The Chronicles of Addalyne Yutaka

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The Chronicles of Addalyne Yutaka Page 5

by Ronnie Coleinger

  The skipper stood looking at Addalyne for a moment and then began to laugh over Addalyne’s words. When Addalyne looked at her, she said, “Maybe the wine and chocolate helped reduce your anxiety.” Addalyne stared into the skipper eyes, trying to remember if she had said anything about the wine and chocolate Joshua had brought to her room last night. She decided she had not mentioned the fact. She wondered how the skipper would have known; the answer soon came to her. She screamed at the computer. “ALDO, HAVE YOU BEEN SPYING ON ME? HAVE YOU BEEN TELLING THE SKIPPER WHAT GOES ON IN MY PRIVATE QUARTERS?” The skipper began to laugh. She finally managed to say, “Girl, I know exactly how you feel.”

  Addalyne received no answer from the computer after her rant, but the skipper said, “Computer, I wish to place some new rules into your directive file. First things first, if you have recordings of the crews’ activities while they were in their private quarters, delete them immediately; I am waiting for you to acknowledge your completion of the task.” After a few moments, they heard three chirps come over the loudspeakers. “Furthermore, you will never again record anything that goes on inside of the private quarters of my crew unless the skipper of this vessel declares an emergency. End of new directives.” Tabatha waited a moment and then asked, “Computer, are you listening to me and do you understand my new directives?” The crew again heard three chirps from the computer. The skipper stepped up close to Addalyne and said, “When you have guests or activities in your quarters that you would like to keep private, put a towel over the camera. A piece of tape over the transducer helps muffle any sounds that the computer might record. I am sorry that this new generation of Time Travel Computer is so humanized and nosy.”

  When the entire crew had served themselves breakfast and were all seated at the kitchen table, Tabatha discussed her need to visit the IFTT Headquarters to pick up the modified Power Acquisition Systems and take them to the Open Market for exchange. She explained what General Williams had told her about there being a design error in the fourth generation of power systems. The skipper also explained to her crew that they would need to take all of the power units from the Open Market facility back to IFTT Headquarters on the Regnieloc Asteroid. As she talked, the computer interrupted her through the overhead speakers and explained that the flight plan it had downloaded would begin in twelve minutes, with her approval. Tabatha excused herself from the table and stepped into the ready room. Then she stepped into the control room and entered her access code into the flight plan. She saw an acknowledgement document appear on the monitor stating that she had approved the flight plan and that the plan could begin implementation at the stated time.

  When Tabatha returned to the kitchen and sat back down, the crew became quiet and waited for their skipper to complete her morning briefing. Tabatha finished talking and then focused her attention on her crews’ activities and assignments for the day. As they chatted and enjoyed each other’s company, Tabatha spoke up and said, “I have one more request for each of my crewmembers. If you need some privacy, please throw a towel over the camera in your quarters. It was determined this morning that this latest version of Time Travel Computer has a very nosy streak about him. Also a little tape over the transducers below the camera will ward off any audio recordings. I am just telling you all this to help alleviate any privacy issues from materializing aboard my vessel. The problem is not with my crew, but instead, the problem is with the computer. Please take adequate precautions against snooping.”

  When the skipper finished speaking, Addalyne looked up into Joshua’s eyes. She saw a smile appear on his face, and then he said, “Skipper, I would like to request that you have the computer erase any recordings it might have made over the course of the last month or so from its memory banks.” Tabatha looked up into Joshua’s eyes and said, “Too late, the videos of you and Addalyne are available on any monitor in this vessel; simply type in the words, Video Records – Doctor Joshua and his patient, in the search box.” The entire crew broke out in hysterical laughter, all except for Addalyne and Joshua, that is. After a few moments of listening to her crew chide the young lovers, she spoke up and said, “I am just teasing both of you. Addalyne overheard me write new rules this morning governing the future conduct of the computer. She also heard me erase any recordings the computer had produced. Doctor Joshua, your secrets are still intact aboard the Yutaka III.”

