The Lion's Share (The Lion Princes Book 2)

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The Lion's Share (The Lion Princes Book 2) Page 2

by Leslie Chase

  But she had a job to do, and her embarrassment wasn't going to keep her from doing it. "Welcome back to Leotania, Prince Mattias," she said, pleased that she didn't sound as breathless as she felt.

  Mattias stepped out of the plane and nearly stopped dead as he saw who was waiting for him. That can't be Sophie, surely?

  He'd been looking forward to seeing her, of course. Roman had told him that she had taken over her father's job as the King's secretary, and Mattias was pleased to hear it. It seemed fitting, and he expected that she'd be good at it. Even as a child, she'd always been smart and quick to learn, which he figured were the main traits she needed in that job.

  What he hadn't expected was how good she'd look. That hadn't seemed important until now, when he was face-to-face with the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. Sophie had grown up into a stunning woman, curvy in all the right places, deep dark eyes which drew him in, long hair which she kept pulled back in a ponytail out of the way. The moment he looked at her, his heart skipped a beat.

  Deep inside him, his lion stirred, awakened by her presence. Mattias had to struggle not to growl, not to shift, not to do anything to make himself look more ridiculous than he already did as he walked down the stairs to meet her. It took all his focus to keep from making a fool of himself.

  Her words were enough to snap him out of it, bringing him back to Earth. Focusing on her, he gathered himself and answered.

  "Call me Matt, please," he said, smiling. "We are old friends after all."

  She nodded at that, not answering directly, and her expression was frozen. He wasn't sure what that meant, what she was hiding. Was she annoyed at his lack of formality? Or was she covering something else? Whatever it was, she was doing a good job of hiding her emotions from him.

  Before he could say anything else, the man beside her took a smart step forward and saluted. Mattias was almost startled by that — he saw the man when he left the plane, of course, but Sophie had knocked that out of his head.

  Okay, Matt, focus, he told himself. Breathe. Don't be rude. You can talk to Sophie in a minute.

  "Your Highness," the other man said with a nod. "My name is Captain Karl Praetor, and I'm the commander of the Royal Security Service. It's an honor to meet you, sir."

  "Likewise, Captain."

  There was something about the man's attitude which he didn't like. Something that didn't sit true, as though he was hiding something. Mattias looked the man over carefully, trying to figure him out, but the man was almost unreadable. It made sense for someone in his position to be good at keeping secrets, but didn't do anything to reassure Mattias.

  Praetor was tall, almost as tall as Mattias, and just as muscular. He had the bearing of a man who had experience with violence, and no particular qualms about using it. He looked, in a word, dangerous.

  There's nothing wrong with that, in the captain of our guards, Mattias told himself. Still, he couldn't shake his suspicion that something was wrong. There was something about the man that put him on edge. And something vaguely familiar too.

  "Praetor?" he asked, and the captain's lips twitched into something that was almost, but not quite, a smile.

  "Yes, sir. I expect you remember my uncle, who was Captain of the Royal Security Service before you left the country." Praetor shook his head, and the hard gleam in his eyes intensified. "He left the post after his failure to protect your parents, and I am determined to do a better job than he did."

  Mattias looked at him again. He did look a lot like the grim-faced older man who Matt vaguely remembered from his childhood. A man who had always hovered protectively over the King — well, that was a family tradition that was worth upholding. There was a hint of a challenge in Praetor’s eyes as he looked into Mattias’s. The prince narrowed his gaze and held his ground, staring the soldier down. It only took a few seconds before Praetor looked away with a small smile on his face.

  What was that about? Mattias frowned. Not the time to find out, but I'll want to know.

  "I'm sure you'll do your family proud, Captain Praetor," he said, pushing another smile onto his face. There was no point in antagonizing him when Mattias had only just arrived. "Now, time to be on our way."

  "Yes, sir," the Captain said, snapping off another salute. "This way to your car."

