Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1) Page 15

by Carpenter, Maggie

  Climbing from his car they walked down the block, into the building, and headed over to the smiling guard sitting behind a large granite counter in the lobby.

  “Hello, Anna Lee. You can go right up. Mr. Taylor is expecting you.”

  “Thanks, Lou. Everything good?”

  “Yep, thanks for asking.”

  They headed to the elevator, and as they waited for it to arrive, lowering his voice Angelo asked,

  “I’m confused. Is it Anna or Anna Lee?”

  “Either. Most people call me Anna, but because I’m billed as Anna Lee Pickford, I get Anna Lee from people who don’t know me very well,” she replied as they stepped into the elevator.

  “Can I ask, is it your real name?”

  “Not even close,” she giggled. “My real name is Elaine Richards. When Bernie signed me he suggested Anna Pickford. I tossed in Lee. I thought it added something. I was right, it added confusion.”

  “Maybe, but I think you were right,” Angelo remarked. “Anna Lee Pickford is memorable, it works.”

  “I hope so,” she laughed. “I can’t change it now.”

  They had reached the second floor and began walking towards Zach’s office, and though the staff was used to celebrities moving through their hallways, Anna could see Angelo was receiving more than the usual amount of admiring glances. She also noticed how he politely returned all the smiles. Reaching Zach’s door they found it open, and she lightly knocked.

  “Come on in,” Zach said. “I left it open for you. If you wouldn’t mind, close it behind you. My secretary had to step away for a minute.”

  “Thank you so much for agreeing to see us, Mr. Taylor,” Angelo said.

  “Please, call me Zach. I can’t say no to Anna,” he grinned. “I am pressed for time though, so tell me how I can help you.”

  “As she told you, we want to talk about Moonbeams and Fairy Dust,” Angelo began. “I think my proposal will benefit everyone.”

  As Angelo began talking, Martha was walking away from Sam Golden’s office completely bewildered. She had been in the outer reception area of Sam’s headquarters hundreds of times, and never once had Kevin been away from his desk.

  Kevin was Sam’s sentry, his guard, his buffer.

  Completely at a loss, she had stood staring at Kevin’s empty desk fully expecting him to bounce in at any moment. After a few minutes she had decided there was nothing else to do except walk across and knock on the door of the great man’s inner sanctum.

  Martha wasn’t a Nervous Nellie, rarely did she feel rattled, but as she’d approached she wasn’t exactly filled with confidence. She’d tapped lightly, heard some talking, and thought for a moment she’d made a terrible mistake by taking the initiative, but Kevin had answered with a strange smile on his face and invited Kylie inside.

  “Off you go, Martha. I’m sure Zach will be wondering where you are. We all know how he hates to be kept waiting, especially when it’s time for his late morning cup of tea.”

  His eyes had been almost wild, and he’d been rolling them around in the most bizarre fashion.

  She was almost to her desk when she stopped and thought about what had happened.

  What did he mean, Zach will be wondering where I am, and what the hell was that about a late morning cup of tea? I’ve never seen Zach drink tea, he only drinks coffee.

  On an impulse she turned around and hurried back, but when she reached the imposing double doors she found them locked. They were never locked.

  Okay, this isn’t right. Now I know something’s wrong, something is very wrong.

  Spinning around she almost ran as she raced to alert Zach, but when she reached his office the door was closed.

  “This can’t wait. Sorry,” she muttered, and knocking lightly she stepped inside.

  Angelo had just presented his proposal, and not only was Zach interested, he had found Angelo extremely likable. The handsome young actor had submitted his idea with passion but without being aggressive. His pitch had been concise and well thought out, and Zach sensed he was a grounded, sensible man.

  “Excuse me,” Zach said as he saw Martha standing behind them urgently signaling. “It appears I’m needed for something.”

  He knew Martha. She didn’t panic, but something had made her frantic. Standing up he was about to head around his desk when his cellphone rang. Looking down at the screen he saw it was Kylie. Like a dozen flashbulbs popping at once, thoughts began exploding in his head.