  The flight to IFTT Headquarters took about twelve minutes to complete. Once the Yutaka III was in a stable orbit around the Regnieloc Asteroid, the Payload Master on the asteroid began teleporting the upgraded power units into the cargo bay of the Yutaka III. Once they were all aboard, Shelley stepped into the ready room and had a conversation with the skipper. When Shelley walked out into the cargo bay where the crew was working to secure the power units to the floor, she said, “I just made a request to the skipper about the crew of the Yutaka III spending twelve hours here on the Asteroid. The skipper requested permission from General Williams and he granted us permission to have our evening meal and a few drinks in the luxurious dining facilities of this Asteroid we are presently floating around. I believe everyone here has spent some time on the Regnieloc in the past and you know how incredible it truly is. There are two rules we must follow. Everyone will have to be dressed in Yutaka III flight suits with their name and fleet emblem over the pockets and we must not venture out of the confines of the dining facility. The skipper insists that she pick up the tab for our meals and drinks. She hopes that all of you have an incredible time. If you wish to be part of the dining experience, please meet in the ready room at sixteen hundred hours and we will return to this vessel promptly at twenty three forty five this evening. Don’t be late.”

  When Shelley stepped out through the air lock door into the hallway that surrounded the cargo bay, she heard the sound of the crew hooting and hollering. When she stepped into the ready room, she saw a wonderful smile on the skipper’s face. Toshiba giggled and said, “I need a shower before I go dining and dancing.” The skipper stepped up to the door to her quarters. As it slid open, she turned back around and said, “Shelley, thank you for thinking about a night out for the crew on the surface. Not only have you pleased the crew, you have pleased me beyond your wildest imagination. You remind me on a daily basis why I consider you my closest and best friend. Thank you.”

  During the evening meal, the crew of the Yutaka III often danced with the people who lived and worked at IFTT Headquarters. Tabatha seemed the most in demand. She spent more time on the dance floor than she did with her crew at the dining table. When their waiter asked Tabatha if she wanted another drink, she picked up her empty glass and said, “I will just have coffee, please. I have to drive later tonight.” Shelley spoke to the skipper and said, “If you want to have a second drink, I will take the duty until morning. I have only had water and coffee to drink.” Tabatha thought a moment and then said, “Okay, I will have one more. Thank you, Shelley.”

  When Tabatha’s travel watch beeped three times, indicating it was time to prepare to be teleported back to the Yutaka III, she moaned and stood up to address her crew. She said, “I am sorry, everyone, but it is time for us to say goodnight and prepare to return to our home. I hope all of you have enjoyed this evening as much as I have. I will join all of you in the teleportation area after I say goodbye to General William and thank him for allowing us to have this incredible night.”

  When the crew returned to the Yutaka III just before midnight, Tabatha set course for the Open Market. The trip to Universe Number Six would take approximately twelve hours, even with the incredible hyper-speed advance installed on the Yutaka III by the Bahs. The Yutaka III was the second fastest vessel in the cosmos; The Empress, skippered by Jill Yutaka and Trish Wilson was the fastest. Tabatha would allow the Time Travel Computer to skipper the Yutaka III while the crew slept and relaxed. The computer would lock out the crew from the security room, mechanical room, inventory control locker, food storage area and the cargo bay until they came out of
hyper-speed just before lunch tomorrow. Once they arrived at the Open Market, they would wait in line for the defective Power Acquisition Systems to be unloaded. Then they would wait for the robots to reload the cargo bay with the inventory and supplies they had ordered in advance and the defective Power Acquisition Systems. In years past, the process would have taken hours, with the modern technology and the advanced robotics; the process would take only ten minutes or so. Once they were loaded, they would move to a secure holding area until the crew properly inventoried and stored away all of their purchases. Then they would move back into line and have the cargo bay filled again with the remaining supplies.

