Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1) Page 11

by Carpenter, Maggie

  After working for a couple of hours Zach stretched and yawned. Deciding to watch television for a while before going to bed, he was about to head into the living room when his cellphone rang. Glancing at the screen he saw it was Anna Lee. He hesitated. It was late and he was tired, and in no mood to deal with any dramas, but his concern for the sweet young actress won out, and taking a deep breath he answered.

  “Zach, I’m so glad you picked up,” she said breathlessly.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “You’ll never guess,” she said excitedly.

  “You’re probably right, so why don’t you just tell me.”

  “Remember I told you Bernie was taking me to that charity thing at the Beverly Hills Hotel tonight?”

  Bernie Sanders was Anna Lee’s agent. He often invited her to events where she could meet movers and shakers and be seen by the people who mattered.

  “Vaguely,” Zach replied, “what about it?”

  “Guess who was there? Angelo Frattiano, and he was alone!”

  “Lucky you,” and isn’t this fortuitous timing. “Did you meet him?”

  “Meet him? Oh, my, gosh, Zach, he spent the whole night talking to me and brought me home.”

  “That sounds promising.”

  “He’s just like I thought he’d be, and he reminds me of you in a way, except I’m attracted to him. Sorry, that came out wrong, you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, hon, I know what you mean, and I think you need to take a deep breath.”

  “You’re right, but Zach, I really like him. I mean, really. I know he’s a big star, but he doesn’t act like one. He’s so normal. He comes from some small town on the outskirts of Chicago, and he’s so sweet, but he’s also kind of, what’s the word?”


  “Yes, strong. I feel like I could lean on him, the way I lean on you.”

  “When are you seeing him again, did he ask you out?”

  “When he walked me to my door he gave me the best hug ever, and said he’ll call me tomorrow to make plans.”

  “That is wonderful news, Anna. Keep me posted, and let me know if you need any advice.” This is too weird. Talk about an answer to a prayer. Why do I suddenly feel as if all this is preordained?

  “Don’t worry, I will,” she declared. “I sure as hell don’t want to screw this up.”

  “Anna, I will tell you one thing right off the bat.”


  “Be yourself. You like him because he’s genuine, right?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Be the same. No airs and graces, just be who you are.”

  “Okay, thanks Zach, I’ll remember. Bye.”

  “Bye, hon.”

  Ending the call he shook his head in amazement, and heading into his living room he flopped down on the couch.

  From what Kylie said, Angelo sounds perfect for Anna. This is just so bizarre. If I told someone about this they’d never believe me. Seems like everything is falling into place. Dare I hope that fate could be so kind?


  Walking into the elevator, briefcase in hand, Zach checked his watch.

  “Perfect. 8.25,” he mumbled as the elevator began its ascent.

  Dinging its arrival on the second floor, the doors opened and he headed down the passageway to the reception area of Sam Golden’s inner sanctum.

  “Good morning, Zach,” Kevin smiled as he entered. “Coffee?”

  “No, thanks, I’m good.”

  “Go right in. He’s expecting you.”

  Marching forward Zach knocked three times, then entered Sam’s office.

  “Let’s sit over on the sofa,” Sam suggested walking out from behind his desk.

  “Sure,” Zach replied feeling his stomach do a small roll.

  Shit. He only suggests the sofa if it’s something heavy. Take a deep breath, stay calm, don’t react to anything until you’ve taken a minute to think it through.

  “Did you have a good weekend?” Sam asked.

  “Yes, as a matter-of-fact I did,” Zach grinned happily, “thanks for asking, and you?”

  “The wife and I went furniture shopping. We do it every five years, regular as clockwork. Every five years she complains that it’s shabby, and I say, Virginia, the furniture is fine, and she says, it’s five-years old, and then we go furniture shopping.”

  “It sounds like a ritual.”

  “You know, you’re right, it has become a ritual. So, down to business. I want to talk about Moonbeams of course, but there’s something else I have to discuss with you first. I need your help.”

  “My help? Of course, what is it?” Zach asked. This is a first. Sam has never asked for my help.

  “I’ll tell what it is, and then I’ll explain why.”

  “Okay,” Zach nodded.

  “Zach, I need you to bring Kylie Hartman into your team.”

  “I see,” Zach said slowly. Shit. Stay calm. So much for everything being right and preordained. Shit, shit, shit.

  “You don’t know this, but Justin Hartman and I go way back,” Sam continued. “It’s a long story and I won’t bore you, but I’ve owed the man for a long time and now he’s called in the favor. I’m sure you saw that video of Kylie and Angelo Frattiano last week.”

  “Yes, I saw it,” Zach said still trying to come to grips with the impossible thought of Kylie working in his office.

  “Justin is very worried about her. He thinks if she has a job it will help her stay out of trouble, but he wants that job to be here at Titan so I can keep an eye on her. The problem is, Kylie only wants to work in feature development.”

  “Of course, she can’t know Justin is behind the job offer.”

  “Exactly. It’s only temporary, just for a few months until he feels she’s settled down, then we can put our heads together and find her something permanent, assuming that’s what you want by the time that happens.”