  Martha just came from Sam’s office and she’s in my doorway panicking. Kylie’s supposed to be meeting with Sam. Why is she calling me? Shit. Whatever it is I’ve been feeling, it’s happening. It’s happening right now.

  Grabbing his phone he hit ACCEPT, and as he held it to his ear, Angelo, Anna and Martha stared at him as his face turned white.


  Sam Golden was smooth, polished, educated and articulate. He was also gritty and tough, and no matter the circumstances he knew how to keep a cool head, but he’d never had a drug-crazed maniac point a gun at him.

  When Curtis burst into his office holding Kevin at gunpoint, Sam felt a cold hand clutch at his heart and squeeze, but his outward appearance had been one of confused concern. A few minutes later there had been a knock on the door, and suddenly faced with an unexpected interruption, Sam watched Curtis panic. His face contorted, and he started to pace.

  “Fuck, fuck, who is that? Fuck, I should have locked that goddamned reception door. Fuck.”

  “Curtis,” Sam said slowly, “I’m expecting someone-”

  “Shut up” Curtis barked, then staring at Kevin he said, “okay, Kevin, we’re going to the door and you’re going to invite whoever it is inside.”

  With Curtis holding the gun at his back, Kevin had opened the door and reluctantly brought Kylie into the office, but as he’d stared at Martha he’d rolled his eyes like a crazy person, and made a completely ludicrous comment about Zach wanting late morning tea. As Kevin had waved her off and closed the door, he had prayed fervently that Martha would know something was horribly wrong and come back with help.

  Wanting to make sure no-one else would bother them, when he was sure the coast was clear, Curtis stood in the open door of Sam’s office where he could watch both men, and held the gun to Kylie’s head while he sent Kevin to lock the reception office doors.

  “Do something stupid and I’ll shoot her,” he growled. “I’ve got nothing to lose.”

  Once back inside Sam’s office, Curtis hurled Kylie into the couch, then made Kevin crawl under the coffee table in front of her.

  Maneuvering his body under the low table had been extremely difficult. It was a brilliant way to keep Kevin restrained without tying him up, and Sam had been shocked that Curtis, being in such an irrational state, was able to think of such clever idea, but then he remembered a similar scene had been in a film Titan had recently released.

  “Curtis, why don’t you tell me what it is you want?” Sam said coolly standing up behind his desk.

  “Sam Fucking Golden. Sit the fuck back down. What do I want? What do I want? A new fucking life, that’s what I want, you sonofabitch.”

  “How can I make that happen for you?” Sam asked slowly sitting back down, silently wishing his heart would thumping so violently.

  “Money. I need money. I have to get out of this fucking town.”

  “I don’t have any cash here, Curtis. I’m not sure-”

  “Don’t give me any of your fucking lame excuses,” Curtis wailed jabbing his gun in the air. “I’m so sick of your shit. What kind of asshole fires someone because they do a little coke? Everyone does coke. That was just an excuse. I know it was because you were pissed that I couldn’t get that bitch over there to work for me, and what the hell is she doing here anyway?”

  Kylie had been sitting as quietly as she possibly could hoping her silence would keep her safe, but as Curtis spun around and stared at her, moving the gun wildly in the air, she started to believe she
may be living her last minutes on the planet.

  Zach, you were right. Things can happen, things are happening. Shit. Zach, I wish you could hear me.

  “How is it my fault that you’re a stuck-up Hollywood brat who doesn’t want to work in television?” Curtis continued. “You know how sick I am of girls like you? I should make you suck my cock, but you’d probably fucking bite it off.”

  “Your damn right I would,” she yelled, then immediately regretted her outburst. Why did I do that? What’s wrong with me? Fuck. Zach, I wish you were here.

  “I should just shoot you, you fucking cow.”

  “Let me check my safe,” Sam said quickly, trying to pull Curtis’s attention away from Kylie. “I might have some cash in there.”

  “Suddenly the great man remembers. Yeah, you do that, you fucking do that now,” Curtis snarled walking slowly across the room to stand closer to him.