  During the twelve-hour flight to the Open Market, Addalyne was too excited to do much sleeping. She took a few hours and wrote in her journal about the events of the last few days. She always seemed to find plenty of subject matter to write about. Once she wrote about the trip to the IFTT Headquarters, she wrote a few lines about Joshua. She was still not certain she actually loved the man, but she certainly did like his company and his love making skills. She realized that when her tour of duty ended aboard the Yutaka III, and she returned to the IFTT Headquarters, she would certainly miss the friends she had made here on the Yutaka III. At this point in her life, she was not ready to marry and raise a child, however, she hoped that one day she would have at least one child, maybe two. As she thought more about Joshua and having a child with him, she was uncertain if they could produce a child. Humans and True Blood Demords were normally unable to produce offspring; some genetic trait prevented the fertilization of an egg. It did not matter if the male or the female was Demords, the process would not complete. She decided to discuss Joshua’s heritage with him when they were alone. Even though she was quite certain she and Joshua could never produce a child together, they had faithfully used protection to prevent a pregnancy; Addalyne did not want to have an accidental pregnancy. She would not be able to abort the child; she simply could not end a life she had created within her body.

  When the Yutaka III arrived at the Open Market, the skipper moved their vessel into the lineup. There were only six vessels ahead of them so they should not have to wait very long. As they moved along, the Time Travel Computer requested all personnel to secure the airlock doors leading into the cargo bay and then checked that the entire crew had moved into the safety of the kitchen or ready room. When the Yutaka III moved up to the unloading area, the crew watched on the monitors as the power units began teleporting from the cargo bay to the Open Market. Then they watched as the old power units moved from the Open Market, along with the first load of inventory, into the cargo bay. When the process was complete, the skipper side slipped out of the lineup and slowly moved into a holding area. After a brief conversation with the Payload Master, the crew began moving the inventory out of the cargo bay and stored it anywhere they could find room. They filled the floor of the inventory control locker, the hallways and the perishable food and drug storage area. Once they moved the power units along the outside walls of the cargo bay, the skipper moved them back in line for the next shipment of inventory and supplies. With the second order, they would be receiving some live animals that would have to be cared for immediately. The crew had built wire cages ready for the chickens and rabbits. They had already cleaned and prepared the underfloor fish tank for the arrival of fifty live fish. The fish would only be six inches long and would arrive in a small stainless steel tank that would empty directly into the underfloor tank. The crew did not want to handle the fish; doing so might cause some of them to perish.

  Once the cargo bay was full once again, the skipper signed off with the Payload Master and teleported the correct currency to pay for the order. The payment, in Galax gold coins, was teleported in a locked stainless steel container to the Payload Master. Once he had counted the coin and teleported the container back to the Yutaka III, he sent an invoice to the skipper marked, paid in full.

  As Tabatha requested a flight plan back to Universe Number Two, she waited patiently while the IFTT and the Time Travel Computer aboard the Yutaka III sorted out the details. Once the Yutaka III was in flight, Tabatha stepped out into the cargo bay and looked around. Then she checked out the rest of her vessel and discovered that the crew had stuffed every empty nook and cranny with inventory and supplies. When she stepped into the kitchen, the entire crew was preparing a meal. Every one of them was sweaty and dirty. Tabatha had helped move some of the first load from the cargo bay to the inventory control locker, but the computer had summered her to the control room to discuss some problems with the merchandise they had ordered. After she had cleared up all of the issues with the Payload Master and returned to the cargo bay to help, the crew had finished the work. As she stood talking to her weary crew, she felt bad that she had not helped more with the hard physical work. God knew that she needed the extra work to help keep her weight down.