  “A few months,” Zach repeated thoughtfully.

  “Zach? What’s the problem?”

  “There’s no easy way to tell you this,” Zach said grimly, “but, uh…”

  Zach was staring at his hands, struggling to find the words to explain why it was a bad idea, and watching him, Sam wondered what could be wrong. Then it hit him; there was only one explanation.

  “Oh, crap,” Sam muttered. “That’s who you spent the weekend with, Kylie Hartman.”

  “I, uh, I’m afraid so,” Zach nodded looking up at his boss in surprise. What are you? Psychic?

  Standing up Sam shoved his hands into his pockets and walked across to his window. Zach knew not to speak. The great man was thinking, and he hated to be interrupted when he was trying to find an answer to a problem. The heavy quiet was broken by the muffled sound of a distant siren, and when it faded Zach felt the loud silence weighing even more heavily in the room.

  “Okay,” Sam said spinning around, “you know how I feel about office romance. It doesn’t work. I end up losing one or both of the players, but you can’t stop seeing her, and then hire her.”

  “No, that certainly wouldn’t work,” Zach said shaking his head.

  “Can you control her?”

  “It’s early days, but yes, I believe I can.”

  “You’ll have to keep the relationship totally under wraps. You guys can’t go to the hot spots and get your photographs splashed across the tabloids or be seen holding hands eating at the trendy restaurants. If word gets out, everyone here will think it’s okay to date their secretary. I’m not having it,” Sam exclaimed.

  “I’ll have to tell Martha,” Zach said firmly. “She’ll help, she’ll protect us. It’s imperative she be brought into the loop.”

  “I agree,” Sam nodded. “I trust her. She’s the salt of the earth.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Zach sighed.

  “Then it’s settled,” Sam declared.

  “What a weekend,” Zach mumbled, “what with Curtis and-”

�� Sam interrupted. “Did Kylie say anything to you about Curtis? I know she spent several hours with him.”

  “Uh, like what?” Zach frowned.

  “Disparaging, anything disparaging.”

  “Just something that was speculation on her part. I don’t want to-”

  “Tell me,” Sam insisted.

  “She thought he might have been stoned on something, maybe coke.”


  “What’s this about?”

  “She told her father the same thing.”

  “I’m sorry, Sam, I don’t see the connection.”

  “Justin called me, told me what Kylie had said, so I took a walk through his office. I found a vial taped to the back of a painting and another one hidden behind some books. Curtis Fielding has a problem, that’s why I had to let him go, but I can’t let it get out. A drug addict an executive at Titan? No, thank you. You have to make sure Kylie keeps this to herself.”

  “Sam,” Zach said slowly, “it’s not uncommon. Half the people in this town have some kind of alcohol or drug addiction. I doubt anyone will care.”

  “Maybe, but having an executive doing drugs right under my nose? People will start asking why I didn’t spot it? I can’t have it, Zach.”

  “I see your point,” Zach said diplomatically. “I’ll tell Kylie not to share her suspicions with anyone else.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” Sam replied, “though I’m glad she mentioned it to her father or Curtis would still be here doing that shit.”

  “Getting back to Kylie working here, I honestly don’t know how I can present this to her,” Zach grimaced. “I’ve already told her she can’t work for me. She’s going to ask why I changed my mind. The thought of lying to her…”

  “You’re in a difficult situation, and I’m sorry about that,” Sam said lowering his voice as he sat back down. “Find another reason, a real one, something that makes sense”

  “So, you’re saying, tell her half the truth.”

  “Yes, half the truth,” Sam repeated gravely. “Half is better than none. I’m sorry, Zach. The man called in the chit, and I’ve gotta make the payment.”

  “And that payment is Kylie working for me.”

  “Yep, ‘fraid so, now let’s talk about Moonbeams.”


  The top was down on her Mustang, the sun was shining, and it was a stereotypical, sunny Southern California day. Having just finished a yoga class Kylie was driving back to her condo when her cellphone rang, and seeing Zach’s name on the screen she broke into a broad smile. As promised, he had called her the night before, and she hadn’t expected to hear from him again so soon.

  “Hi, Superman.”

  “Hello, Kitten. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No, not at all, I’m driving home. How are things at your office? Has the day dropped you back to planet Earth with a thump?”

  “It certainly has,” he replied, and you have no idea just what a thump it was.

  “Dad called me. He wanted to know if I had any news on the work front. That man is driving me crazy.”

  “He just cares about you,” Zach remarked. “Would you like to come to my house tonight? I can whip us up some pasta. A friend of mine made some incredible sauce and I need to use it.”

  “Wait, are you asking me over because you need to use up some spaghetti sauce? That’s about the least romantic invitation I think I’ve ever received.”

  “Funny,” he chuckled. “I’ll email you my address. It’s easy to find. I have a meeting out of the office late this afternoon and I’m going home when I’m done. If you arrive around six that would work.”

  “I haven’t said yes,” she quipped.

  “Don’t be late,” he retorted. “You’ll get a swat for every minute that you are.”

  “Ooh, why did that just make me hot and bothered?”

