Dare Me (A MFM Ménage Romance)

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Dare Me (A MFM Ménage Romance) Page 48

by Vivian Ward

  Maybe thinking his friendship is special to me is a mistake. After a response like that, I don’t see how I can take it any other way.

  I should keep things strictly business from now on, forget about friends and focus on myself for a while.

  A long while.

  Maybe if I shut my eyes tight enough, it’ll all just be a nightmare. A bad dream that I can forget and neither of the brothers will be none the wiser about.

  Before I do, I send Trent a text telling him that I loved cooking for him and would like to do it again, hoping he’ll have a change of heart and invite me over.

  Staying up way later than I probably should waiting for him to reply, I finally drift off to sleep not long before the sun begins to rise.

  Waking up late in the afternoon, I feel like a bum, but the first thing that pops into my head is that I have to check my text messages.

  Rolling onto my stomach, I reach over the edge of the bed to grab my phone. I see the red letters flashing across my alarm clock.

  11:16 AM.

  Trent should be about mid-way through his work day. He might even be at lunch right now or getting ready to go to lunch.

  No messages on my phone.

  No voicemails, no texts, no emails, no missed calls. Nothing.

  During my late breakfast, I wallow in self-pity and wonder if I should call him. If only he’d talk to me, we could put everything behind us and start all over again, but my pride won’t let me be the one who picks up the phone.

  I’m not even sure that he’s still mad at me about his brother. We weren’t doing anything wrong. We’re just friends. Good friends.

  Or so I thought.

  It feels like our friendship is changing, turning into something more meaningful. And that comment he made when we were having drinks? I couldn’t believe he said that.

  Am I reading too much into our relationship?

  I’m not sure anymore, but it seems like Trent knows, he suspects.

  No, no, no. I shake my head, willing myself to believe the same thing that I want Trent to believe.

  I want him to believe that I’m here for him, that I don’t have feelings for his brother.

  And maybe if I say it enough, I’ll convince myself, too.

  Now that it’s almost evening and I have to start getting ready for work tonight, if that’s what you want to call my newfound illegal job, I muster the inner strength to face myself in the mirror.

  I can’t go out to the underground casinos looking like a rag doll. No, that’ll never do. I have to dress and look the part.

  Brushing my teeth, I see the sad droopiness in my eyes and eye bags beginning to sneak up, giving away my stress and worries.

  I’ll probably have to use every piece of makeup I own to get rid of these things.

  Pulling out my makeup kit, I begin working magic on my droopy, baggy eyes while I pay close attention to my phone.

  Even though Trent didn’t call me all day, I’m hoping that he was just busy at work and that he’ll call any minute but so far, nothing.

  Blending in my concealer, I try to focus on the lines beneath my eyes in an attempt to make it look like I slept well and didn't have a care in the world. After a few minutes, they gradually begin to disappear.

  Carefully applying my foundation, I do my best to make it all come together before I go to work on my eyeshadow. Since my last big payday with Zack, I splurged at Sephora and picked up some wicked deals that I wouldn’t have dared spent a penny on otherwise.

  Lining my eyes with my pencil eyeliner, I draw on long, sensual wings and line the inside of my eyes before I put on a couple of coats of mascara.

  Staring at myself in the mirror, I decide that the best thing I can do is apply a matte shade of lipstick and start doing something with my hair so I can get dressed.

  Just as I pick up the straightener from the vanity to begin straightening my hair, my phone goes off with a text alert.

  Oh, my god! I wonder if it’s him!

  Eager to check my message, I drop what I’m doing to see what he’s said, but I’m a little disappointed to see it’s a message from Zack.

  Running a little late. Be there in about an hour.

  I reply with a short, “No problem” and get back to working on my hair.

  Before I know it, I’m dressed to the nines and ready for a night out on the town, but I don’t feel like going. I don’t feel like playing cards. Hell, I don’t even feel like being here.

  I wish I were in some other dimension where feelings and time didn’t exist.

  In the basement of a prestigious club that caters to the richest men in the entire metro area, we find ourselves on the biggest, largest winning streak we’ve ever had. With me, Zack, Jesus and the rest of the crew working the tables, I know we’re cleaning up.

  The signals coming from all of the spotters are hot and strong, and the big players are smiling and drinking, having the times of their lives. Everyone’s having the time of their life.

  Except me.

  I’m still thinking about Trent, wondering if he’s sleeping like a baby or if he’s just as miserable as I am. I miss him. I miss his smile, his scent, his strong arms wrapped around me. I miss everything about him.

  On a break at the bar, I order a martini and try to forget about my problems. I wish I could enjoy myself as much as everyone else is tonight.

  Sitting on the barstool, I feel a pair of warm hands slide around the back of my neck.

  “Oh, hey,” I turn around and see Zack standing behind me.

  Typically, we all pretend we don’t know each other, so I’m a little surprised by him approaching me.

  “You doing okay?” he leans in and whispers.

  “Yeah, I'm all right.”

  Great, now I’m lying to him too.

  “I can tell that you’re not fine Joline. We’re on our best streak so far. We can stop if you need to. There will be other nights.”

