Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1) Page 1

by Carpenter, Maggie





  Maggie Carpenter


  This book is for adults only, and contains scenes of spanking, graphic sex, bondage, sensory deprivation, and are fantasies only, intended for adults. This book is not for children, nor does it condone corporal punishment of children. This book contains scenes of nonconsensual activities, BDSM and other nonconsensual activities. This book does not support nonconsensual spanking or any other nonconsensual activities, sexual or otherwise.

  Copyright © 2015 Maggie Carpenter

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Dark Secrets Press

  Ebook Cover Design

  Ashley@ Redbird Designs


  Polgarus Studio

  Visit the author at:







  Kylie Hartman bounced down the hallway, burst through the double glass doors and trotted across the parking lot to her brand new, bright red, Mustang convertible. It was a graduation gift from dear old dad. She was finally out of cinema school and ready to start her life. She just had to decide which studio was deserving of her. Already looking at several offers, she was meeting her father for lunch to discuss each of them in detail. Unlike many who would be struggling to find the perfect position to suit their talents, her father’s influence and clout in the show biz world had opened many doors. Justin Hartman was an Oscar-winning director who had turned out hit after hit. When he called, people answered the phone.

  Slowing to a walk as she neared her car she saw a familiar face. Zach Taylor. He was Head of Motion Picture Development for Titan Pictures and had been a guest lecturer at her class on several occasions. He was cute, really cute, with Superman’s chocolate brown hair, square jaw, and the sexiest glasses she’d ever seen. They made him look serious and powerful, and Kylie adored powerful men. His choice of clothes was another turn-on. While most of the studio executives wore the blue jeans, white shirt and expensive jacket uniform, whenever she saw Zach he was in a suit, many times with a tie. Oh, how she loved a man in a suit and tie.

  The truth was, she had been madly in crush with Zach long before he’d appeared to lecture at her class, but whenever she’d seen him, usually at a social event, she’d been with a date, or he had, and she’d found it enormously frustrating.

  “Hello Kylie,” Zach said greeting her with a huge smile. “I’ve been waiting for you. Are ready for the big world?”

  Kylie threw her head back and laughed out loud.

  “I’ve been in the big world, as you put it, since I was three years old and went to my first Premiere, and why are you here? I thought all the classes had broken.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” he smiled.

  “To persuade me to work with you at Titan?” she asked hopefully.

  “Not at all. I don’t have a position for you at Titan.”

  “You don’t?”

  Kylie was both surprised and disappointed. Her father had said he was pushing to get her in at the highly successful, independent picture company. Not only had she been attracted to Zach for ages, she used to imagine the two of them working together. When he’d given lectures at her class she had enjoyed them immensely, and much to the surprise of her classmates she had engaged him in a debate more than once. It had caused quite a stir.

  “No, I don’t, and if I hire someone it will be because they’ve applied through the proper channels, passed my very taxing interview, and I think they’ll be right for whatever position it might be, not because their very important daddy made a phone call.”

  “That’s not fair,” she frowned, “and if you’re not here to offer me a job, why are you here?” she asked fishing out her keys from her oversized, grey leather, Prada handbag.

  “I’m here to offer you a spanking,” he said coolly.

  His unexpected statement completely rattled her, and to her horror she dropped her keys.

  “Dammit! Now look what you’ve made me do!” she exclaimed completely flustered.

  “I made you drop your keys?” he chuckled.

  “Of course you did, with that ridiculous, uh-”

  “Offer,” he said calmly

  “Yes, offer,” she snapped feeling a dreadful red blush cross her face.

  She was completely ruffled, and it didn’t help that her attempts to bend over to retrieve her keys were hampered by the cumbersome bag around her shoulder. Stepping forward he leaned down and whisked them up from the ground.

  “Here you go. One set of keys.”

  He held them in the air, dangling them at eye level.

  “Thank you,” she quipped snatching them from his hand.

  “Easy girl,” he frowned. “No need to take my head off.”

  “I have every reason to take your head off,” she retorted.

  “That display of temper right there, that’s one of the many reasons I offered to spank you.”

  “Stop saying that, you’re being ridiculous.”

  “So…that’s a no? You’re not interested?”

  “Of course I’m not,” she glowered. “Wait, is this some kind of new pick up line? Is this what I can expect now, since the release of Fifty Shades?”

  “It has nothing to do with any film,” he frowned. “I’m quite sincere.”

  “Do you often just walk up to women and offer them a spanking?”

  “Only those who need one,” he replied perching on the fender of her car, “and you, my dear Kylie, absolutely do.”

  “I used to like you,” she mumbled staring at her remote trying to find the button to unlock the doors.