  All Mattias wanted to do was speak with Sophie, to get to know her again, and more. To touch her and taste her and... he had to clamp down on his thoughts as he felt his lion stir again, his teeth sharpening in his mouth. Not now!

  He went to take Sophie's arm, but she stepped back just in time to avoid him. Matt frowned at that, wondering what was wrong. Perhaps she just didn't want to be unprofessional when they first met. That was okay, he could wait until they were in the car to talk.

  Striding through the airport, he was suddenly aware of how different things were here. Leotania was nothing like the US where he'd been raised and spent most of his life. For one thing, everything looked decades out of date. For another, there were portraits of his grandfather everywhere, edged in black for mourning. Either the people of Leotania really missed their departed king, or they felt that they had to pretend.

  Certainly, they seemed keen to meet their potential new king. A crowd of people waited, held back by ropes and guards in the same uniform as Captain Praetor. Mattias waved to them and they cheered as one, a blast of sound that made him smile. It wasn't quite what he'd expected to come home to, but it did make him feel welcome. The lion inside him stirred again, enjoying the attention and the praise, basking in the welcoming noise of the crowd. Is this what it's always like, for a king? Mattias couldn't help wonder what effect that would have on someone.

  Stopping in front of one of the portraits, Mattias met the old man's gaze. He looked stern but forgiving, a proud king who would love his subjects in his own way, but never be close to them. Perhaps we can do better now, Mattias thought. It was the first time the reality of the situation came home to him, the awesome responsibility that would be his if he was chosen to become king.

  The weight of it was there in the portrait, heavy in his grandfather's eyes. Mattias met that gaze straight on, then nodded. It was a challenge he would rise to, if fate chose him. He might worry about the details, but he wouldn't let that stop him from leading his country into a bright future.


  Sophie's head swam as they made their way through the airport. She couldn't think straight. When Matt took a moment to pause in front of the portrait, it gave her a moment to breathe, to try to catch up with what was happening. The mourning crowd was something she'd intended to prepare him for, to mention before he was faced with it, but his presence had driven all of her prepared speeches from her mind and she'd been reduced to following mutely behind him.

  At least he doesn't seem to have noticed how I'm feeling, she told herself, hanging on to her sense of professionalism with grim determination. It would be so embarrassing if anyone could see what an impact he had on her. This is ridiculous, he can't be that much hotter than the men I see every day.

  That thought gave her an excuse to analyze him again, looking him up and down as he stared at the late King's picture. It didn't help — from behind, he was just as delicious as from the front. Sophie couldn't help giving him another thorough once over, gaze lingering on the way his jeans hugged his ass so tight. Damn it. Why, out of everyone, does it have to be him who has this effect on me?

  It took all her self-control to keep her feelings hidden behind the icy professionalism she'd cultivated. Sophie wanted to shout her feelings to the world, to throw herself at the prince, to find out what that solid, gorgeous, muscular body felt like against her skin. Restraining herself, she managed to keep quiet and still. No one would know what she was feeling, or at least she hoped that no one would notice.

  "I see Prince Mattias has made quite an impression on you," Captain Praetor said, dashing her hopes. At least he kept his voice quiet enough that she could barely hear him, and wasn't drawing any attention. "Why is
it that you never look at me like that?"

  She tried to glare at him out of the corner of her eye, but even she knew she wasn't managing it. Too embarrassed and conflicted, she felt her cheeks heat and looked away again. At least the man sounded more amused than angry, though there was an undercurrent of displeasure in his tone.

  "Leave it alone," she said, just as quiet. If she could avoid making a fuss, she would. "This isn't the time or place, Karl."

  "Is this why you've been putting me off?" he said, ignoring her protest. "I can understand that, I suppose. A prince would be quite a catch, and you've got a fifty-fifty chance of grabbing a king. That is worth the gamble, but don't worry, I can offer you a better bet. You'll see."