  “No, really, I'm all right.”

  Nodding for him to leave, he ignores my motion and stands right by my side.

  “I know you wanted to talk to me last night, but I couldn’t talk then. I’ll signal for the other guys to cut it short and we’ll all get out of here.”

  Without waiting for my response, he spins on his heel and walks away.

  I can’t say that I’m surprised. He’s always been good to me, but I really should put some distance between us. It’s not good for mine and Trent’s relationship—if we still have one—and I don’t want to mislead Zack.

  At the end of the night, he insists on taking me to a greasy spoon restaurant for a bite to eat before dropping me off at home.

  “What was going on last night?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  I’m going to go straight to hell if I keep this up.

  “This is about that night in the bar with my brother, isn’t it?”

  He knows how to read people. Well, he’s always been able to read me. It’s like he has this sixth sense about me and while I always found it sexy, I’m not sure what to think about it anymore.

  “He’s a good man,” I say. “I’d rather not talk to you about him. Besides, I don’t think it’s fair.”

  “Why not? I know my brother better than anyone else, and not fair to who?”

  “Him, me, you.”

  “Would it help if I told you about Jenny and me?”

  I wasn’t even aware that he was having problems. I didn’t think they were even a thing.

  “If you want to, you can.”

  I want to know what he has to say about her, even though it’s none of my business.

  “I think she’s interested in someone else,” he says.

  “So? I thought you guys were just friends with benefits. Why do you care?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t, but it bothers me. You know?”

  I did know.

  I knew exactly how he felt.

  “It’s like I shouldn’t care because we’re not a couple o
r anything, but on the other hand, I’m kind of jealous. Like what does he have that I don’t?”

  “Is that who you were with when I sent you that text?”

  My question surprised me. I shouldn’t pry and stick my nose in places where it doesn’t belong.

  “Yeah, I was trying to convince her that the other guy isn’t any good for her, but I don’t know if she actually heard any of it.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  I honestly do want him to be happy. I want all of us to be happy.

  “So now that you know my situation, let’s talk about yours.”

  I bite my lip, debating whether or not I should tell him anything.

  “You know how he is. He got jealous, and I think I hurt his feelings by hanging out with you.”

  “By hanging out with me?” he chuckles and takes a drink from his glass. “Wait a minute. He doesn’t know, does he? He doesn’t know that we’re working together. Am I right?”

  I shake my head, biting my lip.


  A look of hurt resentment hurled out of his sea-green eyes that I’ve never seen before, like a wounded animal.

  “But you don’t understand,” I begin to explain. If I can explain. “One night when your brother and I were out, he told me what happened to you—with the way you were handled.” Thinking about it sends a shiver up my spine. “He told me how scared he was for you, how dangerous it is, which I already knew, and if I told him that I was doing it, he might just lose it. Like really, really lose it.”

  “You know what? I can’t even,” he stands up from the table. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah,” I grab my purse while he takes out his wallet and leaves a few twenties on the table; enough to cover the bill and leave the waitress a tip.

  “Good because I’m taking you home.”

  The entire car ride is silent, and neither of us utters a word as I begin to exit the vehicle until he stops me.

  “Wait a minute,” he says.

  He turns his torso around and fumbles with a briefcase in the backseat.

  “Here,” he hands me a stack of cash. “This is yours from tonight. It was nice having you on the team.”

  And just like that, he drives away down the dark, quiet road leaving me on the sidewalk in front of my father’s condo. Feeling the weight of the cash in my hand causes me to look down, and that’s when my mouth drops open.

  I have no idea how much money is here, but I can tell it’s more than my last ‘big payday’.

  Chapter 15

  There must be at least double the money as my last payout!

  I can hardly believe it.

  Then why aren’t I on cloud nine?

  You’d think with a couple hundred grand, I’d be on top of the world, but I’m not. All I can think about is Trent and how I wish he’d talk to me.

  Staring at the screen on my phone, I decide that I don’t care that it’s almost 3 AM.

  He’s going to talk to me one way or the other, and I’m not waiting any longer.

  On my way down the stairs, my dad startles me, and I almost jump out of my skin!

  “Oh, dad! I didn’t know you were awake,” I say as I get to the bottom of the steps.

  My hand is still clutching my chest, trying to stop my pounding heart from fluttering out of it and flying around the room.

  “Sorry, honey. I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Is everything all right? Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I'm okay. What are you doing up so late?” He notices my wallet in my hand. “Were you going somewhere?”

  “Yes, actually, I was going to go visit Trent. Is it okay if I take your car?”

  “Sure. You know you’re welcome to use it anytime you need to, baby.”

  “Thanks, dad. Do you need me to do anything or get anything for you before I leave?”

  “No,” he starts up the stairs. “When will you be back?”

  “Probably morning, after he goes to work.”

  Planting a kiss on my cheek, he bids me good night, and I disappear out the front door.

  Maneuvering down his long, winding drive that circles near his front door, I wonder what he’ll do when I show up.

  Will he think I’m an intruder? Will he try to attack me?

