of the city. I know Gab sent a car to pick us up, but are you getting a rental?”


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