  Watching Curtis, Kylie saw his eyes were locking on to Sam as he started to move the large painting hanging behind his desk. Taking a deep breath she slid her hand over the buckle of her satchel and managed to get it undone, then slipping her hand inside, she wrapped her fingers around her phone and moved it so she could see the screen. Scrolling to Zach’s name, her eyes constantly darting across at Curtis, she hit send, and leaving the top of the bag open she waited anxiously for Zach to answer.

  Terrified Curtis would hear it ringing she pretended to cough, but Curtis was completely focused on the wad of cash Sam was pulling from the safe. For a frightening, fleeting moment, she thought her call was going to voicemail, but then she saw Zach had picked up. Taking a breath, she prayed God would keep her safe, and began to yell.

  “Curtis, stop waving that gun around. Sam’s opening the safe, Kevin’s stuck under the desk, and I’m sitting here quietly on the couch.”

  “What the hell?” Curtis screamed back at her.

  “Seriously, you’re going to hurt someone. Just chill for five minutes and stop with the gun!”


  Standing behind his desk, Zach had held the phone an inch or two away from his ear as Kylie had begun shouting at Curtis, and he wasn’t the only one who had heard Kylie’s desperate call for help. Jumping from his seat Angelo ran to Zach’s side.

  “What did I just hear?”

  “Curtis Fielding, a guy who just got fired, he’s got a gun and is in Sam’s Golden’s office,” Zach said feeling panic rising up in him, and muting his phone he put it on speaker and placed it on his desk.

  They listened intently, and though his voice was distant, the threat Curtis made came through loud and clear.

  “You just sit there and shut up, you cunt, or I’ll put a fucking bullet in your head.”

  “We have to get up there,” Zach exclaimed urgently.

  “The door into reception, it’s locked,” Martha declared walking quickly over to join them. “I raced back here to tell you. Kevin wasn’t at his desk so I knocked on Sam’s door. Kevin answered but he was acting really strangely. He took Kylie into Sam’s office and I left but I knew something was wrong so I turned around and went back and found it all locked up,” she finished, her story having tumbled out of her in a blaze of words.

  “I’m calling 911,” Zach exclaimed.

  “NO!” Angelo protested.

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “They’ll arrive with sirens and guns drawn, and send this guy Curt, or Curtis, whatever his name is, into a total panic. I know how to deal with this. Give me a chance to get them out.”

  “How can you possibly know how to do that?”

  “Do you want me to stand here and explain, or do you want me to get everyone out before this thing escalates?”

  “Yes, yes, okay,” Zach said completely flustered.

  “What can I do?” Anna piped up.

  “You stay right where you are,” Angelo said sternly.

  “Absolutely do not leave this office,” Zach parroted. “Martha, stay here with her and lock the door. Don’t leave until you hear from me.”

  “Martha, I need your scarf,” Angelo said quickly.

  “Here you go,” she said pulling the blue satin scarf from around her neck.

  “Thanks,” Angelo said stuffing it into the pocket of his slacks. “Okay, Zach, take me to this office, and Martha, call the lobby guard and ask him to meet us there but don’t tell him why.”

  “Be careful,” Anna said as she watched them hurry away.

  “We will,” Zach said picking up his phone. “At least we have this to track what’s happening. Lock the door the minute we leave.”

  With a bang it closed behind them, and jumping from her chair Anna looked across at Martha.

  “Try not to worry,” Martha said warmly. “With those two as a team Curtis doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Anna quivered.

  Zach and Angelo marched down the hallway, both frantic, but trying to keep the panic from showing on their faces. Zach was holding his phone against his ear listening intently.

  “Is there an empty office near Sam Golden’s?” Angelo asked as they moved briskly down the hall.

  “Let me think. Maybe. People come and go all the time.”

  “When we meet up with the security guard we need to take him somewhere private,” Angelo said in a hushed whisper.

  “We can use the stairwell,” Zach suggested.

  As they turned a corner they saw Lou, the lobby guard, stepping off the elevator.

  “Stairwell,” Angelo said quickly. “It’s right there.”