  I've not been putting you off, you ass! I've been saying 'no' plainly enough that even you should be able to understand it! She bit down on the outburst, keeping it silent. This really, really wasn't the time to have a confrontation with him.

  She could feel his eyes on her, and her jaw tightened. Any other time, this might have been enough to make her snap at him, but not now. Not in front of all these people. And not when Prince Mattias was only just back in the country. She couldn't risk ruining this moment for him.

  So when the Prince turned back to them, she put on her best smile and turned away from Praetor. Without a word, she led Mattias to the waiting limo. From the way he looked at her, she knew he'd spotted that something was wrong, but at least she'd managed to keep it from being too obvious.

  The crowd cheered again, and Mattias turned to wave to them. It looked so natural, he was in control and in his element as he accepted the shouts of well-wishers and smiled back at them. Sophie couldn't help noticing how many young women were at the front of the crowd, all waving and shouting for his attention. Apparently, she wasn't the only person planning to make sure the Prince found his mate.

  That thought made Sophie frown, a twinge of something flickering through her. An irrational dislike of the women throwing themselves at the prince. None of those girls were right for him, she knew that, and she felt a spiky ball of anger in her stomach at the very idea of them with Mattias. They don't deserve him, she thought before she could catch the thought. What the hell, Sophie? You don't know anything about them!

  But she was sure of it. Not one of them deserved to have his attention, and she snuck a look at him to see how he was taking this. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him smiling at the girls, waving and grinning. Not fair, Sophie, she told herself, though she felt her jaw tighten at the sight. What man wouldn't like to see so many pretty women compete for his attention?

  And competing they were. One skinny blonde wore the barest minimum that wouldn't get her arrested, with his name written across her tits. A few steps away from her, a pair of redheads stood arm in arm, shooting Mattias come-hither looks and leaving no doubt that they were willing to share him. It seemed like every attractive girl in the city tried to come up with some edge, some way to draw his attention. The result was tacky, more than anything else, and Sophie wasn't sure why it made her so angry. But she did know that she wasn't going to put up with it.

  Prince Mattias deserved better.

  "Your Highness," Sophie said, taking his arm and speaking softly. She winced at the chill note in her voice, hoping it would pass unnoticed. "We are behind schedule."

  "Of course," he said. If he noticed her coldness, he gave no sign of it. I'm sure he's too distracted looking at those women to pay any attention to me, Sophie thought. Then she shook her head. What on earth is that about, Sophie? You are not getting jealous of those girls.

  Feeling her cheeks heat, she stepped smartly to the side of the limo and held the door for Mattias and Praetor to get in. The prince paused for one more wave to the crowd, giving them a chance for a final cheer before he disappeared from their view. Sophie took a moment to breathe deeply before getting in herself, trying to calm her emotions. They were a mess.

  She couldn't help noticing the jealous glares of women that watched her getting into the car with the object of their desire. That only made her feel more conflicted, more confused. Sure, she was getting to spend time with the hottest man in the kingdom. But did she really want to spend time in close quarters with a guy who made her panties melt like this, when she couldn't have him?

  Maybe I should just throw him to that horde of girls and let them all enjoy each other, she thought. Then I can get the hell away from here, and him.

  One look at him as she sat down in the limo reminded her that she didn't want that at all, though. His eyes flashed with some hidden amusement as he looked at her, and that was enough to make her want him all over again. Her breath caught and she froze half-way to her seat as his gaze sent feelings flashing through her body that she struggled to control.

  As soon as the door shut behind her, the driver pulled away and drove off. Losing her balance to the sudden start, Sophie tumbled into Mattias's lap with a gasp.

  She froze in place as his arms closed around her, holding her in place. His powerful grip kept her from falling further, but it also held her against his body, and she could feel his muscles, his heat. The hardness of his cock against her ass. The thump-thump of his heartbeat.

  For a moment neither of them moved. Then she pulled away, tugging herself free of those arms that made her feel safe and secure, the grip that made her melt against him. Flustered and blushing, she picked up her dropped folder and slipped into a seat, not trusting herself to speak. Her fingers trembled as she pulled on her seatbelt.