  “You did? That’s nice to-”

  Suddenly the ear-piercing sound of her car alarm blasted through the air.

  “Dammit! Oh, you are infuriating!” she shouted fumbling with the remote. “How do I turn the fucking thing off!”

  Taking the key from her hand he calmly pressed the correct button, and the alarm stopped its blaring.

  “So unladylike,” he said shaking his head as he opened the door for her. “The f word doesn’t look good on you, and I don’t know why you insist on blaming me for all these problems you’re having.”

  “You know why,” she barked.

  “I do?”

  “Of course you do!”

  “Oh, you mean because I offered to spank you.”

  She felt a brand new flush cross her face, and dropping her gaze she slid behind the wheel.

  Dammit. Why does he have to keep using that word, it’s making me crazy, and why does he have to be so good-looking? Those eyes of his. It’s like he can see right through me.

  “I have to go,” she declared.

  “You know you need it, and it will help you with your career,” he added with a wry grin as he rested his hands on the top of her car door.
  “You’re crazy!” she proclaimed.

  “No, I’m not. You need to be spanked, and not just once. A good spanking every week would do wonders for you. When you’re ready, call me. You know where I am.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” she muttered starting the engine.

  “Kylie,” he said soberly. “Don’t drive until you’ve calmed down, and I really am sorry I upset you. It wasn’t my intention, I promise you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not that upset,” she replied trying to control her voice.

  “Hmmm, I think you are,” he declared, and before she could answer he leapt into the back seat.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re not leaving here until you take a deep breath and relax a bit, not unless you want company,” he replied. “You’re far too emotional to be driving a car with the power this thing has. You’ll wrap it around a telephone pole. I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Get out!”

  “Nope. Not until you’ve calmed down.”

  “Fine. Suit yourself,” she retorted.

  Gunning the accelerator she peeled out of her parking space and sped towards the exit, but she had to stop behind several cars waiting to pass through the guard gate.

  “I thought you said you weren’t upset,” he said leaning forward and placing his lips at the side of her ear.

  “You are the most insufferable, exasperating man I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting,” she growled. “You were obnoxious in the classroom too. I should have realized it’s just who you are.”

  “My goodness, Kylie, think about what you just said. I was the teacher, you were the student. It was my job to teach and your job to listen. You constantly interrupted me. If anyone was obnoxious it was you. Clearly your father never taught you how to listen and pay attention.”

  “As it happens I’m meeting him for lunch, and I’m going to tell him all about your so-called offer, now get out of my car.”

  “I’m honestly not trying to be obnoxious, insufferable or exasperating, I’m genuinely concerned, and believe it or not, I repeat, I didn’t mean to upset you. Please settle down before you drive off.”

  She turned around and studied his face, and as much as she hated to admit it he looked completely sincere.

  “Okay,” she sighed, “fine. I almost believe you. I’m calm now, I’m not mad, I’m not angry, I’m not anything.”

  “You do seem less frazzled,” he smiled.

  “You wore me down. That’s how I am. I let out my temper, then it’s done.”

  “Drive like a normal person,” he said climbing out.

  “No thanks. Normal people here in L.A. drive like maniacs.”

  “This is true,” he nodded. “Tell your dad I said hello.”

  Gazing in her rear view mirror she watched him jog away and stop at a brand new Bentley Coupe. Her Mustang convertible was a sexy car, but his Bentley put it to shame.

  “I absolutely cannot believe you just did that, Mr. Zachary Taylor. What kind of thing is that to say? You need a spanking. Jeez,” she grumbled.

  Leaning back against the headrest she rolled the Mustang forward as the line began to move, and as angry and embarrassed as she was, she couldn’t deny the heat between her legs. Zach Taylor had totally turned her on.

  Can he read minds? Does he know I was fantasizing about D/s stuff long before Fifty Shades hit the bookstores? Is there a neon sign on my forehead?

  Wriggling in her seat she considered calling Angelo, her current lover, to see if he was free to pay her a visit. He was very good looking, had an amazing body, and was tapping on the door of serious fame, but she decided she wasn’t in the mood to listen to an endless conversation about the latest script he’d read.

  Glimpsing into her rearview mirror again, she watched the Bentley pull out of its parking space and head towards the line of cars that were now behind her.

  A spanking, an actual spanking, and what was it he said? Regularly? My God, that man gets sexier every time I see him.


  Kylie was meeting her father in the executive dining room at Universal. The famous studio was where he was working on his latest feature. It was a long drive from Venice where she lived and had attended school, but it was the middle of the day so she was hoping the traffic wouldn’t be too terrible.