  Signaling to Lou to step through the door to the stairs, the astute guard immediately did as they’d asked, and as Zach and Angelo joined him he looked at them anxiously.

  “Obviously something’s wrong,” he muttered. “Please don’t tell me it’s Curtis Fielding.”

  “It is,” Zach nodded. “Why?”

  “Damn, I shouldn’t have let him come up. He told me he’d lost an expensive watch and thought he’d left it here. I knew that jerk was lying. I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor.”

  “Shit happens,” Zach replied. “Do you have a key to Sam Golden’s office?”

  “Sure, right here,” Lou said pulling a large steel ring off his belt. “This one. It opens both doors. The one leading into reception and Mr. Golden’s office.”

  “Great, take it off and give it to me,” Angelo said. “In a few minutes Zach and I will be going in, and you’re to stand outside and don’t let anyone through. I don’t care what they say, no-one comes in, and that includes you. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lou said pulling the key off the chain. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  “No time,” Zach said firmly. “Go and stand there right now. Remember, don’t let anyone in.”

  “Right,” Lou nodded, and slipping back into the hallway he hurried off to his post.

  “It’s awfully quiet in there,” Zach muttered looking at his phone.

  “I’d rather have it be quiet than hear shots,” Angelo said grimly.

  “How are we going to do this?” Zach asked. “Like you just said, the guy’s got a gun?”

  “Yeah, he’s got a gun, but believe me he doesn’t want to be where he is. He’s in over his head and he’s scared shitless, and besides all that, he has no idea what he’s doing.”

  “Probably true,” Zach nodded suddenly feeling a bit more confident.

  “This won’t be difficult. Just do exactly what I tell you.”

  “I can do that,” Zach nodded, “and when this is over you’re going to tell me how you know how to do all this.”

  “Deal, now here’s the plan.”


  Curtis had started sweating. Sam didn’t know if it was because he was nervous or if he was having a reaction to whatever drug he’d taken, but he was clearly in distress.

  While there were three of them in his office, Kevin, Kylie and himself, the hallways were filled with innocent people going about their busi
ness. Determined to do everything in his power to protect them, Sam was purposely taking his time, hoping he’d be able to figure out a way to get the gun.

  If he’s feeling as bad as he looks he could simply pass out, or maybe have a weak moment when I can get the better of him. I just have to stay cool and keep him here. I’m not letting him out with a loaded gun. No way.

  “I think there’s about fifteen thousand in this bundle,” Sam declared. “Can I open my other drawers? There’s a petty cash tin in here somewhere,” and it’s heavy and metal, maybe I can use it to conk you on the head.

  “Yeah, go on,” Curtis said gruffly, “and water, I need some water. It’s fucking hot in here.”

  “In my drinks cabinet, over there by the window,” Sam said.

  “I’m watching both of you,” Curtis warned as he headed across the room. “Don’t try shit.”

  “Curtis just asked for some water,” Zach whispered as he and Angelo walked the short distance to Sam’s office. “It’s hard to tell, but his voice sounds different. High-pitched.”

  “He’s totally stressing,” Angelo said knowingly.

  As they approached they saw Lou standing in front of the doors, and trying to appear casual the guard smiled a greeting.

  “Does the door squeak? Do you remember?” Angelo asked as they stopped at the door.

  “No, not at all,” Zach assured him. “Something like that would drive Sam nuts.”

  “Ah, right, good,” Angelo mumbled as he slipped the key in the lock.

  Slowly opening the door a crack he peered inside. The room was empty and he let out a sigh.

  “Okay, it’s good,” he said quietly. “You ready?”

  “Yep,” Zach said swallowing back an unexpected lump of fear.

  “Remember, Lou, no matter what you hear, don’t come in,” Angelo said firmly.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll remember.”

  Silently they moved inside. Closing the door behind them Angelo quietly reset the lock, and looking around the room he quickly determined where they should be positioned. He whispered his instructions to Zach, then walking quickly across to Kevin’s desk he turned the antique desk lamp on its side, while Zach took a large pile of papers and scattered them around the floor.


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