  “I’ll leave you to ponder that question,” he replied, “and I’ll see you later.”

  Butterflies happily fluttering, Kylie ended the call as she turned down the street to her complex, and as she rolled the Mustang into the underground parking garage her voice of reason began chattering away.

  Interesting that he wants to see you so soon. He struck me as the type would let a couple of days go by.

  Me too. Maybe he’s as hooked on me as I am on him. I can’t wait to see him. Should I assume I’ll be staying over at his house tonight?

  Pack a bag, throw it in your car, then if it happens you’ll be prepared.

  Yes, perfect, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Maybe I should take something for dessert. I could pick up one of those pies at the French bakery around the corner.

  No, if you’re going to take something, make it yourself.

  I will, I’ll look in one of those gourmet cook books I have and see if there’s anything I can tackle. She had reached her condo, and unlocking the door she headed straight to her bedroom to take a shower.

  “This will be so much fun,” she grinned as she turned on the faucets. “I can’t remember the last time I did some baking.”

  While Kylie was stepping into her shower, Zach was behind closed doors in his office, Martha sitting across from him in front of his desk. After a busy morning he finally had a spare minute to give her the gory details of his meeting with Sam.

  “You know I’ll cover for you,” Martha said, “but if that girl gives me a hard time…”

  “I promise you, I’ve already had a talk with her about her attitude. She’ll be asking you if you want coffee, not the other way around, and if she does give you any lip just tell me, I’ll straighten her out.”

  “You sound very sure of yourself,” Martha remarked.

  “I am. Her attitude will be the least of our problems. Is everyone set to meet in the conference room at 3 p.m.?”

  “Yep, and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled with the news,” she said sarcastically.

  “Martha, that doesn’t help. I need you to lead the way. You know how everyone looks up to you. Please put on your best game face for me.”

  “You know I will,” she smiled. “You look worried. Are you concerned about how the team will react?”

  “No, it’s not that,” he muttered, then taking a deep breath he said, “I can’t tell her this is her father’s doing, and it’s not in me to lie, not so blatantly, not to a woman I’ve come to care about. What kind of foundation is that to build a relationship on? When she finds out, and she will, she’ll feel betrayed and she’ll have every right to feel that way. What am I supposed to do?”

  “Hmm, you’re right. The old, rock and a hard place,” Martha remarked thoughtfully. “You have to tell her, without telling her.”

  “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “This is what I mean,” she said quietly, “pay attention.”

  Leaning forward Zach listened to the tough, wise, ex-New Yorker, and when she’d finished he leaned back in his chair and let out a long, heavy breath. Everything she’d said made sense.

  “Martha, I owe you,” he declared jumping from his chair and moving quickly around his desk to hug her.

  “Glad I could help,” she smiled.

  “You are the best. What can I do for you? There must be something.”

  “Our own coffee machine that makes latte’s, that would be good,” she replied.

  “Consider it done,” he said. “Pick out the one you want, preferably online so it’s easy for me to order.”

  “Thanks, Zach, that’s great. I will. Don’t forget, you asked me to remind you about Steven Levy.”

  “Right. He’s in New York. His office should know where. See if you can track him down, and make sure that deal memo goes out today.

  “Will do, then I’ll be heading out to lunch,” she said as she ambled towards the door.

  “No lunch break for me today,” he muttered. “Too much to do. Could you bring me something back, I don’t care what.”

  “Sure,” she replied closing the door on her way out.
  As he returned to his chair he said a quiet thank you to the secretarial Gods. Martha had come through for him yet again.

  You are a treasure. I hope you know how much I value you.

  Though Martha had been able to find out where Steve Levy was staying she’d had to leave a message, and Zach’s next few hours were filled with contract reviews and phone calls, interrupted only when Martha brought him back a salad which he ate at his desk. When it was almost three-o’clock, she tapped on the door and poked in her head.

  “Time to address the troops,” she grinned.

  “Already? Damn, this day has fallen into a black hole. Okay, coming.”

  Standing up he pulled on his jacket, ran his fingers through his hair, and with Martha at his side he headed to the conference room.

  As he walked in he found six inquisitive faces staring at him. They had a general meeting twice a month. Topics could be a script someone felt strongly about, or issues that had surfaced with projects already in development; the progress of some and lack of progress with others. For their leader to have called a spontaneous meeting was unusual, and it meant he had something important to tell them.

  “Thanks everyone, for making yourselves available,” he began. “Since we’re here I may as well tell you, this morning I got a green light from Sam for a script called Moonbeams and Fairy Dust. Martha will email each of you a copy, but that’s not the reason for this meeting. I wanted you all to know that I will be bringing in a new employee, probably in the next couple of days.”

  The look of surprise was universal. The team was complete, there were no vacancies, and except for the minor skirmish it was an efficient, pleasant and productive group. Throwing someone into the middle of them could cause problems, and Zach’s announcement was the last thing any of them had expected.

  “I know this is a bit of a surprise, and I want to assure you that this person is not here to take a job away from any one of you. I respect each of you and I think we are damn impressive.”


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