  While many studied at USC Film School in downtown Los Angeles, or went to UCLA in the trendy city of Westwood, Kylie Hartman had been accepted by Cinema Studies University, a small, elite, accredited college that specialized in the corporate side of the entertainment business.

  The sun was shining, but in Los Angeles the sun was always shining, and as she whizzed down the freeway, zipping her new convertible in and out of lanes while keeping her eyes open for motorcycle cops, she wished she’d put the top up. She’d neglected to bring a baseball cap, and though she was wearing oversized black sunglasses, the wind was whipping her hair into her face, and she could feel the heat of the sun burning her arms.

  Universal studios was directly off the highway, and after a thirty-five minute drive she was grateful to see the exit. As she cruised down the offramp she let out a heavy breath.

  Thank goodness. I do love having this car to putter around Venice, but damn, I can’t have the top down on the freeway anymore. That was a frickin‘ nightmare.

  Driving the short distance to the gate of the studio parking lot, she turned off the main road and was waved forward by the guard. Everyone knew Kylie Hartman. Having attended her father’s film openings since she was a little girl, and dated several up-and-coming actors as a young woman, her most recent being the dashing, Angelo Frattiano, she was often in the spotlight. Her picture regularly appeared in the show biz magazines alongside the celebrated and famous of Hollywood.

  She found a parking space, and pulling her hairbrush from her bag she managed to repair the damage from the drive. Dressed in a white, sleeveless, tight-fitting sundress and high-heeled sandals, her long, honey blonde hair shimmering from expensive salon treatments, she turned heads as she strode towards the building that housed the executive dining room. Seeing her approach, a young man whose only job was to open and close the heavy, tinted glass door, held it for her as she walked in. A tall, elegant hostess was standing behind a podium and stepped forward to greet her.

  “Miss Hartman, your father is already here. Please follow me.”

  “Hey, dad,” she said warmly as she neared his table.

  “Hi, honey, you must be happy. Free at last,” her father declared standing up to give her a quick hug.

  Justin Hartman was a handsome man. He’d started his career as an actor but had fallen in love with directing. Married and divorced twice, he had three children, Kylie being his only daughter, the result of his short marriage to his second wife. Happily single he had no desire to marry again, and lived in what Kylie referred to as a ridiculously huge house. It was nestled in a high-end gated community in the hills above Westwood.

  “I am super happy,” she exclaimed, “but I think I’m going to miss going to school every day. How can I not after four years? I can’t believe it’s over.”

  “I’m immensely proud of you,” Justin said earnestly. “I know it’s only the middle of the day and we’re going out tonight to celebrate, but I think this calls for a glass of champagne. Just you and me.”

  “Yes, just you and me,” she smiled fighting an unexpected wave of emotion.

  Kylie had always felt it was just the two of them. Her mother was beautiful and glamorous and charming, but most of the time she was missing-in-action. Kylie had grown up with her father and a parade of nannies. When her mother made an appearance during Kylie’s early years it was usually unannounced, and she would sweep in with bags of gifts, then sweep out just as quickly.

  Justin signaled to the waiter, ordered the drinks, then opened his battle-worn leather satchel. He called it, Ralph, and it had been at his side since he’d left college decades before. Over the years Kyli
e had come to love the well-worn bag. Her father would return home and announce, ‘Ralph has something special for you,’ and with a flourish he would unbuckle the straps, lift open the flap, and present her with something wonderful. When she’d started Cinema Studies University he given her something similar; an accordion satchel by Gucci. She had named in Ralph the Second, and intended to use it exactly as her father had used his when she had children.

  “What does Ralph have for me today?” she giggled.

  “Another interview. It just came in.”

  “Really? Do tell.” I’ll bet it’s from Zach. I’ll bet he felt guilty about that whole scene and raced back to Titan to send dad an offer for me.

  “It’s from Gregory Zucker at Paramount.”

  “Oh, interesting,” she replied feeling a wave of disappointment.

  “He’s starting a division of his production company focusing on-”

  “Dad, sorry to interrupt, but I don’t want to work at Paramount.”


  “I’d have to move. I can’t drive from Venice into Hollywood every day, and I don’t want to be in a startup.”

  “Getting in on the ground floor of something means you’ll have a chance to grow as the company does.”

  “That’s assuming it’s successful,” she replied, “but I’m not going to live in Hollywood. I know there are some beautiful areas there, Hancock Park is gorgeous, but I want to stay near the beach. Sorry dad.”

  “All right, let’s look at these others. You liked the offer from Fox, I do too, and I think you should consider working with one of these literary agencies in Beverly Hills.”

  “Development and production, you know that’s where my heart is. Finding great scripts and bringing them to life is where my passion lies. I can’t write to save my life, but I have an instinct for knowing when something is good.”


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