  No, of course not. He’ll know it’s me; I’m not worried about it.

  I punch in the access to code to unlock his front door, hoping I’ve chosen the correct code. He’s never given me the code to his house before, but I assume it’s the same as his passcode on his cell phone.

  And I’m right.

  An audible click tells me that the front door is now unlocked, and I begin to make my descent inside the dark, spooky house.

  The arched doorways cast strange shadows, and the ceilings that are typically beautiful when natural sunlight is lighting up the room appear foreign, almost threatening.

  Bumping into furniture as I go, I realize that I would never be able to pull off being a professional house robber. My clumsiness would betray me the instant I stepped foot inside someone else’s home, and apparently, it has done so tonight.

  “Who’s in here? I’ve got a gun, and I’m not afraid to unleash the dog!”

  Strange, I hear panting but he has no dog, and I know for certain he doesn’t own a gun.

  Or does he?

  “It’s me, Joline. I came to talk to you.”

  He flips the light on, shielding his eyes from its brightness.

  “Joline? What are you doing here?” his gruff voice gives away the fact that I probably just woke him out of a deep sleep. “I thought you were an intruder.”

  “What was that panting sound?”

  “It was me. Do you think someone is going to believe that I have a dog if they don’t hear one?”

  That last bit makes me chuckle. He's so crazy.

  “Sorry if I woke you, but you haven’t exactly wanted to talk to me lately, and I couldn’t stand being away from you for another minute.”

  “Joline,” he says. “Do you have any idea what time it is? Are you drunk?”

  He leans forward and begins sniffing me.

  “What? No! I’m not drunk. It’s just that ever since you saw me with your brother, having a simple drink, you’ve hardly talked to me. You’re so distant and cold, and—,” he stops me mid-sentence.

  “Joline, I’ve missed you,” he says, grabbing my face, kissing me like our lives depend on it.

  His soft lips feel hard as they come crashing down on mine, our teeth clinking together as his tongue forcefully invades my mouth.

  He wraps his firmly around my bottom, lifting me a few inches off of the floor as he picks me up and begins carrying me into his bedroom where he presses my body firmly against his mattress.

  Hands are everywhere. Mine are all over his back, chest, arms, ass and hair. His are all over my things, between my legs, enveloping my breasts and stroking my hair away from my face.

  “I’m sorry that I upset you,” I manage to say between kisses.

  “Shhh, let’s not talk about it right now,” he insists.

  Hiking up my dress, his hand cups my mound, giving away how turned on I am. There’s no denying it. My panties are wet, and my sex is swollen, just like his.

  I can feel his hardened length pressing firmly against my belly, and all I can think about is how badly I want him inside of me.

  Reaching up to undo the buttons of his shirt, I frantically grasp each one as though I’m going to lose my damned mind if I don’t have him this minute.

  “I’m so glad I have you,” his husky voice whispers in my ear.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, nibbling on his earlobe.

  His fingers swirl around my sex, deliciously circling it, teasing me until I can’t take it anymore. He knows exactly what he’s doing to my body, and he’s so damned good at it because it’s working.

  I reach down, taking his length in my hand and start rubbing it through the material of his pants before I pull down
the front of his pajama pants, exposing him.

  “It’s okay. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters. You’re all mine. Mine only.”

  There’s nothing better than feeling the heavy weight of his body snuggled against mine as we cuddle in the morning. His obnoxious alarm clock blares a little too early in the morning, but I don’t care. I’m just glad to be here with him.

  His thick seed is still trickling out of me from last night, but I don’t care how sticky my thighs are or how messy my hair is because I’m in his bed with him.

  “Good morning,” he says, pressing the tip of his finger against my nose. “Sleep well?”

  “Not really, but I’m here with you, and that’s all that matters.”

  He hugs me tight and kisses me on the shoulder.

  “I hate to say it, but I’ve got a busy morning. Let’s grab a shower together and then you can cook me breakfast.”

  A sly grin tugs at the corner of his lips.

  God, he’s so sexy.

  “Whatever! You can make me breakfast,” I throw the pillow at him.

  “How about if I buy you breakfast? On my way to work.”

  “Okay,” I shrug.

  Whatever was between us is now gone. No more anger, jealousy, resentment. Nothing. It’s like it never happened.

  He’s in such a great mood, and I’m glad to see him like this.

  In the shower, a dense cloud of steam swirls around us in his enormous open, tiled shower. Squirting some soap into my hands, I begin to rub them all over his body, starting with his shoulders as the hot water cascades down from above our heads.

  “I love it when you touch me,” he says.

  “Yeah? How about when I do this?”

  Dropping to my knees, I get up close and personal with him. Down there.

  My soapy hands reach around his flaccid penis, and I begin soaping it up, nice and slow. It doesn’t take long for him to start responding to my touch.

  Rock hard; I begin rinsing the suds away and take him in my mouth, as deep as I can take him. With my lips wrapped around him, a low moan escapes his throat and his head drops.

  Steadying himself in the shower as I give him the blow job of his life, his hands firmly grip my head, and he begins guiding himself in and out of my mouth.


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