  As they had filled their plates at the counter and sat down at the table, Tabatha stood up and said, “I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and determination today. I don’t know how you managed to move all of the first order of inventory out of the cargo bay in such a short time. I am sorry that I had to leave you and tend to the concerns of the Payload Master; I truly did intend to help with the physical work. The flight back to the Fusion Galaxy will take us about eight hours. During that time, I want all of you to get some much-needed rest. By the time you lay your heads down on your pillows, you will have all been up for twenty-six hours. I do not intend to allow my crew to work such long hours in the future. On all subsequent trips to the Open Market, we will only have to replenish the inventory and supplies that we have either sold or used. I also have brought with me a bottle of red wine. Please enjoy the wine with your meal. Today this crew bonded like no other crew I have ever worked with. Once again, I want to thank all of you. Please start eating before your food gets cold.” Tabatha passed the bottle of wine to Joshua and said, “I believe you are an expert at opening wine bottles, would you do the honors.”

  After the crew had turned in for the night, Tabatha slipped under the covers of her bed. She lay staring up at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. She finally decided there was no sense in just lying there and got up. The vessel was not in hyper-flight so she could work in the inventory control locker if she wished. She dressed and stepped into the kitchen. She made a pot of coffee, poured a cup and headed down the hallway towards the inventory control locker. When she entered and turned on the lights, a rooster crowed and startled her. She giggled and stepped up close to the bird’s cage. She stuck a finger through the wire and the bird moved its head up close to her finger, hoping for attention. As she stroked the bird under its beak, she talked to it softly. When she stepped back and turned her attention to scanning inventory items and placing them into the proper rotating bins, she heard the airlock door slide open. She turned to see who had joined her and saw Addalyne. Addalyne walked up to her skipper, carrying her own cup of hot coffee, and quizzed the skipper about why she was working during a scheduled sleep schedule. The skipper giggled and said, “I am rested and slept out. I dislike hyper-flight, it confines me to the forward area of this vessel where I am unable to walk about and exercise. When I tried to sleep an hour or so ago, I could not get comfortable, so I decided to make coffee and begin work.”

  Addalyne said, “When I got up and walked into the kitchen to make coffee, Aldo spoke to me and said you were already up and working in the inventory control locker. I figured with two of us working, we can at least get the boxes up off the floor so the isles are not so congested.”

  As the two women worked and talked, two more of the crew showed up to help. Shelley had no more than opened a box of sewing threads when the computer spoke into her mind and requested that she send the skipper to the control room to activate the flight plan to the Regnieloc Asteroid. Shelley spoke to the skipper and said, “The computer is requesting your presence in the control room to deal with the fligh
t plan to IFTT Headquarters. I will login as skipper and deal with the duties if you wish to spend some time with your crew on this inventory, Skipper.”

  When Addalyne and Tabatha were working close together at a worktable, Addalyne looked around to insure no one was close to her. Then she spoke to the skipper and said, “Tabatha, I have a question to ask you that is personal and important to me. May I discuss it with you now while no one is paying any attention to us?”

  Tabatha looked up into Addalyne’s eyes and said, “You may discuss it now or in my private quarters if you feel uncomfortable talking here.”

  Addalyne smiled and said, “I would like to have a DNA evaluation done on Doctor Joshua and me when we deliver the Power Acquisition Systems to IFTT Headquarters. It would only take a few minutes for Joshua and me to teleport to the medical facility and have the blood draw performed?”

  Tabatha thought about the request a moment and then said, “Can you explain to my why you want DNA testing done on Doctor Joshua. Actually, I have two questions for you. First question is, are you pregnant with Joshua’s child? And for the second question I wish to ask you, have you already discussed this test with Joshua?”

  Addalyne giggled and said, “Even though I would love to have Joshua’s child at some later point in our lives, I am not and do not intend to become pregnant at this time. I have discussed the DNA testing with Joshua. I believe you already know that I am a True Blood Demords and Joshua is a human. Normally, the two species cannot conceive a child due to incompatibility within the Demords genetics. I would like to know if Joshua and I are genetically compatible if we were to continue this relationship to the point of marriage. I am very certain that I want to raise one or two children. I would not want to marry Joshua if I am unable to conceive a child with him. I know that sounds very selfish, however, Joshua and I both feel the same way. We both want to raise a family. If we are not compatible, we will simply remain friends and step back from this love affair.”


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