  Mattias was flushed too, but not as much as Captain Praetor. The guard's face was dark with anger and resentment, and Sophie could almost read the thoughts in his mind. How could he be so angry over an accident like that? But Sophie could see the jealousy in his face, and knew that there would be nothing she could say to convince him that her fall had been an accident. Was it, even? She couldn't help doubting herself. The urge to touch Mattias had been so strong that she couldn't be sure she hadn't let herself fall.

  Mattias could barely make himself let go. The feel of Sophie's body against his was too exquisite to abandon easily. What he wanted to do was throw her down to the limo's back seat and take her there and then.

  Her curvy body pressed to his felt like heaven even through their clothes, and he couldn't imagine how good she'd feel naked. Her curves fit against him perfectly, her ass against his crotch bringing him to rigid hardness. Her scent filled his senses too, and he knew she was as aroused as he was. As distant as she acted, he could feel her heat, her desire, and it brought out the animal in him.

  Literally. His lion was awake and hungry for her, and growling in his mind, urging him to take what was his. Mattias struggled to push that feeling down, to behave like a gentleman. She deserved better than that. As much as they wanted each other, he wasn't going to spoil things by pawing at her like some brute.

  After a moment she pulled away, and reluctantly he let go, watching to make sure she kept her balance in the moving car. She wouldn't meet his eyes, her cheeks flushed as she buckled herself in. Mattias couldn't help smiling to himself at the effect he'd had on her. Be fair, he thought to himself. I bet I wouldn't be steady on my feet right now either.

  His cheeks were hot too, not with embarrassment but with passion.

  It took another moment before he remembered that there was someone else in the limo with them. Captain Praetor had been silent and absolutely still beside him through it all, and when Mattias glanced aside he saw that the man looked furious. Mattias frowned. Does he have some claim on Sophie? Are they together?

  The thought made his blood boil and his hand tighten into a fist. With a concerted effort, he opened it and took a deep breath. It wasn't as though he had any reason to be angry with the Captain — he'd only just arrived, and it wouldn't be reasonable to object to Sophie being in a relationship. But reason had nothing to do with his feelings, and the idea of someone else touching Sophie was enough to make him want to break something. Or someone.

his isn't the time or place for any of this, he told himself. We'll talk when I'm alone with Sophie. Until then, I can control myself.

  He might not want to, but he could.

  "So, what's on the agenda?" He tried to move them past the awkward silence that had fallen in the car as it sped through the streets of the capital. For a moment Sophie looked at him blankly, drawn back from whatever she'd been thinking about. Mattias suppressed a hungry grin — he could guess where her mind had been, and it wasn't too far from his own thoughts. But that was exactly what he wanted to distract them both from.

  He looked at the folder in her hands and her blush deepened. Before she could speak, though, Captain Praetor broke in.

  "Sophie has been planning ahead for your arrival, Highness," the Captain said. There was an odd note in his voice, part angry, part mocking. It was well controlled, hidden behind a professional politeness. But his emotions were strong enough that Mattias couldn't miss them, even distracted as he was. "She's put together a portfolio of the most eligible women suitable for a prince of Leotania to mate."

  Sophie's eyes flicked aside to Praetor, and Mattias couldn't miss the venom in her glare. But then she straightened and pulled herself back behind an ice-cold mask of professionalism. "It seemed only prudent, Your Highness," she said. "Seeing as you are without a mate, and you'll need one to go before the Well of Fate."

  Oh. Mattias didn't know how to respond to that. Her tone was calm and collected, and she seemed entirely serious about setting him up with another woman. That doesn't make sense. It's her I should be with; how can she not know that? But then he realized that she had planned this before meeting him, before they could have known that they were meant for each other. He certainly hadn't expected to find his mate the second he stepped off the plane in Leotania.


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